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Nama : Aprilia Saputri

Nim : 1902043

Kelas : DIII keperawatan 2B

. Struggle to Get Amd. Kep

Everyone in this world does not exist that does not struggle. When a mother battles her pain to
bring us to the world, cares for and raises us with great love, can't that also be called a struggle?
Yes, that's right, everyone has their own perception of the definition of a struggle. Struggle is a
situation where someone tries to achieve what they dream of in their life. And if they
experience ups and downs in navigating it, maybe only some of them are able to survive to keep
fighting. In the struggle, in addition to effort, prayer and effort must be included, without the
two struggles that are carried out, hopelessness arises, so it is not surprising if many students
drop out of college and even end their lives because they feel unable to fight for what is. he

As a student at the Klaten Muhammadiyah School of Health, I would like to express my opinion
a little about my struggle to reach the Amd degree. Kep. Before entering college, I thought that
being a student was better than when he was in high school. However, it turns out that this
perception is contrary to reality. Being a student is easy and difficult. You have to intend yourself
from the heart, don't go with other people. After every class, I usually go straight to the
boarding house to take a break and do my assignments. Yes, I'm from outside Klaten. I live in
Gunungkidul district which is quite far, if it is taken every day then I will be tired. And I decided
to stick with it. Even so, I am still grateful, and just take the positive side, from there I can learn
many things, know many people who have different backgrounds, ranging from young to old,
plus I can also train my independence. .

So like it or not I have to dare myself to mingle with the rest of the boarding house to increase
intimacy and build friendship. My first wish after graduating from high school was to work right
away. Without thinking about going to college to major in nursing. However, because of the
above brother I did not continue his studies. I am the only one who is the hope to fulfill the
hopes of my parents. Long story short, I started college majoring in nursing. Early in college,
there is an introduction to the campus environment. There my friends and I had to get to
campus at 6 am, after that we formed a group, one group consisting of 16 people. There we
were given individual and group assignments, had to find what the committee wanted, and
make group assignments late into the night.

Then one semester went on, many joys and sorrows went through meeting new friends who
became the 2nd family. Meeting lecturers with different characters. Semester 1 assignments
have started to pile up. There are so many things that cannot be explained in words, when after
the first UAS in my heart I said: Oh my God, I got can IP 3 and no value that C score alone is
enough for me God. 3,27 IP semsester 1 which makes my heart tremble. Really I cried happily.
With a big smile, I quickly took the cellphone from my pants and I told this good news to
Mother. From here I have the enthusiasm to study even harder in order to get a better IP.

Semester 2 runs, but only conducts distance learning, which in my opinion is ineffective because
it becomes more difficult to understand what the lecturer explained. Moreover, when I practice
online which makes me think if it will continue like this then what if I work later? I will be
surprised by the world of hospitals that I have never practiced there. Yes, where is my mind
going, but I'm not discouraged, I'm looking for videos on youtube, looking for material on
google, e-books, journals etc. So that I can keep up with everything. However, thank God, online
practice is running smoothly. Got a practice grade A. And semester 2 IP of 3.55 Alhamdulillah I
said to myself, God always gives the best plan for His servants.

Semester 3 is getting more and more assignments, and there is 1 subject that is very difficult,
namely medical surgical nursing. In this 3rd semester, the IP dropped to 3.34 which made me
cry, but after that I thought that the 3rd semester IP score was my learning, I had to be even
more active in studying, praying. Now I am in semester 4 which will soon increase my
enthusiasm for UAS, I will improve my learning again so that I can get maximum knowledge and
get satisfactory grades so that my parents can make my parents happy.

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