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Journal of Sports Sciences

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The influence of biological sex and cuff width on

muscle swelling, echo intensity, and the fatigue
response to blood flow restricted exercise

Vickie Wong, Takashi Abe, Raksha N. Chatakondi, Zachary W. Bell, Robert W.

Spitz, Scott J. Dankel & Jeremy P. Loenneke

To cite this article: Vickie Wong, Takashi Abe, Raksha N. Chatakondi, Zachary W. Bell, Robert
W. Spitz, Scott J. Dankel & Jeremy P. Loenneke (2019): The influence of biological sex and cuff
width on muscle swelling, echo intensity, and the fatigue response to blood flow restricted exercise,
Journal of Sports Sciences

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Published online: 04 Apr 2019.

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The influence of biological sex and cuff width on muscle swelling, echo intensity,
and the fatigue response to blood flow restricted exercise
Vickie Wong, Takashi Abe, Raksha N. Chatakondi, Zachary W. Bell, Robert W. Spitz, Scott J. Dankel
and Jeremy P. Loenneke
Department of Health, Exercise Science, and Recreation Management, Kevser Ermin Applied Physiology Laboratory, The University of Mississippi,
University, MS, USA


The purpose was to determine if the muscle swelling, echo intensity, and fatigue responses to blood Accepted 26 February 2019
flow restriction differs based on cuff width (Experiment 1), applied pressure (Experiment 2), and sex.
Ultrasound of muscle was taken before and after exercise. In Experiment 1 (n = 96), men swelled more Occlusion training;
than women and more with a narrow cuff than a wide cuff (0.60 cm vs. 0.52 cm). Expressed as ultrasound; echo intensity;
a percentage change, there were no longer differences between cuffs (Narrow: 15% vs. Wide: 14%) or cuff pressure; fluid shifts
sex (Men: 14% vs. Women: 15%). Echo intensity remained unchanged. Women required more repeti-
tions to reach task failure in sets 2, 3, and 4. In Experiment 2 (n = 87), men swelled more than women
(Men: 0.46 cm vs. Women: 0.31 cm). Expressed as a percentage change, there were no differences. Echo
intensity decreased in both conditions and to a greater extent with a higher applied pressure. If the
acute muscle swelling response is important for initiating long term adaptation, then our results
indicate that neither cuff width, sex, nor applied pressure will differentially impact the adaptation
observed via this mechanism. Changes in echo intensity were inconsistent and the utility of this
measurement may need to be reconsidered.

Introduction Bemben, 2012; Yasuda, Loenneke, Thiebaud, & Abe, 2012).

The acute change in muscle thickness (i.e. acute swelling) is
Low load resistance exercise in combination with blood flow
hypothesized to be a shift of intracellular fluid, given that the
restriction has been shown to produce similar changes in
change in muscle thickness occurs with a concomitant
muscle growth as traditional high load resistance exercise
decrease in plasma volume (Kim, Loenneke, et al., 2017;
(Lixandrão et al., 2015; Jessee, Buckner, et al., 2018b).
Loenneke et al., 2017). In support of this hypothesis, Yasuda
Notably, blood flow is only partially restricted and still
et al. (2012) found that a condition which resulted in the
increases in response to exercise (Mouser, Laurentino, et al.,
greatest acute changes in ultrasound measured muscle swel-
2017b; Mouser et al., 2018). The beneficial effects observed
? with this form of training suggests that blood flow restriction
ling produced the largest change in muscle size measured by
magnetic resonance imaging. Since swelling is a purported
training may be efficacious for those who are seeking to
mechanism for the muscular changes observed with blood
increase muscle size without the use of higher external
flow restriction training, it is important to better understand
loads. What is less known, is whether there are sex differences
if there are potential sex differences in the acute swelling
in these responses. A sizeable portion of the blood flow
response. For example, previous work suggests that women
restriction literature is completed only in men (Counts et al.,
have greater time to fatigue than men during blood flow
2018). The studies which do include women often pool their
restricted exercise (Labarbera, Murphy, Laroche, & Cook,
responses together with the men, making it difficult to deter-
2013). It was not known whether these sex differences are
mine if sex differences are present.
also found in the muscle swelling response to this form of
Changes in muscle size following blood flow restriction
training may, in part, be due to an accumulation of metabo-
Throughout upper body blood flow restriction literature,
lites in the working muscle from the artificial reduction in
there are a variety of cuff widths used with studies imple-
blood flow. This trapping of metabolites around the fiber
menting both narrow (Jessee, Mattocks, et al., 2018c) and
may create an anabolic environment through fatigue induced
wider cuffs (Kim, Lang, Pilania, & Franke, 2017; Laurentino
increases in muscle activation (Dankel, Mattocks, et al., 2017a;
et al., 2016). Although wide cuffs require a lower absolute
Jessee, Mattocks, et al., 2018a). Another proposed mechanism
pressure to restrict the same amount of blood flow (Mouser,
is the acute cell swelling response, which has been hypothe-
Dankel, et al., 2017a), some studies suggest that the growth
sized to favorably impact net protein balance (Jessee,
response may be attenuated directly under the cuff (Ellefsen
Mattocks, et al., 2018a; Loenneke, Fahs, Rossow, Abe, &
et al., 2015; Kacin & Strazar, 2011). If muscle swelling is

