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Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 68, No. 8 pp.

1895–1903, 2017
doi:10.1093/jxb/erw437  Advance Access publication 21 December 2016


Unlocking the potential of orphan legumes

Christopher Cullis1,* and Karl J. Kunert2
Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI), University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002,
South Africa

*  Correspondence:

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Received 11 July 2016; Editorial decision 1 November 2016; Accepted 10 November 2016

Editor: Kadambot Siddique, The University of Western Australia

Orphan, or underutilized, legumes are domesticated legumes with useful properties, but with less importance than
major world crops due to use and supply constraints. However, they play a significant role in many developing coun-
tries, providing food security and nutrition to consumers, as well as income to resource-poor farmers. They have been
largely neglected by both researchers and industry due to their limited economic importance in the global market.
Orphan legumes are better adapted than the major legume crops to extreme soil and climatic conditions, with high
tolerance to abiotic environmental stresses such as drought. As a stress response they can also produce compounds
with pharmaceutical value. Orphan legumes are therefore a likely source of important traits for introduction into major
crops to aid in combating the stresses associated with global climate change. Modern large-scale genomics tech-
niques are now being applied to many of these previously understudied crops, with the first successes reported in
the genomics area. However, greater investment of resources and manpower are necessary if the potential of orphan
legumes is to be unlocked and applied in the future.

Key words:  Cowpea, drought, grass pea, legumes, marama bean, Omics technologies.

Orphan crops are a diverse set of minor crops that tend to be value (Nelson, 2016). These species may be widely distrib-
regionally important but not traded around the world and uted beyond their centres of origin but tend to occupy spe-
as such have received little attention from research networks. cial niches in the local production and consumption systems.
Developing countries, however, rely on these crops to allevi- They are important for the subsistence of local communities,
ate protein and micronutrient deficiencies associated with the yet they remain poorly documented and neglected by the
predominance of dietary calories from rice (Oryza spp.) and mainstream research and development activities. Although it
wheat (Triticum aestivum), which are researched heavily by is difficult to precisely define which attributes make a crop
private corporations (IPGRI, 2002). Orphan or underutilized either underutilized or an orphan, they are often linked with
crops, including orphan legume crops, are staple food crops the cultural heritage of their places of origin, are poorly doc-
in many developing countries, but their economic importance umented as to their cultivation and use, and are adapted to
in global markets is limited (Naylor et  al., 2004). They are specific agro-ecological niches and marginal land with weak
primarily grown by traditional farmers, especially by women, or no formal seed supply systems. They can also be used as
to provide families with food security of high nutritional animal feed and in other agricultural applications generating

© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology. All rights reserved.
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income for resource-poor farmers (Tadele, 2009). However, (Murphy and Colucci, 1999), are also valuable to humans
owing to their lack of economic importance, they have been with limited access to animal protein. Cowpea seeds have a
neglected by both the international scientific community high protein content (25% of dry weight) and the protein con-
and by industry when compared to commodities such as tent of cowpea leaves annually consumed in Africa and Asia
rice, corn (Zea mays), and wheat (Foyer et  al., 2016). This is equivalent to 5 million tons of dry cowpea seeds (Steele
neglect has also resulted in a lack of genetic improvement, et al., 1985). Cowpeas and other orphan legume crops are also
resulting in inferior yield in terms of both quality and quan- a rich source of vitamins and minerals (Singh et  al., 2003);
tity. As a future food crop, orphan crops have predominantly the high lysine content of cowpea is used to supplement
been investigated by scientists in developing countries with cereal-based diets low in lysine (Lambot, 2002). The increas-
the help of international organizations, for example, the ing world population will result in a substantial demand for
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid additional protein, and therefore the importance of legumes
Tropics (ICRISAT). in human nutrition is likely to grow.
Typical orphan legume crops include cowpea (Vigna Orphan crops are generally more adapted to the extreme
unguiculata), groundnut (Arachis hypogaea), grass pea soil and climatic conditions that exist in many parts of the
(Lathyrus sativus) and bambara groundnut (V. subterranea). world than are the major world food crops. Orphan legumes

