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Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography

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Transport Velocities of Single Particles in Bed-Load


Nils Meland & John O. Norrman

To cite this article: Nils Meland & John O. Norrman (1966) Transport Velocities of Single Particles
in Bed-Load Motion, Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 48:4, 165-182, DOI:

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Published online: 08 Aug 2017.

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Coastal Studies Institute, Louisiana State University, and Department of

Physical Geography, Uppsala University

ABSTRACT. In order to determine the inftuence of shear old limits for initiation of partide motion and
velocity (U.), bed roughness (k) and moving partide di- determination of sediment-transport rates on a
ameter (d) on particle bed-load transport, velocities of
single spherical glass beads (Vp) moving over beds of mass-per-time basis. Much less attention has been
rhombohedrally packed spherical glass beads were paid to the transport velocities of particles singly
determined under controlied Jaboratory conditions for or in groups. This in spite of the fact that differen-
scveral values of U •• k and d. A relationship between the tial velocities based on partide characteristics
position of zero water velocity (z 1) and bed roughness
(k) is established. (size, shape and density) probably is the major
Three "stages" of partide motion are recognized from factor in the sarting of sediments.
a plot of Vp on d. The degree of development of each is a A four-part experimental program was there-
function of all three major variables. fore started in order to investigate the following:
An empirkal solution is offered where Vp is considered
a function of u., k and d. A more detailed consideration l. The interacting effect of water velocity, bed
of the forces which tend to propel and retard a moving roughness and partide size on the transport rate
partide Jeads to the development of a semi-empirical for single particles with partide shape, density,
ex pression for the velocity of a single partide in contact- and bed-packing constant.
Joad motion.
- A list of symbols is found at the end of the paper. 2. Transport velacity and threshold limits for
the individual fractions in materials of mixed
Introduction sizes where the variables are water velocity,
At the end of 1964 a series of experimental in- median size, spread and skewness of mixture.
vestigations on the movement of bed-load sedi- 3. The effect of shape on transport rates and
ments was initiated at the Geomorphology Labo- threshold limits under the above conditions.
ratory of the Department of Physical Geography, 4. Owing to the special interest in beach-sedi-
Uppsala, Sweden. The investigations are a coop- ment processes which gave the impetus to these
erative venture between the department in Upp- series of experiments it is also desirable to deter-
sala and Coastal Studies Institute, Louisiana mine the effect of high-turbulence flows, such as
State University, Baton Rouge, La. Thelaborato- those found in the zones of breakers and swash,
ry experiments are part of a Jong-range program on sediment motion and the interaction of
of beach process studies initiated by Coastal velacity and time in the aseillatory movement of
Studies Institute. sediments by waves.
There is a general need among engineers and Although the entire series of investigations as
geologists to understand the basic processes in- proposed is airned at solving problems of sedi-
volved in sediment movement. The engineer needs ment transport in the nearshore marine zone,
the information to prediet sediment behaviour most of the results will apply equally well to
in his effort to contraJ the environment while the other hydrodynamic environments.
geologist needs it to interpret the environment On the basis of known physical laws, one may
both present and past. seek to define and resolve the forces acting upon
While the theoretidan has contributed many a partide in transport and from these consider-
valuable concepts, particularly in the realm of ations develop theoretical expressions which
hydrodynamics there is a general need for more can be verified by observations and experimenta-
experimental work upon which to solidly found tions. This is a difficult approach because it
functions of transport rates. Experimental re- assumes knowledge of all physicallaws governing
search emphasis has been on establishing thresh- partide motion and their relative importance at

GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER • 48 A 11966) • 4 165


the different stages of motion. With the present Initiation of motion

state of knowledge it is unavoidable that some The common approach to theoretical derivation
assumptions rather than physical laws enter into of formulas for initiation of partide motion is
the theoretical considerations contributing to the made by considering the threshold balance of
limited success and applicability of existing fluid and resisting forces acting on a single
theoretically derived bed-load formulas. Another partide at rest on the bed. For uniform-sized,
alternative is to perform controHed experiments spherical particles and fully rough flow Sundborg
and from the observations establish empirical (1956, p. 174) arrived at the following equation,
relationships between partide behaviour and
causative factors. 2
Te= 3Yl Y2 k((!p- ew) g(tan rf>cosi ±sin i) (l)
Because of the great number of variables
involved in partide transportation it is unlikely where Te = critical boundary shear, k = par-
that a strictly theoretical approach will succeed. tide diameter, g = acceleration due to gravity,
In practice a semi-theoretkal approach is nec- (!p = partide density, ew = fluid density, r/> =
essary where some of the variables are experi- partide angle of repose, i = angle of bed slope
mentally determined. In this report the data is ( + sign refers to flow up an inclined bed), y 1 =
applied both to a semi-theoretical and a strictly packing coefficient of bed particles according to
empirical approach. White (1940) and y 2 is a coefficient that depends
The object of this study was to determine the "mainly on the degree of turbulence". Quoting
interacting effect of a limited number of variables Kalinske's (1943) statement that, "fluctuations
upon particle-transport velocity which would equal to twice the mean vetocity at a point in the
serve as a foundation upon which to base more turbulent zone near a boundary can readily be
ambitious studies of mass transportation in expected" Sundborg finds that, "since shear
mixed materials. In addition, the data throws some stress varies as the square of the velocity, it might
new light on the subject of bed-load transport be expected that y 2 for fully turbulent flow should
and, it is fel t, merits the attention of the sedimen- be of the order of 0.25". H e al so finds this value to
tologist. be in good agreement with Shields' curve, which
expresses y 2 as a function of the ra tio of partide
size to the thickness of the laminar sublayer
Variables involved (Shields 1936, p. 11).
The present investigation covers only a limited A recent review on the subject of initiation of
part of a vast complex and it is not our ambition motion by Vanoni (1966) includes a functional
to present the complete theoretical background. equation p roposed by Egiazaroff (1965), whi ch for
However, in our design we have naturally been fully rough flow and in our notations reads,
guided by previously published theories and 4
experimental investigations. It is therefore ap- Te= 3 ((!p- (!w) k Ci/ (8.5 + 5.75log 0.63)- 2 (2)
propriate to review a few formulas which are
considered of particular importance and discuss where Ck is the ordinary drag coefficient for
the variables involved. It should be stressed that spheres determined as a function of the Reynolds
all known formulas for initiation of motion or number (wk/v), w = terminal fall velocity, and
bed-load transportation are based on the assump- Y = kinematic viscosity.
tion of material homogeneity, that is, the partide The equation is based on the assumptions that,
in question rests on a bed composed of particles "at threshold conditions the velocity that the
having the same size. Thus they do not apply to partide on the bed experiences is equal to its free
mixed materials where the partide rests on a bed fall velocity", that k = ks "the characteristic
composed of particles including other sizes. roughness size of the sediment" and that the
Since heterogeneity of size is common for natural following equation relating fluid vetocity to shear
sediments and since a heterogeneous system does velocity at fully rough flow (Nikuradse 1932,
not easily !end itself to theoretical solutions the 1933, Schlichting 1951),
lack of basic experimental data on mixed material
is a serious hinder to the complete understanding
uz =
- 8.5 + 5.75log-
of processes involving erosion, transportation u* ks
and deposition of sediments. is applicable. Uz is the fluid vetocity at a distance

