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German Class

With.-Frau Iofi class i-15

Lesson 1

Introduction, Who am I?

Basically ‘Kennenlernen’ is ‘to know’ or how to introduce yourself.

A. So, the first thing that you usually introduce is your name
there is a few ways to introduce yourself :
 Mein Name Ist…
 Ich Bin…
 Ich Heiβ…

β : double S

if someone ask your name :

 Wie heiβt du?

√ Ich heiβ…

Ex: Wie heiβ du?

√ Ich heiβ Iofi

there is a little bit of grammar in these three words

the german language is not really different from English

B. the second thing to introduce is : where do you come from and where do you live

1). How to say “I come from…”

 Ich Komme Aus…

 Ich Komme Aus [country/province/city]
Ex : Ich Komme Aus Iolyptus
If you want to ask somebody “where do you come from” use: Woher kommst du?

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2). I live in…

 Ich Wohne In…

 Ich Wohne In [country/province/city]

Ex : Ich Wohne In Indonesia

C. You can tell people your age, but it’s optional

 Ich bin….Jahre alt (J in German is spelled Y)

Ich bin[age]Jahre alt

Ex : Ich bin 18 (achtzehn) Jahre alt

19 (neunzehn)

20 (zwanzig)

Note : neun(9) is pronounced noin

how to ask someone “where are you ?”use :

 Wo wohnst du?
Answer :
 Ich wohne in / in [country/place]

How to ask the age of someone :

 Wie alt bist du?

 Ich bin [age] Jahre alt

D. Greeting
 Guten morgen : Good morning
 Guten tag : Good day/midday(you can also use this for evening)
 Guten abend : Good evening
 Guten nacht : Good night
E. Asking conditions
 Wie geht’s dir? : how do you do? (not really-formal)
 Wie geht’s? : how are you? (normal)

 Gut/Prima, danke :good/very good,thank you
 Es geht / geht so :it works/goes so/normal/a little bit slugish
 Nicht so gut :not really good/not so good
 Mir geht’s sehr gut! :im doing very well/feeling really good

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F. Thank you and Your welcome :
 Danke! / Danke schӧn! : Thank you! / Thank you so much!
 Bitte! / Bitte schӧn! : Your’e welcome!
Bitte schӧn : your’e very welcome

Note : the alphabet with two dots on top is pronounced with an extra “e”

Ex : ӧ = oe

G. Good bye
There are two words that you can use :
 Tschϋss : bye (unformal)
 Auf wiedersehen : see you / good bye (formal)

That’s all for lesson 1

Thankyou for reading and good bye!

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