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The Kirkhouse Trust, which focuses on crop improvement therefore provide valuable information about traits useful
research using modern molecular methods to improve locally for survival under harsh environmental conditions such as
important legume crops, also classes horse gram (Macrotyloma drought. However, despite this potential, barriers for crop
uniflorum), moth bean (V. aconitifolia), dolichos (Lablab pur- development and the increased cultivation of these orphan
pureus), and marama bean (Tylosema esculentum) as impor- legumes frequently include low seed set and the lack of effi-
tant orphan legumes with the potential to be developed into a cient harvesting techniques. Marama bean, for example, has
crop ( a limited seed yield, low propagation rates, and is a ground
V0AvnfmLTIU). Cowpea is an example of an orphan legume creeper covering large areas (Fig.  1), making it difficult to
crop with a wide spectrum of importance, for both human harvest (Keegan and Van Staden, 1981).
and animal health. Many cowpea-based products have also To our knowledge, a review has not yet been performed
found their way into the cosmetic, food, textile, and pharma- to examine the characteristics that render orphan legumes
ceutical industry owing to the legume’s therapeutic properties exceptional and whether such characteristics can be trans-
(Singh and Basu, 2012). Cowpea and other orphan legumes, ferred to major legume crops. We focus here on the character-
such as the dolichos bean, which is an ancient legume crop istics of marama bean and grass pea, two representatives of

Fig. 1.  (a) Unripe, ripe, and opened pods of marama and mature marama seeds containing a high level of protease inhibitor; (b) marama growth as
a creeper; (c) marama tuber acting as a water reservoir with stem; (d) grass pea pods (H. Zell - own work,
php?curid=10580540 CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons); (e) grass pea plant growth habit (H. Zell -
own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia
Unlocking the potential of orphan legumes  |  1897

orphan legumes that survive under low water availability and The marama bean, in which we have particular interest,
that also produce pharmaceutically interesting compounds has the potential to become a useful crop in the arid condi-
possibly as a stress response. In addition, ‘omics’ studies are tions in Africa, because the bean is well adapted to survive
already, or will soon be, available for orphan legumes. In this under the unfavourable conditions that exist, for example, in
review, the existing knowledge and recent developments in the Kalahari desert (Powell 1987; Nepolo et  al., 2009). The
‘omics’ analyses will be highlighted. More extensive research protein and oil content of the marama bean is comparable
in these ‘omics’ areas will very likely allow orphan legumes to those of soybean (Glycine max) and groundnut (Bower
to more rapidly join the list of the world’s major food crops. et  al., 1988). Marama grows rapidly under non-stress con-
ditions with runners extending along the ground (Mitchell
et al., 2005). It is highly branched and produces a great num-
ber of leaves (Fig.  1). The marama bean does not possess
Tolerating drought stress nodules for nitrogen fixation. This possibly avoids nitrogen
Higher thermal and drought tolerance allows orphan legumes restriction given the known sensitivity of nodules and nitro-
to grow in hot and dry climates under rain-fed conditions on gen fixation to drought conditions (Serraj et  al., 1999). It
marginal land. Such growth under drought conditions and on is not particularly drought tolerant, despite growing in the

