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Solid State Technology

Volume: 64 Issue: 2
Publication Year: 2021

The Effectiveness Of E-Learning Based On The

ÉLISA Application at The Indonesian
Police Academy
Elisa Ika Yuniawati1, Fakhruddin2, Rusdarti3, Kardoyo4, Nerru Pranuta M5
Faculty of Educational Management 1,2,3,4,5
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Semarang, Indonesia

Abstract— This study aims to see the effectiveness and application of e-learning based on the ÉLISA
application at the Police Academy. This research uses quantitative methods. This study focuses on the
effectiveness of e-learning applications used in the Police Academy based on the input-process-output
education management information system. The number of samples in this study was 66 AKPOL cadets.
Samples were selected by random sampling. The instrument used is a test. Based on the results of data
analysis, 1) the results of the average achievement test for the English language skills of the Police Academy
cadets with the one-sample t-test obtained a value of 0.000 <0.05, which means that the average results of
the English skills of AKPOL cadets are more than 75; 2) the results of the classical mastery test of AKPOL
cadets' English skills with the proportion test obtained z hitung = 4.065> 1.65 = ztabel which means that the
proportion of completeness of AKPOL cadets is in the proportion of more than 80%. Based on the results of
data analysis, it shows that the application of e-learning based on the ÉLISA application effective according
to the needs of the Police Academy Cadets.
Keywords- : E-learning, ÉLISA Application, Police Academy


The rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT) as one of the changes in the
21st century was marked by the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. In this era, the use of sophisticated
technology, especially computers and the internet, in various life activities is increasingly dominant,
including education. In the field of education, it is slowly shifting the paradigm of conventional education
into modern education. It is in line with Pahkomawa (2015) opinion, which states that there is a need for
modernization in teaching, namely by implementing innovative forms of teaching, as well as the use of new
technology in education. It is in line with Berge & Huang (2004) that there has been a shift in the paradigm
of traditional learning systems that are transformed into modern learning. The 21st century demands an
increase in the quality of human resources. This was also confirmed by ATCS (Assessment and Teaching
for 21st Century Skills). According to ATCS, there are four main things related to skills that must be
possessed in the 21st century: ways of thinking, work, work tools, and life skills. The ways of thinking

include creative thinking, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Ways of working include cooperation,
skills, and communication. Life skills include social and character skills. Looking at this phenomenon

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Solid State Technology
Volume: 64 Issue: 2
Publication Year: 2021
requires all users in the education sector to innovate to answer the challenges of this era, in line with Simin
et al. (2014), which states that there is a need for the application of ICT in education.

The change in the mindset of the 21st century has also demanded a huge change in national education.
21st-century learning framework based on BNSP 2010, namely: (a) ability to think critically and problem-
solving, (b) ability to cooperate and communicate, (c) ability to create and update; (d) information and
communication technology literacy, (e) contextual learning; information skills and media literacy.

One form of the use of ICT in education is through the application of e-learning. The learning process
itself generally uses the term in the network (online). The application of e-learning through various models
such as blended learning, online learning, distance learning, MOOC, and other e-learning models. E-learning
as the use of ICT can improve users' performance and knowledge (Rosenberg, 2001). The application of e-
learning can be implemented through well-integrated education management supported by all users and
stakeholders. Through the elements of input-process-output information management in the application of e-
learning can improve the quality of education. The education management information system, the input
process output, can also present interactive and communicative information. In line with previous studies,
McMahon (2004) states that e-learning through an education management information system can be
applied according to educational needs and policies. The education management information system is also
effectively used in school governance (Shah, M., 2014).

Based on Rui-Hsin & Lin (2017) research, it is revealed that e-learning applied in the education and
training of the Taiwan Police provides positive benefits to the ease of use of the educational process. In his
research, it also describes that blended learning as one of the e-learning models can also be applied in the
learning process to encourage independent learning of students who are currently faced with real situations
and increase the ability of human resources to operate an integrated police education and training
information system. An e-learning system. The application of e-learning via the web also has a positive
effect on improving the quality of education information system services.

