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Use of English

Singular and plural nouns: most nouns can be singular (one) or plural (more than one)
Rule 1 Rule 2 Irregular nouns
We usually add an -s to a Singular Plural
singular noun to make it Some nouns are different Man Men
plural Woman Women
Example: Example: Child Children
Singular Plural Nouns that end in: Plural Person People
Foot Feet
Tooth Teeth
Penny Pence
Fish Fish
Sheep Sheep
A pizza Two pizzas S, ss, sh, ch, and x Add -es Boxes
A carrot Two carrots Consonant (b,c,d, Change – y to i and -es Families
A fruit Three fruits etc) +y
A lemon Four lemons (ay, ey, oy) Add -s Days
F o fe Change f to v and add Wives

TASK 1. Complete the conversation with words from the box.

Hi, this is the market list.

Example: There are things to buy in the market list
Sophie: ___________ orange juice boxes in the fridge? There is
Anthony: Yes, _________ but the boxes are in the dining room! a
Sophie: Ok, do you have _______ water? There are
Anthony: Sure, it’s over there. There aren´t
Sophie: _____________ fruits in the fridge. Some
Anthony: Look, ___________ an apple, ____ orange and ____ pineapple. There aren´t any
Sophie: Thank you. Do you want ________ tea? an
Anthony: Yes, I love tea and chocolate. How many
Sophie: __________ chocolate bars are there in the shelf? Some
Anthony: ____________ chocolate bars there. Are there
Sophie: Ok the list is complete!

TASK 2. Complete the dialogue (1-5) with How much or How many

Laura: What are the necessary things for a salad preparation?

Lynn: Let’s read the recipes book.
Laura How many carrots do we need?
Recipe preparation Lynn: We need four carrots
For a delicious salad there are the Laura: ____________ water is necessary?
following ingredients: four carrots, one Lynn I think we only need 3 glasses of water
some sugar, two lemons, three glasses Laura: _____________ lemons?
of water, five cucumbers, three Lynn: Well… the book says 3 lemons
tomatoes, some salt and one slice of Laura: ____________ cucumbers?
cheese. Lynn: We need five cucumbers

Laura: _____________ salt?

Lynn: Just some salt.
Laura: Great! And ___________ tomatoes?
Three tomatoes are ok.

TASK 3. Read the text below and choose the correct noun form from the box.

women chefs woman children

People customers men
The restaurant report
Every day in the restaurant there are many __________ as students and teachers. In my weekly complaint report, I
noticed that my __________ are: 20% ___________, 40% ___________ and 40% ___________. Many students complain
about Patricia, the ___________ who is in cash. Others complain about the high price and others about the taste of the
food. Clients say they don't like the pizza's taste. My plan to improve the service in the restaurant is to contract four
more people. Now I have just two _________, Lucy and Sandra in charge of the kitchen and Antonio in charge of the

TASK 4. Look at the picture. Complete the dialogue with a, an, some and any

Katy Make the market list.

Mike: What products do you need?
Katy Can you buy ________ cheese, bread and ___
carton of milk, please?
Mike: Ok, do you need _____ cookies?
Katy No, I don’t need
Mike: Can you buy ____ orange and _______ butter
Katy: Sure. There isn’t _____ flour.
Mike: How much flour do we need?
TASK 5. Choose the correct word in each
Katy: Just a little.

Example: are/is there any chairs in the kitchen?

Diane: Everybody is in the dining room, let’s have a nice lunch.

Andrew: There is/are some strawberries juice in the garden
Diane: Are/is there some dishes in the kitchen?
Andrew: Yes, there is/are 5 dishes and some glasses for the juice.
Diane: Ok! So There is/are a jar of orange juice in the fridge
Andrew: Great! Do you want some water too?
Diane: No, I don’t. are/is there some tea?
Andrew: Sure.
Diane: Thank you.

Vocabulary Task

TASK 1. Put the words from the box into the categories.

