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Plan for the Phased Reopening of the Gateway Mental Health Project V5

Gateway’s plan for the reopening of its centre and activities in Rathmines has been developed on
the basis of the needs, health and welfare of its members and staff and with their collaboration
and input. This plan has been co-designed for operational purposes and is underpinned by
Gateway’s COVID-19 Response Policy in line with current public health advice, the Government’s
The Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business and The Return to Work Protocol. The Roadmap
sets out how the COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted over on a phased approach. Gateway is
working to prepare for reopening the project and its activities on a phased basis in line with
Government and HSE planning.

Gateway’s activity since closure of the centre

From March to June (includes lockdown period and Roadmap Phases 1-2), Gateway has provided a
7 day per week peer support and information service by telephone and text and moved to online
activities in support of our members while staying at home. A total of 95 members have been
receiving phone support weekly and the team are also communicating with members through
virtual drop ins through Zoom, online activities, letter writing and socially distanced meet ups and
walks. Thirty members are participating in a WhatsApp chat group. With some easing of
restrictions announced from Phase 2, physically distanced one to one meet ups began being

Phase 1 (18th May – 8th June) Risk Assessment, Development of Policy and Planning
In preparation for re-opening the Project Coordinator and the Management Committee developed
the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Policy and Risk Assessment - Gateway Mental Health Project and
adapted the Health and Safety Statement in line with Government policy, Return to Work Safety
Protocol, Covid-19 Specific National Protocol for Employers and Workers. The Risk
Assessment clarifies Gateway’s capacity to engage with members in re-opening the project.

The team also completed an assessment of the building zones as part of the Risk Assessment and
identified the premises capacity for members and staff with social distancing at 2 meters, 1.5
meters and 1 meter. To optimize access to members the Management Committee have agreed to
install awnings and make other required changes to the outdoor front area of the premises.

premises capacity for members and staff with 2 metre social distancing
Length Width sq meters max people
Front Room 7.10 5.80 41.18 6
Kitchen (staff onlyx1) 3.00 2.40 7.20 1
Info Room 5.00 3.50 17.50 1 (photocopier)

Quiet Room 2.50 2.50 6.25 1 (walk through use only)

Ladies 3.30 1.80 5.94 1

Gents 3.30 2.60 8.58 1
Office (staffx2) 5.00 2.60 13.00 2
Back Room 9.50 4.30 40.85 8
Computer area (staff x2) 3.30 3.25 10.73 2
Outdoor left (car spaces) 6.16 3.50 21.56 4 under awning

Outdoor right (front) 6.36 3.50 22.26 4 under awning

195.05 26
4 staff to 22 member ratio
rooms for use by staff and members
walk through spaces
In summary, at 2m social distancing, Gateway will be able to accommodate 22 members and 4
staff at any one time at full capacity (8 people outside and 14 people indoors). The following plan
sees the project reopen slowly and carefully, engaging with members and reintroducing a range of
core activities including peer support in person, group work and education and training initiatives,
in addition to re-induction to Gateway which incorporates training for COVID19 health and safety
Activities throughout this phase included 7 day peer support and information over the phone
provided to 95+ people, socially/physically distanced visits and walks delivered, online activities
(art, meditation and zoom drop ins).

Phase 2 (8-29th June) – Planning and Preparation for reopening

During the month of June, Gateway continued to support its members by phone and through
online activities. Physically distanced one to one meet ups continue particularly for members
most isolated and from the 8th June small groups of members (less than 4) encouraged and
supported to meet up for physically distanced, safe outdoor activities such as walks and chats in
the community. Drop-ins over Zoom take place twice weekly with members using technology.
Other connection projects such as letter writing and WhatsApp chat groups continue.

During this phase, Gateway members, staff, funders and MHI to prepare the members, staff and
premises for a phased reopening of activities from 29th June. Taking time to identify, plan and put
measures in place to meet the new risks and challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic is
of critical importance to the health, safety and wellbeing of our members and workers. Given that
a significant proportion of Gateway’s members fall into a number of higher risk categories which
include older age, underlying physical health conditions, use of certain medications, mental health
considerations, disability and accommodation status (such as long stay residents), it is of
paramount importance that appropriate measures are put in place in a collaborative way that
actively safeguard the health and wellbeing of everyone coming into the project. These measures
are detailed in Gateway’s COVID-19 Policy and will require ongoing management, feedback and
training for effective adherence. A pre-return to Gateway confidential healthy survey is developed
alongside the training programme for re-induction and COVID-19 health and safety procedures.

