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Task 1

Read the following text and answer the question based on the text!

Pancasila Lecture May Soon Be

Compulsory at Leading Indonesian University

Jakarta. Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta plans to take more concrete action to
counter radical religious teachings at its own campus, including by making lectures on state
ideology Pancasila Compulsory, its rector said on Monday (05/06).

“Pancasila should be implemented in our daily life, lecturers may soon be required to
deliver a 30-minutes Pancasila-related lecture during a lesson,” UGM rector Panut Mulyono
said during a discussion with the press at its University Club on Monday (05/06).

1. What is a planning of UGM?

2. Who is the informant in the text?
3. What will be implemented in daily life of us?
4. When was the interview held based on the text?
5. What time will Pancasila be begin?

Task 2

Make a text about “News item text”!

(Buat teks tentang “News item text”!)

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