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marginal land is either barely achievable or not achievable at all desert, because its vegetative growth is affected by drought.
with major food crop plants (Muehlbauer et al., 1985; Tilahun However, marama has a tuber that serves as a water reservoir.
and Schubert, 2003; Thomas et al., 2004; Munoz-Perea et al., The plant, as a possible drought avoider, can therefore sur-
2006). There is interest in investigating the basis of their high vive on the stored water and assimilates in the tuber (Fig. 1).
tolerance to drought and heat with a view to transferring spe- This allows rapid vegetative re-growth under more favourable
cific genes coding for these unique characteristics to major conditions (Travlos and Karamanos, 2008). There is also evi-
food crop species. A plant can respond to drought by modify- dence that marama is endowed with several drought avoid-
ing its morphology and physiology as adaptive mechanisms. ance mechanisms, which, in parallel with osmotic adjustment,
These drought responses include reduction of leaf expansion, enable it to survive under very harsh conditions (Karamanos
closing of stomata, shifting the ratio of shoot to root bio- and Travlos, 2012).
mass, and changing root characteristics (Bultynck et al., 2004; Grass pea is cultivated worldwide and is one of the cheapest
Franks, 2013; Koevoets et  al., 2016). Legume performance sources of dietary protein in the developing world (Enneking,
under drought stress is closely related to root system devel- 2011). It is an excellent example of a drought-adapted orphan
opment and root system distribution (Newman and Mosser, legume with high water-use efficiency (Sekhon et al., 2010).
1988; Gaur et al., 2008). Greater root depth and root biomass No legume other than grass pea has, in fact, ever served as
allow a more efficient extraction of any available soil moisture a staple food. The grass pea is among the priority crops in
(Blum et al., 2011; Fenta et al., 2014), and root growth in leg- Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank and the Global Crop Diversity
umes increases during the vegetative growth period but slows Trust project ‘Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change’.
down when seed filling begins (Gregory, 1988; Abdelhamid, A  primary objective of Kew’s project is to collect and pro-
2010). Root hydraulic conductivity, which depends on the tect the genetic diversity of a portfolio of plants with traits
diameter and the distribution of the meta-xylem vessels, has required for adapting the world’s most important food crops
also been found to provide better drought tolerance in leg- to climate change. Such adaptation is considered a key
umes. For example, the root length density is much lower in component in securing the world’s future food production
the grain legume chickpea (Cicer arietinum) than in barley (Dempewolf et al., 2014). For more than 100 million people
(Hordeum vulgare), but better hydraulic conductivity allows in Asia and Africa, the grass pea is a traditional crop that is
the legume to more efficiently absorb water (Thomas et  al., easy to cultivate under stressful growth conditions (Vaz Patto
1995). Certain tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) lines also and Rubiales, 2014). The grass pea is an ‘insurance crop’ that
have deeper roots, with the greatest root mass in the deepest is capable of producing reliable yields when all other crops fail
soil profile. Such adaptations result in more efficient water because of drought. In contrast to marama bean, grass pea
uptake. The bean also has small leaves to reduce water use possess a combination of traits that allow it both to escape
and lower stomatal conductance as adaptive characteristics drought and to avoid dehydration. To escape drought, the
for water conservation (Mohameda et al., 2002). plant matures early, a characteristic that can avoid any termi-
However, the question that remains is what is the basis of nal drought. To avoid dehydration, there is both a reduction
this ability to withstand severe environmental stress condi- in the green leaf area, to keep a higher water status for main-
tions? The existing literature provides information about taining photosynthesis, and a reduction in stomatal conduct-
measuring drought tolerance by applying standard morpho- ance. The grass pea also reduces flower and pod production
logical and physiological tools to identify more drought-toler- under stress and concentrates its resources in a small number
ant orphan legumes but does not identify any specific unique of surviving pods (Gusmao, 2010). Another important fea-
traits. Although orphan legumes in many ways respond like ture to note is that the threshold soil water content at which
other crop plants to drought, the two examples considered seed set is reduced coincides with that at which the leaf sto-
here, the marama bean and grass pea, illustrate why orphan matal conductance and photosynthetic rate start to decrease
legumes could be exceptional in their ability to survive in (Kong et al., 2015). However, any physiological responses due
stressful environments. to drought only start when that soil water threshold has been
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passed (Zaman-Allah et al., 2011). Of particular interest, the component of the diet (Singh and Rao, 2013). There is evi-
decrease in photosynthesis as well as the cessation of flower dence that ODAP can be detoxified in humans but not in ani-
and pod production is more prominent in grass pea than in mals (Pratap Rudra et al., 2004), but the disease still exists in
the grain legume chickpea (Kong et al., 2015). Thus, despite Eastern Africa (Eritrea and Ethiopia). The development of
chickpea maintaining a better flower and pod production low‐toxin varieties would make a significant contribution to
than grass pea under drought, such drought-exposed chick- increasing the impact of grass pea for food security for mil-
pea pods do not produce any seeds under such conditions lions of people. Unfortunately, conventional plant breeding
(Pang et al., 2016), while grass pea does produce seeds. techniques for the development of such low-ODAP seeds has
not been successful (Girma and Korbu, 2012). This lack of
breeding success could, however, be overcome by the appli-
Producing useful compounds cation of the newly developed gene-editing capabilities of
CRISPR/Cas systems to specifically modify the ODAP path-
Plants, in order to survive stressful environments, can syn- way once identified (Cong et al., 2013).
thesize a range of secondary metabolites and proteinaceous The negative perception of grass pea, due to its toxic effects,
inhibitors in response to an environmental stress (Bora, 2014). has recently also changed, because grass pea is also the only

