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The extensive use of reinforced concrete for a variety of structural members

has necessitated a proper under ta nding o f the design in structural concrete
members by the structural engi neers. The wide spread use of reinfo rced con-
crete is the natura l outcome of the rapid development in the theory a nd
design procedures with the in troduction of the philosophy of limit state
The book presents the de sign of a variety of reinforced conc rete st ructures
like Continuou s beams, Porta l fram es, Silos, Bunk ers, Chimneys, Shells
Overhead Water tanks, Virendeel girders, Trusses, Deep beams, Box culverts,
Folded plates, Hyperbol ic cooling towers, Curved girders, Poles, Pipes and
Bridge deek system s. The design of these advanced reinfo rced concrete stru c-
tures conform to the revised tndian Standard Code IS : 456-1978 and S. L
unit s have been adopted for all t he desig n examples. The topics cover ed are
intended to meet t c req uirements of graduate and post g raduaf~ curicula of
most of the engine,:ring in st itutio ns in India. The book is primarily design
o ri ented with more emphasis on types of design with minimum t:xt en r of
theory, presented wherever required for appl ication in design. The vari ous
design steps a re identified and provided in a logical sequence.
The book is extensively illustrated with working drawings showi ng the
reinfo rcement details. The examples for practice provided at the end of
each cha pter is intended to h lp the students preparing for un iversi ty
e;r;aminatio ns.
The references provided at the r.nd. of the book have been extens ively used
in the prepara ti on of the text and are gratefully acknowledged. T he a uthor
is gratefu l to his wife, Pramil a and daughters Sarvamangala a nd Amrurh a
for ex te nding their fullest co-operat io n in the preparation of the t ype script.
Finally the a uthor welcomes const ruc tive criticisms and sugge tio ns which
wiiJ immense ly help in updating the contents of the book.
Ba n galore N. KRISH N A RAJU
January, 198 6


First Published : 1986 ·

First Reprint : 1988

All rights reserve<!. No part of this book may be

reproduced or transmitted without the prior and written
permission from the author and the publisher.

College Book Store
1701-2, Nai Sarak, Delhi-110006

Published by Satish Kumar Jain for CBS Publishers & Distributors

485, Jain Bhawan, Bhola Nath Nagar, Shahdra, Delhi-110032
Printed at Nazia Printers, La! Kuan, De!hi·ll0006.


Lis:! of symbols
x iii
1. Continuous Beams
1.1 Jn troductio n l
1.2 Effect ive span 1
1.3 Spao/d epth ratio 2
1.4 Bending moments an d shear forces
1.5 Design Example 4
1.6 Design Example 6
l.7 Examples for Practice 9

2. Bunkers and Silos

2. 1 I ruroduct ion 11
2.2 Difference between bunker a nd silo. I I
2.3 Des ign of square or rectangular bunkers 13
2.4 Design of circu lar bunkers 17
2.5 Design Example 17
2.6 Design Examp le 21
·2. 7 Des ign of battery of bunkers 26
2.8 Design of sil os 27
2.9 Silos for storage of cement 33
2.10 Desi gn Example 35
2. 11 Design E xample 39
2.12 Des ig n Example 4(l
2.13 Examples for Practice 42

3. Cilimneys
3.1 General 44
3.2 Parts of Chimney 44
3.3 Design Factors 45 .I
3,4 Stresses in R.C. Shafts due to self weight and wind loads 46 i

. ,lr I

viii Contents

3. 5 Stresses in Horizon tal Reinforc ement due to shear force 49

3.6 Stre ses due to Tem perature differen ce 50
3. 7 Design Example 57
3.8 Design Example 57
3.9 Design Exampl e 64
3.10 Design of Reinforcements in Chimney s using Charts 66
3.11 Analysis and design of R.C . Chimneys subjecte d to Dynamic
loads 67
3.12 Example s for Practice 67

4. Curved Beams
4.1 General 69
4.2 Analysis of Bending and Torsiona l moments in circular beams
4.3 Moment s in semic ircular beams supporte d on thr columns
4.4 D esign Exam ple 72
4.5 D esign Exa mpl e 74
4.6 E xa mples for Practice 78

5. Towers
5.1 Genera l 79
5.2 Design Principle s 79
5.3 Ccmput atio n o f moments due to wind loads 80
5.4 Wind load Analysis of a Tower with circular group of columns
5.5 D esign Exam ple 87
5.6 De ign Exam ple 90
5.7 Examples for Pract ice 93

6. E levated Water T ank s

6.1 Types of overhead water tanks 95
6.2 lntz type tank 95
6.3 Design example of Jmz type water tank 101
6.4 Ccnical or Funnel shaped tank 11 5
6. 5 Design Example of Funnel shaped over head Tank 117
6.6 Example s for Practice 128

7. Box-C ulverts
7.1 General Aspects 131
7.2 D esign Loads 131
7.3 Design of Critical sections 133
7.4 Design Example 134
1.5 E xamples for Practice 40

8. Portal Frames
8.1 Introduc tion 141
8.2 Analysis and Design of Portal Frames 141
8.3 D es ign Example 143
8.4 D esign Example 149
8.5 Examples for Practice 157

9. Multist orey Buildin g Frames

9. 1 Analysis of Multisto rey Frames 158
9.2 Method of subs ti tute F rames !58
Contents h:
9.3 Design Example 160
9.4 Bending moments in columns 168
9.5 Analysis of Multistorey frames subjected to Horizontal forces 169
9.6 Design Example 173
9. 7 Examples for Practice 175

10. Shells 176

10.1 Introduction 176
10.2 Shell Terminology 176
10.3 Classification of shells 181
10.4 General specification of shells 181
10.5 Analysis of shells 184
10.6 Example.s for Practice 203 .i
11. Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shells 205
J1.1 General Features 205
11.2 Geometry of Hyper shell 205
11. 3 Analysis of Membrane forces 206
11.4 Inverted Umbrell roof 207
11.5 Design Example 208
11.6 Design Example 210
11.7 Types of hyperbolic Paraboloid Roofs 214
11.8 Examples for Practice 215

12. Hyperbolic Cooling Towers 217

12.1 General Aspects 217
12.2 Hyperboloid of Revolution 217
12.3 Analysis of Membrane forces 218
12.4 Design Example 222
12.5 Analysis of Hyperbolic Cooling Towers for wind lo·a d 225
12.6 Design Example Z29
12.7 Examples for Practice 230
13. Folded Plates 231
13 . 1 General Features 231
13.2 An11tysis of Folded plates 231
13.3 Structuml behaviour of Folded plates 233
13.4 Whituey's Method 235
13.5 Simpson's Method 235
13.6 Iteration Method 236
13.7 Be~~m Method 237
13.8 Winter and P«i's Method 237
13.9 Equation of three shears 237
13.10 Design Example 239
13.11 Stress Conditions in Hipped plates 240
13.12 Design Ex11mple 241
13.13 Design Example 245
13.14 Design Example 253
13.15 Bx11mples for Practice 256

14. Grid or Coffered Floors 258

14.1 General Fe11tures 258
X Contents

l4.2 Analysi s of Gri d Flo

ors 258
14.3 Design Example 262
14.4 Ell:amples for Practic
e 269
15. Virendeel Gir der s
15.1 General Fea ture s 271 271
15.2 Analysis of Virendeel Gir
dders 271
15.3 Design Ell:ample 273
15.4 Design EJtample 275
15.5 Design of Members of Vire
ndo:el Girder 275
15.6 Design Example 277
15.7 E:~tamples for Pra
ctice 280
16. Tru sse s
16.1 General Fea ture s 2RI 281
16.2 Dim ens ion s of Trusses
16.3 Material Req uire men ts
16.4 Con stru ctio nal Fea ture s
16.5 ·Analysis of Tru sse s 284
16.6 Design Example 285
16.7 E:~tamplcs for Practic
e 291
17. P'oles
17.1 Gen era l Features 292
17.2 Classification of Pol
es 293
17.3 Design Fea ture s
17.4 Design E;u mp le
17.5 E11:amples for pra
ctice 297
18. De ep Be am s
18.1 General Fea ture s 299 299
18.2 PaTamoters Influencing des
18.3 ign 299
Flell:ural Bending Stresses
Shear Stre sse s in Dee p Bea
18.5 ms 306
I.S. Cod e Provisions 306
18.6 Design Example 308
18.7 Design Exa mp le 311
18.8 Design E:~tample 312
18.9 Examples for Practice
19. Pip es
19. 1 General Aspects 314 314
19.2 Classification of R.C.C.
Pipes 314
19.3 Des ign Prin cip les 314
19.4 Reinforcements in Pipes
19.5 Tes ts on Pipes 316
19.6 Design Example 317
19.7 Des ign of No n Pressure
R .C.C. Pipes for Culverts
19.8 Design Exa mp le 321 318
19.9 Examples for Pra ctic e 324
,. '

20. Bridge Deck Systems

20.1 General Types 325
20.2 Analysis and Design of slab Decks 325
20.3 Analysis and Design of Tee beam and slab decks 334
20.4 Design E::o;ample . 335
20.5 Design Example 339
20.9 &ampJes fot' Practice 351

Appendix 1
Appendix 2
List of Symbols


Cross Sectional area
1' a
Lever arm
Breadth of beam i
D Overall depth of beam I
DL Dead Load
Dr Thickness of flange i
d !
Effective depth of beam or slab 'l
Jl l
Ee Depth of compression reinforcement from the highly compressed face
Modulus of elasticity of concrete
E, Modulus of elasticity of steel
e Eccentricity ,l
Characteristic Compressive Strength of Concrete
Design Strength
Characteristic Strength of Steel
Moment of Inertia of section
K Stiffness of a Member
k Constant or Coefficient of Factor
LL Live Load '1
L Span Length
M Bending Moment
m Modular ratio
n Neutral axis depth
Axial load on a Compression Member
r Radius
s Spacing of Stirrups
T Torsional Moment
v Shear force
w Distributed load per unit area
w Total load; Concentrated ioad

xit List of Symbols

Xu Neutral axis depth

Z Modulus of the section
S Displacement
Yr Partial safety factor for load
Y.n Partial safety factor for material
crcb Permi ssible Stress in Concrete in bending Compression
ace Permissible Stress in Concrete in direction Corqpression
crsc Permissible stress in steel in Compression
a. 1 Penniss,ible stress in tee! in Tension
"•v Permissible tensile stress in shear reinforcements
'"" Permiss ible shear stress in Concrete
Tv Nominal shear stress in Concrete
p. Coefficient of friction between filling on filling
p.' Coefficient of friction between wall and Material
,P Diameter of plain mild steel bar
tP Diameter of deformed Tor steel bar

1-' ) Angles or Ratio


In case of multistoreyed reinforced concrete framed buildings , the floor

slabs are generally cast integral with secondary and main continuous beams
supported on columns at regular intervals. The continuous beams framing
into main beams and columns are designed for moments and shears deve-
loped due to the dead and live loads. It is important to note that the maxi- II
mum span moments develop, when alernate spans are.loade wiffi liVe load

'iiUriiiax1mum negafiVemoments at strpporua eve1op when ad}acent spans··
are loaded. - ------ ------ -·---- -. If


According to the Indian Standard Code IS: 456-1978, for a continuous beam
having a support width less than l/ 12 clear span. the effective span shall
be as per freely supported beams i.e. clear span plus the effective depth of
beam or centre to centre of supports whichever is less.
If the supports are wider than 1/ 12 the clear span or 600 mm whichever
is less. the effective span shall be as given below:
(a) For end spa.n with one end fixed and the other continuous or for
intermediate spans, the effective span shall be the clear span between the
supports and
(b) For end span with o ne free and the other continuous, the effective
span shall be equal to the clear span plus half the effective depth of beam
or the clear span plus half the width of the discon.tinuous support, which-
ever is less.
2 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

(c) In the case of spans with roller and rocker bearings, the effective span
shall always be the distance between the centres of bearings. '
(d) In the. case of con tinuous monolithic frames, the effective span of
continuous bearris are taken as. the centre line di sta nce between the members.


The span to effective depth ratio has a!J important influence on the deflection
characterM>tics of the beams. The vert ical deflection limits of span;350 or
20 mm , specified in IS: 456-1978, may generally be .assumed to be atisfied
if the span/effective depth ratio of con tinuous members are not greater than
26 . Fm spans greater than 10 m t his value is multiplied by the ratio of' 10/
span-in metres. ~·- - --------- -----
Genera lly- continuous beams carry very heavy dead and live loads and
consequently the span/effective depth ratio recommended in practical
designs are normally between I 0 to 15. The use of the upper limit of span j
effective depth ratio of 26, results in shallow depths requiring h igh per-
centages of tensile and compression steel tending towards over-rei11fo'rced
sections. _
The computations of the relative stiffness of members may be based on
the moment of inertia calculated on the basis of gross, transformed or
cracked sections, with consistency for all the members of the structure
throughout the analysis.


The following arrangement of superimposed is generally considered

for computation of maximum positive and negative moments at the cross-
section of a continuous member.
(a) Design dead load on all spans with full design live load on alterna te
(b) Design dead load on all spans with full design live load on adjacent
The position of i11cidental or live loads for maximum span and supports
moments are shown in Fig. 1. I The following Tables 1.1 and 1.2 contain ing
the moment and shear coefficients are recommended in IS: 456-!978 for
slabs and beams continuous over three or more ap proximately equal spans.
However redistribution is not permitted when using these coefficients.

Appendix-] shows the bending moment and shear forc e coefficients for
continuous beams of two to five equal spans with uniformly distributed
and central point loads. These bending moment coefficient are useful in
Continuous Beams 3

a) Maximum Sagging Momcmt in Span C0

(Alternate Spans Loaded) I

b) Maximum Hogging Moment ai Support C

(Ad j acant Spans loadgd)

Fig. 1.1 Position of live loads for mwcimurn moment:<> in continuous beams .

designing beams allowing for redistributio n of moments. According to the

IS: 456-78 code, it is permitted to allow IS % redistributio n in the working
stress method and 30 % redistributio n in the limit state method of design.

TABLE J.l Bending Moment Coefficients

Type of Load Span Moments Support Momeats

Near Middle of A t Middle of ·At Support At Other
End Span Interior Span Nex:t to the Interior
End Support Su_pports

Dead load and

Imposed Load
(fixed) + 1/11 + 1/24 -1/10 -1/12
Imposed Load
(not fixed) + 1/10 + l /12 -1 /9 - 1/9

Note: For obtaining the bending moment, the coefficient shall be multiplied by the
total design load and effective span.
TABLE 1. 2 Shear Force Coefficients
-----·--- ---------At--------- --------- --------- ----------
At Support Next kl the At All OtheT
Type of Load End
Support End Support Interior
Outer side Inner side Supports

Dead Load and

Imposed Load
(fixed) 0.4 0.6 0.55 0.5
Imdosed Load
(not fixed) 0.45 0.6 0.6 0.7

Note: For obtaining tbe shear force, the coefficient sball be multiplied by the total
des.ign load.