166 G E O G R A F JS KA A N N A L E R ' 4 8 A ( 1 9 6 6) ' 4


z above the bed and the shear velacity U* is depends on the distribution of impulses from the
defined by To = ewu;. Finally it is assumed fluid and the paths of the particles. Here it is only
that the fluid velacity which satisties the equation necessary to state that it is possible to find an
occurs at a z of 0.63k. The introduction of fall effective height above the bed with a representative
velacity is attractive, but the assumptions were fluid vetocity which satisties the equation. The
found to hamper an application to our data. efficiency is certainly dependent on the state of
turbulence, and thus related to y 2 (cf. eq. 1).
Bed-load motion
For practical use it has been of main interest to Concluding remarks
produce formulas for bed-load transpartatian In flume experiments material characteristics can
that express the amount of material transported, readily be controlled. If only spherical particles
and not partide velocity. are considered, individual partide characteristics
A bed-load formula, based on assumptions can be reduced to size (particle diameter) and
similar to Sundborg's on threshold conditions, is density or alternatively to terminal fall velocity.
given byKalinske (1947), The pattern of bed-partide arrangement in-
fluences partide movement as weil as flow. A
(4) close rhombohedral packing of uniform parti-
cles fulfills the requirements of similarity with
change of bed-partide size. The degree ofpacking
where M = mass transported per unit width, is eonstant for all sizes and can be exactly de-
expressed as weight perunit time, Te = the criti- fined.
cal shear at which transportation commences, With single particles in motion the average
and 1p ( ~) is a special function for bed-load
partide velocity over a given length is easily
determined. The effect of absolute partide size
transportation. This function is dependent on and size in relation to bed roughness can be
the state of turbulence. Thus y 1 and indirectly y 2 systematically studied by variation of bed-partide
are included in the formula. size (k) and size of particles (d) brought into
An approach which also in part is similar to motion. Mechanical resistance to contact-load
Sundborg's is proposed by Bagnold (1956). It motion ma y be expressed as a function of packing
has been used by Leopold, Wolman and Miller and d and k, or solety of d and k if packing is
(1964, p. 173)-referring to an unpublished kept eonstant
manuscript by Bagnold (1960)-in a discussion The partide is propelled by power that has the
on "the nature of fluid force and its relation to dimension of force x velacity. Shear stress expres-
debris movement". In our notations the formula ses the force acting on the particles and the vetoc-
may be written, ity is that of the fluid. Shear-stress vetocity (U*)
is related to fluid vetocity ( Uz) and in an open
flume u., and so T 0 , can be calculated by deter-
mination of the velacity distribution.
For a given flow over a specific bed neither
where Vb = the average velocity of the mass (M) shear nor fluid velocity for a fixed point are the
transported, eb = efficiency factor expressing the same at each moment but fluctuate considerably
effective fraction of the total available power, and because of turbutence. U* and Uz represent mean
Uz is "the fluid velocity at the effective mean values, but the particles experience impulses
height where the fluid is pushing the grains at from a distribution of forces and velocities, and
their average velocity". therefore it seems most IogicaJ to include a
Both right and left hand side of the equation measure of turbulence such as y 2 used by Sund-
have the dimensions of power (force x velocity). borg in eq. (1). The most serious hindrance to a
The equation can be said to be built on the bal- complete understanding of sedimentary processes
ance of forces used in derivations offormulas for is probably the lack of instrumentation by which
entrainment of motion (cf. eq. l) and then rapid velocity and pressure variations can be
multiplied with respectively bed-load velacity accurately recorded.
( Vb) and fluid vetocity (Uz). The definition of In our planning we felt that with above men-
Uz seems questionable as the pushing action tioned characteristics quantitatively determined

GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER • 48 A t1968) • 4 167


Fig. l. Part of the rhombohedrally pack ed bed of glass beads with a diameter of. 776 cm. On to p of the bed, beads with
diameters of. 776, .393, and .209 cm. Flo w direction was parallel to the base of the pictures.

from experiments the problem of single-partide Table l lists the mean size d defined as partide
motion could be attacked by studies of simple diameter, standard deviation s and den si ty (!p of the
part relations and compound relations. In this material used. Partide diameter was determined
way it should be possible to distinguish the with the hel p of a micrometer. It was not possible
significance of different characteristics and to to determine (!p for individual particles so that
present a solution for partide velacity valid at a standard deviation of (!p within sizes is not
)east within the limits of the experimental available. The standard deviation of (!p between
conditions. sizes is, however, 0.026 and since the beads are
produced from large batches of glass it is unlikely
Experimental conditions that the standard deviation of (!p within sizes is
Flum e larger than 0.026. Glass beads with air inclusions
were not used in the experiments.
The experiments were carried out in a plexiglas
flume 5.6 m Iong and 10 cm wide. The fl u me could Table l. Mean size (d) in cm, standard deviation
be tilted to any desired dip and water depth (s) and density ((!p) in g cm- 3 of glass beads.
adjusted by a sluice gate at the lower end. The d s ~
amount of water flowing through could be .776 .013 2.51
accurately determined by free fall over a right- .700 .019 2.52
angle sharp-crested weir. .595 .019 2.56
Measurements inside the flume were carried .510 .030 2.56
out from a trolley riding on harizontal rails above .393 .011 2.52
the flume. With the hel p of a thin rod fastened to .315 .009 2.57
a vertically oriented vernier scale movable by a .209 .003 2.56
ratehet it was possible to determine water depth Bed roughness k was established by glueing
and dip of the flume. W ater depth could also be glass beads in a rhombohedral pattern onto sheets
determined by two scales fastened on the outside of plexiglas and placing these on the flume bot-
of the transparent flume, in either case the tom. The glueing was most successfully accom-
accuracy was ± l mm. plished by thinning water-resistent glass glue with
acetone and pouring it over the beads already
Partic/e and bed characteristics arranged on the plexiglas sheets in the desired
[n order to limit the number of variables to par- pattern. The glue applied in this manner will flow
ticle size, bed roughness and water flow, partide to the bottom of the layer of beads leaving a
shape, density and packing of the bed had to be coating less than 0.01 mm thick on the beads
constant. This was accomplished by using tpemselves, and the partide size is insignificantly
spherical glass beads with nearly eonstant increased by the glue. In order to insure eonstant
density and size arranged in dosest possible, ftow conditions over the test seetian the entire
rhombohedral packing illustraled by Fig. l. length of the flume was covered with glass beads.