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Marama bean, for example, produces a serine protease inhib- known dietary source for L-homoarginine (Singh and Rao,
itor, a unique characteristic of this orphan legume, and 10.5% 2013) and for the properties of L-ODAP. L-homoarginine
of its total protein can consist of this inhibitor (Nadaraja provides benefits in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases
et al., 2010). A possible function of the inhibitor is as an anti- and in overcoming the hypoxia associated with cancer tumour
feedant. However, the possibility that the inhibitor also func- development (Singh and Rao, 2013). L-homoarginine acts as
tions in controlling proteolytic events in marama bean, which a substrate for endogenous nitric oxide (NO) production.
may be associated with its growth in arid areas with little water NO, a signalling molecule, has an important role in cardio-
availability, has not yet been studied (Kunert et  al., 2015). vascular diseases and hypertension control (Jyothi and Rao,
Such protective compounds can also significantly contribute 1999). Because L-homoarginine is also a poor substrate for
to human and animal health. The marama serine protease arginase, the compound persists longer in the circulation than
inhibitor strongly prevents elastase activity. As part of the arginine. L-ODAP might also stabilize hypoxia inducible fac-
chymotrypsin-like clan, human elastase is involved in various tor-1 (HIF-1), which changes the transcriptional response of
inflammatory disorders, including pulmonary emphysema, tumours under hypoxia (Ziello et al., 2007). In vitro studies
sepsis, arthritis, nephritis, and certain skin diseases (Bonnart with human neuroblastoma cells have already demonstrated
et al., 2010). Marama serine protease inhibitor could there- that L-ODAP can stabilize (nuclear translocate) HIF-1 and
fore potentially be therapeutic not only for these diseases but prevent the consequences of hypoxia (Ke and Costa, 2006;
also as a skin cream additive. Overall, these non-food prop- Jammulamadaka et al., 2011). L-ODAP also activates protein
erties ultimately add value to the marama bean and provide kinase C (Singh, 2004). Although known kinase C activators
strong support for further developing marama into an impor- can be neurotrophic with neuroprotective properties (Nelson
tant food and cash crop in arid areas. The marama tuber also and Alkon, 2009), most kinase C activators are apoptotic.
has interesting starch characteristics. The starch content of Therefore, there is a constant search for non-apoptotic kinase
the tuber can be up to 10% on a fresh weight basis, compared C activators. If L-ODAP does have non-apoptotic character-
with potato tubers that have, for example, 15% (Nepolo et al., istics, the compound might have potential for application in
2015). An evaluation of the physical properties of marama neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.
starch by rapid visco-analysis indicated a high viscosity with
a potential to form strong gels, a property which might be of
interest to the food industry. Omics-enabled improvement of orphan
Grass pea is highly resistant to pests and diseases, as well
as to abiotic environmental stresses. It is the latter charac-
teristic that we will focus on. Grass pea produces the non‐ The relationship between the genotype and phenotype is
protein amino acid β-N-oxalyl-L-α,β-diaminopropionic complex, which makes it challenging to predict the phe-
acid, or ODAP, in addition to phenolic and flavonoid com- notype based on the genotype. The level of information
pounds and antioxidants (Rao et al., 1964; Enneking, 2011; needed to implement genomic-assisted breeding has stead-
Talukdar, 2012). The ODAP content increases in response ily increased as the cost of acquiring nucleic acid sequence
to stress and the compound can scavenge hydroxyl radicals information has rapidly decreased. A  few years ago, it was
produced by oxidative stress (Gongkea et al., 2001). Despite generally believed that genome sequence would be an ena-
this potential, ODAP can cause problems when grass pea is bling first step in implementing genomic-assisted breeding
consumed by humans because it is a neurotoxin and causes (Varshney et al., 2009 and 2012b; Young and Bharati, 2012).
paralysis of the lower body, known as lathyrism (Singh and However, it is now understood that a single genomic sequence
Rao, 2013). Lathyrism develops when grass pea seeds are is only a snapshot of part of the diversity within a species.
consumed exclusively as a primary protein source for a pro- This relationship is further complicated when the experimen-
longed time, although no lathyrism occurs when grass pea is tal material is composed of land races, which most orphan
consumed only as part of a normal diet and not as the only legumes are, rather than well-documented inbred lines.
Unlocking the potential of orphan legumes  |  1899