,, , .
4 Advanced Reinforced Concerete Design


A continuous beam with simple supports has two span each of 8 m. The
characteristic dead load is .JO kN/m and the characteristic live load is
15 kN/m. Design the critical sections of the beam and sketch the details of
reinforcements u}hl-g working stress method . Adopt M-15 concrete and
ribbed tor steel.
I. Data
Effective span== L = 8 m

Dead load== 15 kN/m
Liv e load = 25 kN jm

!· Concrete M -15 grade

Steel:- - High strength deformed tor steel
2. Allowable Stresses

acb =
a ,1 =
5 Njmm 2
230 N fmmz
I'll =

jy = 415 N/mm2 }=0.903

3. Depth of Beam
As the continuous beam carries heavy loads, a span/effective depth
ratio of 10 is provided.

Effective depth = ( s~~n ) = ( 8 ~6°) = 800 mm

Adopt overall depth , D = 900 mm and width b = 300 mm

Effective depth, d= 850 mm
Cover to compression and tension steel -= 50 mm.
4. Effective Span
Effective span = L= 8 m .
5. Loads
Self weight of beam = (0.3 x 0.9 x 24) = 6.48 kN/m
Dead load on beam . . . . . . . . . . . . =10.00 kNj m
Total dead load on beamrg = .. . . = 16.48 kNjm
Live load on beam= _ q = .... = 15.00 kN/m
6. Bending Moments and Shear Forces
Negative B.M at .interior support= ( 10 + -qU)
=( 16.48 x 82 + l5 x 8
10 9
)= 2 l 2 kNm
gU + 10-
Positive B.M at centre of span= ( 12- qU)
2 2
= ( 16.48 X 8 + 15 X 8 ) = 184 kN m
12 10
Contin110us Beams S

Shear Force at the centre support

V = 0.6L(g + q)
= 0.6 X 8( 16.48 + ) 5.00)
== 151 kN.
7. Resisting Moment
Resisting Moment of balanced singly reinforced section
= M, = 0..659b ·d2
= 0. 659 X 300 X 8502
x 106 N mm
= 142.8
= 142.8 kN m.

Balance Moment= M2 = (M - M,)

=(212- 142 .8)
= 62.2 kN m.

8. Tensile Steel
Tensi le steel required for balanced section is obtained as

as~· d) = ( 230 ; 0.~;3 ~~ 50 J= 809 mmZ

1 2 1
A, = (
Add itional tensile steel for balance Moment M.2 is

(-~-;;]1J-de)) ~ ( 230 ~0~9~~~ 800 ) = 417 mm

Total Tensile Steel = A, = (809 + 417) = 1226 mm 2
Use 4 bars of 200 mm d iameter (A, = 1256 mm 2)
9. Compression Steel
Assum ing a cover on compression side de= 50 mm
m·As2 ·(d - nc)] 04d
Ac= [ ( I.Sm -l)(n.,-dc) and nc = ·,
= [ 19 x 417(850 -0.4x850)
{1.5 x 19 -1)(0.4 x 850 - 50)
]= 507
Use 2 bars of 20 mm diameter (Ac = 628 mm 2 )
10. Shear Stresses

Nominal shear stress, -r. = { ~ )=( ~;~: !~~) = 0.59 Njmm2

I 00 A. ) = ( 100 X 1256 ) = 0 49
( bd · 300 X 850 · .
From Table 17 of IS : 456, Tc = 0.29 Njmml
Since Tv > Tc, shear reinforcements are r equired. If two bars in the
tension side are bent up near supports,
Shear taken by beat up bars is
Vab=a 0v·A.. · sin a. t
I' I

= ( 230 x 2 x 3I4 x 0 .70 7 .) = tOZkN

1000 .

6 Advanced Reinforced CoiiCrete Design

Shear taken by concrete = Vc = Tc • b ·d

= ( 0.29 300 X 850 ) = 74 kN

Total shear resis ted=( 102 +74) = 176k N > 151
Provide nominal stirrups, using 6 mm diameter
2 legged links,
. ( Asv/y ) ( 56 X 415 )
spacm g Sv= 0.4b = 0.4 x
300 = 193 mm
Use 6 mm diameter, 2legg ed stirrups at l80m
m centres throughout
the beam as shown in Fig. 1. 2.

6 l stirru ps at 180 c/c - - - -- - - -i

2-20" 4 - ZO ~


5Htjo n-X X
2-20 l

f-300 -i
Sl'cti on- YY
Fig. 1.2 Reinforcem ents in Con ti nuous beam


Design a continuous beam of two spans supp

orted on stone masonry walls
using the limit state method and allowing for 15
% redistribution of moments.
The following data may be used.
I . Data
Clear span between supp orts= 6 m
Width of masonry supp orts= 300 rom
Thickness of reinforced cOflcrete slab = 150 mm.
Spacings of continuous beam s= 3 m cjc.
Self weigh t of floor finish= 0.4 kNjm2
Li ve load on office floor = 4 kN fm2
Continuous--Beams 7
Characteristi c cube strength of concrete= fu = 15 N/mm 2
Characteristi c strength of steel= fy = 415 N/mm2
2. Characterist ic Strength
fy=415 N/mm 2
/ex.= 15 N/mm 2
3. Depth of Beam
As the continuous beam carries heavy loads, a span/effectiv e depth
ratio of I 2 is adopted. '
Effective depth= ( s~~n ) = ( 6~~ 0 ) = 500 mm.
Overall depth= 600 mm
Cover=50m m
Effective depth= 550 mm
Widtll of beam~ 300 mm
4. Effective Span
Width of Support= 300 mm.

1/ 12 clear span= (/ x 6000) = 500 ~m

support width is less than l/12 clear span therefore, effective span is the
least of
I. Centre to centre of supports
= (6000+ 300) = 6300 mm = 6.3 m.
2. Clear span + effective depth
= (6000 + 550) = 6550 mm = 6.55 m.
Effective span, L = 6.3 m.
5. Loads
Self weight of R.C slab = (0.15 x 24) = 3.6 k.N/m 2
Floor fi11ish . .... . = 0.4
4.0 kNfmZ
Dead load on beam= (4.0 x 3) = 12 kN/m
Self weight of beam ::. (0.3 x 0.6 x 24) =4.32 kN/m
Total dead load on beam (g)= 16.32 kN /m
L ive load on beam (q)= (4 x 3) = 12 kN/m _
T he factored ultimate loads on beam are
gu= (1.5 x 16.32)= 24.48 kN/ m
qu = (1.5 x 12) = 18.00 kN / m. I
6. Bending Moments and Sh ear Forces :I,,
Referring to Appendi x I , the maximum negative a nd positive
moments at support and mid span section s are obtained as: ;,· f
Negative Maximum Moment=O. l25(g u+ qu)L2
= 0.125(24.48 + I 8.0)6.3 2
= 21 1 kN i m
Continuous-Beam 9

Solving A 81 = 1109 mm2

Provide 4 bars of 201> (A s = 1256 mm 2)
10. Shear Stresses
Ultimate sheru; force Vu = !66 kN.

rv= ( ~; ) = ( ig;: ;~~) == 1.00 N/mm 2

l OOA. ) = ( lOO X 1256 ) = 0 76
( bd 300 X 550 .
From Table 13 of IS : 456, rc = 0.54 N/mm 2
If two bars are bent up at quarter span points,. shear force taken by
bent bars is
Vus= 0.87 /y · Asv ·sin a.
= (!?.:_!7 X 415 X 2 X] _14 X 0.707 ) = 160 kN
1000 .
Shear taken by concrete = r c · b · d

0.54 x ~~ x 550) = 89 kN.

= (
Total shear resisted = ( 160 + 89) = 249 k N > 166 kN
Provide Nomina l Shear reinforc ements. Using 6 mrri two legged
stirrups, the spacing is given by

Sv = ( ~~4{Y )= ( g_~: ~~~ ) = I 93 mm

Adopt 6 mm diamete r two legged stirrups at 180 mm centres, through-
out the length of the beam .


1. Design a continuo us beam of 3 spans support ed on ston e masonar

piers 300 mm by 300 mm . Clear span between the support s= 8 m.
Thickne ss of reinforc ed concrete slab= 120 mm
spacings of continuo us beams= 2.75 m c/c
self weight of floor fini sh = 0.6 kNJm2
live load on office floor =4 kN;m2
concrete of M-15 grade and ribbed tor steel are availabl e for use.
Design the reinforc ements for the critical sections and sketch the
details using working stress method.
2. A continuo us beam with simple support s has two spans each of 6 m,
from centre to centre of supports . The characte ristic dead load is
15 kN/m and characte ristic live load is 20 kN/m. Design the critical
sections of th~ beam and sketch the details of reinforc ements using the
limit state method . Charact eristic strength of concrete /ck = 15 N/mm 2 ,
characte ristic strength of steel = 415 N/ mrn2. Sketch the details in
the continuo us beam .
8 Ad~ Reinforced Concrete Design

Positive Maxim um Mome nt

= (0.071gu + 0.096 qu)V
={0.071 X 24.48 +0.09 6 X 18.0)6 .32
= 138 kN/ m.
Maxim um Suppo rt Shear Force
= Vu=0. 62(g 0 + qu)L
= 0.62(24.48 + 18.0)6.3
= 166 kN.
7. Redistribution of Moments
The design Maxim um mome nt is obtain ed by decrea
sing the neg'!-tive
mome nt at suppo rt 15 percen t and incresing the positiv
e span mome nt
by the same magni tude.
15 percen t of Mmu= (0.15 x 211)= 32kN /m.
Design Mome nt at suppo rt sectio n= (211 - 32)
= l79kN /m
Design Mome nt at centre of span sectio n= (138 + 32)
= 170 kN/m
Since the design ultima te mome nt, positive and negati
ve are almos t
equal in magni tude, the sectio ns are designed for an
ultima te mome nt
Mu= 179 kN/m .
8. Moment of Resistance
Mome nt of Resistance of balanc ed sectio n is
Mub= 0.36fr k ·b ·x,.(d - 0.42XU 0 )
for fy = 415 N/mm l
Xu (maxi mum) = 0.48d

Mub= 3.36 xf~k X b X 0.48 d(d- 0.42 X 0.48 d)

=0.13 8[a·b ·d2
= 0.138 X ]5 X 300 x 5502
= 187.8 x 106 N .mm
= 187.8 kN.m > 179 kN .m
Since the Mome nt of Resist ance of the balanc ed
section is greate r
than the design ultima te mome nt, the sectio n is under
reinfo rced i.e.
Xu (;ax} < 0.4S

9. Main Reinforcements in Section

If Ast =Area of tensile steel in the sectio n

Mu=<0.87fy~t·d [1- /~'.%]

179 X 106 =0.87 X 415 X A 11 X 550 [ 1- JQ~~~ ~ ~ s1
A;,- 5966.8 Ast + 5.37 x 106=0
1& Ad\'llllced Reinforced Concr ete Design

3. A two span simply suppo rted conti nuou s beam

is to be designed to
suit the following data :
Dista nce between centr e to centr e of supp orts=
6 m.
The beam supp orts dead and live loads of 100
kN and 150 kN res-
pectively at the centr e of spans. Using M -15 grade
concrete and ribbed
tor steel, design the continuous beam using work
ing stress meth od.'
4. A conti nuou s beam of two spans is fixed
at the end suppo rts and
conti nuous over the centr al suppo rt.
Distance between the centr e of supp orts= 8 m
The beam supp orts a reinforced concr ete slab
150 mm thick with
Live Load on floor = 2 kNfm2.
spacings of conti nuou s beam s"' 4 m.
chara cteris tic stren gth of conc rete= 15 N;mm
chara cteris tic stren gth of steel = 415 Nfmm2
Design the conti nuou s beam using limit state
meth od and allowing
for 15 perce nt redis tribut ion of moments.
5. Design the interi or span of a conti nuou s
tee beam of effective span
6 m. The beam s are placed at 4 m centres
and carry a slab of thick-
ness 100 mm. Dead load on _slab inclusive
I of self weight may be
I, taken as 3 kN/ m2 and live load as 6 kNfm 2 • Use
andg rade- I mild steel.
M-20 grade concrete
6. Design the interi or span of a recta ngula r beam
supp orted on 500 mm
squar e colum n and beam conti nuou s over 8
m span. The beams
supp ort a slab 120 mm thick and are place
d 4 m centres and are
cast mono lithic with the slab. The loadi ng on
the slab is due to self
weight, floor finish and plastering and live
load of magnitude 5
kN/m 2 . Adop t M-20 grade concrete and ribbe
d tor steel.
7. A Reinf orced concrete beam is conti nuou s
over two equal spans of
length 6 m each. It is simply supp orted at
its ends. It carries a
uniformly distributed load of intensity 15 kN/m
inclusive of its own
weight over its entire length of 12 m.
Design for flexure and shear a suitable recta ngula
r section for the
beam . Adop t M-15 grade concrete and Grad e-l
mild steel.
(Bangalore Univ ersit y-Jan uary 1978)
8. A reinforced concr ete conti nuou s beam
of three equa l spans
A B = BC = CD= 7 m, is simply supp orted at the
ends A and D.
If the beam supp orts a uniformly distri buted
live load of 10 kN/m
in addit ion to its own weight, design the beam
for flexure and shear
and sketch the details of reinforcements in the
beam .
(Bangalore University- January 1979)
9. A reinforced concr ete beam, conti nuou s over
two spans AB = BC: 5
m and supp orted over maso nary walls at ends
A and C is required to
supp ort a unifo rmly distri buted Jive load of 20
kN/m . Design a suit-
able recta ngula r section for the beam acd
sketc h the details of
reinforcements. Adop t M-15 grade concrete.
(Bangalore University -July 1979)

Bunkers- and -Silos


Bunkers and silos may be classified as storage struct

ures generally used for
storing coal, cement, food grains and other granu
lar materials. Reinforced
concrete bunkers and silos have almost replac ed the
steel storage structures
because of their ease of maintainance and superior
archit ectura l qualities.
The present day cement factories invariably opt for
single or a battery of
silos to store the manufactured cement. The devel
opment of slip form
method of casting oftall cylindrical reinforced concr
ete structures has result-
ed in rapid construction of s~los .


(a) Bunkers
Bunkers are shallow structures in which the plane
of ruptu re of the material
stored meets the top horizontal surface of the mater
ial before meeting the
opposite sides of the structure, as shown in Fig. 2.
The angle of ruptu re is at eo; <I>) from the horiz ontal , where 4> is the
angle of repose of the materiaL
The side walls resist the lateral pressure and the total
load of the mater ial
is supported by the floor of the bunker. The intens ,j
ity of lateral pressure on
the sides is determined by Rankine's theory.

(b) Silos
In a silo, the vertical walls a re considerably taller
than the lateral dimen-
sions resulting in a tall structure. Consequently the
plane of ruptu re of the

12 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

material stored meets the opposite sides of the structure before meeting the
top horizontal surface of the material as shown in Fig. 2.2.


\ 'I ~..
.o() h

"'-'"~ l \~

-?~o \~
~~ ' \

. .i" \\
~ -9" '
~0~ \

.......... \
(¥) (SO+f!)
~l 2 ~

Fig. 2.1 Bunker or shallow bin F ig. 2.2 Silo or deep bin

Due to the high ratio of height to the lateral dimensions, a significant

portion of the load is resisted by friction between the material and the wall.
Only a fraction of the total weight of the material acts on the floor of the
B "" Breadth
H "" Height of the structure
¢ = Angle of repose
For a structure to be classified as a silo,
H > B tau ( ; 1> )
H > 1.732 B
Bunkers and Silos 13


The tructural elements of a bunker are as shown in Fig. 2.3.

The various parts are
_..L. The vertical side walls
, 2. Hopper bottom
,J. Edge beams
~4' Columns.