Blackberries Juice Strawberrie Products for the restaurant

Wine Apples Tomatoes Vegetables Drinks Fruits
Broccoli Water Pears Carrots Milk Apples
Coffee Cucumber Onions
Potatoes Grapes Tangerines
Tea Milk Lettuce
Carrots Oranges Soda

TASK 2. Match the pictures and the words.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A. Water F. Hamburger
B. Pineapple G. Pizza
C. Milk H. Carrots
D. Orange I. Bread
E. Grapes J. Pear

TASK 3. Complete the menu with words from task 2.

water pineapple milk oranges grapes

hamburger pizza carrots bread pear

Healthy menu Drinks Menu Fast food Menu

Salad fruit
The ingredients of a good salad In the menu we can offer just two International Fast food
fruit are: blackberries, watermelon, kinds of drinks. The first is natural, There are different kinds of food.
pineapple, a branch of without taste and healthy. For this For example, Italian food as
__________, __________ and a you can have a glass of ______. ___________, and American food
portion of a delicious green Another option is a delicious glass of as ____________ that includes a
_______. Also you can include _________ delicious American bread.
some vegetables as ________


 You will hear five short conversations.
 You will hear each conversation twice.
 There is one question for each conversation.
 For questions (1 – 5) choose the best answer (A, B, or C)

1. What does Mark have for breakfast every day? 4. What does Henry never eat?

2. How many portions of fruit does Jenny eat every day? 5. How often does Maria’s family eat out every day?

3. What does Jane like eating the most?


 You will hear a woman making a reservation at “Nando’s Restaurant”. Listen and complete form.
 You will hear the conversation twice.


Nando’s Example.
1. Name:
Restaurant 2. Time:
3. Table for:
4. Meal ordered:
5. Special request:


TASK 1. Questions 1-5

 Read the text about food

 Look at the questions (1-5) and mark if each statement is True or False.
 There is an example.

True False
0 Food:
Fruit Facts
and orangeandjuice
is good for you. X
1 Natural juice is beneficial for your health. ________ _______
Fruit juice is good for you. Natural fruit juice is good for you, but it is bad for your teeth. So yes, it is good
2 Juice is good between meals. ________ _______
3 some orangeof
Eight glasses juice with
water yourisbreakfast
a day or lunch, but it is not beneficial juice between meals.
good for you. For this, it_______
________ is
4 good water instead. Eight glasses
With a good breakfast you feel hungry. of water a day is good for you, and in water there is not any calories
________ _______
5 but, in orange juice there are a lot of calories.
It is not good to consume sugar in the morning. It is important to start a day with a good breakfast. Without
________ _______
breakfast you feel hungry. Later in the morning some biscuits and chocolates are good for you. However,
sugar is not a good idea. Instead some nuts or melon are beneficial for your health.

TASK 2. Questions 1- 5
 Read the following paragraphs about Simon and Lisa.
 If the statement is about Simon mark (A)
 If the statement is about Lisa mark (B)

Hello! My Name is Simon, I’m sixteen Hi! My Name is Lisa, I’m sixteen years old
years old and I live in London. My and I live in Manchester. My favourite
favourite food is pizza! I like it very food is fish and chips! I also like salad and
much! I sometimes eat pizza and tomatoes, but I never eat carrots. I
hamburgers with friends at the sometimes eat some ice cream, it’s very
restaurant or at home. I also eat fish, delicious! I often drink tea, orange juice
pasta and some fruit, but never and strawberry milkshake. Strawberry
vegetables. I hate vegetables! I usually milkshake is my favourite drink!
drink some coke or fresh apple juice. I
never drink tea; I don’t like tea! 5 men 5 Are there

Simon Lisa
0 Who prefers eating pizza? A B
1 This person never enjoys eating some vegetables. A B
2 Who loves eating fish? A B
3 This person generally drinks soda. A B
4 This person likes eating some dessert. A B
5 Who hates drinking tea? A B

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