A similar study was conducted by Leal, J. (2009) on the training of law enforcement officers in America,
which revealed the cost efficiency of using e-training and e-education systems through an online learning
portal compared to the use of conventional education systems. The application of e-learning can also
improve employees' quality in increasing the ability to operate ICT according to future needs and demands.
E-learning is one solution as an alternative to the use of ICT used in learning methods. One of the e-learning
applications used is web-based, which can store, present information quickly, generates, and distribute
learning through internet and intranet technology to support distance learning (Clark & Mayer, 2003: 11,
Rosenberg, 2001: 28-29 ). Besides, Erin Mills (2010) also states that technology-supported learning can be a
driving force for high quality policing.

One of the educational and training institutions in Indonesia that are tasked with producing future Polri
leadership candidates, the Police Academy (AKPOL), also inevitably has to keep up with changes in this
era, especially in applying education management information systems using e-learning. This is a big
challenge for the Police Academy to face changes in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 information
disruption to carry out its role as an educational institution for prospective police officers. Through the

AKPOL official education, it is hoped that they will produce professional Police Officers. This is under the
National Police Chief's program through the promoter, namely the Polri professional, modern and reliable.
Therefore, as a form of implementing the modern National Police, the Police Academy must also fix the
learning system in its education process by utilizing ICT.

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Solid State Technology
Volume: 64 Issue: 2
Publication Year: 2021
AKPOL, through the Jarlatsuh education program (teaching, training, and nurturing), seeks to modernize
its implementation methods. The implementation of learning at the Police Academy uses various methods
such as lectures, questions and answers, discussions, assignments, demonstrations, simulations, role-playing,
case studies, cooperative learning, collaborative learning, drill, and other methods. Police Academy cadets
are required to relearn courses that are not followed simultaneously as the implementation of other official
activities, so they must study independently. The implementation of independent learning carried out by
AKPOL cadets by utilizing technology to support tasks according to applicable regulations is stated in the
regulation of the Head of the National Police Education and Training Institute article 14.

To produce output that is following the vision and mission of the Institute, this can be done through the
application of web-based e-learning. However, this is very different from the results obtained through the
preliminary study of questionnaires distributed by researchers to educators (gadik) and cadets of the Police
Academy. Based on the distributed questionnaire, information was obtained about the application of ICT in
Police Academy as a medium used in the learning process. As many as 79.4% of respondents used the
internet network to find additional references to support the learning process, 50% for entertainment, 35.5%
of e-learning sites, 11.8% gave online quizzes. E-learning through the Kendalisodo learning management
system (LMS) and Moodle found in the Police Academy Information System (SIAK) have never been used
at all. Other facilities such as CBT, e-library have never been used by respondents.

One form of application of ICT in learning at Police Academy is the ÉLISA application. The ÉLISA
application was developed to be a medium to help smooth the learning process, improve learning outcomes,
improve the quality of the learning process or manage to learn. The ÉLISA application's validity was tested
through a Focus Group of Discussion (FGD). FGDs were held twice.
Based on the foregoing, researchers are interested in carrying out research related to the application of e-
learning at Police Academy. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the application of the e-
learning management model based on the ÉLISA application in the Police I English lecture at the Police
This study uses a quantitative approach. The research design used was experimental. The experimental
design used in this study was one group pretest-posttest design. In this research design, the researcher used 1
group, which was divided into two classes. The group was given the test twice, namely pretest (before
treatment) and posttest (after treatment). Then see the increased inability in the class. The sample in this study
was 66 AKPOL cadets. And the instrument used in this study was a test. The sampling technique in this study
is random sampling. Sample selection was carried out by class randomization.


The application of e-learning to use ICT in the Police Academy to support teaching programs has been
implemented since 2014. In the beginning, the use of e-learning for the first time used the Police Academy
Information System (SIAK) via the Moodle website during the teaching process. AKPOL launched an
Android-based AKPOL information system in October 2019 with the name TIK Kendalisodo which contains
Learning Management System (LMS) features, and School Management System, which contains teaching

programs. This Kendalisodo ICT is a transformation from the SIAK LMS, which was originally web-based
and then android-based. Utilization of the two ICTs is only limited at the time of application launch but has
not been optimally applied to the Jarlatsuh program. Furthermore, the ICT model has developed again

