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Education starts way back in the garden of Eden. In fact, there’s a school established
there, and the knowledge and wisdom gained from Eden comes from nature, or in simpler
context it comes from God’s creation. Here, in the midst of beautiful scenes of nature untouched
by sin, our first parents, Adam and Eve received their education. The holy angels and God
themselves personally direct their learnings. They were given counsels and instructions to follow
and learn on. They were taught to communion with him day and night in the company of His
precious creations.
From the vast lands, littered with lovely flowers and trees, and the chirping birds free to
dance with the cool breeze. With the clear sky and the crystal waters, the sun, the moon and the
myriads of stars that lights the night, God the Author of all can be pictured. Adam and Eve
together with the creations are witnesses to our Creator’s glory, power, Divinity and most
especially our Father’s love and grace.
The laws and operations of nature, and the great principles of truth that governs the
spiritual universe, were opened to their minds by the infinite Author of all. Adam and Eve’s
mental and spiritual prowess developed, and they realized the highest pleasure of their holy
existence. The exact words in the book says, ‘God’s glory covered the heavens, and the earth
was full of his praise.’ Our first parents were taught to whom all glory and honor belong to. They
were taught of how perfect man is created. And most especially they were taught the values of
being the caretaker-the stewards of God’s creation.
I just realized, that Adam and Eve was so much privilege to be taught personally by God.
They do not need manuals, textbooks or internet. They do not need gadgets to assist them in their
learning like we do today. They do not need to find answers else were. They don’t have any
difficulties searching for truth, because the Source of true knowledge and the greatest mentor of
all is with them and is also their teacher.
We have learned from chapter 1 that God reveals himself through many ways, and nature
is one of them. God had shown His mercy, love and grace through it. Moreover, He revealed
Himself as the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Father through his wonderful creation.
Up until now, when we look into the beauty of nature, we feel spiritual calmness. We feel
energized and empowered once again.
The first school in Eden had been continued by the remnants up until this point-that is
why we have Adventist schools-that integrates and promotes Christian education. Praise the
Lord, that the line had never been broken. God still makes way, for his perfect plan of salvation
to be revealed. That is why, how privilege Adam and Eve were, so are we, for we are able to
study in an Adventist school and grasp true education.

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