168 GE:.OGRAFISKA ANNALER • 48 A (1966)' 4


A series of experiments were also run with beads leve!. The system was calibrated with an O. H.
of rhombohedrally packed loose beads in three Kempten propeller-type laboratory velocity me-
or more layers. ter. Due to the small opening in the dynamic
pressure tube and the relatively !arge volume of
Measurements water in the plastic hose and glass tubes the
Partic/e velacity system reacts rather slowly to velocity changes.
This has the disadvantage that about five mi nu tes
Particle-transport velocity V11 was determined by must be allowed fo ~ the system to reach ist final
timing the passage of a partide over a l m test position after a change in velocity, but the
section located approximately in the middle of dampening etfect minimizes the influence of
the flume. In order to insure a reasonably good velocity fluctuations and eases determination of
estimate of the average transport rate 20 or 30 a mean velocity. In our experiments observed
velocity determinations were made for each earn- variations about the mean never exceed ± 1.5
bination of water velocity, bed roughness and cm/see. The manometer readings were obtained
carticle size and a mean transport velocity ( V11 ) by calculating a mean value from the fluctuating
palculated. This average includes eventual stop- readings observed during a couple of minutes.
ping time. The data for this report comprises The maximum reading error is less than ± 0.5
about 260 such means or 6500 single observa- cm/see.
tions. By holding the distance eonstant the par- Velocity readings were made in the middle of
tide velocity was actually measured in sec./m, the flume. The lowest reading was taken as near
which was then converted to cm/see. in order to the boundary as possible. On the roughest bed
correspond with the water-velocity measurements. where portions of the tube could be placed be-
With discontinuous partide motion it is ex- tween the roughness elements it was possible to
pected that the average velocity of the partide make the first reading 0.05 cm above the tops of
having the highest frequency of stops will be the roughness elements, otherwise lowest readings
somewhat doser estimated over a test section were made 0.15 cm above the tops of the rough-
of limited length than a partide with a lower ness elements. Readings made doser than 0.25 cm
stopping frequency. Our data does not, however, to the boundary, however, deviate somewhat
indicate that this etfects is significant. from the straight-Iine velocity gradient and are
In order to minimize the etfect of partide in- not included in determination of the velocity
sertion the particles were dropped into the flume gradient. This deviation is at !east partly due to
some distance upstream from the test section the interaction of pitot tube dimension and
and allowed to trave! on the bed in to the test area. velocity gradient. The average of the velocity field
To reduce side-wall etfects particles travening subtended by the opening of the pitot tu be occurs
doser than ca. l cm to the wall were not included in the middle of the opening only if the velocity
in the sample. The dip of the flume was never gradient is linear. Near the boundary where tht:
more than 0.5° which is only about l % of the gradient deviates extremely from the linear the
angle of repose for the particles and probably average velocity occurs some distance above the
does not influence the results significantly. middle of the tube opening tending to give
velocity readings which are too high.
Fluid velacity Side-wall etfects on the velocity gradient are
The velocity measurements were carried out with significant only within l cm of the wall. Velocity
a Filess pitot tube with a 3 mm outside diameter. readings made in the middle of the flume were
By means of double wall construction both the therefore taken to represent that portion of the
dynamic and static pressure tubes are included in transverse section used in the experiments.
the same unit. The dynamic-pressure tube has an
inside diameter of l mm. The pitot tube is con- Relations between fluid velocity, bed roughness
nected by flexible plastic hose to glass tu bing with andshear
3 mm inside bore resting on an inclined plate
with a graduated scale. Since this is an open sys- Velacity gradient
tem the static pressure is simply a measure of the The velocity gradient in turbulent flow near a
water leve! in the flume and the manometer must fixed boundary is described by the formula
be raised or lowered in accordance with this (Rouse 1946, p. 193),

G E O G R A F l S K A A N N A L E R ' 4 8 A 11 9 8 8) • 4 169

b' 0.108v
(6) z 1 = - = - - (Rouse 1946 p. 194) (7)
107 u.
where U* is the boundary shear velocity, Uz is substituting for z 1 in farmula (6) we then get:
the velacity at height z above the hydrodynamic
zero velacity reference surface and z1 is the dis- u.z
U2 = U* 5.75 log--+ 5.5 (8)
tance above the reference surface where the v
velacity curve erosses the ordinate. All properlies
of the semi-logarithmic velacity gradient depend which is known as the Kårmån-Prandtl equation
upon the choice of reference surface. In the case for the velacity distribution in turbulent flow
of a smooth surface the reference plane may be near smooth boundaries.
taken as the interface of wall and liquid hut with In the case of rough boundaries the laminar
a rough boundary the choice of reference surface sublayer will be disrupted in part or entirely by
is more complex, especially when the roughness the roughness elements. It is commonly assumed
elements are non-uniform in size, shape and that the flow is fully rough, that is no laminar
packing. sublayer exists when k > 14 15' or expressed as a
In this experiment the surface is constructed of boundary Reynolds number
hexagonall y packed spherical particles of unitarm u. k
Rc=-->70 (9)
size and the problem issimpler. Schlichting(1936)
suggested that the free-flow reference surface
could be considered as the plane formed by the the flow is considered transitional when 70> Rb>
equivalent melted volume of the roughness ma- >5 and smooth when 5>Rb>O(Schlichting 1951,
terial. For our experimental surface this plane p. 381). In smooth flow, surface drag is trans-
would be slightly higher than one partide radius mitted to the flow in the form of viscous frietian
above the bottom of the partide layer. Such through the laminar sublayer. In rough flow,
observations as could be made on the flow pat- however, the roughness elements are in direct
tern suggest, however, that free flow can be ex- contact with the turbulent flow and the drag is
pected above the contact points or radius of the due entirely to their form resistance.
particles and a reference surface corresponding According to our velacity measurements z 1
to this leve] was therefore chosen. varies only slightly for each specific roughness at
Additional evidence that this choice ofreference all flows except the two lowest (U* = 2.02 and
is reasonably correct is that near the boundary 1.73) on the .209 cm bed (cf.Fig.2a). The bound-
the velacity gradient follows the straight Iine ary Reynolds number is also greater than 70 in
logarithmic relationship described by farmula all cases except the same two. It was therefore
(6), (cf. Fig. 2). If the reference surface was not concluded that but for the two exceptions men-
nearly correct the velacity gradient would deviate tioned the flows of the experiments were fully
from a straight Iine and farmula (6) would no rough.
longer apply. From Fig. 2 we also see that the
velacity gradient deviates markedly from a straight
Iine at some height above the boundary. Since Bed roughness as a function of particle size
partide transport in this experiment is as bed Owing to the absence of a laminar sublayer on a
load we are, however, only interested in the flow fully rough surface z1 in farmula (6) no longer
characteristics close to the bed and the conditions depends upon b' instead it has been shown by
in the upper part of the flow may be ignored. Nikuradse and others that z 1 is a function only
In no case is the Froude number greater than of the roughness elements k so that for a given k,
0.9 indicating tranquil flow for the entire experi- z 1 is constant. In transitional flow bed roughness,
mental series. and with it z 1, is reduced by the presence of a
partially developed laminar sublayer. Based on
Nikuradses experiment it has been shown that
Laminar sublayer z 1 in the transition region is a function of the ratio
In turbulent flow past a smooth boundary a k!b' (Rouse 1946, p. 206).
laminar sublayer exists which is related to z 1 in While the constancy of z 1 with eonstant k has
farmula (6) in the following manner: been convincingly demonstrated, the rate of