Gateway has appointed a COVID-19 lead within the team to ensure effective management of the
new ways of being and working together while onsite in the building and for outdoor activities. In
June, Gateway’s Safety Statement and new risk assessments in light of COVID19 were updated and
trainings developed in response to same. Members and staff engaged in co-designing Gateway’s
reopening plan and COVID-19 policy and subsequent iterations of same through regular review.

Both staff and members will be required to engage in a confidential health and needs survey prior
to returning to the project in person, to ensure everyone is safe and well to return to Gateway and
to ensure any accommodations required are identified. The results will also inform planning for
future phases and clarify capacity for onsite delivery of Gateway’s activities. Staff seeking to work
from home may be accommodated where roles and activities allow for same and where possible
and practicable. All staff asked to return to the workplace will be provided with health and safety
training and appropriate PPE. Staff will be surveyed in confidence by email in early June and will be
followed up with by a phone conversation with the Project Co-ordinator. A staffing rota will then
be developed for continuance of phone support and physically distanced in person activities for
those unable to attend the project. A cleaning rota will be developed and in place prior to
members returning.
During this phase, Gateway’s premises will be zoned (as per risk assessment) to safely allow for
activities to be reintroduced on a phased basis in line with the Government’s Roadmap, Health &
Safety (including Return to Workplace) Protocols, HSE guidance and MHI’s support. Essential
signage, posters, leaflets, sanitisers and PPE will be ordered for members and staff and installed in
the building and outdoors. Additional outdoor furniture (chairs, tables) will also be ordered and
the outdoor area improved to install awnings for rain protection and to add an element of privacy,
artificial grass is recommended to improve look of area and with addition of outdoor heaters. This
will take some time to develop (approx. 6-8 weeks) so a temporary pop up gazebo will be bought
and installed as a shelter for outdoor area use.

29th June-20th July (originally Roadmap Phase3) – Gateway centre reopens for staff training,
member re-induction and COVID-19 Awareness training, outdoor afternoon drop ins by pre-
arrangement and outdoor activities in small groups.

29th June – 3rd July:

Staff in a position to return to the workplace will be required to complete training in Gateway’s
COVID-19 policy and health and safety protocols (awareness training) prior to the reopening of the
centre to members as well as a return to work health questionnaire (at least 3 days before
returning). Additional training on responding to emotional and mental health needs will also be
provided as part of refresher project worker training. All trainings will be provided by video and/or
in small groups adhering to physical distancing from the week of the 29 th June.

From 29th June, Gateway continues phone support and information service, reducing from 7 day to
5 day week basis 10-4pm (in agreement with members and management committee). This frees
up staff for training and reorganisation for delivery of core and new activities. A schedule for July
with mixed activities (outdoors and online) will be developed and sent to members.

Physically distanced meet ups with a staff member requested by those self-isolating and/or unable
to attend the project for one to one peer support will be continued by prior arrangement where
possible - an alternative will be provided over the phone in the event that staff are not available.

6th July onwards:

Instead of drop in onsite, meet ups in a local park will take place on Mondays and Thursdays
initially while development of Gateway’s outdoor space takes place and while awaiting HSE
infection control review of Gateway’s procedures for using same. Note that meet up groups
consist of no more than 6 people including a project worker at any one time. These meet ups will
be limited to one hour by pre-arrangement, members will have to phone and reserve a place and
complete the return to Gateway health questionnaire by phone. The project worker with the
group will provide basic inputs on social distancing requirements. Canvas chairs will be provided.
Toilets in a near by shopping centre are available. Members will be encouraged to bring their own
flasks with tea and coffee initially.
It is hoped that Gateway’s outdoor space can be reopened during this phase (phase 3). The
outdoor space is under development but a temporary gazebo as a weather-proof shelter has been
purchased to provide shelter on rainy days. Once Gateway’s procedures have been reviewed by a
HSE infection control expert, it is hoped that the project can reopen using this outdoor space for
pre-arranged drop in for peer support. This outdoor area can accommodate 8 people seated at 2
m socially distanced. For members returning to Gateway’s centre, in addition to the procedures
outlined above and in Gateway’s COVID-19 policy, re-induction and health and safety training with
the COVID-19 lead in the outdoor space. Visits will be limited to one hour and will need to be
booked by phone in advance and places reserved following completion of the confidential health
survey. Gateway will advise any people identifying in the high or very high risk groups to follow
government advice and either continue cocooning (very high risk) and limit activity to essential
trips only. Teas and coffees will be provided by staff wearing a mask and the kitchen closed off to
general use. Toilets will accommodate just one person at a time and everyone will be expected to
maintain social/physical distancing when passing through the front room.