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Solid State Technology
Volume: 64 Issue: 2
Publication Year: 2021
through a learning management system for the Police Academy, but only contained schedules, teaching
materials, and assignments. Of the three ICT applications, not all of them answer the needs of Taruna in
implementing learning programs. Based on preliminary research on the e-learning system used, it does not
cover the entire e-learning management through input-process-output. Based on the preliminary study,
another e-learning management model is needed to be used in the learning process. According to Fattah
(2006), Education is a system that is seen both at the micro and macro level of education. Micro education is
seen from several elements, namely students, educators, and their interaction in an educational effort. Micro
education is seen through components consisting of broad scope, namely input (input) - educational process
(process) - educational outcomes (output). This is in line with McMahon's (1993) definition, SIMP contains
collected data about the implementation of the education system that can help education administrators to
monitor and improve educational effectiveness.
E-learning is an educational model that is integrated into the education management information system.
The e-learning used is application-based. This application-based e-learning management model uses ÉLISA,
which was developed to meet the above demands. In the e-learning management model, there are
characteristics of input-process-output management elements integrated into the entire system through certain
menus and features so that they can contain various supporting materials in the management system.
The input contains input in all data for students, cadets, teaching materials, RPS, lesson schedules, and
important information supporting teaching using application-based e-learning. Whereas in the process of
loading learning models and methods by utilizing ICT, which are integrated into application-based e-learning.
In addition, the process also includes providing quizzes and online assignments that can be used both online
and offline. As an output, it can contain the cumulative results of the assessment presented in one menu. The
following is a form of an e-learning management model based on the ÉLISA application..

Figure 1. E-learning management model based on the ÉLISA application


This model has been tested for validity before use. Testing the e-learning management model based on the
ÉLISA application by presenting several experts through Focus Group of Discussion (FGD) activities. This
FGD activity was carried out twice, namely FGD I and FGD II activities.

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Volume: 64 Issue: 2
Publication Year: 2021

Figure 2. Testing the validity of the e-learning management model based on the ÉLISA application

The results of the feasibility test of the model through FGD can be seen from each indicator of the TAM
theory by Davis (1985), which includes 5 aspects, namely perceived ease of use (PEU); perceived usefulness
(PU); Attitude towards using (ATU); Behavioral intention (BI); System Actual Usage (SAU). The results of
the percentage feasibility of the e-learning model by experts and practitioners were that PEU was 93.7%, PU
was 97.5%, ATU of 93.7%, BI at 92.5%, SAU at 100%. The results of the feasibility of the e-learning
management model are seen in the education management information system input-process-output of each
management indicator covering 3 aspects, namely input-process-output. The result of the feasibility of the
percentage of the e-learning management model is that the input is 95%, the process is 95.8%, and the output
is 95%.

To determine the effectiveness of learning with the e-learning management model based on the ÉLISA
application, the researcher used two class samples, namely class G and class H cadets TK.II class 54. Each
class consisted of 33 people. Both classes get the same treatment. Both classes were also given pretest and
posttest. The two classes are then combined into one. The following is the data from the pretest and posttest
results from that class.

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics Results

From the table above, it is known that the mean of the pre-test was 71.47, and the mean of the post-test
was 82.06. From the table it is also known that 50% of the cadets' pre-test scores were below 70, while when
viewed from the post-test results, it was known that 50% of cadets got a score above 80.
Before being tested inferentially, the sample data were tested for normality first. This normality test is

carried out to assess the distribution of data in that class. Is the data distribution normally distributed or not.
The normality test using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis assisted by SPSS obtained the following results.

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Solid State Technology
Volume: 64 Issue: 2
Publication Year: 2021
Table 2. Normality Test Results with Kolmogorov-Smirnov
N 66 66
Normal Parameters Mean 71.47 82.06
Std. Deviation 2.002 3.721
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .329 .362
Positive .329 .362
Negative -.231 -.184
Test Statistic .329 .362
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .074 .063c
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.

From the results of the normality test, it is found that the Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) for pre-test data 0.074>
0.05, and the Asymp value. Sig. (2-tailed) for post-test data 0.063> 0.05. This means that the pre-test and
post-test data come from data that is normally distributed so that the inferential test can then be continued.
To test the effectiveness of Police English learning 1 for Police Academy cadets with the e-learning
management model based on the ÉLISA application on Police Academy cadets' English language skills,
researchers used inferential statistical analysis, namely 1) average achievement test; and 2) proportion test.
The average achievement test for the English skills results of the Police Academy cadets uses a one-party
test, namely the one-sample t-test. The following are the results of the one-sample t-test with SPSS assistance.