CONTACT Jeremy P. Loenneke P.O. Box 1848. University, MS 38677

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this manuscript.
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

a mechanism for changes in muscle size, one hypothesis for Readiness Questionnaire (Par-Q) to get clearance to exercise.
this attenuation might be a reduced swelling response All participants were tested at least 2 hours postprandial,
directly under the cuff. This might suggest that limb cover- were instructed to avoid caffeine 8 hours prior to testing,
age may be something to consider when implementing alcohol and elbow flexor exercise for 24 hours prior to
blood flow restricted exercise. In contrast to these studies, testing and avoid naive vigorous physical activity for
one study suggests that when the pressure is made relative 48 hours prior to testing. Participants were excluded if
to the individual and the cuff, there does not appear to be they regularly used tobacco within the previous 6 months,
an attenuation of muscle growth (Laurentino et al., 2016). had any orthopedic injury preventing exercise, or met two
However, there is some suggestion that the measurement or more of the following risk factors for thromboembolism
site (i.e. 50% distance of upper arm) used in that study (Motykie et al., 2000): body mass index ≥ 30; take birth
would not place the measurement site directly under each control pills; diagnosis of Crohn’s Disease; past fracture of
cuff. If there were attenuations under the cuff, this may hip, pelvis, or femur; major surgery within last 6 months;
have removed the ability to detect these differences. varicose veins; family or personal history of deep vein
Given the suggested role of the acute cell swelling response thrombosis; or family or personal history of pulmonary
for changes in muscle size, an investigation into the impact embolism. The study received approval from the university’s
of cuff width on this proposed mechanism is of importance. institutional review board, and each participant gave written
From a methodological perspective, it is also useful to informed consent before participation.
determine whether cuff width impacts the sex differences
in fatigability. A better understanding of sex differences (or
lack thereof) may help to improve not only the safety of Experimental design
blood flow restriction but also the effectiveness.
This study was a crossover design consisting of two separate
Another methodological consideration is the pressure being
experiments. Day 1 consisted of the completion of paper-
applied to each cuff width. For example, it is recommended that
work and for determination of who met the inclusion criteria.
the pressure be made relative to the size of the limb and the
If still eligible, measurements of height, body mass, and a test
width of the cuff (Mattocks et al., 2018). Both variables can be
of one repetition maximum (1RM) strength in each arm was
accounted for by setting the pressure relative to the arterial
completed. Next, participants were familiarized with
occlusion pressure with the specific cuff that will be used for
a metronome (unloaded elbow flexion) to practice exercising
the exercise. Failure to account for the cuff width can result in
at the assigned pace for Experiment 1 (Day 2) and
a higher than intended pressure being applied to the limb. This
Experiment 2 (Day 3). Metronome cadence was set for 60
was observed in a recent study (Kim, Lang, et al., 2017), whereby
beats per minute (one second concentric; one second
a wide cuff was inflated to a pressure that was originally used
eccentric). Participants were then scheduled for
with a narrower cuff. The restriction of blood flow in that study
their second visit. Each experiment was separated by
was likely much greater than originally intended, which poten-
a minimum of 3 days and no more than 10.
tially explains the large dropout rate noted in their study. It was
not known whether this unintentionally high pressure negatively
impacts the acute swelling or fatigue response.
Experiment 1 protocol
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the acute
fluid shifts and repetitions to failure following low load blood flow Participants completed two different blood flow restriction
restricted exercise in response to cuffs of differing widths (5 cm conditions in random order (one each arm). The cuff widths
wide vs. 12 cm wide; Experiment 1) inflated to the same relative were randomly assigned to each arm. Conditions involved
pressure (40% of resting arterial occlusion pressure). The fluid four sets of unilateral low load (30% 1RM) elbow flexion
shifts were determined by ultrasound measured muscle thickness exercise to volitional failure with 30 seconds of rest
and echo intensity. Though the exact utility of echo intensity has between each set. Conditions involved exercise with
been questioned (Jenkins, 2016), quantifying echo intensity may a pneumatic cuff placed at the most proximal region of
provide insight for the balance between extracellular fluid and the participants’ upper arm and inflated to 40% of the
intracellular fluid. We also determined if this change was impacted individual’s resting arterial occlusion pressure. The only dif-
by sex given the paucity of data examining women in the blood ference being the width of the cuff applied (5 cm vs.
flow restriction literature (Counts et al., 2018). A secondary pur- 12 cm). Muscle thickness was measured before and after
pose was to determine if the acute fluid shifts and repetitions to each exercise bout in the supine position. Testing began
failure are impacted by applying a pressure obtained for a narrow with 10 minutes of quiet seated rest to ensure that the
cuff to a wide cuff (Experiment 2). arterial occlusion pressure was at resting. Following this,
arterial occlusion pressure was measured in the standing
position within the randomly assigned arm to exercise
Methods first. This was used to set the pressure for exercise.
Participants then completed four sets of unilateral elbow
flexion to failure with 30 seconds of rest in between sets.
One hundred-five men and women between the ages of The second condition was executed in a similar fashion
18–35 were recruited to participate in this study. within the other arm, with the only difference being cuff
Participants reviewed and filled out the Physical Activity widths.