Ho n zontal
Edgo Boams

V«rtica l Side
Wal ls Span n ing
.. B12two en Colum ns

11: I
at I


Fig. 2.3 Structural Elements of a bunker

(a) Design of Vertical Side Walls

Figure 2.4 shows the cross sectional plan and eh:vation of a rectangular
bunker of length L breadth B , and height h. If p =Intensity of lateral pres-
sure at a depth h, then according to Rankins theory
cos v cos 2
cos c/> J
a. - 2
(X -
Prx = W h COS (X
[ cos (X cos2 cosl
1:1. - c/>
14 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Desig

Surc harg e


Fig. 2.4 Press ure inten sily on walls of

a bunk er
where ex.= Ang le of surcharge
cf> =
Angle of repose
w = density of mate rial stored
The pres sure acts in a direction paral
lel to the surface of the retained
Hor izon tal Com pone nt = p = p. ·cos oc
if a = ,P, then Pa. = wh ·cos q, and p = wh
· cos2 </>
The design moments at the supp orts
and centre of long and shor t walls
are given as
BllnkefS and Silos IS
Positive Moment at centr e of AB or CD
= ( -p£2 - -p (L2+ BL BL) ]
8 12
Positive moment at centre of BC or AD

pB2 p
""' [ - 8- - IT (V+ BL BL) ]

Direct tension in longwalls - ( _P:)

Direct tension in shortwalls = ( P;) 1.
The thickness of side wall is designed for
maximum bending moment.
The reinforcement in the walls are designed
for bending mom ent and direc t
If M = Bending mom ent
T = Tension
x =dis tance between the centr e of section and
reinforcement posit ion.
a.1 =per missible tensile stress in steel
d =effective dept h of side walls
Q = Design cons tant
j = Lever arm factor
b = width of section
Ast = Area of tensile steel

then the effective depth is given by

_ J<M- Tx)
Q ·b

and Ast= (M - T
x)+ (2)
d <Tst

These reinforcements are arran ged in the horiz

ontal direction. Distr ibu-
tion steel is provided in the vertical direc
tion. At top and botto m of the
vertical walls, edge beams of 300 mm by 300
mm section are prov ided to
allow for attachments of conveyer supp orts.

(b) Desig n of Hopper Botto m

The hopp er bottom which is a sloping slab
is designed for direc t tension
deve loped due to the weight of material and
the self weight of the sloping
Referring to Fig. 2.5 (a and b)
If W, =We ight of the material, sloping botto
m etc.
The direct tensi on= W 1 cosec e
where (}=Angle between the horiz ontal and
the sloping slab.

16 Advanced ReinfOI'ced Concrete Design

a) Direct- Tlln"5!on in Sloping Slab


b) Bending of Slo)ling Slab

Fig. 2. 5 Forces acting on hopper bottom

The sloping slab is considered to span horizontally between the intersec-

tions of the adjacent sloping faces. The section of the slab at the centre of
the slope is design ed.
If W =Density of the material stored
h = average height a t centre of -slope
L = effective span at centre of slope.
Normal'pressure intensity at a depth h is given by
Pn = wh cosl- 8 + Ph· si n2 fJ but Ph= wh cos 2 if>
Pn"" wh[ cos 2 8 + cos2 4> . si n2 0]
Bunkers and Silos 17

If Wd =self weight of slab per unit length

Normal component= Wd ·cos 8
Total ormal ~ressure=P=(pn+Wd·cos 8)
Maximum egative Bending Moment at supports=(PL2!12)


Positive bending moment at centre of pan= ( ~~


In the case of bunkers, circular in shape the vertical walls are subjected to
hoop tension.
If D =Diameter of the bunker
Ph"" horizontal component of pressure at a depth h from the top,
Hoop tension = 0.5pb ·D.
The reinforcements in the walls are designed to resist the hoop tension.
A minimum tl1ickness of 120 mm is recommended from practical considera-
tions for the vertical walls; Distribution reinforcement of 0.15 percent of
the gross cross section is provided in the vertical direction .
The hopper bottom is designed for direct tension and hoop tension
developed due to th e normal pressure on the sloping slab.
The columns of bunkers are designed for . compression and bending
developed due to the vertical load such as the stored material and self
weight" of members and horizontal loads such as wind loads.


Design the side walls and hopper bottom of a 3m by 3m square bunker to

store 30 tonnes of coal. Density of coal= 9 kN/m 3• '

Angle of repose= 30 degrees

Adopt M -15 grade concrete and ribbed tor steel. Sketch the details of
reinfo~ements in the bunker.

1. Data
Total weight of coal = 300 kN I
Density of coal= 9 kN jml I
Size of bunker in pian= 3 m by 3 m I.
Angle of repose= = 30 degrees I
Grade of concrete= M-15, /ct= 15 N/mml
Type of stet:! '"" Tor steel, fr = 41 5 N /mm 2
IS Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

2. Permissible Stresses
Ucb= 5 N j mm 2 m = 19
us 1 = 230 N jmm 2 J= 0.903
3. Dimensions of Bunker

Volume of bunker= c~o) :.o 33.33 m'

Adopt a bunker of size 3 m by 3 m by 3 m with the depth of the

hopper bottom= 1.2 mas shown in Fig. 2.6 .



- 1000 ---~
Fig. 2.6 Dimens io ns of bunker
Bunkers and Silo:; 19

The vol ume capacity of bunker is computed given below:

Volume of surcharge = ( 3 x 3 x -} x 0.86) = 2.5!\ m 3

Volume of cubical portion of bunker

= (3 x 3 x 3) . . . =27.0Qm3
Volume of hopper bottom
l --
= (3 2 + 0. 52 + , ; 32 + .05 2 ) ••. "" 4.29
3 ml

Total volum~ . . . = 33.87 m3

4. Design of Side Walls
Horizontal pressure = p = wh . cos 2 cf>
= 9 X 3 X 0 .8662
= 20.25 kN/m 2
Assuming 180 mm thick sidP. walls
Effective span=(3.0 0 + 0.18) = 3.1 8 m

~~ )
Maximum B.M at corners= M = (

= co.2sl ; 3.1 8r = 17.06 kN · m

Direct tension in wall = T= c 02

·; X

.Providing a cover of 30 mm, Effective depth d = 150 mm

) = 30.375 kN

Net desi gn B.M = (M - T· x ) :I

=(l7 .06 - 30.375 x 0.06) = l5 .24k l ·m.

Effective depth required is given by

d=j(MQ ·~·x) = j~~~x;~~~= 152 mm

using an effective d epth of d = I 50 rrim

A st = [(M- !x )] + [I_l
Ust·]·d Ust ~
= ( 15.24 X 106 ) (30.3?5 X 103)
230 X 0.903 X 150 + 230
=(489 -1- 132)
=621 mm 2
Use 12 mm diameter bars at 150 mm centres at corners I I

· (A st = 7 50 mm 2) in the horizontal direction

Positive B.M at centre
20 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

(M - T-x)= (8.53- 30.375 x 0 .06) = 6.71 kN ·m.

6.71 X }Q6 ] [ 30.37 X }Q3 ]
An= [ 230 x 0.903 x l50]+ 230
= 215 + I 32
~ 347 mm 2
Use 12 mm diameter bars at 300 mm centres a1: centre of pan (A 51
== 375 mm2~.
Distribution st eel= (0.0012 x 1000 x 180) = 2 16 mm 2
Use 6 mm diameter bars a t 240 mm centres in the vertical direction
on both faces .
. 5. Design of Hopp er Bottom
Weight of coal = 300 kN
I Weight of sloping hopper bottom (180 mm thick)
l == ( +ZO.S ) (y 1.252 + 1.22)(4 X 0.18 X 24)= 53 kN
Total load on 4 walls = 353 kN
Load on one wall = w1 = (0.2:5 x 353) = 88.25 kN

tan t1 = c:;~) = 1.00 .·. B = 45 °

cosec .() = l .44

Direct tension in sloping wall=w 1 ·cosec·()
= (88.25 X 1.44) = 127 kN

Tension /metre run = ( i

1 7
) = 42.33 k N/m

Steel reinforcem ent for dire-ct tension

= (42.3 ] x !03
· 230
)=184 mm 2

But Minimum reinforcement= (0 ..0012 x 180 x 1000) = 216 mm 2

Use 6 mm diameter bru-3 at 240 mm centres in the direction of the
sloping faces.
Normal component of coal pressure at centre of loping slab is given by
Pn = wh( cos 2 () -1- cos2 </> · sin2 (})
where w = 9 kNjml
h = [3 + (0.5 X 1.20) + (0.5 X 0 .86)) = 4.03 ill
(} = 4 5°
Po= 9 x 4.03 (c os2 45 + cos 2 30 x sin 2 45) = 27 kN/m 2
Normal component due to weight of sloping slab
= Wd·COS 0
== (0.,]80 24 X
X COS 45)
= 3.00 kN/m 2
Bunkers and Silos 21
Tot al nor mal_pre ssu re= p =
(pn + wd ·co s 6)
= (27 +3 )
= 30 kN /m 2
Effective spa n= L = C+ ~· 5
) + 0.18 = 1.93 m
P1~ )
.. Ma xim um Negative B.M =
' '

=( 30 xl~.932 )=9.31 kN.m /rn

Effective dep th ava ilab le= (18
0- 30) =!5 0 mm
·· -( 9.3 l .x 106 )-
Ao t- 230 x 0.9- 03 x !50 - 299 mm 2
Use 1.0 mm dia me ter bar s at I
260 mm cen tres at cor ner s.
Positive ma xim um B.M at
cen tre= ( P~ )

=co ~!· 932

) = 4.66 kN · m. \
- ( 4.6 6 106
As t- 230 x 0.9x.
03 x !50
) -
- 150 mm

but min imu m ar-e a of rein forc

eme nt II
=(0 .00 !2x 180 x 100 0)= 216
Use 10 mm dia me ter bat:s at
mm 2 I.
6. Edge Bea ms
260 rom cen tres at cen tre of
spa n.
Pro vid e edge bea ms of 300
mm by 300 rom con nec ting
col um ns at the top and the the cor ner
junctio n of vertical walls and
The det ails of rein forc eme nts slop ing slab .
in the side walls, hop per bot
edge bea ms are sho wn in Fig tom and
. 2. 7.


. Design a circ ula r cyl ind rica

t bun ker to sto re 20 ton nes
coa l= 9 kN /m 3, Angle of rep of coal. Den sity of
ose = 30 degrees. Use limit
design and ado pt cha rac teri stat e me tho d of
stic s stre ngt h of con cre te and
415 N/m m 2 • Ske tch the det ails steel as 15 and
of rein forc em ents in the bun
ker .
I. Data
Tot al weight of coa l= 200 kN
Den sity of coal== 9 kN /m3
Angle of repose = 30 deg ree
Gra de of con cre te= M-15
Typ e of ste el= Rib bed tor stee
22 Advanced Reinforced Con crete

300 t. - 12 ~ in Ec~ B~>ams

ot Span



N -_ _L 4 -12 ~ 10
Edg e Be a m~

JOO x 300 R.C Columns

at Co rner
Flg. 2.7 Rein forc eme nt deta
ils in bunk er

2. Characteristic Strength and

Par tial Saf ety Factors
e =/ck = 15 N/m m 2
Characteri::.tjc stre ngt h of concret
=fy = 415 Njrnm 2
Cha ract eris tic stre ngth of steel
dead loads 7' 1.5
Par tial safety fact or for live and
e= 1.5
Par tial safety fact or for con cret
Par tial safety fact or for stee l=

3. Dimensions of Bun ker

200) = 22.2 m3
Volume of bun ker = (- 9-
m and
Ado pt a bun ker of diam eter 2.6
heignt of cylindrical portion = 3 m
Dep th of hop per bottom = 1.2 m
ker is shown in Fig. 2.8 .
The overall dimens ions of the bun
Bunkers and Silos 23

1 800


: I . +

I-- 11 50--l soo J-- 11 so ---1

Fig. 2.8 Dimensions of circular bunker

The volume capacity of the bunker is computed as given below:

Volume of surcharge = (I /3 x rr x 1.4 2 x 1.4 tan 30) = 1.64 ml
Volume of cylindrical portion = ( " x;-· x 3.00) = 18.46 m 3

· nh 2 2
Vo lume of frustrum of cone = T2 (d 1 + d1d2 + d 2 )

- ~ 2
1. (2 . 82 + 2 .8 X 0.5 T' 0 • 52 )
= 2.90 m 3

To ta l vo lume= 23 .00 ml > 22.22 m3

24 Advanced 'Reinforced Concrete Design

4. Design of Cylindrical Walls

Horizontal pressure= p = 2 <P
= 9 X 3 X (0.866)2
= 20. 25 kNJm2
Hoop ten sion in the cylindrical wall per metre height= 0.5 pD
=(0.5 X 20.25 X 2.8)
= 28.35 kN
Ultimate hoop ten ion = (1.5 x 28.35} = 42 .53 kN.

. f orcement A" = (42.53

A rea of rem _ xx lOJ- ) = II 8 mm 2
4 15 0 87
Using !50 mm thick walls,
Minimum reinforcemen t = (0.0012 x 150 x 1000)= 180 mm 2
Use 8 mm diameter hoops at- 250 mm centres, provide vertical .
reinforcement of 8 mm diameter bars at 250 mm centres.
5. Design of Hopper Bottom
Provide a sloping slab 150 mm thick with 30 mm lining.
Total thickness = 180 mm
weight of coal = (23 x 9) = 207 kN
weight of sloping bottoo:l

= 7T[~· ;O.S + 0.18y l ] 0.18

Xy l X24 = 42 kN
Total loa d= (207 +42)= 249 leN .

If T = tension per metre run,
Mean diameter a t centre of sloping slab = 1.85 m

T = ( n ;~~ 85 ) cosec 45 = 60.6 kN

Ultimate tension
• .
"•el renuorcement
· .r
= ( 1. 5 x 6D.6) = 90.9 kN
fur d"uect tens10n
. = (90.9
0. xx !Ql) = 250 mm 2
87 415
Use 8 mm diameter bars at 200 mm centres in the direction of the
sloping slab.
Normal component of coal pressure at centre of sloping slab is given
by .
Pn = wh(cos.2 8 + cos2 ¢. siu2 8)
where w =9kNjm 3
h = 3 + (0.5 X 1.2) + (0.5 X 0.80)
= 4.00m
8 =45°
<?= 30°
Pn = 9 x 4(cos2 45 + cos2 30 x sin 2 45) = 31.5 kN /m 2
Bunkers and Silos 25

Normal compor.ent due to weight of the sloping slab= Wd ·cos f:J

=(0. 18+24 X COS 45)

= 3 kN /m2
Total normal pressure p"' (pn i- Wd cos e)
· = (31.5 + 3) = 34.5 kN jm<

Mean diameter at centre of sloping slab

= C· 8 ~ 0 · 5 ) + 0.18\/ 2 = 1.90 m
Hoop tensionfmetre = (0.5 x 34.5 x 1.90) = 32.8 kN
Ultimate hoop tension= (1. 5 x 32.8) = 49.2 kN
· .-~ (49.2 x !Ol) 37 2
Area ofh oop remi-Urcement = 0.&-:7 x
415 = l -mm
But minimum area of steel = (0.0012 x 18'0 x 1000) = 216 mm
Use 8 mm diameter hoop reinforcement at 220 mm centres in the
sloping slab. The details of reinforcements in the circular bunker is
shown in Fig. 2.9.

