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Chat with Nelson Syphus #2

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For context: The team reconnects with Nelson Syphus, as requested. In it, they are given quite
a bombshell concerning the Apple II.

M-Team: We found what you were looking for.

Syphus590: Well done, well done. And?

M-Team: It just sounded like a tape at your facility, just a lot of medical
ambiance and people screaming.

Syphus590: That wasn't ALL that was on that tape and you know it. Don't play
hard to get with that information, what else did you hear on that tape?

M-Team: First, before we tell you, is our "exchange" still on the table?

Syphus590: You really are desperate to know about the 863 Project, aren't you?
Did your detective friend not have the answers you wanted?

M-Team: Stop stalling.

Syphus590: Don't test me.

Syphus590: But yes, it is still on the table. Now tell me what you found out.

M-Team: Fine. There was a conversation we heard between two people, one was
definitely D and the other was a man.

Syphus590: And what were they talking about?

M-Team: Hold on, why is this so important to you?

Syphus590: It's none of your business.

M-Team: I mean, you worked with D, right? You probably already had an idea
about how she felt towards you.

Syphus590: ...Tell you what, if I tell you about this "D", give a name to your
faceless source of information, will that speed this along? An exchange of
information for information?

M-Team: I supposed.

Syphus590: I need a yes or no.

M-Team: You need the information from US.

Syphus590: And YOU need information on Project 863. Don't play this game with

M-Team: Fine. Yes, our answer is yes.

Syphus590: There, was that so hard?

Syphus590: "D"'s real name is Deborah, she was the head clinical scientist at
Syntec through most of its life cycle. She's the one that oversaw most of the
trials and experiments.

M-Team: So, Deborah is the one that sent us the emulator?

Syphus590: Looks like it.

M-Team: Well, she was talking about pushing you out of Syntec, saying that you
were dragging the company down with you.

Syphus590: Oh, did she now. She hasn't changed a bit, even now.

M-Team: What do you mean?

Syphus590: Deborah is talented, no one would question that. But she was
rather...touchy when it came to me. I'm not sure if it was a difference in
opinions or ideas for the company, but she never liked me. She would speak
more with my partner than myself.

M-Team: I think that was your partner she was speaking with, he was saying
that he tried to talk with you, make you see reason or something.

Syphus590: That does sound like him, always the peacemaker. He had to placate
her often, to try and calm her down from her ideas of pushing him to undermine

M-Team: So, this was something you already knew?

Syphus590: Of course. I told you, nothing happened at Syntec I don't know

about. But I needed to be sure for two reasons.

Syphus590: For one, a confirmation of a snake in the grass is better than


M-Team: And the second reason?

Syphus590: Think of it as my way of showing you why you shouldn't trust her,
nor anyone working with her. That includes your detective friend.

M-Team: This doesn't really change anything. It just sounded like she was
trying to stop you from doing illegal stuff at the company.

Syphus590: I see that she's even manipulating YOU at this point.

M-Team: What?
Syphus590: Deborah was a master manipulator, you heard it for yourself on the
tape. All of those clinical trials that went wrong? All the people that were
experimented on? She headed all of that.

Syphus590: She's the reason I need that serum in the first place.

M-Team: What do you mean?

Syphus590: I'll keep it simple. I need those vials, and it's in your best
interest to hand them over.

M-Team: That doesn't line up with how she sounded in the chat logs.

Syphus590: Chat logs? Ahh, you mean on that Apple 2. Figures.

M-Team: What does that mean?

Syphus590: I mean, it figures that she would attempt to rewrite what she
needed to on that disk file, or else her little act would come to light

M-Team: Rewrite? Are you saying she manipulated the information on the
emulator? But even the D3B disk was talking about you like you were a threat.

Syphus590: You're not being serious, are you?

M-Team: What?

Syphus590: You do realize what "D3B" stands for, right?

M-Team: D3B felt like it was an AI, though. Was that something Deb created?

Syphus590: D3B IS Deb. It's her, it's not an AI, it's not some fortune teller,
it IS Deborah.

M-Team: How is that possible? Is she contacting us from somewhere?

Syphus590: A solid question, one you might want to ask her. After all, she
seemed to have no issue lying to you about who she really was, the least she
could do is tell you that. But regardless, that isn't what's important now. I
need that serum, I think now you understand how important it is. When are you
going to deliver what I want?

M-Team: I think right now, we really need to see what's going on.

Syphus590: What part of "Give me the vials" do you not understand. You're
testing me again.

M-Team: Just give us a few days.

Syphus590: Fine. The secrets to the 863 Project are here, waiting for you. If
you'd rather play detective longer, go ahead. I can't wait much longer.

M-Team: We will be in touch soon.

Syphus590: For your sake, I hope that's true.

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