These land races have different combinations of useful genes inter-crossing of the selected lines and the extraction of the
(or alleles), making it more difficult to identify those to target inbred material for phenotyping. As noted in the next section,
for selection and incorporation into new varieties. In addi- the falling costs of next-generation sequencing mean that the
tion, a robust phenotyping platform is essential to ensure that use of SSR and/or single nucleotide polymorphisms for diver-
the evaluation of the genotype and environment interaction sity analysis and association mapping could be superseded by
can be adequately performed and that the same phenotype is genotyping by sequencing.
actually being studied. The contribution of genomics to the improvement of
One of the orphan legumes with the most applied molecu- orphan legumes has been initiated through the ever-decreasing
lar data is cowpea. The genomic information for cowpea has DNA sequencing costs. The combination of high-throughput
been used in the evaluation of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) DNA sequencing from the Illumina platform combined with
for a number of traits and for identifying the diversity of land the long read information from PacBio data and new linking
races. An important resource in the identification of QTLs, technologies, such as those from Dovetail genomics (https://
especially using simple-sequence repeat (SSR) markers, has, has made it possible to obtain high-
been the development of a series of recombinant inbred lines. quality genomic assemblies with long contiguous segments
This plant material can be phenotyped and DNA isolated for most plant organisms (Table  1). Once the basic genome

