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Name: __Zackary Barrington Gillon __ Reg. #: __1911358___

Department & Program: Management Sciences, BBA Class & Section: 2 (F)

Course Code & Name: Human Behavior, BA2312 Total Marks: 30 Marks

Instructor’s Name: Faiza Siddiqui Submission Deadline: 23 June, 2020; 06:15pm

Problem solving basically means to solve a complex problem with the help of mental capabilities. However,
problem solving isn’t the easiest thing to do and there are certain issues or barriers that can arise from it
depending on the type of problem and the difficulty problem. These include;

 Confirmation bias in which an individual’s solution to a problem is based on their own gut feeling or
belief. This can be done easily and is less time consuming due to not having to do any research or ask
around for a solution.
 Functional fixedness in which an individual is fixated upon the fact that a problem can be only solved in
one way and that there are no other options to explore or consider. This also has lack of creativity
which makes it even more difficult to find a solution.
 Mental set in which less effort is used due to it being a solution use in the past relying on heuristic. This
is time consuming as a solution is re-used instead of looking for a solution and evaluation if it may work
or not.

In my opinion money doesn’t buy happiness as it can only buy materialistic things that are mistaken for
happiness and are only temporary. "Happiness" can easily be taken to mean a state of constant joy and bliss. It
is when everything in life is at peace and there a balance which an individual is comfortable with each and
everything. This state of mind cannot be purchased with money due to it be priceless.

Moreover, this state of mind is subject to the well-being of an individual and how they evaluate their life in
terms of their thoughts and emotions. thinking and feeling that your life is going well through an assessment
of an individual’s own life. People high in subjective well-being seem to be healthier and function more
effectively due to their lack of stress holding them back which is why it is the key to happiness. This can be
further achieved through having a high self-esteem which is keeping yourself high no matter what as an
individual should know their own worth in order to be happy by loving and believing in one’s self.
Related to self-esteem is optimism which is hopefulness and confidence about the future, believing in each
decision u make knowing it is right and will lead to success. It is basically having an un-doubtable mindset
which keeps an individual strong through any situation. Furthermore, having a sense of control is also a vital
part of an individual’s well-being as it is based on their decision making. Choosing between right and wrong
can lead to a happy or sad state of mind. Choosing to stay home and study rather than going for a movie will
result in more happiness from good grades over temporary enjoyment.

Being sociable can be considered as the last factor to achieving happiness through subjected well-being as it is
the way an individual is social in their life and is accepted for who they are. A feeling of social solidarity is
achieved and more acceptance for an individual’s self-worth which results in happiness from within.

Heredity and environment have an interactive influence on intelligence which is defined as the ability to learn
and interact with the environment. A high socio-economic environment will assure the necessary intellectual
stimulation to unlock an individual’s genetic potentials and increase the chance of high intellectual
performance. Heredity sets the potential, while environment determines the extent to which this is fulfilled.
Intelligence is noticed as hereditary and the environment on the other hand influences how far and wide it will
develop or fail.

Some of the environmental influences that are linked to intelligence are factors such as family, education,
enriched social environments, and peer groups have all been linked to differences in IQ. Which is a way how
individuals learn and grow more every day. They receive primary and secondary socialization from their
parents and peer groups alike.

For example, an individual who has access to more privileges, raised by a well-educated family and goes to the
best school in the neighborhood will have a better IQ, will perform better at school since his/her primary
socialization will teach them manners and basic problem solving keeping in mind their intelligence will be
herited from their parents as compared to an individual who is deprived of all those factors. These students
will not be able to perform as well in school since they are deprived of basic primary education.

This can be further explained as considering an individual from a well-educated background is in the same
classroom and has the same subjects are a deprived individual from a none educated background. The
individual from a well-educated background will have an upper hand as he/she will already be familiar and will
know English which is linked to all subjects. Whereas, the individual from the none educated background will
first have to learn the English language and then the subjects individually which will be more time consume
and will not be able to cope with the rest of the class, the individual may feel demotivated thinking he/she is
dumb and is not able to study however that is not the case it is simple the lack of intellectual heredity and
environment he/she grew up in.

Biological and Social Factors are both directly and indirectly to hunger which may influence an individual’s
eating behavior. Basically eating disorders are often biologically inherited run in families which is why when a
family is overweight the whole family is due to their eating habits. There is more intake of food as it is the
household norm which the whole family maybe used to eating in a large quantity.

Moreover, in terms of biological factors some may have an inherited sweet tooth which is when an individual
is addicted to sweets taste. Having a good appetite which basically is the ability to consume more food as
compared to other may also be a biological factor as learning to eat well from a young age due to family
heritage of an appetite causes an individual to consume more food.

Moving on to social factors which are taste and preferences learned culturally or traditionally. It is basically
linked with the environment an individual grows up in. for example; due to growing up in a Pakistani
household and environment where spicy food is considered the most delicious is a culturally learned taste.
These are all introduced to individual on a daily basis which becomes a part of their life. For example, the
craving for a spicy chicken tikka or mixed chaat which is enjoyed by most of the individuals in Pakistan due to a
culturally set taste preference by the environment.

Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic hypothesis of character contends that human conduct is the consequence of
the communications among three segment portions of the brain. This hypothesis, known as Freud's basic
hypothesis of character, places extraordinary accentuation on the job of oblivious mental clashes in molding
conduct and character, our character creates from the communications among what he proposed as the three
key structures of the human psyche: the id, conscience, and superego. Clashes among these three structures,
and our endeavors to discover balance among what every one of them "wants," decides how we carry on and
approach the world.

The ID is basically the most primitive of the three structures, is concerned with instant gratification of basic
physical needs and urges. It operates entirely unconsciously. For instance, if your id strolled past an outsider
with a lemonade on a hot bright day, it would in all probability take the lemonade for itself. It doesn't have the
foggiest idea, or care, that it is inconsiderate to take something having a place with another person; it would
mind just that you needed the lemonade.

The Super-Ego is basically concerned with social rules and morals which is also recognized as” conscience”. It
mainly develops as a child learns is right and wrong. If your superego strolls past the same stranger, it would
not take their lemonade because it would know that that would be rude.

The Ego is basically the rational part of our personality. Is considered less primitive than “iD” and is partly
conscious and partly unconscious, its provides a balance to the demands of the id and superego. So, if you
stroll past the stranger with lemonade one more time, your ego would conflict between your id and superego
and decide to go buy your own lemonade on a hot sunny day.

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