Experiment 2 protocol (5 cm) or wide (12 cm) nylon cuff (SC5 Hokanson, Bellevue,
WA) was placed on the most proximal portion of the partici-
On a separate day, 3–10 days later, participants returned to
pant’s upper arm. A hand-held Doppler probe (MD6,
the laboratory to complete two conditions in random order
Hokanson, Bellevue, WA) was placed at the wrist, over the
(one each arm). The exercise protocol was similar to
radial artery, to detect a pronounced auditory signal of
Experiment 1. The only difference was that in this experi-
blood flow. The cuff was inflated using an E20 Rapid Cuff
ment, both arms exercised with the same wide cuff (12 cm).
Inflator (Hokanson, Bellevue, WA) until there was no audible
The important distinction was that one of the wide cuff
signal of blood flow from the Doppler probe. The lowest cuff
conditions had the relative arterial occlusion pressure set
inflation pressure at which the blood flow distal to the cuff
for exercise based of the pressure obtained with a narrow
was no longer detectable was defined as arterial occlusion
cuff (5 cm; known as the 12/5 condition). By design, this
pressure. Once the arterial occlusion pressure was determined,
would produce a higher absolute applied pressure, and thus
the cuff was deflated, and the cuff pressure was set to 40% of
also a higher relative pressure (being that the same size cuff
resting arterial occlusion pressure.
was used). Similar to the first experiment, muscle thickness
was measured for each arm before and immediately after
exercise. One repetition maximum
One-repetition maximum was determined as the greatest
Muscle thickness and echo intensity load a participant was able to lift properly through a full
range of motion. One-repetition maximum for unilateral
For both experiments, B-Mode ultrasound (Logiq-e GE, elbow flexion was assessed in both arms on visit one. The
Fairfield, CT, United States) was used to assess changes in starting arm was chosen randomly from a coin flip.
muscle thickness before and after exercise in the supine posi- Participants began testing with a warm-up of unilateral
tion. Baseline measurements were taken at the same time, but elbow flexion on both arms. Warm-up consisted of 5–10
post exercise measurements were obtained immediately fol- repetitions using 2–5 kgs. Each attempt during testing
lowing after each specific condition. Muscle thickness was began with participants standing with their feet shoulder
taken at 70% of the distance between the acromion process width apart, their heels, back, and shoulders against a wall,
and the lateral epicondyle. The frequency was set at 10 MHz, along with the arm fully extended and supinated by their
dynamic range of 75 decibels, and a gain of 49 decibels. side. They were then handed a loaded dumbbell and
Images were taken perpendicular to the anterior upper arm encouraged to complete a full range of motion for the
using a small electronic level with a digital readout (Metriks, unilateral elbow flexion. Full range of motion was for the
Ontario, Canada) that was attached to the ultrasound probe. concentric portion of the lift only, as the load was taken at
To also eliminate any inconsistencies, the same person took all the top portion of the movement following a successful lift.
ultrasound measurements. The probe was generously coated The load was progressively increased until the participant
with transmission gel and held perpendicular over the anterior was not able to lift a load greater than their previously
upper arm (i.e. biceps brachii and brachialis) with care taken as successful attempt. Each attempt was separated by 90 sec-
to not depress the dermal surface. System setting parameters onds of rest.
were maintained throughout the study. Two images were
taken for each condition at each time point (8 total images
for each experiment). Muscle thickness was determined as the Exercise protocol
distance between the subcutaneous adipose tissue-muscle The exercise protocol consisted of four sets of unilateral
interface and muscle-bone interface of the humerus. Images elbow flexion to volitional or task failure. Repetitions were
were stored and analyzed following data collection using the completed to the beat of a metronome, with a set cadence
ultrasound software. of 60 beats per minute (one second concentric; one second
The same images used for muscle thickness were also eccentric). Loads were set at 30% of the individual’s 1RM
used for quantifying echo intensity. Echo intensity was and cuff pressure was set to 40% of the individual’s arterial
determined using an automated gray scale analysis. The occlusion pressure of the arm to exercise. 30 seconds of rest
scale ranged from 0 (black) to 255 (white) using Image-J was allotted between sets of exercise. Similar protocols have
software (National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, United been used before when studying blood flow restriction
States). A rectangular region of interest was drawn as large resistance exercise (Jessee et al., 2017, 2018; Loenneke
as possible, excluding aspects that demonstrated subcuta- et al., 2015).
neous adipose tissue or the bone region. Echo-intensity
measurements were saved, stored, and analyzed using
Image-J software. Statistical analysis
The following tests were completed for both Experiment 1
and Experiment 2. A Bayesian repeated measures analysis of
Arterial occlusion
variance (ANOVA), with a between subject factor of sex was
For both experiments, arterial occlusion pressure was deter- used to compare changes in muscle thickness, echo inten-
mined in the standing position immediately before the bout of sity and repetitions with a default prior of 0.5 for the fixed
exercise. Dependent upon the condition, either a narrow effects (r scale Cauchy prior width = 0.5). We analyzed both