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from the individual phenotyped plants. Any of the traits that has been assembled, characterization of the genome space can
are segregating from the initial parents can then be followed be extended at relatively low cost through the implementa-
and be associated with particular regions of the chromo- tion of reduced representation libraries, such as those used in
somes. This has allowed the development of an integrated the genotyping-by-sequencing approach (Elshire et al., 2011),
genetic map using molecular markers (Timko and Singh, although the genotyping-by-sequencing approach is not con-
2008). These molecular markers, and their subsequent exten- tingent on a reference genome being available. This approach
sion, have been the basis for implementing QTL identification increases the precision of identifying differences across the
and the subsequent marker-assisted selection for a number of whole genome more rapidly and at a lower cost than earlier
traits. The traits that have been characterized to date include DNA marker technologies. For species that are essentially
those for flowering time (Andargie et  al., 2013), domesti- outcrossing, which is the case for marama bean, the levels of
cation (Andargie et  al., 2011), and floral scent compounds heterozygosity will further complicate the identification of
(Andargie et  al., 2014). These studies were only made pos- useful alleles in developing genomic selection schemes.
sible by the previous work in developing and phenotyping the An alternative method of reducing the complexity of the
recombinant inbred lines, but this particular population only genome is to focus on the expressed portion of the genome.
captured a small amount of the natural variation in cowpea. RNA sequencing has been a route to identify new genetic
For a number of crop species, association mapping popula- markers for some orphan legumes such as Bituminaria bitu-
tions are being developed that capture the maximum diver- minosa (Pazos-Navarro et  al., 2011). The availability of
sity, such as the multi-parent advanced generation inter-cross new tools for both the de novo assembly of transcriptomes
(MAGIC) populations in rice (Bandillo et  al., 2013). Four and alignment to newly assembled genomes will allow the
multi-parent populations were created containing desirable identification of differential gene expression in response to
traits for biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, yield, and grain stress. However, because the transcriptome is developmen-
quality in order to fine map QTLs for multiple traits and to tally controlled, the anatomical site of any stress tolerance
use the highly recombined lines in breeding programmes. needs to be identified so that the appropriate tissues can be
In sunflower (Helianthus annuus), a similar associa- sampled. Interpretation of such RNA sequencing studies is
tion mapping population consisting of 288 lines has been still dependent on an understanding of the genetic under-
described by Mandel et  al. (2011). In this case, a diverse pinnings of stress tolerance in order to unravel the causa-
collection of cultivated sunflower lines was genotyped with tive versus consequential transcriptional variations. Finally,
SSR markers distributed across the complete genome and the transcriptome represents the expressed portion of the
the data were then used to identify subsets of lines that cap- genome while the proteome is a reflection of that subset of
tured the maximum diversity present in the initial popula- the transcriptome that is translated into proteins. Proteomics
tion. These types of association mapping populations need to in orphan legumes is still rare, with grass pea being one of the
be constructed and characterized for the important orphan few with such studies (Rathi et al., 2015). Differential prot-
legumes, incorporating as much germplasm diversity as pos- eomics to identify stress-responsive molecules would require
sible. Such populations will then enable the identification of a significant investment in time and resources, such that the
loci underlying important stress tolerances within these crops. development of genetic stocks that would be most informa-
Ultimately, they will permit the isolation of the genes under- tive for such studies is a pre-requisite.
lying these traits, for their possible incorporation into other
crop plants. However, the development of such association
mapping populations for the orphan legumes will require a Learning from orphan legumes and where
long, dedicated, funded, international collaborative effort. to go
First, an appropriate marker set will have to be developed.
Next, large populations of land races will need to be geno- Orphan legumes are widely distributed and a good source
typed to reveal the extent of genetic diversity, followed by the for the study of stress tolerance, such as drought tolerance
1900  |  Cullis and Kunert

Table 1.  Characteristics and genetic and genomic resources of orphan legumes important for global food and nutrition security, with
soybean for comparison

Common name Scientific name Genome size (Mb) No. of Breeding De novo genome Protein
chromosomes (2n) system sequencing content
Bambara beans Vigna subterranea 8641 221 Ib In process - http:// 15–25%
Cowpea Vigna unguiculata 5761 221 Ib 21–35%
Tepary bean Phaseolus acutifolius 7201 221 Ib Not available 23–30%
Grass pea Lathyrus sativus 80641 141 Ib – ob Not available 23–30%
Hyacinth bean Dolichos lablab 3651 221 Ib In process - http:// ~25%
Peanut (groundnut) Arachis hypogaea 27551 201 Ib 24–34%

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Pigeon pea Cajanus cajan 8451 221 Ib – ob 19–22%
Marama bean Tylosema esculentum ~10002 423 ob Cullis (unpublished) 30–40%
Moth bean Vigna aconitifolia 11001 221 Ib Not available 22–24%
Horse gram Macrotyloma uniflorum ? ? Ib Not available 19–29%
Soybean Glycine max 11001 401 Ib 33–45%

Data from 2Cullis unpublished based on coverage from Illumina shotgun sequencing. 3Takundwa et al., 2012. ? –
undetermined as yet; Ib: inbreeding; ob: outbreeding.