4-12 ~

8 ~ -250 c/c


Bl~ 220 c/ c

Fig. 2.9 Reinforcement details in circular bunker

6. Edge Beams
At the junction of the cylindrical wall aud hopper bottom and at the
tcp of bunker, edge beams of 300 mm by 300 mm are provided to
increase the rigidity of the structure .

~-· t .
26 Advanced Reinfor ced Concret e Design


A battery of bunker s consists of more than 'One..cpmpartment

ted to form a series of cells, generally square or
with different
ratios of side length of walls to the height of the bunker
."The design
momen ts to be consid ered are inftueuced by the ratio of
side length -to
height and the loadin g pattern of the compa rtment s.
The following two cases are generally considereci for obtain
ing the design
positive and negative momen ts in the side walls of a
battery of three

Case-a: Battery of Bunker s JVith High S ide Walls

When the sides of the bunker is less than 0. 75 times the hei
ght, the slabs
span horizo ntally and momen ts are induce d at the junctio
n of side walls
and partiti on waHs. The typical direction of momen ts
developed in a
battery of bunke rs is shown in Fig. 2.10. By analysis
the maxim um
momen ts develo ped in each of the walls are determ ined.

r-- L ---- - -~- -- L - - - 1 -- L

a -4- b \ e
'- 1-' ...

A 8 c

Fig. 2.10 Momen t in battery of bankers

The following mome nt coefficients compiled in Table 2.1
may be used
for a battery ofthre e bunker s as shown in Fig. 2.10.
M = Coefficient x pV .
p =Max imum pressu re at the bottom due to the stored
materi al
R= ( f:,)
=Rati o of shorte r side to longer sid~. Mome nt is positive
when it causes t~nsion on the inside face of walls.

TABLI! 2.1 Momen t coefficie nts for battery of bunkers (with high
side walls)
Momen t A-Load ed B-Load ed C-Load ed
Mab = Mact 0.0362 + 0 .470R' O.OC?6(R ' -1)
M ba 0.0695 + 0.0138R 2 -0.038 (R'-1) 0.0089( R' - I)
Mt>c 0 0250 + 0.0585R ') -(0.0228+ 0. 0605R') - 0.00535 (R' -1)
Mb< 0445(l - R 2 ) 0.0606+ 0.0227R ' + O.Ol43(R' - I)
Bunker s a11d Silos 27

each of the imnkers

The table gives the suppo rt mome nts develo ped when
nts a re obtain ed as the diffL-renc.e
are loaded . The maximum span mome
between the value of (pU/8) and th~ suppo rt mome nts.

Case-b Batter y of Bunke rs with Low S ide Walls

slabs in the vertical
When the side walls are low , the slabs behav e a t•.vo way
nt coeffic ien ts fo r
as well as horizontal direction. The appro ximat e mome
practical purpo ses are those in Table 2.2.
n (with low side wa ll s)
TABLE 2 2 Momen t coefficients for ba ttery of bunke
Value s of coeffic ients when (L ,/L 1) is
Positio n of momen t 1.25 1.20 0. 75

Yerrical span· L,
l /30 1/45 .l/90
Top end-A
l/20 1/30 1/60
Bottom -B
1/40 1/60 l /120
M idspan-C
Horizo ntal spall-L 2
1/80 1/45 1/30
E nds- £
1/160 1/90 l/60
Midspa n-D

These coefficients are applic able under the following condit
(a) The bunke r is nearly square in plan.
1.25 times the
(b) The side of bunke r is more than 0.75 and less than
the batter y.
(c) The bunke r may be an isolated one or any one in
bunke rs, all walls, top and bottom slabs should
(d) In case of batter y of
faces for positive and negati ve mome nts.
be reinforced on both


is not com pletely
In deep bins (SILOS), the weight of the material stored
is resisted by fric-
suppo rted by the bottom of the silo. A part of the load
ng in the reduction of
tion between material and :;ide walls of sil o. resulti
used fo r determining
lateral pressure. Hence Rankines theory ca n not be
d by wa lls causes direct
the pressure intensity . The vertica l wei ght carrie
compressi on in the wall.
28 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

The pressure intensity in silos where friction ex.ists between material n1J.d
wall surface can be deLermined by H. Jansren 's and W. Airy' theories.

, a ) Janssen's Theory
The following assumptions are made in ~he design of silos by Janssetl 's
· theory ;
(i) The material is uniform in texture
(i~) The material has a defin i~e angle of repose
(i ii) The coefficient of friction between material and side walls has a
constant value .
The following notations are adopted in the analysis by Janssen'-> theory:
Ph = Ho rizontal intensity of pres ure a t a depth h (kNjm 2 )
Pv =Vertical intens i-ty of pressure at a depth h (kNjml)
r =radius of the si lo (metres)
f..<' = coefficient of fr iction between wall and material
R =Hydraulic mean radius

n = Ratio of (;~)
w =Dens-ity of material (kNjm3)
Referring to Fig. 2.11, f-or the equilibrium of vertica-l forces in the disc.
Trf2. dh · w = Trf
2 ·dpv + p.'ph · 2-rrr ·dh
Dividing by wr and putting Ph = npv and rearranging the terms,

dh=( wr - ; 'npv) dp.

Integrating, we get

but at h=O, Pv=O

.. CJ=( 2:,11 ·logcwr)

The solution of the differential Eq. 1 is given by

h= - ', logo (wr- 2p.'npv) + r, log., wr

2p.n 2f.L n
h= _ _!_,. lo • (wr - 2p.'npv)
2,_. n g wr
2,_.'nh _ (wr- 2f.L'np•)
--r- - 1oge wr
Bun ers and Silos 29

r ---1



F ig. 2.11 Equilibrium of forces in silos

exp ( - cp.;nh)) 1-2<;,;·)

= (

( -wr
. ( -1-
- l -exp (2/J-'nh))
\ r
( 2p.' nh))
Pv= - wr, \1-exp - -- -
2~-t II r

But Hydr aulic m ean radius~ R = ( ; )

Pv=p .'n 1-e xp-
( R ))

Als-o Ph=n ·p.

Pb = wR( R ))
7 1- exp ( - fJ-'nh
For large value of h

oxp- (•;h) ~ [e'p (~) J~ "'' small quantity

Henc e Ph = (:~)
30 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

The vertical walls are designed for hoop tension of Ph ·r also for the
vertical load suppo rted by the wall.
The load taken by wdl is due to friction= 1,: · p 0
Total vertical load taken by wall for a depth h is given by the expression ,

Jl-' J:"~~( 1 - exp(- f.';~))· 2trr · db

= w· AJ:(1- exp( - f.';h)) dh
where A= cro s~-sectional area of silo

= A(h + f.'.!;-n ·exp (- !i'Rnh}}'o'

= w ·A[h- f.'~n( 1 -exp(- f.'~h)]

= w·A ·h - A ·pv
= A(wh- Pv)
(b) Airy's Theory
Airy's theory of design of si los is based on ~oulomb's wedge theory of
earth pressure. The results obtained from this theory also fairly agree with
the experimental results a lthough the basis of the theory is different from
that of Janssen's theory. Using Airy's formula, horizontal pressure per
unit length of periphery and postion of plane of rupture can be determined.
Knowing the horizonta l pressure, vertical pressure and also vertical load
taken by wall can be evaluated. Depending upon the plane of rupture two
cases are considered.

Case-] Plane of rupture cuts th(' top horizontal surface

(shallow-Bin or silo)
Referring to F ig. 2. I 2, the forces acting on the wedge ACE of grain JS
given below:
AE= Plane of Rupture
W = Weight of wedge
R 1 = Total Reaction on side AC
R 2 =Total Reaction on side AE
P = Reaction from wall
R =Reaction from material
b =Diameter of the silo
h= height of the silo
Resolving the forces in equilibrium a.long AE and perpendicular to AE
f.'R + P · cos B=(W - 1-1-'P) sin 8
R- -:'Ji·sin B=( W -!.i.-'P) cos 8
W(tan 0- f.L)
solv ing, P=-t-a-nAB'
Bunkers and Silos 31

c E D

Jw "j

p 'P
.t' R
"\ !? ,



Fig. 2.12 Equilibrium of forces (shall ow-bin)

since CE=h cot 8

W =(1/2 x h cot e x h x~wJ= { w~


) cot 8
P= ( (tan 8- fL) ] wh ·COt fJ (1)
( 1- fLp.') +tan 8(fL + fL') .2
for Maximum value of P,

Differentiating and equating to zero it ca n be shown that

+ f L2)
'fL: I
tan 0 = fL +
J - --,-
\/L + fL )
Substituting this value in Eq. (I)

P= w;l__ [ {VfL(I'-+fl')~'\/(1 + J.<z)P]

Ph = (~)= wh ( VfL(J.< + iJ-')1+ •J I+ 1~2)2]

Total lateral pressure = n · b p
Vertical load taken by w<l.ll s= tr·b·p· p.' /
Th~ depth up to which the s ilo will act as a shallow bin is given by

tan O= (bh) = fL+ j;\+10(fL + J-L ' )

h= b(
JIL(l(fL++~-t ')
32 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Case-2 Plane of rupture cuts opposite side

(Deep bin or si lo)
Referring to Fig. 2.13 , the fo rces acting on the wedge ACDE of grain IS
given below:
W= Weight of wedge ACDE
DE=(h- b tan B)
W = wbh - ~ · b tnR {}
W=l (2h-b tan B)

( , ----------------------,0

,.u' p / E

"' p h


Fig. 2.13 Equilibdum of fo rces fdeep-bio)

As in the ease-l, by studying the equilibrium of forces on the wedge
p _ --- ~(t ~_O_ ) ___
- tan 8(f-L + p.') + (1 - f-Lf-L')
Substitu(mg for Wand differentiating for maximllm value of P, we have
2h - b tan 8 ) ( (} ,
wb ( ? tan - f-LJ
P= (f-L+f.'')~an8+(l-f.'p.:)
= .!::'.'!.. [-(2h - h tan 8) ~~an 8 - f.'l]
2 (J.L + p.') tan 0 +(I - p.p.')

-2(1-'-.+ p.'f-
[}2h tfL +
b f-L') +(I - ><.u')- VI+ f-'2
,- -] 2
Bunkers and Silos 33

Differentiating and equating to zero

~ =0, yield s
1.; tanB= _ i_r- ,.,.,.,.')
+} b 2h. (I_+ ~-' 2 ~
s ubstitu~ng this value for tan 8,
wb [ (tan I} - p.) ]
P=-2- (2h - btan 8) (i-<+1'-')tanB ( != MIL')

' dp wb [ v~ ]
Ph= dh""' (p. + 1'-l I- }2: (!'- + 1-'') +(I - !'-!_,_') .

Vertical load taken by walls=nh·P·I"'

For the of conical hopper bottom, the surcharge pressure is given
by rhe expression

Stlrcharge pressure=
. (4
nb2 ·Wh ) -7'fb ·Ph· I-''
( ,.,.:2 )

= W11 -
'I-'' )]

The values of the coefftcient of friction 1-' and 11-' are compiled in Table 2.3 .

TABLE 2.3 Values of Friction Coefficients

Coefficien t of Friction
Densit y Filling on on
Materia! K"" -si_r:_t)
kN/m' Filling ff'.) Concrete (!L'} l + s in 1>

Cern em 14.40 0.31 6 0.~54 0. 5371

Coal 8.00 0.700 0.700 0.2709
Anthraci.te 8.35 0.510 0.510 0. 3753
c~ 4.50 0.839 0.839 0.2114
Sand 16.00 0.674 0.577 0.2830
Wheat 8.50 0.466 0.444 0.4062

The cement manufactured in a factory is generally stored in a battery of

\jr silos which are circular in shape with diameters of cylindrical containers
I' I
up to 10 m and height 25 to 30 m. A typical battery of S-ilos to store
~ ·{
130,000 kN of cement is shown in Fig. 2. M.
34 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

((;:::::. Cl c c 3m
- = -=- ·::.:::. "::.. -:: f-

t 30m

Fead pipll
i - - - - - - -~r-;-------
--- - -------
C1 Cl
To F'ackii"\!J
c:::t c:::t C! P fm___. Plant
' I ' ~-
C L--
- - ------+--
- - - - j - - ---
- ---...J-.

200 mm T'nic k
Silo Wall~;

Fig. 2.14 Battery of Cemen t silos

The horizontal pressure d istribution at variou depths in cement silo

predicted by Janssen's and A iry 's theories are compared with the experi·
mental values reported by Faber and Mead in Fig . 2.15 . Truly fricti onal
noncohesivc materials behave in accordance with Janssen 's theo ry. In
materials like cement, due to the erratic cohesive nature of the material,
the pressures obtained using Janssen 's theory varied widely with the actual
experimental observations.
Bunkers and Silos 35

Full scale experiments of cement silos indicate that the lateral pressures
are very much und erestimated towards the upper half of the ilo by the
Janssen's theory. In contra t, the lateral pressures are very much over
estimated towards the bwer ha lf of the silo by the Airy' s theory. Toward s
the bottom of the silo, th~ lateral pressures reduce due to the arching
action .




lateral Press ur e , kN/ml

Fig. 2.15 Ho rizontal pressure distribu tion in cement silos

The depth of cement occurri ng b~low any particu lar level under conside-
ration influences the lateral pres~ ure. The cement below suffers a cushion-
ing effect packing tighter as the head of cement overburden is increased
until it acquires its state of max imum density. At depths where maximum
density is reached, the maximum angle of internal friction is a lso develo-
ped. Compacted cement can stand for considerable heights with a vertical
face , whereas shallow lightly sprinkled cement exhibits properties not far
removed from that of a fluid. Maximum pressures indicated in the fig ure
are useful in design of si los.