Staff and members will maintain social distancing at all times and if this is not possible, staff and
members will be expected to wear and be provided with masks. Outdoors there is no need for
members or staff to wear masks with exception of the staff member delivering teas and coffees.
In time members may be trained to perform this task to keep the member led ethos in place.

Staff and members are requested to clean and disinfect as they go. A strict hourly cleaning rota of
the outdoor space, kitchen and toilets will be in place with sourcing of weekly professional
cleaning as required.

Outdoor activities such as small group walks weekly will be encouraged and facilitated by staff and
active members where interested and practicable weather-wise. Gateway’s ukulele group will
start outdoors with 5 members plus the facilitator.

The new procedures for engaging with Gateway activities both outdoor and onsite involves prior
arrangement, completion of a health survey over the phone and re-induction and COVID-19
awareness training to ensure everyone is safe and well to do so and that everyone’s health and
safety is protected.

20th July (originally Roadmap Phase4) – Phased return to ‘new normal’.

Gateway consolidates activities and explores autumn education and training options,
reintroduces small group activities indoors where safe and feasible (use of the drop in front
room) and schedules separate activities for small groups outside of ‘drop in’ times which include
core activities such as meditation, art, music and pool (>6 plus facilitator), important
conversations group and WRAP café.

 Gateway continues socially distanced outdoor activities with active members and staff
which include walks, park meet ups and one to one peer support.
 COVID awareness and re-induction training continues (designated area outside / back
room as advised).
 Activity schedule for separate activities outside of drop in hours developed for indoor
activities as permitted.
 Gateway continues phone support and information service on 5 day week basis 10-4pm.
 Introduction of small groups of 4 or fewer people into front room of building (post training
and as advised).
 Refresher training sessions delivered prior to indoor use for drop-in given members and
staff should be used to outside safety procedures being applied to this point if the outdoor
area has been cleared for use.

Gateway continues Phase 4 approach and activities, seeks to increase capacity to accommodate
slightly larger groups and drop ins with associated activities where practicable and safe to do so
and in line with public health advice.
 From August, Gateway begins to run small group indoor activities in the back room. This
space can accommodate a maximum of 10 people but groups would have no more than 6
participants. The entrance would be via the back door rather than front entrance and use
of side passage for toilets to allow for socially distanced movement through building.
(Music, Art, Meditation etc)
 Short refresher trainings delivered on ongoing basis with COVID lead
 From September, reintroduction of small educational groups on non drop-in through
CDETB - advice dependent.
 From September, the renovated outdoor space will be ready to enable ventilated activities
to continue in the autumn and winter.

Note planned Phased activities for Gateway will be dependent on and responsive to any change
within the Government’s Roadmap and
 In line with Gateway’s COVID response plan and policy (living document)
 public health guidance from HSE and MHI
 continued funding
 staffing capacity
 completion of COVID-19 Survey results and Awareness training with all staff, tutors and
members seeking to attend activities on site.

Version 5 Note:
In developing this plan, we have engaged our members, staff, management and funders. Version
5 builds on this further and incorporates additional and continuing feedback. Results of Gateway’s
conducted a survey by email with key questions and discussed ongoing feedback on this plan and
Gateway’s COVID-19 policy through Zoom meetings with members, through phone, text and
email. On Monday 29th June, Gateway had a tele-meeting with its funders and HSE management
for CHO6 and CHO7. Following their advice, Gateway’s reopening plan has been adapted to
postpone onsite (outdoor) activities until a local infection control expert can review Gateway’s
policy and procedures to support reopening. It is our hope that following this review and clarity
from the HSE’s national office on when social support type initiatives such as Gateway and its
premises can reopen, that the project will be in a position to provide outdoor onsite activities from
mid July onwards progressing to introduction of limited indoor activities from August but this is
dependent on the factors summarised above.

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