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Performance Plus for the HKDSE — All-in-one Exam Practice (Vol.

2) (2nd Edition) Set 6 Paper 2

Part B Question 5
Learning English through Debating
You are the chairperson of the English Debating Club at school. Many students do not see any value in
debating, so you have had a difficult time getting students to join the club. Write a notice to students to
encourage them to join the English Debating Club. You may want to say something about how they can
benefit from taking part in English debates.

Topic Analysis
Your Role A student and the chairperson of the English Debating Club
• Many students do not see the value in debating
Situation / Task Requirements • You have a difficult time getting students to join the Debating
• Encourage students to join the Debating Club
• State how they can benefit from taking part in English debates
Text Type Notice to students
Target Audience Students
• Formal
Language and Tone
• Use the simple present tense to express opinions
Purpose of Writing To persuade students to join the Debating Club

Topic-related Vocabulary
academic performance argument contest counter-argument
debating skill motion mystery online research
opposition persuasion public speaking rebuttal
research skill statement to acquire information to convince
to entice to research topic

Writing Plan
Formal greeting
• Dear students,
Write an appropriate title
• To debate or not to debate
State the purpose of writing: to demystify debating, to persuade students to
Introductory paragraph
join the English Debating Club
Describe the activities of the Debating Club
• Debating involves two teams discussing a specific topic.
Body paragraphs • One team speaks for the motion.
• Another team speaks against the motion.
• Sometimes students just help their school team research a topic.

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Performance Plus for the HKDSE — All-in-one Exam Practice (Vol. 2) (2nd Edition) Set 6 Paper 2
Tell students how they can benefit from the activities
• Opportunities to compete with other schools
• Help with learning and understanding the English language
• Learn the art of persuasion
Ask students to come to the first meeting of the club
Closing paragraph
Give relevant details
Formal closing
• Chris Wong
English Debating Club

Sample Essay
Dear students,

To debate or not to debate

Many of you probably do not even know what debating is and like anything that is unknown, it can be a
mystery. As the chairperson of the English Debating Club, let me demystify debating and entice the
disbelievers into joining one of the school’s most exciting clubs.

Imagine life without the written or spoken word; it would be dull and uninteresting. Communication is
the main thing that separates humans from animals and it is what makes life so interesting.

In school, we learn not one language but at least two so that we can communicate with a wider
audience and we use various tools to do this. Debating is one of these tools and, to me, the most interesting.
Debating involves two teams discussing a specific topic with one team speaking for the motion and the other
speaking against it regardless of their own personal belief.

Apart from helping us understand a new language, debating also makes us look at both sides of the
argument because in a debate, you may actually have to speak against your own personal views. Whether a
team speaks for or against a topic is randomly chosen by the debating officials — teams do not normally
have a choice as to which side of the argument they should follow.

Normally teams are allowed time to research a topic so the debates conducted by the club also involve
students being given time to do some library or online research. This also helps in understanding the
language and the techniques required to acquire information.

Another important requirement for debating is teamwork as there are three speakers involved and they
must follow a sequence that involves the introduction and conclusion as well as listening to and attempting to
counter the arguments put up by the opposition. Sometimes students just help their school team research a
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Performance Plus for the HKDSE — All-in-one Exam Practice (Vol. 2) (2nd Edition) Set 6 Paper 2
topic and then act as an eager audience when their team speaks.

However, the thing I like most about debating is the opportunity to compete with other schools in
inter-school debating contests. Debating is not stuffy and just for the academically inclined, it is a lively
activity that really helps us understand the English language. By participating in debates, you can learn the
art of persuasion. You can also benefit from the experience of speaking in public. Your academic
performance will definitely improve as a result.

For those who are convinced and would like to find out more about our club, please come to our first
meeting on Level 3, Room 301 this Friday, 12th October.

Thank you for your attention.

Chris Wong
English Debating Club

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