A cylindrical si lo has an internal diameter of 6 m and 20m deep (cylindri -

I• cal po rtion) with a con ical hopper bottom. The material stored is wheat
with a density of 8 kN /m 3 . T he coefficient of friction between wall and
material is 0.444. The ratio of horizontal to vert ical pressu re intensity is 0.40
36 Advanced Reinfored Con trete Design

Angle of repose= 25 degrees. D esigr. the reinforcements in the si lo walls,

Adopt M-15 grade concrete and r ibbed to r steel. Adopt Janssen's theory
for pressure calculation s.
1. Data
Diameter of si lo = 6 m
Depth of cyl indrical portion = 20 m
Density of wheat = 8 kN/m3
coefficient of friction between wall and material = 0.444
T he ratio of horizontal to vertical pressure intensi ty = 0.40
Angle of repose = 25 deg ree, .
2. Allowable S rresses
acb= 5 N/mm 2 m= 19
ac~ =2 N/mm 2
Gst = 230 N/mm 2

3. Dimensions of Bunker
D iameter of bunker= 6 m
Height of cylindrical portio n= 20m
Depth of hopper bottom= 2.5 m
D iameter of opening :in hopper bottom = I m
4. Design v.f Cylindrical Walls
Us ing Janssen's theory

Horizontal pressure= Ph = ~~~ ( 1- exp (- /1-;h))

n = ( - ~- - s!f!_j_) = ( 1 - sin 2~o ) ~- 0.40
, l + sm d> 1 + sm 2Y

R =Hydraulic mean radius= ( ~ } = (! )= 1.5

8.00 X 1.5 ') [.} / 0.444 X 0.40 X h)]
Ph = {_ 0 _444 - exp \ - 1.5

= 27.03 (1- e-• )

F or different vi'UueS"ofh = 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 22.5 metres from the
top the value of e- • is calculated and the value of Ph is compiled
in Table 2.4. Appendix 2 gives the vaiues of of e-• for different
values of x.
Max imum horizontal pressure in the cylindrical portion (20 m from
top) = ph = 24.58 kNfm2
Hoop tensi on in cylindrical watl per metre height = 0.5 Ph-D
= (0.5 x. 24.58 x6)
= 73 .74 kN
Bunkers and Silos 37

TABLE 2.4 Ho ri zon tal Press ures in Silo Wall s

Depth from top Horizontal pressure

(h) metres p. =kNfm'

4 10.54
8 16.67
12 20.62
t6 23.05
20 24.58
22.5 25 .13

. ,('orcement = A "' = ( 73.74 X 103) = 32 l mm2

Area of h oop rem. 230
Adopt 8 mm diameter hoops at \40 mm centres. (A,1 provided'"' 359
Using 150 mm thick cylindrical walls,

Tensile stress in concrete= ( A F, A )

c+ m •t

73.74 x l03 ]
= L(l50 x l03) + (19 x 359)
= 0.47 Njmn1 2 < 2 Njmmz permissible stress
Minimum area of steel= 0. 12%
=(0. 001 2x 150x 1000)
= 180 mm 2
Adopt 8 mm tliameter hoops at ::!70 mm centres towards the top of si[o.
The details of reinforcemen ts to be provided at different depths on the
cylindrical si lo walls is compi led in Table 2.5.
TAolF 2.5 Reinforcement deta ils in si lo walls

Depth from top Spaci ngs of 8 mm Ve rt ical dis tribution

(m) dia me ter hoop~ s teel

0-12 130 mm 8 mm diameter at

12-1 6 J60mm 250 m centres
16-20 140mm thro ughout the who le depth

5. Design of Hooper Bottom

Provide a slopi ng slab 150 mm thick with 30 mm linin g.
Total thickness= 180 rnm
Surcharge Load on hooper bottomjmetr e
. ( 4Ph·l•'\
= wlz- ·;;- J
= (s x 20- 4 X
24 5: x0.44
· )= 153 kN
38 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Weight of slopin g bottom

=n (( 6 ~ 1 )+0.I8v2) x o.J8 x v2 x 24
·""' 72 kN
Total load= (!53+ 72) = 225 kN
If T = Tension per metre run
Mean d iameter at centre of sloping slab= 3.5 mm

225 )
T = ( 1T Y _ cosec· 45 = 30 kN
Steel rei nfo rcement for direct tension

= e;3~ ) =
130 mm2
U~e 8 mm d iameter bars at 200 mm centres in the d irection of the
sloping slab.

Surcharge pressu re on hooper bottom= ( 1T 153

x 62 ) = 1.3 5 kN/m 2

Max imum horizontal pressure in hoper bottom Ph = 25.13 kNjm 2

If Po ., Normal pressure intensity
Pn = (1.35 cos 2 8 +Ph· sin 2 8)
(1.35 x cos2 45 + 25.13 x sin2 45)
= 13.24 kN;m2
Normal component due to self weight of sloping slab
= Wd ·Co~ 0
"" (0.180 X 14 ~: COS 45)
= 3.00 kN/m2
Total Normal pressure = P =(Po+ wd cos 8)
= (J 3.24 -t 3.00)
= 16.24 kN/m 2
Mean diameter at centre of sloping slab

= T 1) +0.18"\,r2 = 3.75m
Hoop tension / metre = (0.5 x 16.24 x 3.75)
= 30.45 kN

A rea ofh oop re1n ---n-0 !03)

. f orcement = (30.45 x- - = 13 n:m·,

Use 8 mm diameter hoops at 200 mm centre in the hopper bottom .

6. Edge Beams
At the junct io n of the cylindrical wall and hopper bottom and at the
top of the bunker. edge beams o f 300 mm by 300 mm with 4 bars of
Bu.nkcrs and Silos 39

12 mm dia meter are provided to increase the rigidity ofthe struct ure.
The arrangement of reinforcements are similar to those shown in
Fig. 2.9.


A cement silo has an internal diameter of 10 m with the height of cylindrcal

portion being 30 m. The density of cement is !5.2 kNjml. Coefficient of
friction between concrete a nd material = 0.70. The angle of rep ose of the
material is 17.5 degrees. Adopting M-15 concrete a nd ribbed tor steel,
design the thickness and reinforcements required at the botto m of t he
cylindrical por tion of the silo using Janssen ' s theory.
I. Data
Diameter of silo = I 0 m
Depth of cylindrical portion = 30 m
Density of cement = 15.2 kN fm3
Coefficient of friction between wall and material= J-L' = 0. 70
Angle of repose of material = 4) = 17. 5°
Ratio of horizontal to vertical pressure intensity

11 = ( 1-s~ n <P) "' ( 1 -

0. 3 ) = O. 54
l+sm<j> I+0.3
2. A flowable Stresses
acb = 5 Njmm 2 m=19
act=.: 2Nfmm 2
Gst = 230 N/mm2

3. Design. of Cylindrical Walls

Us ing Janssen's theory

Honzontal pressu re =,Ph = 7
wR ( 1 - exp ( - ,_,_'

R= ( ~)= C~)= 2.5

n = 0.54 w = 15.2 kN/m3
h=30 m J-L' = 0.70
At the bottom of the cylindrical portio n (h = 30 rn) , the horizontal
pre ~sure is g:iv ~n bY

Pu = Cs 0~;;/ · s)( ' - c"P( o.7o ;~/4 x 3o)J
=54 kNjrn 2
40 At:lvaoced Reinforced Concrete Desig11

Hoop tension in cylindrical waU per metre height

= 0.5ph D
=(0 .5x54x 10)
= 270 kN

Area of hoop reinforcement = A.. = ( ?70

= 1174 mm2
Ad_opt 16 mm diameter hoops at lo60 mm centres (A 51 provided =
1256 mm 2)
Using 200 mm thick cyl indrical walls tensile stress developed in
concrete is given by

Ocl = (Ac f7nAJ

270 x l0 3 ]
= (200 x l0 3)+(19x l256)
= 1.20 N/mm 2 < 2 N/mntl permissible stress
Vertical presure intensity at a depth lz = 30 m is

~~(:.~'4)( o~i4) 1oo kNJm2

;: =

. -· (100)
Equivalent depth of cement== _ ... 6.57 m
15 2
Even though there is 30 m depth of cement, the effective vertical load
is only due to 6.57 m of cement.
30m depth of cement corresponds to a pressure
(15.2 x 30)= 456 kNjm2
Verti<;:al press ur e intensity at 33 m depth= IOO kN(m2

and is=(!~~ X 100) =: 2!.9 % Of total Weight

The remaining 78.1 % is transferred to the silo walls by friction .
Provide vertical distribution steel of 0.12 % of the cross s«:tion
equ ivaleht to 8 m...m d iameter bars at 160 mm centres.


Compare the horizontal pressures developed at 5 m intervals in a cement

silo of internal diameter 10 ro and height 30 m using Janssen and Airy's
theories .
Density of cement= !5 .2 kNjmJ
Coefficient of friction between concrete and cement"" p.' 0.554 =;

Coefllcient of friction between filling on fiJling"" p. = 0.316

Angle of repose of cement=</>""' J 7. 5 degrees
n= ( - s~n
1 +sm .P
= 0.54
Bu11kHs and Silos 41

(a) Janssen's Theory

Ph = /7 1 - exp - (t-t'
wR( -Rnh))

R= ( ~) = ( ~0 ) = 2. 5
= (J5.2 X 2.5 )[! _
0.554 exp
_ (0.554 X 0.54 X
= 68.59(1 - e-·')
For different values of h= 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30m from top , the value of
horizontal pressure Ph is evaluated.
(b) Airy's Theorv
1. The depth up to which the silo wii! act as shallow bin will be given by

h=b[ ll + ji4~]
(!L + p.. )

= 10 [ 0 _316 +jo.3I6(t +0 .3162)]

(0.316 + 0.554)
= 9.48 m

Pb = wh[ T\/!L(f• ·+·,. . ;) ~ \ 1 I+ !Lip]

= 15.2h[
{v'0.316(0.3I6 + 0.554) + vi i+ 0.316 2 )2
= 6. l48h kNjm:l. va lid up to 9.48 m

2. The horizontal pressure intensity at depths greater than 9.48 m is given


Ph= (!L ::.<')[1 - Jlh y'~ pP.+ ~-L ')+{ I - p.!L')


_ 15.2 X 10 [
- (0.316 + 0.554) I-
J10 2h ·-
+ 0.3!62
- -- -
co.3I6+0.554)+(1-0.316xo.5s4) _
= 174.7 -l83(0.I74h+0.825)- !12

Using this equation the v::dues of Ph at depths of 10, 15, 20,25 and 30m
is evaluated and the values are compared in Table 2:'5.
In deep bins, Airy's theory predicts higher valt:Jes of horizontal pressure
than that resulting from Janssen's theo ry for increasing depth from top. At
greater depths, the pressures computed by Airy's theo ry is nearly 50 %
greater than that evaluated by J-anssen's theory.
42 Ad,•anced Reinforced Conc rete Design

T ~BLE 2.5 H ori zont al p1 essure in cement silo>

- -- ----· -------------
Depth from top Values of P h (kN/m')
(m) Janssen 's t h~ory Airy's 1heory

5 31.00 30.74
10 47.87 60.40
15 57.25 75.88
20 62.41 86.30
25 65.16 94.30
30 66.71 100.00


1. A reinforced concrete circular bunker is 4 m in internal diameter. The

circular wall is 4 .5 m high. II: has a 45 degree conical hopper bottom.
The h opper has a concentric circula r opening of diameter 0.5 ro. The
bunker is supported o n four columns.
The bunker is u sed for 5:to ring materia l weighing 8.5 kN /m3. Angle
of f riction is 30 degrees . The coefficient of friction between the con -
crete surface and the material is 0.4. Design the circular walls of the
bunker and the conical hopper bottom. Adopt M-20 grade concrete
and ribbed tor steel Fe -41 5 grade.
(Bangalore University- January 1978)
2. A cylindrica.l silo having a ratio of h eigh t (cyl indrical portion) to the
diameter of 4, is required to store 2000 kN of '¥heat having a density
of 8 k fm3 • The coefficient o f friction between g rain and concrete is
0.444 and the ratio of horizo nUtl to ve rtical pressure is 0.4. Design
the re in forcements in the walls an d con ical bottom of the silo u sin o
Jansse n 's theory. Ad o pt M -20 grad e concrete a nd Grade-l mild ·tee!
(Bang afore Univers ity - -January 19 79)
3. A coal bunker is to be designed to s tore JOO kN of coal having a unit
weight of 8 kN/m 3 • The buni<er shou.!d be square with 3 metre sides.
The stored co&I is to be surcharged at an angle of repose which is
30 degrees for coal. Adop t M- l5 grade concrete and Fe-415 steel and
design the side walls and hopper bottom and sketch the details of
4. A rectangular shallow bin 3m by 2.5 ro in plan is r equired to store
240 kN of foamed slag aggregates. The unit weight of the a ggregates
being 9.5 kN/ mJ. The bin is supported on four R .C co lumns at the
corners. Using M-1 5 gr< concrete: and Grade-] mild steel, desi gn
the side walls, hopper bottom and the column and sketch the struc-
tura l deta ils. Angle of repose= 30 degret:s, Angle of surcha rge "" 25
5. A circular gr ain silo of 3.6 m diameter i reinforced with horizontal
hoop reinforcement o l :a111m diameter. Calculate the maximum pitch
Bunkers :md Silos 43

for these rods at depth of 24 m below the surface of the grain . The
u.nit weight of grain is 8 kN/m 3 and the coefficient of friction betwet•n
grain and silo walls is 0.41. The ratiu of lat eral to vertical pressure at
any point is 0.6. Adopt M-15 concrete and Grade-l mild steel and use
Jan ssen's theory.
The vertical reinforcement of the 125 mm thick concrete shell con-
sists of 24 rods is 10 mm diameter eq ua lly spaced. Determine the
vertic' I stress in concrete at 24m depth assum ing the silo to be full
and neglecting wind fo.rces. Allow for a superimposed load of I I kN /
m2 at roof level, modular ratio= 19.
6. A cylindrical silo having the ra tio of height (cylindrical portion) to
the diameter of 4 is required to sto re 2000 kN of wheat weighting
8 kN/m 3. The coefficient of friction between grain and concrete is
0.444 and that between grain s is 0.466. Compa re the lateral pressures
developed at 4 m intervals usi ng Janssen' s a nd Airy's theories.
Design the reinforcements in the wall and the conical bottom for the
worst case. Adopt M-20 grade concrete and ribbed tor steel.


During the la:;t few decades the use of reinforced concrete chimneys in place
of brick masonry and steel chimneys have become very popular due to
their low cost and durability. Composite material like reinforced concrete
is eminently suited for chimney stacks. Brick chimneys are very heavy
requiring expensive fou ndations. I n contrast to the steel chimneys, the
maintenanc-e costs are minimum in the case of concrete stacks. Also the
development of slip form method of constructing cylindrical stacks has
resulted in rapid construction in the case of concrete chimneys.
The thick ness of the concrete shell generally varyi ng from 120 to 300 mm
is considerably smaller than that required in the ca. e of brick chimneys.
Concrete stacks with lesser maintenance cost are architectural ly superior
to masonry and steel chimneys.


A reinforced concrete chimney is generally circular in shape with a rigid

concrete shell cast with a rich concrete mix of M-20 to M~25 grade and
provided with longitudinal vertical reinforcement and horizontal hoop re-
inforcement. A fire brick lining 100 to 150 mra th~k is provided in ide the
concrete shell with an air gap of 80 to 150 mm thick to reduce the tempe-
rature gradient from the inter ior surface of fire brick lin ing to the exterior
surface or the co ncrete shell.
Reinforced concrete brackets with holes are provided at regular interva ls
to support the fire brick lining. At the bottom of the chimney, provision is
Chimn~ys 45

made for a flue opening. The chimney rests on a circular raft foundat ion.
The various parts of the chimney are shown in Fig. 3.1.

2 S Grad11 Col'lcre! e )

100 mm Thick
euts id-e oi Fir~ Brick Lining

Hot Ga.s.czs
lns i d~ Ch i m nev

TQmpHalu r ~
Vert i cat Gradient


R.C. 8rachlts to Support

Fire Br ick Lining al
Regular intervals

Chimney ...,.1--~~'V;,-~~Foo!