170 GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER • 48 A 11966) • 4

U2 (cm/sec.l U z (cm/see.)
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90 100 110 120 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90 100 110 120
ro - ,-,--,--,-,--,--,--,-,--,--,-,--,--,--,-,--,--,-,--,--,-,--,--,--,-,10
o oce ib o o
o o o o o g 'bl 'b 8 o ~
o o o o o o o 88 -15
o o o
g q J/
'{' <f ,o co o/ o /o o
o o o
g!fg d6 d
g1i/ ~ojIYJo'8/ ~ ~ o/
9 g w "bl o o o ci v~ .t' '{~8 ~ cf gl ~d .0/0
ol ol o o o' o d
o o 6 o' ol o ol o'
/! ~· g "'oo"''f
o "'~~cy~rl>t~oo-
cP"oa 0 .0 ~-;,~.oocf'o ,d
,,.o~ 0,o/
f f l l l l l /o /o
u o o o o o o o 0 ...-o
. o ,o ,F dd do o'o oP' o'o -· 2
~ l l l l l l l / p ,o . p',{{ 9' 09' ...-o
~?~,o,: 9 <3'oo o /o
§ ....:?1"\il ~g ~~'p/ ?>/ o o ooo p o&' .oo o/
'lit ...,.p v·Pv·Pv·/ 'o\{ 0/0 00.0000 0/ /o
:::l of ol o o o o o p l oo o o l / o· /o
l l l l 6 o o o o· do ,o o·
o o o'l o o o o j /0
l l l l l l 0/0
9' ,d // ,ci ,d ,cio ,0.0 o/o
o o o pO O 0 ,0 1 0 1 o 0
/ o/ 5
l l l o o' 1 1 °/o 10 o
o o o 0 0/
l l /0/0/0
o lo l o l o 6::1 --6
l ' /
llll /
o o o o o o o o /o l f /O O O O /v 0 /
l l l l l l l .5
o o o o o o o d ro o /o/L .o/o o
l l l l l l l l /o .4
o .o
o l /o
.O o
l ////
o o .o o o


L____l_____L___[__j___j__l____L__l__j___l__L_l__L__]_____L__l___j__l____j__L__L__L__L__i_] . 05

Fig. 2. Velecity distributions for flow over beds of .209 cm glass beads (a)
and .776 cm beads (b). The velocities (Uz) are measured at heights (z) above
the centre of the bed particles.


,_. l , l , L, l , c_, l , l , ~~

change in z 1 with change in k is not that clear. vestigated. The importance of these additional
Nikuradse in his experiments with sand roughness variables is obvious and it is therefore not
found z 1 to be directly proportional to k according realistic to extend the findings from a surface of
to the relationship tightly packed spheres directly to a natural sedi-
ment surface. On the other hand it is useful to
(lO) have a standard reference for hydrodynamic
roughness comparisons. The Nikuradse sand
roughness equivalent which is commonly used
substituting for z 1 in farmula (6) we get: for this purpose is unsatisfactory for two pri-
uz = z
5.75 log-+ 8.5 (Il)
mary reasons. Firstly, it has been demonstrated
by this experiment and others that the ra tio ~ is
U* k
which is the much quoted Kårmån-Prandtl not universally applicable to all roughnesses and
equivalent for fully developed rough flow. For environments. Secondly, a sand surface can nev-
transitional flow the formuta is er be accurately duplicated neither with respect
to the shape of the individual grains nor packing
5.75 log k- + 8.5 (12)
u. = 0.: z 1 (cm)
.10 ,-----,----,--,--,--,-.,----u,
where o.: is a correction factor which depends upon
the ratio of k to the thickness of the laminar .OB

sublayer. Since Nikuradse's experiments were .07 o

published other relationships of z 1 and k have
been determined. According to Woodruff and .06

Chepil (1965) Bagnold found the value of z 1 =

~ while Z. M. White found z 1 to be approxi- log z 1 =log .115 + 1.95 log k

mately l t1mes
. . d'Iameter, an d A . W.
t h e gram
Zingg found z 1 to vary as the logarithm of the
roughness diameter according to the relationship:
z1 = 0.81 log 0.1 (13)

From our experiments we find that the logarithm

of z1 is related to the logarithm of k (cf. Fig. 3)
according to the following formula:

log z1 = 1.950 log k- 0.939 (14)

Rewriting and substituting for z 1 in formuta (6)
we get

Uz z
U*= 5.75 logkl. 95 + 5.4 (15)

which expresses the velacity gradient for fully

developed rough flow for our experimental con- o
ditions. .005 : - - - - - : : - - - - ; - - - ; - - ; - - - - : ; - - - ; - - - - : : - - : ; ' .
.2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .B .9 1.0
Roughness is presently defined only by the k(cm)

dimension k and the effect of such variables as Fig. 3. Relation between bed-partide size (k) and the bed-
packing and shape of grains has not been in- roughness parameter z 1 for fully rough ftow.

