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Source A:

● Marc seems to go happy to go out on a date with Carly

● Carly seems most happy to go with Sara to hang out.
● She couldn’t really have gone to the bonfire thing since she had work and already
scheduled hanging out with Sara.

Source B:
● Carly seems to be overdramatic and doesn’t seem to be able to hold a relationship for
long enough. She’s gone through 6 boyfriends in a year.
● Marc says he loves her.
● Everything was conveyed by at least one messenger.
● Many people are simping for each other.

Source C:
● Some of the reasons make no sense, such as #8 or #4
● Some of these reasons could be done even if you’re in a relationship, so there’s no point
in putting them here.

Source D:
● The only group project that Carly’s in is on Sunday, with Sara and John. However, the
snapchat story suggests that Jack was there and not John.

Source E:
● The time of the tweet would be correct with Carly’s schedule as she mentioned being
with Sara at the party and not at the bonfire with Matt and Marc.

Source F:
● Marc and Carly don’t really get along well in text conversations when there is a problem.
They just seem to be passive aggressive towards each other. This is also shown when
Marc and Matt text. Marc is basically passive aggressive when talking about Carly and
says she gives him crap.
● When Marc mentioned Anna, Matt basically urged him to come with her to the bonfire.
This means he’s simping for her.
● Both conversations suggest that Matt and Carly don’t like each other.

Source G:
● This is an Instagram post of Anna (Marc’s best friend) and Marc, that was posted with
the caption “Me and my fav guy at Matt’s bonfire last night. No matter what, he’s always
got my back! (or… I have his? LOL) #bff #bestie #fall #lovehim @MarcMan”
● According to Source B, Anna was also given a ride there from Marc
● They are very touchy and are obviously close…
● This is the second day of Marc and Anna being together, like Carly said.

Source H:
● The fact that this menu is expensive shows that Marc really wants to impress Carly.
● Shouldn’t a meal for 2 individuals be more expensive than a couple’s meal? Just a
random comment.
● This shows that Marc cares about his relationship with Carly more than she does.

marc was more invested than her

they don't have good communication


Marc and Carly, a typical teenage couple who recently had a large fight, should break up
because Marc is more invested in the relationship than her, their lack of effective communication
causes toxicity, and Marc’s relationship with Anna causes tension that will only create more
heartache and pain.

Elaborating: Marc seemed more excited when talking about hanging out with Carly in the
schedule than she did talking about him
They are both very passive aggressive against each other in the text messages when
introduced with conflict
Jealousy arose when Marc pushed the entire situation with the issue of Anna
The relationship is one sided on marcs end because he goes to buy tickets and says he is in

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