absolute and relative (% of baseline) changes in order to within the three to ten-day period and were therefore
account for the potential influence of sex differences at excluded, three decided against participation following the
baseline. For example, men might swell more on an abso- initial visit, three did not arrive for their scheduled visit and
lute level due to having a larger muscle size at baseline but could not be contacted following their initial visit, and one
the relative change might be similar. Thus, we elected to participant failed the Par-Q. Thus, 96 participants were
use both absolute and relative changes for muscle thickness included in the final analysis for Experiment 1 [Men (n = 48):
and echo intensity. Bayes factors (BF10) were used to pro- 22 (3) y; 177.0 (7.5) cm; 81.9 (14.9) kg, Women (n = 48): 21 (2) y;
vide evidence for (BF10 of ≤ 0.33) or against the null (BF10 of 163.0 (6.7) cm; 66.0 (14.2) kg]. The same sample was used for
≥ 3.0) hypothesis. A BF10 of “3” means that the observed Experiment 2. One participant could not be rescheduled for
data are 3 times more likely under the alternative than the the Experiment 2 visit, one participants data was excluded due
null hypothesis. Likewise, a BF10 of 0.33 means that the to tester error, three participants did not arrive for their prear-
observed data are 3 times more likely under the null than ranged time and could not be rescheduled, three dropped out
the alternative hypothesis. To detect evidence for or against voluntarily, and one participant got light headed during the
the condition x sex interaction, the interaction model (con- arterial occlusion pressure measurement. Thus, 87 participants
dition + sex + condition * sex) was divided by the main were included in the final analysis for Experiment 2 [Men
effects model (condition + sex). If there was evidence for an (n = 45): 22 (3) y; 177.0 (7.8) cm; 81.89 (15.3) kg, Women
interaction, follow up comparisons of conditions within each (n = 42): 21 (2) y; 162.9 (6.3) cm; 66.6 (14.8) kg].
sex were made using a Bayesian paired sample t-test with
a default Cauchy prior of 0.707 (centered on zero).
Experiment 1
Comparisons of sex between conditions were made using
a Bayesian independent samples t-test with a default Arterial occlusion pressure
Cauchy prior of 0.707 (centered on zero). Default priors The relative arterial occlusion pressure was the same by
were made as recommended by Wagenmakers and collea- design (i.e. 40% of resting arterial occlusion pressure) but
gues (Wagenmakers et al., 2018). Data is presented as mean the absolute pressure applied differed by cuff size (BF10:
(standard deviation) unless otherwise stated. Data was ana- 4.516e+21, error% 9.680e-28). The narrow cuff exercised
lyzed using JASP Version (Netherlands) and using the with a higher absolute pressure than the wide cuff
BayesFactor package in RStudio version 1.1.414 (https:// [60 mmHg vs. 49 mmHg; median δ (95% CI): 1.996 (1.666, 2.352)].

Acute muscle thickness

Results For acute changes in muscle thickness (Figure 1(a, c)), we
found evidence for the interaction model (BF10: 675,829.441,
Participants in experiment 1 and experiment 2
error % 4.390 for interaction model compared to the main
One-hundred five participants came into the laboratory for the effects model of BF10: 215,009.761, error % 1.934; 675,829.441/
initial testing visit. Two participants could not be scheduled 215,009.761 = 3.143). Within men, there was evidence for the

Figure 1. Muscle thickness and echo intensity for Experiment 1 (n = 96) between narrow (5 cm) and wide cuffs (12 cm), separated between sex. (a) The absolute
change in muscle thickness. (b) The absolute change in echo intensity. (c) The change in muscle thickness when made relative (% change from baseline). (d) The %
change from baseline in echo intensity. Bayes factors (BF10) were used to provide evidence for (BF10 of ≤ 0.33) or against the null (BF10 of ≥ 3.0) hypothesis. The
median is the middle bar and represents the posterior density of the change under the alternative hypothesis and the upper and lower bars represent the 95%
credible interval of that posterior density.