172 G E O G R A F l S K A A N N A L E R • 4 8 A 11 8 8 8) • 4

of the surface. It seems more logical to establish with bed roughness. This explains why, as k
a standard where both shape of the particles increases, partide size has a growing influence on
(spheres) and packing (hexagonal) is constant, vp.
leaving size as the only variable. Such a surface As U* in creases the particles ten d mo re and
has the advantage that it can be duplicated and more to trave! near the top of the bed without
the functional relationship between partide size descending completely into the depressions.
and hydrodynamic roughness is a straight Iine as Consequently the partide is subjected to de-
demonstrated by our experiment. More experi- creasing roughness and d has successively less
mental data is needed and in investigations now influence on rolling resistance.
under way to determine particle-transport rates sediment sarting by size is a function of both
in materials of mixed size attention is being paid differential partide threshold limits and transport
to this problem. velocity. Our data suggests that on the basis of
absolute partide velacity differences, the inten-
Partide transportation sity of sarting should increase away from the
Effect of partide size on VP threshold limits for motion and become less
effective again at high transport velocities. The
Figs. 4a and 4b illustrate several interesting facts sarting effect should also increase with increase
about the influence of size upon partide velacity in bed roughness. Although our data applies to a
with change in shear velacity and bed roughness. simplified system, the trend described may with
The most obvious relationship demonstrated is some modification apply to natural conditions.
that for a given bed roughness and shear velacity
a !arge partide rnaves faster than a small, an E.ffect of fixed ~·ersus loose bed
observation made by among others Gilbert (1916), In an initial series of experiments only the end
Hjulström (1935), Nevin (1946), lppen and Verma seetians of the bed was glued on while the middle
(1953) and Byrne (1965). We also see that the 2 meter section where the timing took place was
rate of increase in partide velacity with size is built up of three or more layers of tightly packed
indirectly related to u. and directly related to k loose glass beads. White this was possible with
so that at high velocities and small bed roughness particles 0.4 cm and larger it was not possible
the influence of size is a minimum. with particles less than 0.4 cm because the loose
The prime factor responsible for the phenom- bed would erode at relatively low water velocities
ena described is the geometric partide to bed and could not support !arge particles. Thus in
relationship which influences both rolling resis- order for our observations to include bed rough-
tance and the partide position in the vetocity ness down to 0.2 cm we had to glue even the
field. middle two meter section. In order to determine
Rolling resistance due to bed geometry can be whether transport rates obtained over a loose
expressed by the tangent of the angle of repase cp versus solid bed could reasonably be compared,
(cf. p. 178) experiments were run with the middle seetian
tan cp= 0.866[(d/k) 2 + 2d/k -1/3] -o.s (16) alternately loose and glued for beds camposed of
the sizes 0.393 cm and 0.776 cm.
and the difference in height (y) of the tops of two As Fig. 4b clearly demonstrates, the rigidity
particles with diameters d1 and d2 at rest on a bed of the bed is a determining factor in the transport
of particles with diameter k by rate of spherical particles. A reasonable explana-
tion of the higher transport velocities obtained
y = (dl - d2) (dl + d2 + 2k) (17)
over a solid bed is that it offers greater elastic
The greater vetocity achieved by the targer rebound to the partide in motion thus helping
partide for a given roughness and shear vetocity to keep it on the move and bring it higher off the
is evidently due to its position higher off the bed bed into greater water velocities. As expected the
where it is exposed to greater current velocities effect is less pronounced with lower velocities,
and the decrease in rolling resistance (tan cp) indeed on a bed roughness = 0.776 cm and U*
with increase in d (formula 16). = 6.36 the situation is reversed and particles
Formulas (16) and (17) show that both differ- trave! samewhat faster on a loose than on a solid
ence in tan cp and difference in height of the bed. This is probably due to slight vibration and
partide tops for different-sized particles increases movement in the loose bed which will assist a

GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER • 48 A (1 9881 • 4 173

d (cm) d (cm)
.2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8

6.89 • • • • • •

-<?- -<?--<:>- 50

• 5.71 • • • • • • \J., cmfseC·

• • • • • • -<?-

• 4.88
-<?- -<?-
• • • • • -<?-
• 4.1,8 • • • 30

• • • • -<?-

• • •
-9- -9-
• • • -9-
• -9- •

• • o• o
• o
• • • • ••
• .
• o -!!?
2.82 • • 1.~..~

g • Il A

a. •
• • Il 0
• • o A

• • • • q'o
• A A

• 0


Fig. 4. Partide velocity (Vp) as a function of the size 0

(d) of particles transported, plotted for various fixed
shear velocities (U.). The diagram ab o ve (a) re fers
to a rigid bed of .209 cm particles, the diagram to the
right (b) to a rigid bed of. 776 cmparticles (circles). In
the latter diagram some velocities obtained for a loose
bed are included (triangles). Circles and triangles
marked the same way indicate identical shear velocity.

• b

174 G E O G RA F l S KA A N N AL E R • 4 8 A {1 9 8 8) • 4

partide in commencing movement and thus re- loss" is the relationship between the particles
duce stopping time. These observations suggest criticallimits and the water velocity fluctuations.
that elastic rebound which has been discussed As pointed out by Hjulström (1935) a partide
at length by among others Bagnold (1941) in has two limits. One is the velocity required to
connection with wind transported sand may be a initia te motion uci and the other is that required
force to reckon with in fluvial transport as weil. to sustain the motion ucs· ucs has been estimated
The effect of bed elasticity is probably most by Schaffernak (1922 p. 13), Hjulström (1935 p.
closely dependent upon packing of the material. 323), Menard (1950, p. 151) and others as
In order to elimirrate the variable elasticity, only approximately 2/3 Uc;· Because of turbulence
data from solid beds was included in the final the velocity applied to a partide is not eonstant
analysis. but continuously changing according to a normal
(Kalinske, 1943) or slightly skewed velocity
Transport stages frequency distribution (Einstein and El Samni,
When VP is plotted against d for eonstant k and 1949).
fixed values of u* it is possible to discern three It is easy to see that the highest velocity in the
different "stages" of partide motion as illustrated distribution must equal or exceed Uc1 for a given
by Fig. 4b for a bed roughness of 0.776 cm. The partide in order for the partide to move at all.
initial stage immediately above the threshold It is equally obvious that if even the weakest
for partide motion shows very rapid increase in pulse available exceeds that required to keep the
partide velocity with increase in d illustrated by partide moving, continuous motion results. The
the big jump between the 0.209 and 0.315 cm problem is more complex when one or both
particles at U* = 7.48 and 8.15. This stage is critical limits lie within the range of velocity
active only within a very narrow size range and is fluctuations. As the critical limit Uc1 is exceeded
replaced by a stage of more moderate increase Ucs lies within the velocity frequency distribution
best developed in our experiment for U* = 6.36. and the prohability of sustained motion is a di-
A narrow transition zone separates this stage from rect function of the percentage of velocity pulses
one where the increase in partide velocity with which exceed Ucs· Only velocity pulses which
increase in d is considerably slower. exceed VP are efficient in moving the partide and
The mode of transport is continuous for the conversely, all velocity pulses less than VP will
upper stage but discontinuous, that is the partide resist partide motion. This may weil account for
experiences one or more stops while traversing the relatively slow partide velocity in the stop-
the test section, for the lower two stages. and-go stage even when stopping time is subtract-
The degree of development of the various ed. The steeper slope in the stop-and-go stage
stages is thus a function of the mode of transport. should then be a reflexion of the gain in efficiency
At high U* and small k motion tends to be con- as a greater percentage of the velocity pulses
tinuous shortly after the critical partide size is exceeds VP. In the stage of continuous motion full
reached and consequently the seeond stage is efficiency is reached where all velocity pulses
poorly developed or absent as shown by Fig. 4a contribute to partide motion.
for k = .209. Owing to the lack of instrumentation with
In order to determine whether stopping account- which to measure turbulence the relationships just
ed for all the difference in slope between the discussed can only be inferred. More detailed
continuous and "stop-and-go" stages, the num- studies are needed to clarify these problems.
ber and length of stops were recorded. By
subtracting stopping time from total time it was Effect of U*, k and d on VP
possible to determine the velocity for the partide With packing, partide density and shape eon-
only while moving. Surprisingly enough only stant and assumed eonstant turbulence the
about 30 % of the difference in slope between the variables in our experiment are all a function of
continuous and discontinuous stage can be three major variables, namely U*, k and d. It is
accounted for by stopping time. Acceleration and possible, therefore, to empirically determine the
deceleration between stops probably play a role interacting effect of only these three variables on
but such visual observations as are possible vp.
suggest that this effect is small. In all prohability d and k are both independent variables while
the largest factor contributing to this "efficiency U* is not independent but varies directly as a