M' >·
11" ~---~~
Opon ing

........ . - , -


Fig. 3.1 Parts of R.C.C. Chimney


Reinforced concrete chimneys are designed to with stand the stresses deve-
loped due to
(a) Self weight of chimney
(b) Wind pressure
46 Ad~·anced Reinforced Concrete Design

(c) Temperature stresses

(a) The ·elf weight of the chimney is comprised of the dead weight of
the concrete shell and the fire brick lining together with the brackets .
(b) The wind pressure depends upon the velocity of wind at the given
place. The velocity of wind increases with the altitude above the ground.
The wind pressure in different zones can be obtained from IS: 875-1964
code for purposes of design . The design wind loads on the chimney depends
upon the cross sectional shape Df the chimney and the values of shape
, factor for different cross sectional shapes such as, circular octagonal and
square are compiled in Table 3.1.
TAB LE 3. 1 Shape Factors for Chimneys

Ratio of he ight
0 to 4 4 to 8 8 or over
to base width

Cross sectional
Shape Factor
shape of chimney

Circular 0.7 0.7 0.7

Octagonal 08 09 1.0
Square (wind perpendi·
cular to diagonal) 0.8 0.9 1.0
Square (wind perpendi-
cular to face) 1.0 1.15 1.3

(c) Due to the temperature gradient between the inside and out side faces
of the chimney, temperature stresses are induced in the chimney walls both
in the ve rtical and horizontal planes. The inner surface of the shell being
at a higher temperature, tends to expand more than the outer surface;
which restrain s the expansion of the inner fibres to a certain extent. This
restrained expan sion results in compression of the inner fibres and ten sion
of the outer fi.bres. In consequence of this effect, the concrete shell is sub-
jected to a bending moment in the vertical plane as shown in Fig. 3.2.
In the ver tical cross section, P, Q, R and S represent the temperature
gradients in the chimney . Experiments have shown that the rl,lte of fall of
temperature is steeper in the fire brick. lining than in the concrete shell.
The slope of PQ is nearly 6 to ! 0 times that of RS. The temperature at Pis
slightly lower than that of flue gases and at S, it is slightly higher than the
atmospheric temperature.
In hori zontal sections of the chimney, the action due to temperature is
similar so that the inner fibres are compressed in a horizontal pla ne while
the outl:f fi bres are stretched .



The foll owing notati ons are used in the analysis of stresse:; in R.C. shafts.
W =Total wei ght of the shaft above the co nsidered section
ChinL"leys 47
10 em Thick Fir~- Bri ck
L in i n g

' \
.4. - .il._ ,·
VQrtica l
.- •i
. ~ .
Outs idQ
. ~
t Hot

. ' ,• In s ·de
p :.:.;.~ .-b.
s , ~·
• • ·,.1'. '.

Tens ion

F ig. 3.2 Temperature Stresses in R. C .. Ch imney

P-= Resultant wind fo rce acting at a distance h fror.1 the section

A,= Area of reinforcement assumed to be in the form of 2. ring at the
centre of thickness of &hell
r9 = Thickness of steel ring
R = Radius of the centre oi th1ckness

t.= (2:~)
d = Outside diameter of the shell
r c"" Thickness of concrete shell
n =Coefficient of neutral axis depth
a-0 =Compressive stress in concrete at the centre of thickness of shell
a-,= Tensile stress in steel
ex= Angle subtended by the neutral axi s at t!te centre
m =modular ratio
M'"" Bending moment at the section
Ref.:n:ing to Fig. 3.3, consider a strip R -de at an angle 8 from xx . Stress in
concrete at the level of elementary strip,

a~=a [Rco~+. RcOS<7.]=a [cos()+cosa.]

' c R + R COS Ct. e 1+ COS ex

Area of strip= (R ·dO· I c)

48 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design



Fig. 3.3 Stresses in Chimney Shafts

Area ofsteel in strip=(R ·dO·t,)

. . Total compressive force in concrete and steel

C = 2 J(?T-a.)(R. d(l)tc. ac [ cos 8 +cos oc ]

o [+coso:
+ 2J(n -a) (R-d&)tc·(m - l)·ac [cos &+coso-.]
o I+ cos a.

C= (
J(""-"' (cos 8 +cos oc) dO
1 +cos 0: 0

+ [ 2 R~c· t,(m -1)] Ji,.-«l (cos 0 +cos oc) d8

+coso: o
Integrating and simplifying

C= [ ZR(lc ]Htc + (m-l)t.}Jrs.inoc + (.,.-o:)cos.x]

1 + cos oc
Similarly total tension in steel is given by

T"' 2 f/1.(R d&)t,·mac

(R cosR+Re- cos
Rcos.x oc)
sm r1.- ex cos 11 ]
[ 1 +COSo:
Chimneys 49
'i Equating the s um of the internal forces to external load W
W [ 2Roc ] . ,
=! + coso: [(lc - fs){smo:+(rr -a:) coso:} +rrmt, •coso:J (I )

Equating the element of external forces to the sum of the moments of the
internal forces we have

· /11 == t"'-or.l C · R ·cos (! + J~ T- R - co 0

2 2
M= [ 1 R "c
+cos 0:
[tc+m - !)t,Jfl"'-" l(cos 28+cos fJcoso:)diJ
+ [ -2RI--+ac·m·t,
----- -. ] f"' (cos2 8 -cos e coso:)
- de
coso: 0

Integrating and simplifying we have the final equation for the moment M, as

M= [ 12::~:co:] [(tc+ (m -1)/s)] [sin/a + 0; oc)]

+ [2R ·mt.] [ __::..._sin 2o: J
1 + cos a 2 4

M= [ 2R2ac ] [(tc- fs) (

I +cos a
)+ mt.- '"]
2 {2)

Ecce ntric ity e = (M/W)

[( fc _ l, >(sin20'
4 + 2
. .!!.::...!!:._ ) m-t,·1T ]}
+ 2
e = R{ Fe .: _ ·t,)[sin o:. + (r. - ry_) cos ry_J + rrmt~~ (3)

The value of o: which satisfies the Eq. 3 is determined by Trial and Error.
Knowing o: the stresses in concrete and steel can be evaluated using Eq. I.



If H =Horizontal shear force at the section

d ,.. diameter of the chimney
S =pitch of hoop bars
A,= Area of hoop bars in one pitch length

Area o r stee I reststmg

· · s h ear 111
· one metre h e1g
- h t = (2A 1 sI 000) If a c =stress

in steel
Shear force res1sted = (2 . A,_:___s
-1000__ X"·) ('a)
If horizontal distance between reinforcement on both sides is assumed as 0.8d,

shear/ metre= ( LH x 1000 ) =

( -lOOOH &d -) (b)
ever arm 0· .
50 Advanced Reinforced Concre te Design

Equat ing (a) and (b)

., (
2A 1 x IOO.Q_x_':• ) "' ( !OOOH)
s 0.8d
H ·s )
a,= ( J ·6A,- d (4)
Where d and s are expressed in mm units and A,
is in mm2 units .


I In the walls of a reinfo rced concr ete chimney, stress
es a re deve loped due to
the tempe rature gradie nt between the inner and outer
surface of the walls.
Thi s tempe rature drop from inside to outside surfac
e tends to expan d the
inner surface relative to the outer one. Due to the
_m onoli thic action 'Of the
entire wall, differ ential expan sion is not possi}lie
and hence_ equal expan -
sion ta.k_es -place so that the shell is compressed
on its inside surface and
pulled on the outsid e surface. As a whole there is
·an average iRcrease in
the -length of the shel l due to the tempe rature gradie
3.6 .1 Effec t of Tem pera ture only on Stres
ses in
Chim ney Wall s
LetT" = Temp eratur e difference between inside and
outsid e with a linear
tempe rature gradie nt.
rx =Coe fficie nt of expan sion of steel and concr
e =stra in due to tempe rature difference
m =mod ular ratio ·
fa "" Area of reinfo rceme nt per unit width
fc"" Area of .concr ete per unit width
o-cr,., stress in conc1 de due to tempe rature
o., =stre ss in steel due to tempe rature
p= (t 1 (1c)
k = Neutr al axis depth const ant
Referring to Fig. 3.4 and consi dering the force
equili brium we have the
following relati ons.

(l / 2)oct · k·lc= f1 ·on= p·lc ·ast

Gst = ( ~/) = m · Oct ( a\~cklc) = mo 01 (aj-~~
k2 = 2pm( a- k) anu

k = - mp + -vi 2mpa + p 2m2

Rise in tempe rature in reinfo rceme nt= (I -a) T
Free expan sion of steel= ( I - a)rxT
Chimney 51

· ~
' 1 ' 1 1 ' ..

,.. L rn ing
, ' '• .. • _. I

. . .

. • l

I / = J I r· (hmperature

(Te ni ion)
Net Stra in
in Steel //" ~T~ei=Nel Slra rn
,... j" _l_ rn Cone rete
[e-(1~] 1 r---,...-"'-----1
,...,... Tc:r
(Com pr t s s •o n l

'-----1..I _ ______, J-
Fig. 3.4 Tc mperature ..Stresses in Chimney Wa lls

Th e tensile stress in steel is due to the difference between that due to strain
e and due to tem pe rat ure rise ( 1- a)T
Stress in steel ast=Es[(e- (1 - a}:t.T]
At the neutral <txis. there is free expan sion due to stra in e
e =( I - k)~T

.·.Stress in stee l o, 1 =E,[(l-k )7. T-(I - a):t.TJ

a ,t =E,·~· T( a-k) (6)
Stre>s in co ncrete Oct = Ec( Ta - e) = Ec[To: - ( 1 - k}xTJ
Oct= Ec ·"'"k · T (7)
52 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

3.6.2 Combined Effect of Wind Loads, Self Weight and

Temperature on Stresses in Chimney Walls
The stresses developed at the neutral ax is, co mpress ion zone (Leeward side}
and tensio n zone (Wind ward side) of the chimney due to the combined effect
of wind loads, self weight and temperature will be examined separa tely .

Case 1. S tresses at Neutral axis

There are no stresses at the neutral ax is due to the external loads. But there
are stresses dev eloped due to temperature difference
Stress in steel = E,ocT(a- k) (6)
Stres in concrete = Ec(J,kT (7)

Case 2. Stresses in Compression Zone (Leeward side)

The Leeward sid e of the chimney is under compressio n due to the effeet of
win d loads and self weight. If the temperature stresses are superposed , the
final effect will be to increase the compressive stress in concrete and decrease
the stress in steel.
Referrin g to F ig. 3.5 and using the following notations:
t.c ---j
- -
II,, f--.---- a\ c I
- .. .
- .v . .. · .

. .. . , o I
' ,

•• '1 '

,. .. ·
. - •I
' ~ I


. . . ...
• •

. ..
Outside Inside
.., ·. ~ .. . I o • , I

~ .. ' ; . ' . . .
··. . ...
;.. :_. . '.· -. ~ ,.- - -·. -., - - -..- ' - •'

Stresses Ou~ to Wi nd
and Se lf WRight

Fig. 3. 5 Temperature Stres es . Compressio n Zo ne

(Leeward Side)
Chimneys 53

ac =Compressive stress in concrete assumed uniform due to the effect

of self weight and wind loads
k ' fc =Position of neutral ax is
o~ =Compressive stress in concrete due to the combined ff cct
a~ = Stressin steel due to the combined effect
e =Strain due to temperature difference of ro
Total compression will remain unchanged in the section.
Considerin g the force equilibrium , we have
ac · {0 + (m- I )fs · a 0 = (! a~· k 'tc) - t, ·a :


Change in stress in concrete at inside face= (a ~ - ac) I
(a~ - a0 ) = E 0 (Trt.- e)

Change of stress in steei=(a~+ ma 0 )
(a; + moe)= E,[e - ( 1- a)a. T] (b)
But , , (a--p-
o·, = - k' )
Oc In

[ a~ m (a ~~· ) + m·ac J
+ (1 - a)a.T ==e (9)
Also from Eq. (a) , we have

Ta.- (o~-crc) = e (d)

Equating Eqs. (c) and (d), we get
= .) +
Ec · a · Ta.
] (9)

Equating Eqs . (8) and (9 )

.~:,o\1_:~(0-~~) ~ [1: ' ·~~ ~k~) J ( 10 )

For given values of the variou s variable , we can evaluate k ' fr om q. ( LO)
and then compute a(: from Eq. (9) and a ;, the stress in steel.
~ 54 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
If k ' is more than unity, the whole thickness of concrete fc will be m
I compression an d the stresses can be analysed using the same procedure.

Case 3. Stresses in Tension zone (Wind ward side)

The chimney section in the wind ward zone is in tension due to th« effect
of self weight and wind loads. Concrete i assumed to take negligible tension
and hence the whole tension is resisted b y steel
Referring to Fig. 3.6 and using the following notation s:
a,= Tensile stress in steel due to the win d loads and elf weight
k tc = position of neutral ax is

ac =Compressive stres in concrete

a,= Stress in steel due to the combined effect

t------at c - --1

o' I
I' •
. "'' : .'-- ~
Out s id G ... . t
.. '' ·.. Inside
,'<:. I ' ..

' .~· . ~ . • t ..

-+-'---'-'-+---·-.', · i-- ...

r---;- - - - - - - - ----; Stn1sses due to

Wind and 5~11 Weight


Fig. 3.6 Temperature Stresses, Te nsion Zone (Wind Ward Side)

The effect of temperature is to develop compressive stress in concrete and

increase the tensile stress in s teel.
The total fo rce in the ection remains unchanged, considering the equili-
brium of forces

But I
as =117 ac
-v )
(a-kl and t,=p · lc
Chimneys 55

( 1 I)

Change in strain in concrete at inside face is

= [-T. + ~J
a~ ] =(T· rx.-e)
-Os+ -
E. Ec

e = Trx. -
a, a~]
E, - Ec (a)

C han ge of strain in steel is give n by,

( a$:- Os
' Es ·- ) =
[e - (1 - a):~.T]

a;- O"s
· Es ·
e= ( +(1-o )(>:T

Equatin g the Eqs . (a) and (b) we have the relation,

a~= [a ·rx. TEc- u;jm ]
substituting for v; and simplifying
( 12}
Equatin g the Eqs. (I 1) and ( 12), we have

[~;;,T'-~k~) _-;; /;loT E,k'

{13 )

The value of k' can be evaluated using the known values of the o ther van-
abies and thr!n the values of the stress in concrete o~ and the stress in steel
a; can be estimated using relevant eq ttatio ns.

3.6.3 Stresses in Horizontal Reinforcement due to Temperature

At h:gh temperatures . the inner s urface of the chi m ney prevented from
ex pa nsion and there fore ge ts co mpressed. The o ute r ~ urface wil l ex pa nd
more than the natura l expa nsio n and wi ll be in tension. Due to tempera ture
stresses, generally the hoops tri es to expand and consequentl y ten sile
stresses develop in the h oop reinforceme nt.
Ta king unit height of wall and referring to F ig. 3. 7 and using th e follow ·
ing notations.
56 Advanced Re:inforced Concrete Design

1 em

Fig. 3. 7 Stresses in Horizontal Reinforceme nt due to

Temperature Difference

k'tc =position of neutra l axis

a~ = Compressi ve stress in concrete
a;= Tensile stress in steel
A;= Area of hoop re inforcemen t/unit height
As= Cross sectional area of horizo nta l steel
s = Spacing

I A; =(A,fs)=p ·tc
cr; = m · a~(a- k')/k '

( 14)
Consider the force equilibrium of the section, compressive fo rce in concrete
on the inne r side = tensile fo rce in horizonta l reinforcem ent

t '
J!O, k ' lc "" A'5 o,' =p• l 0 tn a0 (a--p-
- k' )

k'j2 = mp(~-7! )
k' = V ' 2pma+p2m 2-pm {15)
Using thi s equation the pos ition of the neutra l axis is determined .
Let e = actual strain
tress in con crete = u~ = (rxT- e)Ec
stress in steel =a;= [e- ( l - a)xT]E,
From th~se two rela tions ,
e=- [a.: T-a~/ Ec] and e= [o;JEs+xT ( l -u)]
[a.T- a:,/ Ec] = [a:/ E. + xT( I - a)]
Chimneys 57

Knowing the value of k', the stresses in steel and concrete a; and a; can
be obtained by solving Eqs. ( 14) and ( \6 ).