Table 1. Muscle thickness and echo intensity for Experiment 1 and 2 separated by sex.
Muscle thickness (cm) Echo intensity (AU)
Men Women Men Women
Experiment 1 (n = 96)
5 cm condition Pre 3.90 (0.45) 2.72 (0.25) 63.2 (7.4) 62.7 (8.8)
5 cm condition Post 4.50 (0.49) 3.15 (0.32) 64.8 (8.0) 64.9 (8.7)
Median δ (95% Credible Interval) 3.6 (2.8, 4.4) 2.73 (2.1, 3.3) 0.15 (−0.12, 0.42) 0.24 (−0.03, 0.52)
Bayes Factor (BF10) 1.210e +26 7.023e +20 0.293 0.710
12 cm condition Pre 3.87 (0.41) 2.75 (0.29) 61.4 (8.0) 63.0 (7.1)
12 cm condition Post 4.39 (0.44) 3.18 (0.32) 60.7 (7.0) 63.3 (8.1)
Median δ (95% Credible Interval) 3.98 (3.1, 4.8) 3.53 (2.78, 4.33) −0.08 (−0.36, 0.18) 0.04 (−0.23, 0.31)
Bayes Factor (BF10) 5.722e +27 3.126e +25 0.190 0.165
Experiment 2 (n = 87)
12/5 cm condition Pre 3.97 (0.46) 2.79(0.27) 67.5 (13.5) 74.8 (14.6)
12/5 cm condition Post 4.42 (0.49) 3.09 (0.32) 59.9 (11.5) 66.8 (10.3)
Median δ (95% Credible Interval) 3.0 (2.5, 3.5) 2.25 (1.78, 2.7) −0.87 (−1.22, −0.53) −0.80 (−1.1, −0.44)
Bayes Factor (BF10) 1.228 e + 21 1.104e+15 63,777.597 7545.553
12 cm condition Pre 3.90 (0.38) 2.77 (0.27) 67.6 (12.4) 71.5 (14.8)
12 cm condition Post 4.38 (0.43) 3.10 (0.33) 62.8 (9.3) 69.1 (9.9)
Median δ (95% Credible Interval) 4.19 (3.6, 4.8) 2.54 (2.05, 3.03) −0.52 (−0.83, −0.20) −0.25 (−0.55, 0.04)
Bayes Factor (BF10) 5.124 e + 26 7.081 e + 16 47.012 0.698
Experiment 1 compared a narrow cuff (5 cm) to a wide cuff (12 cm) with both inflated to 40% of each individual’s arterial occlusion pressure. Experiment 2 compared
a wide cuff (12 cm) inflated to 40% of the arterial occlusion pressure with a wide cuff inflated to 40% of the arterial occlusion pressure for a narrow cuff (12/5).
Bayes factors (BF10) were used to provide evidence for (BF10 of ≤ 0.33) or against the null (BF10 of ≥ 3.0) hypothesis. The median represents the posterior density of
the effect size under the alternative hypothesis and the 95% credible interval of that posterior density. Data is presented as mean (standard deviation) unless
otherwise stated.