G E O G R A F l S K A A N N A L E R • 4 B A C1 9 6 6) • 4 175

, "; •• " function of both current velocity and bed rough-

>ooi--r---,--r-rTTrr!ril=----,l__::_r--1.-llri'---v-r_,:-r----r-r--i neSS (formula 15), Vp iS a direC( fUnCtiOn Of
current velocity but varies inverse/y with bed
+ .r
roughness. Thus current velocity affects U* and
6 .393cm
.- VP in the same direction while bed roughness
• .209cm ...~:
affects u* and vp in opposite directions sothat
- VP may relate directly, indirectly or not at all to
= U* depending on the relative current velocity and
_ bed roughness. Therefore, sediment behaviour
cannot be related to U* without considering the
.·(. - effect of bed roughness as weil. Unsuccessful
- attempts have been made to relate sediment
discharge rates in rivers to U* and as pointed out
- by Vanoni and Brooks (1957) the reason isthat as
-;-' ,.--------,
..t-;- current velocity increases, bed formschange with
.· accompanying reduction in bed roughness.
Consequently, if the effect of variable bed rough-
) ness on U* is not accounted for a nonsense
t· - relationship results.
The empirical solution induding all available
data presented graphically in Fig. 5 was arrived
at by first considering VP a function of U* d with
k constant. It became apparent that by raising d
- to a power n such that the rate of change in VP
with d corresponded with the rate of change in
. '
a vp with u* all the points would fall on a single
Iine. As previously discussed the influence of size
4 on VP is not eonstant but varies as a function of
- both U* and k. Bed roughness k affects partide
..... ~ velocity directly through frictional resistance to
?-;- partide motion and indirectly through its in-
fluence on the velocity gradient, so that as bed
roughness increases partide velocity decreases
not only due to increased frictional resistance but
also because the rougher boundary dissipates
- more energy from the flow in the form of tur-
o• bulence, leaving less available to move a given
partide. k must therefore appear in the denomi-
natoron the abscissa term giving k* dn where the
exponen t n varies as a function o f ku* in the
following manner

o t~
. ,,..-;-,



Fig. 5. Vp plotted as a function of U* dn where Vp =

km k
-;--;-• partide velocity, k= diameter of particles composing the
bed, U• = sh ear velocity and d= diameter of transported
+ '• ' particle. The exponent n is a f unetio n of U •, m is a f une-
-;- ' c
·' L.L..L-J......L..L.LL.l..LL.C....i...Li-L...l_.l........lli_ _L.L.__.t_I...Li-L_.1........11L-.J
tion of u. dn.

176 GEOGRAF1SKA ANNALER • 48 A (1988)' 4


c·~. kr3l
stages described by the above formulas. lt is not
when ~· > 11.1 n= (18) possible to write a separate equation for this
initial stage because it includes such a narrow

and when u*<11.1 n= c-014
ky· 26
(19) u.
range of kdn and only two observations fall
within it. Neither is it possible to accurately
We see that the tota l term ku*d n mcreases
· on1y determine threshold limits of motion.
The empirical solution presented applies only
in response to increased water velacity or de- to our special experimental conditions and the
creased k, while an increase in k leads to decrease eonstants appearing in the formulas are there-
in the term to earrespond with the loss in velacity fore of no particular importance. Only the ar-
applied to a given particle. rangement of the variables is of interest.
The resistance to partide motion due to bed
roughness is accounted for by placing k in the A semi-empirical formula for particle velocity
denaminatar of the or dmate term g1vmg -
. . vv
km starting from the bed-load farmula (5) on p.
167 an attempt was made to derive a farmula for
where the exponent m varies as a function of
partide velocity. lt was primarily assumed that
U* d" in the following manner turbulence affects the motion and that efficiency
k can be taken in to account by a function related to
the state of turbulence, f(turb.), and a height
when U* dn> 8 5 above the bed (z.) related to the effective fluid
k . '
(20) velocity. For a harizontal bed, equation (5) may
m= -
24.05 + 23.391og k* d" then be rewritten as,

u r.v - f! w M g Vb tan -l.= f (turb.) f! w lf2 Uz (25)

(}p 't' • e
when 8.5 < k* dn< 10,

u. (21) By the general formul a for fluid-velacity distri-

m= - 1.33 + 2.08log k dn bution (eq. 6, p. 170) the right-hand side of the
equation can be changed to,
m= 0.75 (22)
5.75 /(turb.) f! w (log~) u~ (26)

It is now possible to express partide transport

As defined z. must assume values within the
velocities for the stage of stop-and-go motion,
height interval of the actual partide motion in
that is when ~* dn< ca. 8.25, by the farmula order to be physically meaningful. Neither z.
nor f(turb.) could be experimentally determined
in our investigation and there are no formulas
vp= (u* dn)l9.24 (23) known from other flume experiments which
km k0.14 could be directly applied. Therefore f(turb.) has
to be approximated by same established general
and for the transitional and continuous stages,
when - - > ca. 8.25 the following farmula Following Kalinske, Sundborg used the factor
k y 2 in order to express the influence of turbulence
applies for threshold conditions (cf. p. 166). y 2 is related
to shear and its numerical value for fully rough
(24) flow is on the order of0.25. A function ofy 2 was
assumed to possibly approximate f(turb.). When
y 2 is introduced in eq. (25) it should have the
Close to the threshold limit of motion V" power of 1.5, because the right-hand side of the
km equation indudes shear x velocity, and velacity
increases much more rapidly than for the two varies as the square roat of shear.
GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER' 48 A (1966) • 4 177