A reinforced concrete chimney 50 m high above ground has an outside

diameter of 4 m. The thickness of the shell is 20 em at the top anrJ it is
mcreased to 25 em a nd 30 em at 18 m and 30m from the top. Vertical steel
bars = I percent of the cross sectional area throughout. The total wind load
above the section at 18m from top may be taken as 93 kN . Find the st resses
de veloped due to wind and dead loads a t the Section 18 m from the top of
the top of the chimney. Assume modular ratio m = 13.
Weight of concrete shell= ( rr X> 3.8 x 0.2 x 18 x 24)
W= 1031 kN
A,= 0.0 I x .,.(22 - 1.8 2 ) I 04 = 240 cm 2

t, = (2~k) = (2 x : ; 190 ) = 0.20 em

Equivalent second moment of area
lo= [>r/64(D4-d4)+(m- J).,.r3t,]
= H64( 40()4- 3604) + (13 -\)1!' X 190 3 X 0.2]
= 480 x 106 cm 4
Equivalent area== A.:= n/4(Dl- d2) + (m- 1)A.
A. = rr/4(4002- 3602) + (13- 1)240 = 26,300 cm 2
Horizontal wind load = P = 93 k N
Moment due to wind load a t a Section 18 m frorn top
= M= (93 x 9) = 8:n kN.m.
eccentricity e = (M/W) = (837/1 031) = 0.81 · m
For no tension to develop

em.. = (1~) .= G 6~16d: ~g~) = 91 em

Hence the entire section is in compression I
Maximum compressive stress in concrete I.
-[WA + My]-[l03l
"c -
x l03 837 x J06 x 2000] -
T - 26.300 x J02 + -- 486 x JOIO ~0.? 4 Nfmm

Compressive stress in steel = m · ac = (I 3 x 0. 74) = 9.6 2 N j mm 2


A concrete chimney of height 80 m with the external diameter of the shaft

being 4 m at top a nd 5 m at botto m is required in a place where the wind
58 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

intensity is 1.5 kN/ mz. Thickness of fire brick lining = 10 em. Temperature
difference between the inside and outside of shift = 75°C . Permissible bear-
ing pressure on soil at site = 150 kN/m 2.
Adopt M -25 grade concrete m ix and tor steel Fe= 415 grade and design
the following ,
(aJ Base section of the chimney
(b) Foundation for the chimney.
( 1) Permissible Stesses
M-25 grade concrete = 8.5
a cb /mm 2
Fe= 415 grade steel m= 11
ast = 230 Nfmm 2
(2) Loads Referring to Fig. 3.8
Weight of chimney= (1r x 4.2 x 0 .3)80 x 24 = 7600 kN
Weight of fire brick lining (10 em thick)
= (1r X 3.8 0.1)80
X 20= 1920 k

Tota l wind load above base= [(0. 7 x 1.5 x (4 + 5) /2 x 80] = 3 75 k

acting at a height of 4 0 m above base
Total dead load above base (W) = (7600 + 1920)= 9520 kN
Bending moment at base due to wind loads
M= (375 x 40}= 15,000 kN·m

Eccentricity e = (~} = C~5°2°0°) = 1.575 m

(3) ·Reinforcements
Providing reinforcements of l% of the cross sectional area,
A., = 0 .01(7T x 4600 x 400) = 57,805 mm 2
Using 25 tum IP bars

umber of bars = ( 491

57 805) = 117

provide 120 bars of 25 mm d iameter bars

Equivalent thickness of steel ring is given by

Ast ) ( 58 ,800 )
ls"" ( 1Tdm = 1T X 4600 = 4 mm

(4) Analysis of Stresses at Base S ection

Referring to Fig. 3.8, If ct. = angle subtended by the neutral axis at the
centre, the eccentricity i written as,
C himneys 59

L. 2 m - - - -----"
f - - - - - - - 5 m - -- -----1



Fig . 3.8 Detail~ of R.C. Chimney

In th is equa t io11
c= l575mm !5 = 4mm
R = 2300mm 10 =400 mm
Tr ia l val ue ~ of ' (vary i ng fro tn 70° to SO'"C)
1\ ssumcd until the va lue o f calcu lated eccentr ic ity co im:id c:> with th .:
actllal va lue of e ~ 1575 mm .
lit 60 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

l Trial I: Assume a = 70°

The right hand ide of equatio n= e = t 742 mm
which is greater than 1575 mm
Hence reduce the value of a for the second triaL
Trial 2: Assume 11. = 6@ 0

(-rrmt, ·cos a)= (-rr x II x 4 x 0.5) = 69.11

( sin/x) = 0.216

( -rr; a)"' (" - 12047) = 1.047

sin .x = 0.866
«) cos 11. = 1.045
( 7r-

R.H.S= 2300

[c400 .:_ 4 )(~ Q,+ ?T- ~047

{(400- 4){siu 60+ (-rr- 1.047) cos 60} + -rr x 11 x 4 x cos 60 lj
) + li \4 x -rr]

= 1586 mm ~ 1575 mm
Hence the value of angle a = 60°
Using this value of oc in Eq. (I) given by,

W= 2Rac ] .
[ l +cos a [tc-t5 ){sm<Y.+(7T-<Y.)COSI1.} + -rrm·ts · COS<Y.]

x 2300o )
9520 x 103 = [ 2 + .
cos 0~ [(400 -4){sm
1 6 60+(n - 1.047) x cos 60°}
+ 7T X 11 X 4 X COS 60)
solving stress in concret e ere = 3.75 N/mm 2
Stress m steel o, = m ·flc [ R(l
R(l - cos 11.) ]
+ cos 11.)

= 11 x 3.75 [ <J ~:: ~g) J= 13.73 N /mm2

The stresses in concret e and steel are within safe permiss ible
5. Design of Hoop Reinforcement

Shear at the base of chimne y= 375 kN

Mean diamete r at base = 4600 mm
using IO mm diamete r hoops at 200 mm centres , using Eq. 4

. ( H.S
Stress m steel= a, = l.6At• d ) = (375 x l03 x 200)
1.6 X 79 X 4600
= 129 N1mm 2 < 230 N /mm 2
Hence stresse s are within permiss ible limits.
Chimneys (il

6. Temperatur e Stresses (Combin ed effect of wind loads,

selfweight and temperature)
(a) Compression Zon e (L ee ward side)
Providing an effective cover of 50 mrr. to st eel
lc=400mm t,=4mm
a/c=;350mm .· . a = 0.875
P = (t,/tc) = ( 4/ 400) = 0.01
T = 75 oc
ex = 11 >< I0- 6 rc m = 1l
Ec = (Es(m) = elO i~ IQJ)
oc= 3.75 N/mm2
Using Eq. 10

oc[l+(m-l)p] =[ E 0 ·a Ta. ] I
[ ;' _ mp ( a ~,k' ) ] 1 + ( a ~,k' } !'

- 3.75(1 + 10 X 0.01) - ( 2 101~ 103 X0.875 X 75 X ll X IQ-6)

O.Sk; -~ 11 x O.Ol (o.87f1 - [1 + (0.87;,- k'-)]
solving k' = 0. 70
From Eq. 9, the stress in concrete u~ is

210 ~ 103 )
~ - [Ec·a · Trr] _ lJ x0.875 x 75 x ll x i0- 6 =
ac- a-k' - (· 0.875 - 0.70) ll.ON/mm
I +- k-,- I+ 0.70

The permissible compressive stress for M-25 grade concrete when wind
loads are also considered is ( 1.33 x 8. 5) = 11.33 N/ mrn2.

. stee J = a s1 = muc1 - k-,-

Stress m (a -k')
=II x 11.0 ( · g_~0°· 70 ) = 30.25 N /mm 2 <
0 87
230 N jmm2

permi ssible stress

(b) Tension Zon e (Wi11d ward s ide)
Using the Eq. 13
62 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

O.Ol x 13.73 .
/(;'-]= [I· l x iO_ 6 210 x 10 3 J
0_875 _k' ) x 75 x II x k'
[ 0.01 X II ( k' - 2

Solving k 1 = 0. 55
Stress in concr ete a~= a. T Eck'
(Equation) 12 = ( 11 x 10- 6 x 75 x ~~-~\;_!_0 X 0.55 )

= 8.66 N/mm 2 < 11.33 j mm2

· Stee I a~= m · ac -k-,-
Stress In '(a -k' ) = II X . 66 -(0.875-0.55)
.i = 56.28 N/mm 2 < 230 N /mm2
(c) Srressl?s at Neurral Axis
Using Eq. 5
k =- mp + \/ 2mpa + p1m1
p=O.OI m= II a"' 0.875
k = - 11 x o.o1 + -v12 x 11 x o.or x o. s1s + co.o 1Foi P = o.342
Stress in concrete= act = Ec-:1.kT
(Equation 7)
210 x i Ql ]
= [ 1I x II x I0- 6 x 0.342 ~< 75 = 5.386 N/mm2
Stress in steel = a., = E, ·'l.T(a - k}
(Equation 6)
= 2J () >: J QJ X Jj .< J0- 6 X 75(0.875- 0.342)
= 92.34 /rnm 2
The stresse are within safe perm issi ble limits
7. Str esses in Hoop Stel?l due to Temperature
Hoop steel of I 0 mm diameter at 200 mm centres provided at base

p "' ( sA;c ) 2007:460.)=0.0009 8

= (

a=0.875 m = II
Using Eq. 15
k ' = V 2pma + p 2m 2 - pm
= , ! 2 X 0.00098 X ll y 0.8 75 X (0.000982)( I P)- (0.00098 X Il l
= 0.127

using Eqs. 14 and 16 we have

u, = m-u~
(a- -k-,-k ' ) =
l I x a", ( -
0.- x 0. J27 )
0 = 60. 45 a 0,
Chimneys 63

Also (a; +ma~)=E.a.T · a

. ·. (60.45 a~ + II a~)= (21 0 X 103 X II X J0 - 6 X 75 X 0.875)
solving a~=2 . 12N/mm2
and · o;= 128.2 5 Nfmm 2
Total stress in hoop steel= (stress due to shea r)
+ (stress due to temperature difference)
= (129 + 128.15)
= 257 .25 Nfmm1 > 230 N /mm2
Hence the spacing of the hoop reinforcement can be reduced to
I 50 mm instead ' of 200 mm centres.
8. D esign·.of Foundations
A circular R .C. slab foundation is designed for t he chimney.
Total vertical load on base= 9520 kN
Bending moment = I 5,000 kN · m
Allowable bearing pressure = 150 kNj m2
Self weight offooting (assumed at 10 % )=950 kN
Total load on soil= (9520 + 950) = 10,470 kN
If D =diameter of the circular footing for no tension to develop,

(~H~) Cf)~C:f)'o'''ngn~ll•m
The loading on the base is taken as annular loading on the mean •'
diameter. The bending moments in the base obtained by superposing
. the two types of loading shown in Fig. 3.9.
. lw

~ w
11 4 m ~--------~~

· B.M. D. I
t- -2a t
Fig. 3.9 Bending Moments in Circular Founda1ion Footing
64 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Des ign
, I

[nten sity of soi l rress ure (w)=

10,470 2
X I J .4
J = 103 k r; m2
[ 4
:!.a= I I .4 rn 2b = ~ . 6 m
i .rvrax imum bend ing mome nt in the section is .gove rned by the radial
I M, = bending moment a t cen tre of footin g
! ~~ [ 2 Loge (a/h) + I - (h j ajl J136 tl' a2

I, 10.470 [ ") " ( :'~) I- (2.3)2]- ~ X lOl 5 72
/\n· - O::-t .J + 5.7 16 . X .

= 476.2 R 1-.N ·m/ m

·i Mrrmax l =Moment a t junction of footing and ch im ney walls at a radius
o,f 2.3 m.

~J~ [ 2 log. (a/ b) + I- (b/a)l]- / 11'(a2 -- b2)

I '
10 70
~: [ 2 log. GD + r_ G:~f] _ 3
x 1o3(5.7L 2.3 2 )

I = 578.38 kN · mf m
L. Using M-20 grade concrete Fe-415 Tor steel
. )578.38 X ]06
Elfcct1ve depth d=
0 _~ 97 x 103
= 802 mm

Adort an effective derth d = 800 mm and

over all depth II = 850 mm
. _ ( 5 78 38 >-. I()6 ) = ")
, J,. - no x 0 .9x 800 .349 -11llll 2

. of 25 nun d-.tameter
_ bars = ( IUCOx 491) = 140 mm
Provide 2 5 nun bars at 140 111m centres in perpendicular directions
bo th ways as show n in Fig. 3.10. Also provide 12 mm diameter bars
both wa vs at top foot ing.


A circular R .C. chimney has a constant shell thickness of 300 mm and an

.:x:ternal di amete r of 4 111. The section is reinforced with one percent . tee!
located at SO mm from the outer face. The temperature different between
the ins id e and o utsidc face of concrete h 70"C.
Modulu of elas tic ity o f steel = 210 kN/ m m 2
Modulus of elasticity of concret.: =- 19 kN jmm2
Chimneys 65

· 4 2 m - - j 400
10 i- 300 t f- 25 l

I I - 10 ;. -200 c/c

12 ' - 200 c /c

_j_ el ~ r )

~ 300

11 .f. 'rn
L 25 ~ 140 c /c
(Bot h W21ysl
Fig. 3.10 Re" 'nforcemcnt Deta il ~ in Chim ney and Found at ions

Coef ficien t of expa nsion of conc rete and

steel = 11 x 10- 6t C
Com pute the str esses deve loped in conc rete
and steel dtie to the temp eratu re
gradi ent.

I . She ll Prop ertie s

lc = 300 mm Ast= 0.01(17 x 3700 x 300) = 34,872 mm2

ls"' (~
) = ( rr· ~X4 '3700
~~) = 3 mm

m.=( E,/Ec) = (2I0/ 19 ) "' II

p = ( ls/ lc) = (3./3 00) = 0.0 1
ale == 250 mm

. ·. a = ( - 2300
~~ ) = 0.833
[f k"' neutr al axis dept h cons tant
k = -mp + , / 2mpa-!-p2m2
.·. k=( -1! x O.O l) + ·•/-(._l_x_l_l_x~O~.Ol x 0. 83 3)+
(0.0 lfx (0.83 f)2
= 0.338

stress in steel a,t = EoxT (a- k)

==210 x I O> x 11 x I0 - 6 x 70(0 .833 -0.33
== 80.04 N/ mm 2
tre s in conc rete Uct = Ec ·ex· kT
= (19 X JQ3 X 1! x lQ - 6 X 0.338 X 70) = 4.944 N / mm 2

66 Alhanced Reinforced Concrete Design


ey using
Des ign the ver tica l reinfo rcem ents at the ba e section of a c himn
the followi n g data and the d es ign chart shown in ig. 3. 11 .
------ ---.--------,-------~

,......... 2 ·0

::E .......