Table 3. One-Sample T-Test

Test Value = 75
Sig. Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
t Df (2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper
PRETEST -14.328 65 .064 -3.530 -4.02 -3.04
POSTTEST 15.417 65 .000 7.061 6.15 7.98

The hypothesis in the one-sample t-test is:

Ho: The average English skill of Police Academy cadets is less than 75
Ha: The average English skill of the Police Academy cadets is more than 75

From the table above, it is found that the Sig. (2-tailed) posttest data = 0.000 <0.05. This means accepting
Ha and rejecting Ho. So it can be concluded that the average English language skills of AKPOL cadets are
more than 75.
To test whether the English proficiency of each AKPOL cadet is complete, the proportion test is used. The
English language skills of AKPOL cadets are said to be complete if, individually, they meet the completeness
requirements set by Bloom (Winkel, 2007), that is, if 80% of students reach KKM. The classical

completeness test used is the one-party test. The statistical hypothesis is as follows:

Ho : π ≤ πo : The proportion of AKPOL cadets who reach a value of 75 has not exceeded 80%.
Ha : π > πo : the proportion of students who reach a score of 75 has exceeded 80%.

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Solid State Technology
Volume: 64 Issue: 2
Publication Year: 2021

The formula used to calculate the completeness of the proportions is as follows.

Information :
= sample proportion
z : statistical value calculated
πo : proportion assigned (80%)

Furthermore, these results are compared with the table's z value with the test criteria of 5%. If zcount >
z (0.5-α), then Ho is rejected, consequently Ha is accepted, meaning that the completeness of the proportion
exceeds 80%. The results obtained from the trial are as follows:
- The number of AKPOL cadets whose value is more than 75 (x) = 66 cadets
- Number of Police Academy Cadets Samples / data = 66
- The value of the hypothesized proportion (πo) = 80% = 0.8

Then Z = = = 4.065.

By using a significant level of 5%, ztabel = 1.65 is obtained, meaning zcount> ztable then Ho is rejected,
and Ha is accepted, meaning that the proportion of AKPOL cadets' completeness is in the proportion of more
than 80%.
Based on the data analysis results above, it can be concluded that learning English for Police 1 for Police
Academy cadets using the ÉLISA application-based e-learning management model is effective. In previous
research, Noni & Budhisantoso (2018) development of e-learning for English Class stated that the
development of e-learning was done by adding several features such as login, homepage, and interactive
learning materials combined with animated videos as well as quizzes and feedback. After being applied to
student trials, the application can be easily used and encourages students' independence to learn
independently. Apart from that, the use of e-learning must be aligned with students' learning objectives and
abilities. This is in line with the findings of El-Bakry, H.M & Mastorakis. (2007) The use of e-learning is a
learning revolution using the latest technology to produce effective and efficient learning. The same thing
was also stated in Rui-Hsin & Lin's previous research (2017) that the use of e-learning for education and
training in the Taiwan Police had a positive impact on the educational process, especially in its ease of use
and an increase in service quality which had an impact on the speed of obtaining information through the use
of the web, besides that, it can also encourage the learning independence of students and increase the ability
of human resources to operate technology in the police education and training information system. The same
thing was also expressed by Kao Rui-Hsin & Chen-Tai Lin (2018), who stated that the easier the e-learning
system is, the better the learning effect. G. Singh, J. O'Donoghue, & H. Worton (2005) also stated that e-
learning could provide an educational alternative that is superior to traditional lectures; e-learning can also be
a model for students on how to become independent learning, which can help make it 'lifelong learning'. Elan
n ain Erin Mills (2010) also states that the application of e-learning is a solution to improve skills and training

for the police community.

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Volume: 64 Issue: 2
Publication Year: 2021
Through this experimental research, it is known that the use of the e-learning management model based on
the ÉLISA application, which is applied in the police English lecture process, is very effective. E-learning
ÉLISA can be used as a complement to the learning process in the use of ICT in the Police Academy.

Further research is needed regarding the application of e-learning, especially in schools with a vocational
background, by combining certain features such as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), and
several other interactive features that can help students carry out learning practices according to conditions.
Real. This model must be supported by facilities and infrastructure to support optimal implementation by
providing extra security systems and periodi

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Volume: 64 Issue: 2
Publication Year: 2021
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