alternative hypothesis with the narrow cuff resulting in greater of sex (BF10: 0.217, error % 4.721) and no evidence for or against
swelling than the wide cuff (BF10 = 61.71, error % = 3.535e −8). the null with the main effect of condition (BF10: 1.035, error %
In contrast, there was evidence to suggest that the changes 1.133).
for women were similar between conditions (BF10 = 0.158,
error % = 7.198e −6). When comparing changes within each
cuff, men swelled more than women with the narrow cuff
Comparisons between condition and sex were made within
(BF10 = 31,936, error % = 4.023e −8) and the wide cuff (BF10
each set (Table 2). Within the first set there was evidence
= 148.3, error % = 2.937e −6). Pre and post muscle thickness
against the interaction model (BF10: 6.703, error % 1.815 for
values are provided in Table 1 with all conditions showing
interaction model compared to the main effects model of BF10:
a change from baseline. When changes in muscle thickness
27.661, error % 3.987; 6.703/27.661 = 0.242). Although no evi-
were made relative (% change from baseline), there was no
dence for sex differences were present, there was an effect of
evidence of an interaction (BF10: 0.394, error % 2.968 for
condition with the narrow cuff resulting in more repetitions. For
interaction model compared to the main effects model of
set 2, there was no evidence of an interaction (BF10:
BF10: 0.467, error % 1.774; 0.394/0.467 = 0.845). There was
376,092.400, error % 2.876 for interaction model compared to
also no main effect of sex (BF10 = 0.426, error % = 0.850) or
condition (BF10 = 1.064, error % = 1.128) when using the
relative values. Table 2. Repetitions separated by sex and individual sets.
Echo intensity Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
For absolute changes in echo intensity (Figure 1(b)), we found Experiment 1 (n = 96)
evidence against the interaction model (BF10: 0.048, error % 5 cm condition Men 33 (10) 11 (4) 9 (4) 8 (3)
5 cm condition Women 36 (10) 14 (5) 11 (6) 12 (7)
2.354 for interaction model compared to the main effects 12 cm condition Men 30 (10) 9 (3) 7 (2) 6 (2)
model of BF10: 0.219, error % 1.085; 0.048/0.219 = 0.217). 12 cm condition Women 32 (6) 11 (3) 9 (3) 9 (3)
Evidence was provided for the null with the main effect of Condition Effect (BF10) 62.131 24,780.143 335.951 11,382.773
Sex Effect (BF10) 0.437 12.492 9.827 93.3
sex, suggesting that echo intensity changed similarly between Experiment 2 (n = 87)
men and women (BF10: 0.236, error % 1.832). There was no 12/5 cm condition Men 29 (5) 9 (3) 7 (3) 6 (2)
evidence for or against the null with respect to condition (BF10: 12/5 cm condition Women 29 (7) 10 (3) 8 (3) 8 (4)
12 cm condition Men 30 (7) 9 (3) 7 (2) 7 (2)
0.951, error% 1.196). Pre and post echo intensity values are 12 cm condition Women 29 (9) 10 (4) 9 (5) 8 (5)
provided in Table 1 with no condition providing evidence for Condition Effect (BF10) 0.190 1.725 6.325 1.198
a change from baseline. When changes in echo intensity were Sex Effect (BF10) 0.355 0.756 0.784 2.903
made relative (% change from baseline; Figure 1(d)), there was Experiment 1 compared a narrow cuff (5 cm) to a wide cuff (12 cm) with both
inflated to 40% of each individual’s arterial occlusion pressure. Experiment 2
evidence provided against the interaction (BF10: 0.045, error % compared a wide cuff (12 cm) inflated to 40% of the arterial occlusion
2.597 for interaction model compared to the main effects pressure with a wide cuff inflated to 40% of the arterial occlusion pressure
model of BF10: 0.219, error % 2.030; 0.045/0.219 = 0.207). for a narrow cuff (12/5). Bayes factors (BF10) were used to provide evidence for
(BF10 of ≤ 0.33) or against the null (BF10 of ≥ 3.0) hypothesis. Data is
There was evidence for the null with respect to the main effect presented as mean (standard deviation) unless otherwise stated.

the main effects model of BF10: 322,092.337, error % 1.454; % 1.359; 0.073/0.299 = 0.246). There was no evidence for or
376,092.400/322,092.337 = 1.168) but there was a main effect against the null with respect to the main effects of condition
of sex and condition. Similar findings were observed for sets 3 (BF10 = 0.895, error % = 1.483) and sex (BF10 = 0.340, error
(BF10: 680.137, error% 2.030 for the interaction model compared % = 1.075).
to the main effects model of BF10: 3196.033, error% 1.780;
680.137/3196.033 = 0.212) and 4 (BF10: 346,302.518, error%
Echo intensity
2.531 for the interaction model compared to the main effects
For echo intensity (Figure 2(b, d)), there was no evidence for
model of BF10: 1.084e +6, error% 3.014; 346,302.518/1.084e
the interaction model (BF10: 5.665, error % 4.222 for inter-
+6 = 0.320) where no interaction was observed but there
action model compared to the main effects model of BF10:
were main effects of condition (5 cm > 12cm) and sex
13.507, error % 2.708; 5.665/13.507 = 0.419). There was
(Women > Men).
a main effect of condition (BF10 = 52.556, error % = 2.235)
where the 12/5 cm condition resulted in a larger decrease in
echo intensity than the 12 cm condition. There was no main
Experiment 2
effect of sex (BF10 = 0.238, error % = 1.175) Pre and post
Arterial occlusion pressure echo intensity values are provided in Table 1. When echo
By design, the absolute pressures applied between conditions intensity was made relative (% change from baseline), there
were different (BF10: 1.989e +23, error% 4.320e −26) with the was no evidence for the interaction model (BF10: 11.518,
pressure applied being higher in the 12/5 condition compared error % 5.412 for interaction model compared to the main
to the 12 cm condition [60 mmHg vs. 49 mmHg; median δ effects model of BF10: 29.212, error % 2.860; 11.518/
(95% CI): 2.306 (1.911, 2.697)]. 29.212 = 0.394). There was a main effect of condition
(BF10 = 74.299, error % = 1.862) but not sex (BF10 = 0.375,
error % = 1.072).
Acute muscle thickness
For changes in acute muscle thickness (Figure 2(a, c)), there was
evidence against the interaction model (BF10: 608,146.823, error Repetitions
% 4.997 for interaction model compared to the main effects Similar to Experiment 1, repetitions were analyzed sepa-
model of BF10: 2.429e +6, error % 1.929; 608,146.823/2.429e rately by sets (Table 2). There was no evidence for the
+6 = 0.250). There was no evidence of a condition main effect interaction model for set 1 [BF10 from interaction model
(BF10 = 0.763, error % = 1.536) but there was a main effect of divided by BF10 of the main effects model], (= 0.356), 2
sex (BF10 = 2.993e +6, error % = 0.996) with men swelling more (= 0.229), 3 (= 0.347), or 4 (= 0.247) after removing the
than women. When changes in muscle thickness were made influence of the main effects model for each of the sets.
relative (% change from baseline), there was evidence against There was a main effect of condition within set 3 with the
the interaction model (BF10: 0.073, error % 5.497 for interaction 12 cm condition completing more repetitions (BF10: 6.325,
model compared to the main effects model of BF10: 0.299, error error % 2.465).

