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Natalie Young


Crafting S.M.A.R.T. Goals are designed to help you identify if what you want to achieve is realistic and determine a deadline. When writing S.M.A.R.T.
Goals use concise language, but include relevant information. These are designed to help you succeed, so be positive when answering the questions.

Write the goal you have in mind

 My goal is to become a better Ballerina.

S What do you want to accomplish? Who needs to be included? When do you want to do this? Why is this a goal?

 I want to learn How to be a better Ballerina so I can be in famous plays and be on shows. I want to do this by a couple years. This
SPECIFIC is my goal because I have been doing dance for 5 years, so I want to take a step up.

M How can you measure progress and know if you’ve successfully met your goal?

MEASURABL  I have dance every day, so I stretch there and do a bunch of exercises I also have jump ropes, rubber -bands, a bar, weights, and
E more to achieve my goal. During my performances that can be a practice for the real-world dancing and get me prepared.

Do you have the skills required to achieve the goal? If not, can you obtain them? What is the motivation for this goal? Is the
A amount of effort required on par with what the goal will achieve?

 I do have the skills to achieve this goal. My motivation for this goal is to watch Ballet on YouTube and do stretches like if I have a
ACHIEVABLE day of or on the weekend, I will do that to stay active. The amount of effort required on par is what my goal will achieve if I work
hard and try my best.

R Why am I setting this goal now? Is it aligned with overall objectives?

 I am setting this goal because my dream is to be a famous Ballerina, as well as a dancing school. Doing ballet has changed my
RELEVANT whole life before I didn’t know what to do at home but now I randomly dance and it turns out to be really fun.

T What’s the deadline and is it realistic?

 My deadline is in a couple of years I don’t want to make it like 3 months because it takes a lot of work and strength and I have to
TIME-BOUND work hard to achieve my goal and do everything and try my best. I feel my goal of a couple of years is good so I can mentally and
physically prepare for the real world.

Review what you have written, and craft a new goal statement based on what the answers to the questions above have revealed
GOAL  Because I want to become a professional Ballerina, I would like to become stronger, and practice, and stretch. I will use my
equipment to become stronger in my arms, legs, feet, and abs. I will watch YouTube videos to learn how to do certain positions or
moves that I don’t really understand so well. I love dancing and it has always been my dream to take a role on a show. I will
master becoming a professional ballerina by a couple of years. I’m not sure how long its going to take so I don’t have a specific

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