(Table 2), which is of interest because drought is one of the conducted to identify and characterize other potent stress
consequences of the predicted climate change. However, response compounds produced in orphan legumes.
drought-tolerant orphan legumes probably do not have Finally, the characterization of orphan legumes on the
unique traits, but rather have specific combinations of com- ‘omics’ level is still in its infancy. These legumes remain unex-
mon traits, with some more prominent than others. They can plored on the genomic, transcriptomic, and the proteomic
also possess traits unusual for a legume, such as producing level, although efforts such as the African Orphan Crops
a tuber. All these traits together contribute to their greater Initiative ( are starting to fill
level of drought tolerance. Developing an understanding of the genomics information gap. In spite of the rapid develop-
both the specific traits and the importance of the combina- ments of new ‘omics’ capabilities, an enhanced investment
tion of traits could ultimately help us to improve the selec- into the molecular characterization of these orphan leg-
tion, or even the engineering, of lines that possess the most umes is still necessary to explore their full potential. A first
efficient combinations of such traits in many species. Major good example of how ‘omics’ can contribute is represented
food crops have simply lost some of these traits or combi- by pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan). This orphan legume crop is
nations of traits owing to selection for the best-performing mainly grown by poor farmers and is known as the poor peo-
cultivars under a given growth condition, resulting in a loss ple’s meat because of its high protein content. Pigeon pea is
in both genetic diversity and valuable traits (Li et al., 2013; still the exception regarding ‘omics’, owing to the recent com-
Valliyodan et al., 2016). Therefore, it is unlikely that we will pletion of its genome sequence and therefore its potential to
identify a single gene that provides tolerance against a stress soon enter the world’s ‘league’ of major food crops (Varshney
like drought, which affects many plant processes. The major- et  al., 2012a). Pigeon pea is also among the most drought-
ity of the existing genetically engineered plants that carry a tolerant and nutritious orphan legume crops (for an overview,
single gene to provide better drought tolerance simply exhibit see Odeny, 2007). This legume withstands drought because
a delayed onset of drought stress effects (Lawlor, 2013). of its deep roots and osmotic adjustment in the leaves. The
Orphan legumes are still an untouched treasure trove for unique polycarpic flowering habit further sheds any repro-
compounds that not only provide the plant with stress toler- ductive structures when under stress (Mligo and Craufurd,
ance but are also capable of contributing to human health. 2005). An advanced understanding of the pigeon pea genome
As nutraceuticals they might serve in functional food to man- could have a significant impact on improving crop produc-
age diseases and disorders associated with a changed lifestyle, tivity by more easily identifying genes associated with these
or as a basis for new drug development in areas of cardio- specific characteristics that render pigeon pea highly drought
vascular physiology, hypoxia, and cancer (Rao, 2011; Singh tolerant. So far, over 40 000 pigeon pea genes have been iden-
and Rao, 2013; Van Wyk et al., 2016). Grass pea is an excel- tified and several hundred of these genes are associated with
lent example of a potential ‘functional food’, being the only drought tolerance.
known source for L-homoarginine. This compound might Many orphan legume crops will soon have a genome
prevent hypertension, a major risk factor for heart attacks sequence (, and thus might no
and strokes. However, rather limited research has so far been longer be described as having been bypassed by the molecular
Unlocking the potential of orphan legumes  |  1901

Table 2.  Origin and distribution of orphan legumes and some important characteristics