Figure 2. Muscle thickness and echo intensity for Experiment 2 (n = 87) between a wide cuff (12 cm) and a wide cuff inflated to a pressure meant for a narrow cuff
(12/5), separated between sex. (a) The absolute change in muscle thickness. (b) The absolute change in echo intensity. (c) The change in muscle thickness when
made relative (% change from baseline). (d) The % change from baseline in echo intensity. Bayes factors (BF10) were used to provide evidence for (BF10 of ≤ 0.33) or
against the null (BF10 of ≥ 3.0) hypothesis. The median is the middle bar and represents the posterior density of the change under the alternative hypothesis and the
upper and lower bars represent the 95% credible interval of that posterior density.

Discussion more discomforting (Jessee et al., 2017; Mattocks et al.,

2017). In contrast to these variables, our results suggest that
The main findings from the current study are: (1) the absolute
applying a higher than intended pressure did not affect the
change in muscle swelling was greater in men than women;
muscle swelling response. This is consistent with previous data
(2) the absolute change in swelling was greater for men with
in a narrow cuff that suggests that the swelling response is
a narrow cuff than a wide cuff; (3) there were no sex or cuff
similar, provided the exercise is taken to or near task failure
differences when muscle swelling was expressed as
(Buckner et al., 2018; Dankel, Jessee, et al., 2017b; Loenneke
a percentage change; and (4) there were no changes in echo
et al., 2017). Similar to Experiment 1, this suggests that the
intensity when comparing a narrow cuff to a wide cuff
swelling response from applying a pressure meant for
(Experiment 1), but there was a decrease in echo intensity
a narrow cuff to a wide cuff is unable to explain any of the
with the wide cuff inflated to a higher pressure (Experiment 2).
potential attenuations of muscle under the cuff when using
The acute swelling response is one proposed mechanism to
a wider cuff (Ellefsen et al., 2015; Kacin & Strazar, 2011).
explain the increase in muscle size when blood flow restriction
Echo intensity is a measurement of pixel density quantified
is combined with low load resistance exercise (Jessee,
from an ultrasound image. This measurement has been used
Mattocks, et al., 2018a; Loenneke et al., 2012; Yasuda et al.,
as an estimate of fatty infiltrate (Pillen et al., 2009), connective
2012). The idea being that blood flow restricted exercise can
tissue (Fukumoto et al., 2012), edema (Damas et al., 2016), and
induce large increases in intracellular metabolites leading to
glycogen (Nieman, Shanely, Zwetsloot, Meaney, & Farris,
a muscle cell swelling effect. This increase in muscle swelling
2015). How echo intensity changes in response to an acute
would be detected by an intrinsic volume sensor which would
bout of exercise has not been well studied (Medeiros,
result in the activation of anabolic pathways (Loenneke et al.,
Mantovani, & Lima, 2017; Nieman et al., 2015). We hypothe-
2012; Low & Taylor, 1998). This hypothesis is commonly tested
sized that echo intensity may be able to inform us as to the
by measuring acute changes in muscle size with (Kim,
location of the fluid shift following blood flow restricted exer-
Loenneke, et al., 2017) or without (Yasuda et al., 2012) an
cise. Notably, previous work suggests that muscle swelling is
estimate of plasma volume. Acute changes in muscle swelling
accompanied with a decrease in plasma volume (Kim,
are consistently observed when exercising with a narrow cuff
Loenneke, et al., 2017). This indicates that the fluid likely
(Farup et al., 2015; Kim, Loenneke, et al., 2017; Yasuda et al.,
shifted intracellularly, though it cannot be known for certain
2012), but it was unknown how the width of the cuff affected
that the fluid did not simply shift into the interstitium. Given
this response. Our results indicate that muscle swelling occurs
that echo intensity has been used as a surrogate of edema
following exercise with both cuff widths, but that men may
before (Damas et al., 2016), we reasoned that it may offer
swell more at an absolute level using a narrow cuff than
insight into the location of the fluid shift. Our results, however,
a wide cuff. Together, this indicates that if there are attenua-
were inconsistent. When comparing a narrow cuff to a wide
tions of muscle growth directly under the cuff as previously
cuff inflated to equal relative pressures, there were no differ-
suggested (Ellefsen et al., 2015; Kacin & Strazar, 2011), then the
ences or pre to post changes within men or women. When
cause is unlikely to be an inability of the muscle to acutely
comparing a wide cuff with a wide cuff inflated to a narrow
swell. There was, however, a blunting of absolute swelling
cuffs pressure, there was an indication of a pressure depen-
within the men exercising with a wide cuff. This might suggest
dent decrease (main effect of condition). However, in contrast
that it is not an inability to swell but a blunting of that
to Experiment 1, there were pre to post changes in echo
swelling response which may impact adaptation. This requires
intensity within Experiment 2. Given that one of the conditions
further study.
was identical between the experiments, we are unable to
Recent recommendations for blood flow restriction suggest explain the discrepancy. Notably, these findings were
that the pressure should be made relative to the cuff width observed even when controlling for probe tilt which is
used and the size of the limb to which it is applied (Mattocks known to have a large influence on echo intensity (Dankel
et al., 2018). Both cuff width and limb size can be accounted et al., 2018). Based on these findings, we suggest great caution
for by setting the pressure relative to the limbs resting arterial in the interpretation of echo intensity.
occlusion pressure. Although multiple independent groups The majority of recommendations for blood flow restric-
now conduct research using relative pressures, there are still tion have been inferred primarily from research which
studies implementing “pressures used previously” as rationale included only men (Counts et al., 2018). Women have been
for their chosen pressure (Christiansen, Murphy, Bangsbo, underrepresented throughout the blood flow restriction lit-
Stathis, & Bishop, 2018; Gundermann et al., 2014; Kim, Lang, erature and when they are included, the sample size is
et al., 2017). Within the last year, a study (Kim, Lang, et al., insufficient to appropriately compare them to men (Counts
2017) applied a universal pressure to a 16 cm wide cuff and et al., 2018). This is an important point because there may
cited Cook, Brown, Deruisseau, Kanaley, and Ploutz-Snyder be physiologic differences between men and women, parti-
(2010) as justification for this pressure selection. The study cularly when it comes to fatigue resistance. Previous data
cited used a narrow cuff, which means the pressure applied suggests that women have better muscular endurance than
with the 16 cm cuff was likely much higher than intended. men with isometric trunk extension exercise (Clark, Manini,
Previous work has shown that as the relative pressure Thé, Doldo, & Ploutz-Snyder, 2003). Another study found
increases, the amount of blood flow decreases (Mouser, that women required more repetitions to reach task failure
Laurentino, et al., 2017b), the cardiovascular response than men during low load blood flow restricted isotonic
increases (Jessee et al., 2017), and the exercise becomes knee extension exercise (Labarbera et al., 2013). Data from

