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Reflection over Induction Training

By Babar Khan Tokhi

The training began with the introduction of City School policies, aims and
objectives and preferred teaching modalities. The qualities of an efficient teacher
were brought to light at the very beginning and all the participants had a good in
it. This discussion over it widened the list of qualities of a better teacher.
Moreover, modern teaching strategies were uncovered with better
implementation techniques. This segment contributed a lot to smooth
achievement of learning objectives via the implementation of said activities. The
training turned out more interesting, when SMART objectives were put in place.
SMART objectives paved the way for us to get in hand the desired lesson
objectives softly as these helps a teacher at large to plan accordingly. In addition, I
learned about the usage of Blooms Taxonomy and its key role in planning
objectives of the lesson. Blooms taxonomy begins at lower order thinking and
ends at higher order thinking; providing guidance to a teacher for a gradual
development in learning within the class. VARK/VAK learning modalities were also
brought into effect during the session which added a lot to my knowledge about
different learning styles of learners with in a class. The session of VARK ended
with sparkle learning; teacher lesson plan must be a differentiated one which is
comprised of discrepant strategies for different learners. Learning through such
would undoubtedly turn out an effective one. At the end of the session we
learned about lesson planning and its different segments. We framed an actual
lesson plan of 40 minutes and had a constructive feedback over each other’s
lesson plans.

In short, the induction training proved quite productive for all of us, it added a lot
to our knowledge professionally and opened our eyes officially.

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