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Personal Statement

Abigail De Leon-Bacilio

I believe that I am a strong candidate since I have had a rough life and I stand out since
there is a big part of my life that has always been missing a place that many call home. It isn't a
physical place for me anymore. It is a person who I could feel at home with but that isn't why I
feel like home but that isn’t what I want to talk about. I am from Merced but spent most of my
days hoping from house to house and my family splitting up at all times.

My mom and dad had a rocky start and for some reason they thought it was a good idea
to have 3 kids. I am the middle child and never felt any love and had mental health problems
growing up and just never spoke up. Finally when I did speak up I chose it after I thought it was
enough. I was 12 when I started self harming and started under eating at all times and no one
ever ever saw or cared. When I started talking to doctors I was diagnosed with dissociated
anxiety and depression. I see and hear things that aren't there but try not to pay attention to the
voice. While all of this was unfolding my oldest brother passed away in a car accident and when
we lost him I started to spiral, under eating again not socializing.

Fighting all of this was hard and he was my rock and when he passed it hurt but I kept
fighting for my mom and my youngest brother. I had to if I didn't do it no one would with my
health failing me I had to keep going. If that doesn't show how I am strong then I wouldn't know
what would. Fighting mental health, a loss and losing a home was the hardest thing I would
have to do. Thank you for considering me

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