Name Distribution Characteristics Reference

Bituminaria bituminosa Southern wheat belt of Varieties have different drought tolerance and Real et al., 2014
var. albomarginata (tedera) Western Australia, originates associated mechanisms to tolerate/avoid it
in Canary Islands, Spain
Cajanus cajan All tropical and semitropical Can be of a perennial variety. Very drought resistant. Qiao et al., 2011
(pigeon pea) regions of both the Old and
the New Worlds
Dolichos (Lablab Asia and Africa Improves the soil condition and is relatively drought
purpureus) tolerant Media/Html/Lablab_purpureus.htm
Lathyrus sativus Asia and East Africa Areas that are prone to drought and famine and is
(Grass pea) thought of as an ‘insurance crop’
Lupinus mutabilis sweet Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Crop for cool climates, withstands exceptional Jacobsen and Mujica, 2014
(tarwi, tauri, chocho, or Chile levels of drought
pearl lupin)

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Macrotyloma uniflorum India Highly drought tolerant Bhardwaj and Yadav, 2015
(horse gram, kulthi bean,
hurali, Madras gram)
Phaseolus acutifolius South-western USA and The most drought-tolerant legume Rao et al., 2013
(tepary bean) Mexico
Tylosema esculentum Native to arid areas of Highly drought tolerant Dakora, 2013
(marama) southern Africa
Vigna aconitifolia (moth Arid and semi-arid regions of Can be grown on many soil types and is drought Malambane and Bhatt, 2014
bean) India tolerant
Vigna subterranea Originated in West Africa, Very drought resistant Mkandawire, 2007
(bambara groundnut) cultivation in Sub-Saharan
Africa’s warm tropics
Vigna umbellata Indo-China and extending Warm-season annual vine often grown as intercrop Heuzé et al., 2016
(Thunb.) (ricebean) into southern China, India, or mixed crop. Wide adaptation and production even
Nepal, and Bangladesh in marginal lands.
Vigna unguiculata Semi-arid tropics covering A drought-tolerant and warm-weather crop Ehlers and Hall, 1997
(cowpea) Asia, Africa, southern Europe,
and Central and South America

genetic revolution. However, they could still be classified as also investigating the presence of genes necessary for nodula-
orphan crops owing to the paucity of resources assigned to tion, and other mycorrhizal associations, to understand why
their development. By focusing resources on these orphan leg- this legume does not nodulate but is still able to thrive in poor
umes, important genes for both increasing stress tolerance and soils. The next step in the project will include surveying the
for human health can be uncovered and subsequently imple- diversity of marama bean across southern Africa to construct
mented in many new areas. Extending this initial information and analyse MAGIC populations. These will serve as an impor-
into practical applications will need, however, human capacity tant resource for the isolation and transfer of genes for stress
to build in the areas of molecular technologies and bioinformat- resilience that will facilitate crop improvement (Pandey et al.,
ics, as well as to provide the infrastructure to continue building 2016). This population will be grown, phenotyped, and geno-
on the preliminary information. For marama bean, the authors typed to identify a possible set of lines for association mapping
are currently meeting some of these needs by incorporating for important domestication, yield, and stress-tolerance traits.
relevant research projects into the undergraduate curriculum However, as with all plant breeding projects, the time interval
at Case Western Reserve University to advance the characteri- between initiation and the development of the experimental
zation and improvement of this orphan legume into a useful material requires patience and continual funding. Because we
crop. Within this framework, a whole-genome sequence has are using this project to involve a succession of undergraduate
been assembled from Illumina reads that has a sufficiently and graduate students in a course-based research experience,
robust assembly to identify genes of interest (Cullis, unpub- the expectation is that the effort will be successful in the long
lished). We have already used the initial assembled contigs to term. The germplasm improvement and release to resource-
identify marama cysteine proteases and cystatins with unique poor farmers in the region will be the ultimate demonstration
amino acid compositions based on the conserved regions of of the success of this approach. Such an approach could ben-
these proteins (Cullis and Kunert, unpublished). These novel efit all the orphan legume crops as an improvement strategy,
proteins can already be expressed and their properties evalu- and the recruitment of students in developed countries would
ated to determine if they have potential for use in improving help alleviate, in the short term, the lack of human capital to
other crops, in human health applications, or in both. We are analyse the data arising from such genomics projects.
1902  |  Cullis and Kunert

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