With ?' 2 = 0.25 the farmula for partide velac- res without surface adhesion or influences of any
irn:gularities can be easily calculated when the
ity will include log(~) /0.25 1 •5 • The numerical path which the partide takes when rnaving out
of its stable 3-point contact position is known.
value must be Jooked upon as a first approxima- The possible extremes are over the great circle of
tion, but according to our experimental data it is a bed partide and through the saddle between
of the right order. Because of the logarithmic two bed particles. According to Miller and Byrne
expression the ratio is very sensitive to changes (1965) "the most Iikely path of rolling is consid-
in y 2 • Anticipating the discussion of our data ered to lie midway between these extremes".
this may be demonstrated by a numerical exam- With this path the angle of repase will be defined
ple. With d and k = 0.40 cm and y 2 = 0.25 we by formula (16). Rather crude experiments per-
lind that ze = 0.50 cm, which is in good agree- formed by t il ting beds showed the angle of repase
ment with our qualitative observations of partide in our setup to be in agreement with this formula.
motion. If y 2 is increased by 1/10 to 0.35, Ze If the factors of the preeecting discussion are
must be 4.20 cm to fit the experimentally deter- inserted in eq. (25) the explicit expression for
mined partide velocities. A fluid velacity at this partide velacity is
height cannot be reasonably related to partide
motion in close contact with the bed.
In the present investigation we are not working
- ew 5.15 log-z.
v = 3 zl u3
with a mass of bed material but with single p Yl y~·s k do.s (ev - ew) g tan cP •
spherical particles travelling with the velacity vp
over a bed of spherical particles. The effective where for a rhombohedrally packed bed y 1
surface of the bed particles that ma y be subjected .907, tan cp is defined by eq. (16), and for fully
to stress is nk 2!4 and their immersed weight is rough flow y 2L 5 is of the order of 0.125. z1 is
nk 3 ((lp - ew)/6. As T0 is the mean stress per unit known from eq. (14) but z. still remains unknown.
area of the exposed particle, packing has to be If ze is eonstant for each specific combination of
taken into account (White 1940, p. 323). With d and k, VP as a function U* will, according to
close rhombohedral packing it is easy to define eq. (27), in a logarithmic scale be a straight Iine
and campute a packing coefficient (y 1) taken as with a eonstant slope of 3.
the ra tio of the area of the harizontal projections From a diagram (Fig. 6) where partide veloci-
of the particles to the total area. Thus y 1 = ties for different d/k are plotted against u* it is
n3°· 5 f6 = .907. In practice y 1 can beexpected to obvious that there are three different functions for
be somewhat lower because of some imperfect- each combination of d and k. These earrespond
ness in the packing. to the transport stages previously discussed (p.
Our computations of U* (p. 172) apply to the 175). The lowest very steep part, which curves
fixed bed alone as the introduction of a single gradually, earresponds to the sta ge of stop-and-go
movable partide will not affect the hydraulic motion.
conditions of the channel. But as the size of the The middle part which earresponds to the stage
movable partide (d) is varied in relation to bed- of continuous contact-Ioad transportation is
partide size (k), d has to be included in the equa- linear. Contrary to eq. (27) the slope varies
tion. From the experimental data partide veloc- considerably with d and k. As Fig. 6 shows the
ity was fo und to vary as d 0 •5tan 4> with k and U* slope changes rather abruptly near the top of
constant. This is in accordance with the assump- the diagram. Although this part is represented by
tion that shear is proportional to a length dimen- only a few points, it can be concluded that the
sion and thus velocity is proportional to the slope of the Iines here is close to l. Thus in this
square root oflength, and because shear x velacity part increase in Vp is approximately proportional
appears on the right-hand side of eq. (25) and to inerease in U* and the function is of the same
shear is balanced by k on the left-hand side character as that for suspended load. At these
the additional factor having the dimension of high veladties the particles rush over the top of
square root of Iength must be included on this the bed or make Iong jumps, and the consider-
side. ations of eq. (25) no longer apply.
The angle of repose (cf>) for a spherical partide Of primary interest is, therefore, the develop-
at rest on a bed of rhombohedrally packed sphe- ment of a function which reduces the exponent 3

178 G E0 G R A F l S KA A N N A L E R • 4 B A (1 9 6 6) • 4

u* (cm/sec.l
4 5 10 12 14 16




Fig. 6. Partide velocity (Vp) in relation to shear velocity (U.) for specific combinations of bed-partide size (k) and
size of partide Iransported (d).

GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER • 48 A 11966! • 4 179


of U* in eq. (27) to the empirical values of the The .393 cm bed deviated slightly with a z. of
lower straight Iine stage. The eonstant slope for a 05
given d and k indicates that the function is not z = -
l ( d 2 + 2dk ) ·
+ 0.50d
-2- (31)
correlated to flow but to bed geometry and parti- e 2
de characteristics. If all characteristics are in-
duded the exponent of U* ma y be written and a y 1 of 0.863.
In the first case z. earresponds to a height of
ex p. (U*)= 3 - /(y1 , ta n~. d, k) (28) 3!8d above the middle of the moving partide
when situated in saddle position. In the seeond
The function /(y 1 , tan ~. d, k) was empirically case the figure is 2/8d. For the coarsest partide
determined from the slope of the Iines in Fig. 6, (.776 cm) this means an absolute difference of
and the function was found to be 0.097 cm. The packing coefficient of the .209 and
.776 cm beds deviates by 0.77% from the theore-
tical of dosest possible packing and the coefficient
As only one type of bed packing is induded in the of the .393 cm bed is 4% lower. The conclusion is
experiments the meaning of y 1 in the function that for a fixed bed with perfeet rhombohedral
is somewhat uncertain. packing, full y rough flow and contact-load motion,
It is not possible to determine the representa- the partide vetocity of single particles can be
tive height z. by direct observation of partide expressed by,
motion. Instead a z. was determined that would
satisfy the intersection of U* = l and the em- ~ (! 5.75(log~) ua-y, d k-1.5 tan"'
pirically determined straight-line function of the 2 w z1 • (32)
v= ~---
lower stage. The solution must also be combined p Yl Y2!.5 do.s k((!p- f!w) g tan rP
with a quantitative packing coefficient appearing
as well in the exponent of U*. where y 1 = .907, y 2 = 0.25, tan ~is expressed by
If similarity is to hold, it must be possible to eq. (16), z. by eq. (30), and z 1 by eq. (14).
express z. solely as a function of d and k. The
simplest geometrical arrangement of d and k Limits of contact-load motion
within the expected range of z. is that where the An examination of Fig. 6 reveals in a qualitative
movable partide is situated in the saddle between way some of the limits of contact-load motion.
two bed partides. In this position the centre of the The range of this motion with respect to partide
movable partide is situated at a height of vetocity decreases with decrease in d/k, and for a
l 2 specific d!k the range decreases with increase in
(d + 2dk) 0• 5 over the zero plane through the
2 d and k. For all data available the upper limit
centre of the fixed bed particles. earresponds to a partide vetocity of about 0.4
As previously mentioned the packing coef- m/see., and thus the variation of range is mainly
ficient of the experimental beds could be expected due to variation of the upper limit of stop-and-go
to be somewhat lower than the theoretical of motion. For the smallest d/k investigated (d =
.907. The height z. and the packing coefficient .209, k = .776 cm) there is apparently no true
y 1 were determined from the beds of .209, .393, contact-Ioad motion. The direct change from stop-
and .776 cm and all combinations of movable and-go motion to a motion mainly above the bed
particles of the same sizes. The small differences can be ascribed to the high angle of repose and
in density of the moving particles according to the low vetocity affecting particles situated in a
Table l (p. 000) were also taken into account. deep, stable 3-point position. The present data
Water density was taken as l. does not permit a general quantitative determi-
For the .209 and .776 cm beds z. was found to nation of this limit, nor can the upper limit of
be contact-load motion be functionally expressed.
With increase in d/k or decrease in d and k for
z l ( d 2 + 2dk )