Experiment 1 extended those findings to upper body uni- Conclusions

lateral elbow flexion with main effects being noted for cuff
Muscle swelling is a purported mechanism for the increase in
width and sex. Exercising with a narrow cuff required more
muscle size observed following long term participation in
repetitions to reach task failure. In addition, similar to other
blood flow restricted exercise. Our findings showed that mus-
studies, women required more repetitions to reach task fail-
cle swelling occurred following exercise for both narrow and
ure than men (Labarbera et al., 2013). Although both cuffs
wide cuffs. Men swelled more using the narrow cuff compared
were inflated to the same relative pressure, the wide cuff
to the wide cuff, albeit, a small difference. As a relative change
may have produced a more fatiguing environment within
from baseline, men and women swelled similarly. If the acute
the muscle. Whilst the blood flow reduction at rest is similar
swelling response is important for initiating long term adapta-
between a narrow and a wide cuff (Mouser et al., 2017a), the
tion, then our results indicate that neither cuff width nor sex
influence of exercise may alter this relationship. The effect of
will differentially impact the adaptation observed via this
cuff width, as opposed to absolute pressure, is supported by
mechanism. In addition, while applying a higher than
the results of Experiment 2 (i.e. both conditions exercised
intended pressure may impact the cardiovascular response
with same cuff width). In this study, repetitions were closer
and perceived discomfort, this is unlikely to alter the acute
together between conditions than when comparing
swelling response. Changes in echo intensity were inconsis-
a narrow and a wide cuff. It should be mentioned that
tent and the utility of this measurement may need to be
while our analysis in Experiment 2 did not find evidence
for an effect of condition (outside of set 3) or sex, there was
also not evidence provided for the null. This is to be con-
sidered when examining the repetitions to task failure.
Disclosure statement
The influence of sex on muscle swelling and changes in
echo intensity was more consistent. The only evidence for an No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
interaction occurred with the absolute swelling response, with
men observing a greater change in swelling with the narrow
cuff compared to the wide cuff. Though there was evidence
that there was a difference in response, the difference Buckner, S. L., Jessee, M. B., Dankel, S. J., Mattocks, K. T., Mouser, J. G.,
between cuffs was small and the meaningfulness of this dif- Bell, Z. W., . . . Loenneke, J. P. (2018). Acute skeletal muscle responses to
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