+ 0.75d
-2- (30) a specific d!k the slope ofthelogarithmic straight-
e 2 line contact-load function will decrease and
approach unity. For unity slope the motion will
with a y 1 of 0.900 ± 0.004, where the limits refer be near the to p of the bed roughness irrespective
to the extreme values. of partide velocity. This limit is defined by the

180 G E O G R A F l 5 K A A N N A L E R ' 4 8 A (l D 6 6) ' 4


exponent of u. in eq. (32) being equal to l, be included because the active force and velacity
represented by shear and fluid velacity are de-
(33) pendent on bed roughness.
The conditions of absolute threshold of motion
According to this equation the smallest partide cannot be determined by extrapolation of the
size possible in contact-Ioad motion is 0.058 cm, empirical partiele-vetocity relations because of
if the material is uniform (d = k) and y 1 = .907. their logarithmic character which excludes finite
This figure may look big, but the special condi- reach of zero velocity.
tians must be remembered. Their significance is Within the represented range of continuous
shown by the following comparison. motion there is a rather abrupt change in the
In a natural bed of sand there are no fixed accumulated increase in VP with u. with d and k
particles and thus the "mass angle of repose" constant. In the lower part this increase is found
applies (Miller and Byrne 1965). Slightly differ- to be a function of bed geometry and partide
ent figures for the mass angle of repose of well characteristics but independent of shear velocity.
rounded sand have been proposed: 33° (Chepil In the upper part partide velacity is proportional
1959), 34° (Bagnold 1964), 35° (Sundberg to shear velocity. The limit between these sub-
1956). Under natural conditions the packing is stages is interpreted as the upper limit of true
also different. According to White's experiment contact load motion.
y 1 for natural sand varies between 0.30 and 0.40 It is possible to express partide velacity of
(White 1940). continuous contact-Ioad transpartatian by one
If a y 1 of 0.35 and a tf> of 35° are introduced in semi-empirical farmula which includes partide
eq. (33) the partide size of uniform material will size, bed roughness and packing, angle of repose
be 0.015 cm. The extremes of y 1 and tf> given above for the transported partide in relation to the bed,
set the limits at 0.020 and 0.010 cm. These figures boundary shear velocity, height above the bed
agree well with the lower limit of true bed load corresponding to the effective fluid vetocity and a
according to Inman (0.018 cm) and Sundborg coefficient expressing the state of turbulence.
(0.015-0.018 cm), (Inman 1949 p. 57, Sundborg This experiment was conducted under simpli-
1956 p. 219). fied conditions and the results do not apply
directly to natural conditions where such added
Sommary factors as irregular packing and partide shape
Over a bed of rhombohedrally packed spheres tagether with interaction between particles in
the straight-line logarithmic velacity gradient motion must be considered. With the hel p of the
with von Kårmån's eonstant = 0.40 applies for a results presented here it is expected that the
zero-reference surface through the center of the additional factors mentioned will be more easily
top layer of bed particles. With this distribution defined for the investigations on mass transpar-
the experimental data for fully rough flow does tatian and sorting processes now in progress.
not agree with the concept of an "equivalent sand
roughness" in which bed roughness is proportio- Acknowledgements
nal to the diameter of the bed particles. Instead We are grateful to Dr. R. J. Russen who as
bed roughness is found to be closely proportional Director of Coastal Studies Institute initiated this
to the square of bed-partide diameter. project and has offered continued support.
Single partide bed-load transpartatian can be Thanks are also due to Dr. F. Hjulström,headof
divided into two main stages characterized by the Department of Physical Geography in Upp-
discontinuous versus continuous motion. These sala who most graciously made available the
stages are equally well demonstrated by a plot of facilities of the department, and to Dr. Å. Sund-
VP on d with u. and k eonstant and with VP on borg whose advice throughout the investigation
u. for eonstant d and k. and critical review of the manuscript has been
The two stages of motion earrespond to sig- invaluable. Mr. E. Zetterström, Senior Techni-
nificantly different transport velacity functions, a cian at the laboratory, helped construct the
difference that is only partly explained by the experimental equipment. The experiments were
duration and number of partide stops in the performed with the assistance of Mr. K. Linde
discontinuous stage. and Mr. E. Meland. Illustrations were made by
In any bed-load formuta bed roughness has to Mrs. H. Mattsson at the Geography Department.

GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER • 48 A (1888) • 4 181


List of symbols Einstein, H. A., and EI-Samni, E. A., 1949: Hydrodynamic

forces on a rough wall. Rev. Mod. Phys., v. 21.
d = diameter of transported particles (cm) Gilbert, K. G., 1914: The transportation of de bris by run-
eb = efficiency factor for bed-load mass trans- ning water. U.S. Geol. Survey, Prof Paper 86.
portation Hjulström, F., 1935: Studies of the morphological activity
of rivers as illustrated by the river Fyris. Bull. Geol.
/(x) = function of x Jnst. Uppsala, v. 25.
g = acceleration due to gravity (cm/sec. 2) Inman, D. L., 1949: Sorting of sediments in the light of
g = mass (weight) in grams fluid mechanics. J. Sed. Pet., v. 19 no. 2.
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