I '--'
IJ 15

( ~ /r )
F ig. 3.\1 Interact io n Dia gram for C irc ular C h imney She ll in Bendi

Total vertical load at b a e se(.:t ion ~ W = I 0. 000 k r

Bending m o ment at base sect io n = M = 17.000 kN · m
Thickn e ss of chimne y hell = r = 300 mm
Mean radius of the shell = r = 2 m
Concre te M-20 grade and Grade- /- mi ld steel
The followi ng parame ter are compu ted for using the chart.
eccen tnc1ty = e =
W = 1O;OOO = 17
(1 7,000) .

G:~) = 0. 85
(elr ) = acb= 7 j mm 1 = 7000k N / m

M ) _( 17 ,000 ) = 2 Q?
( t·r 2ac b - 0. 3 ,.., 22 x 7000 · -
obtai ned a s.
Fr om the chart the value of percen tage of reinfo rceme nt pis
p= 1 .0 ~·~ and K = 10
stress in tensile steel = K · acb = ( 10 X· 7) = 70 N/ mm
Chimneys 67



Tall and slender structures like ch imn eys are subjected to severe wind loads
and earth quake force . H ence a dynaJ!Iic load a nalysis of the str ucture is
essential to study the performance of the structure under d ynam ic load s.
The dyn a mic analysis f or wind loads invo lves the computation of the
natural frequencies an d fundament a l period of the struct ure using the
several empirical formu la sugg,ested in the: Ind ian Standa rd Code s TS:
1893-1 975 , IS: 4998 (Part-! 1975) , ACf-505 a nd the method proposed by
Housner. Keightly a nd M itchell.
Due to a ir pollutiGn contr ol, ta ll chimneys in the range of 300 to 400 rn
height have been con tructcd. The adve nt of modern high speed digital
computers has made it poss ible to analyse the tall chimneys subjected to
dynamic loads and to compute tres. es for various loading conditions in a
rigorou and a t the same time accurate and eco nomical methods. Typical
investi gations of the dynamic analysis of a chi mney stack of height 180m
and outer diameter varying from 6 m at top to 15 m at bottom and the
thickness of concrete shell being 22 em at top a nd 40 .c m at bottom, when
subjected to wind load s varying from 2 kNfm2 at bottom to 2.88 k jm2 at
top in d icates that the d esign bending moments und er dynamic load s are
considerably higher than the static loa d computations. Under dynamic
analysis. the permi ssibl e stresses in concrete a re res tricte~ to 0.4 /~k and the
per.missible stresses in steel are limited to 0.6f,y. A separate analysis 1.
mad e to calcu late the ternperatLLre stresses.


\. A reinfo rced concrete chimney having a wall thi ckness of 15 em has
a mean diameter of 2.5 rn . T he section is re inforced with sixty bars
of 16 mm diameter. ff the effect ive wi nd pre '\·•·c i I .4 kNf m on
the proje.:ted area, evaluate the maximu m ~ t resses in concrete and
stcd at a sect ion 25 m from the top of the chim ney. Assume modular
ra ti o = 15.
2. A reinforced concrete chimney of 60 m height above ground level
has ;tn o utside diameter of 4 m . Thickness of fire l ~r: ck lining provi-
ded up to 40 m above gro und leve l is I 0 em. Density of fi re brick
lining = 20 kN j m 3. T he lin ing is sup po rted at every 6 m intervals.
The thi d. n e~ . uf conc rete shell is 200 mm ot l tb •: to p and is increased
to 250 mm a nd 300 111111 a t 24 111 and 48 111 from the top re spectively.
Vertical steel bars of I ~" of cross section i prov id ed t hroughout the
ch imney . Wmd load is l. 65 k / m 2 for the top 24 m and 1.5 kN/ m
over the rest of th.: chimney height. Temperature dirfe re nce between
in ~ i de a nd out side o f concrete she ll = 70" C. Coeftlcient of expan 10 11
of concrete a nd . tee!= I I x J0 - 6 rc. Modular ratio = ll.
68 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Using M-25 grade concrete a nd Grade -l mild steel design the

chimn ey a nd check for stresses at the base sectio n . Also d esign s uit-
able fo unda tions for the ch imney assumi ng the safe bear ing capac ity
of the oil as 150 kN/ m 2 •
3. A circular R.C. chimney 50 m high above ground has a constant shell
th ickne s of 300 mm a nd a n external diameter of 4 m. The effective
wi nd pressure on tl\e projected surface is 2 k 1m2 . T he ection is
reinforced wit h l percent steel in the ve rtical direction. if m odular
ra tio= II fi nd the po ition of the ect i n from tt1c top where the
resultant stress di strib uti on due to dead and wind load is s uch th at
there is maximum compressive stress in concrete at th e Leeward si de
and zero st ress at the wind wa rd face. Eval uate the max imum st resses
in concrete a nd steel at t h is s e~tion.
4. A reinforced concrete chimne y 100 m high a bove ground has a n
external diamete r 4 mat the top and 5 m at the ground level. The
th ickness of concrete shell vari~s from 200 mm a t the top to 400 mm
a t the bottom. The wind pre sure at site may be taken as 2 kN/m 2.
Assum ing a modul ar ratio of 15, (l esign sui table reinforcemen ts in
the shel l walls.
AdoptM- 15 grade conc;ete and Grade-Isteel.
Curved Bean1s


Beams curved in plan are often used to support the ci rcular walls of rein-
forced concrete water tanks, curved balconies a nd circular d o mes. The
curved beams are generally supported on column s spaced at regular inte r-
vals. Since the loads and reactions d o not lie a long the axi s at a ny poin t of
the beam, torsional moments develop at certai n eros section s of a curved
beam. However in the case of circular beams supported by symmetrically
placed columns. the vert ica l reactions are provided by t he columns and due
to the :;ymmetry , the tor:-.ional moments a t the cent re of the curved
beam between any tw con sec utive support. wi ll be zero. Also the maxi-
mum negative bend ing mome nt develops at the support secti ons and
positive maximum bending moment <:t sections in between the supports.
Maximum tor ional moments will develop at sectio ns nea re r the supp rts
and where the bending moment is zero. In othe r word s, the maximum
torque occurs !c t points of contraf!exu re. Also the sh ear force will be
maximum at t h~: -: upport sections .
Hence the supp ort ect io ns have to be designed for maximum nega tive
bending moment and shear and ections where the torque is max imu m has
to be designed for nUl\imum tor siona l moment a nd the correspond ing shea r
force at the section.



The be nd ing and to rsio na l moments de veloped in curv<.:d gi rders can be

analyzed by train energy methods. The magnitLrde of mo ments and their
70 Advanced Reinfor ced Concrete Design

locat ion is inlluenced by the number of supports a nd the ra dius of the

curved beam. Figure 4 . I , shows a typical curved beam circular in plan
supported on eight column s. Referring to F ig. 4.2, th e maximum pos iti ve
and negative bending moments a nd the torsional moments can be expressed
in the foll owing form.
Negative maximum- bendin g m o ment =K1· W · R
Pos iti ve maximum be nding mom ent =K2 ·WR
Maxi mum torsio nal moment "' KJ· W.R
where W = total load on the curved beam .., 2rr R ·It'
where w =uniformly distributed load per unit length of beam
8 =Angle subtended at the cen tre by the ends of the beam
R = Radius of the ci rcular girder

Co l umn Support
Rin g Baam //


Fig. 4.1 Ri ng-G irder Supported on Eight Columns

K 1, K , a nd K 3 are mome nt coefficients the va lues of which a re comp iled

in Table 4. 1.
The critical sections to be d es ig ned are t he support sections subjected to
maximum negat ive and positive bendin g moments and the sec tion subjected
to maximum twist ing m oment a ssociated with some shear fo rce. At this
section, tile bending moment is zero. Hence this sect ion has to be designed
fo r combined to rsion and shear.
Curved Beams 71





Co l u mn
Suppo rt

af\d Max1mu

Fig. 4.2 Position of Maximum Moments in Curved Girders

TADLE 4.1 Moment Coefficients in Circular Girders Supported on Col umn
Mome nt Coeffic ient s ; I

Po sit1ve
Max imum
Twisting Angular distance
Number of
co lumns Bendi ng mo ment a t momenl or for maximnrn 'I
II moment centre of Torque torsion [I·
at suppon s pans
K1 }(~

0 0148
19° - 12'
12°- 44'
:1 I
0.004 1
9°- 33'
7" -30'
·'I II
The magnitude and pos ition of maxim um positive and negati ve bendin g
m oments and the twisti ng moments in a semicircular b eam supported
on three equ a ll y spaced s upports a re given by th e followin g relati ons:
Maximum po itive B.M. = 0.1 520 w R 2 at sections 29 ~ - 44' from the end
72 Advanced Reinforced C()ncrete Design

Maximum negative B.M. over the central support= -0.4290 1vR 2

Maximum twi st ing moment= 0.103wR 2 at sections 59"-29' from the
en d column s.


A circular R.C. girder for t.he foundation raf1 of a water tower has a
mean diameter of 10 m. The uniformly dist ributed load tra nsmitted by
eight symmetrically placed columns on the girder being 300 kN/m. The
width of the beam is 500 mm a nd the over all dep th is 1000 mm. sing
M-20 grade cancrete and Fe-4 I 5 grade for steel. design s uitable reinforce-
ments in the circular girder and sketch 1he details of reinforcements at
critical ecti ons.
1. Daft.·
Radius of gi rder = R = 5 m
Width of gi rder = b = 500 m :n
Depth of girder == D= IUOO mm
Load on girder = q = 300 k /m
I Angle= () = 45o
I 2. Permissible Stresses

M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 gra.cle steel
I 7 Njmm 2
ac b = Q = 0.897
a51 = 230 /mm2 j 0. 906
II 111. =

3. Loads
Self weight of beam = (0. 5 x 1 x 24) == J2 kNJrn
ur.iformly di tributed load = 300 kN/m
Total design load w=3 12 kN/m
Total load on circular girder = W = (2nR · w) = (2 x -rr x 5 x 312)
= 9802 kN
4. Bending Moments and Shear Forces
Maximum negative B.M. at support section.
Mn"' 0.0083 W R = (0.0083 x 9802 x 5) = 407 kN ·m
Maximum positive B.lvL at centre of supports
Mp=0.0041WR=(0.004! x 9802 x 5) = 201 kN·m
Maximum to rsional momen1 at an angle of 9.5 degrees from support
is given by
T=0.0006W.R= 0.0006 x 9802 x 5)=30 kN·m
Cuned Beams 73

S hea r fo rce at support sect ion is il!j


V=[312 x 52x (TI / 4)l=612kN

i ·I
Shear force at section of maxim um torsion is I:!
V= [612 - 312 x 5l ;Orr x 9.5] = 354k N

5. Design of SupporT Sec1ion

M = 407 kN·m
V = 6 12 kN

d= JQ---:[; J

Adopt effective depth d= 950 mm

407 X !06
0 897 x 500 = 952 mm

over all depth = 1000 mm

Ast = (~ ) = (-230407
x l0 } = '?056 mm 2
Gst ·j d X 0.9 X 950 -
P ro vide 5 bars of 25 (/) (A,1 = 2455 mm 2 )

Tv=(~) == ( :~~: ~~~ ) •=1 .28 N/mm2

IOOAst)=( 100 x 2455)=o 516
( bd 500 X 950 .
From Table 17 of IS: 4 56 code, permissi ble shear stress in concre te
Tc = 0. 3 Njmm2 < Tv
H ence shear reinfor cements a re required. Shear take n by concrete

· x ;g~Ox
03 950
Vc= (•c b ·d)= ( ) == 142 kN
Balance shear= V, ""' (61 2 - 142) = 470 kN
Using 10 mm f]) 2 legged sti rru ps, the spac in g is :I
_ ( O's vAs. ·d ) _ ( 2 30 X 2 X 79 X 9 50) = 73 mm
Sv- V, - 470 x 10 3 I
Adopt 10 mm r!J 2 legged stirrups at 70 mm centres. I·

6. Design of Mid Span Section

Maximum positive moment M = 20 I kN · m
-( 20! x 10 ) - 1022 2
A, - 230 x 0.9 ;.: 950 - mm
But minimum area of teel is giv en by
A, = ( ~5bd) = ( 0.85 X 500 X 950 ) = 984 mml
;; 41 5
. . provide 3 bars of 22 - tP (As 1 = 1140 mm 2)
74 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

7 . Design of Section Subjected to Maximum Torsion and Shear

T=30 kN·m D= 1000 mm
V = 354 kN IJ,= 500 mm

= r[ 1 +1.7(D/ b) ] = JO [ 1+ (1000/500)]
1.7 .
= 54 kN· m

Mer=(M+Mt)=54 kN·m
A ( 54 x 106 ) _ 2
B = 230 X 0.9 X 950 = 27 J ffiffi
But minimum a rea of ten sion reinforcemeut should be not less than
that given by,

A. = { 0.85bd) = ( 0.85 x 500 x 950) = 984 mm 2

fy 415
Provide 3 bars of 22 fP as main tension reinforcement (A,= 1140 mm2)
Equivalent shear = Ve = (V + l . 6 T/ b)

I' =(354+1.6 x ~~5 )=453 kN

i . \

Tve = ( rd) = ( i~~ : ~~~ )= 0.953 Nfmm

IOOAst ) = ( 100 X 982 ) = O 206

( bd 500 X 95() .
From Table 17 (IS: 456), rc = 0.20 N/mm 2 < 0.953 Nfmm 2
. ·. Shear reinforcements are required.
Using 10 mm two legged stirrups with side covers of 25 mm and
bottom covers of 50 mm,
b 1 = 450 mm d 1 = 900 mm Asv = (2 x 79) mm 2
b,d, 2.5d,]
Sv = A sv ·a,. [ ----r- + -v
450 X 950 2.5 X 900 ]
= 2 X 79 X 230 [ JO X JOS + 354 X J03 = 746 mm

But Asv-t( rve-"Tc

. Sv
Asv"O"sv 2 X 79 X 230 96 5
.·. sv= (rve-rc)b (0-:-953 - 0.20)500 = · mm
Adopt 10 mm <P- 2 legged st irrups at 90 mm centres. The typical
cross section s are shown in Fig. 4.3.


Des ign a semicircular beam supported on 3 columns equa lly spaced. The
centre of the columc.s ~re on a curve of diameter 8 m. The superimposed
Curved Beams 75 liJ
. l

) - 22 f.
10 ;, - 70 c I c

3-1 0 ~ (Eac h- Fac ~ )

i ,.,

5 - 25 ~

(a) Sup pvt 5H t ion

r--- 50 0 ---- j
- f.----- 3 - 22 -,..

~ 10

1-- 3- 10
f\ -15 0 c/c

~ (Each Face)

L ..,
(bl Mid- Span
vv--- 2 -

$Qct ;on
25 li

f---- ----1

5 00
1----- 3- '2 2 "

- 10 ~ - 90 </c
1000 10 i. ( Ea ch F~ c ~ J
v v-- I
3 -

L y-1-- - 2 - 2 5 f,

ar R C Beam
F ig 4 .3 Typical Cross Sectio.ns of C ircul

20 kN. Ado pt M-20 grade conc rete

load on the beam per metr e leng th is
and Fe-41 5 grad e tor steel.
I. Data
Rad ius of gird er= R = 4 m
Assume widt h of gird er = b = 400 mm
Dep th of gi rder = D == 800 mm
Live load o n gird er = q = 20 kN/ m
76 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

2. Permiss ible Stresses

M-20 g rade concrete and
Fe-41 5 grade steel
acb=7 /mm 2 Q = 0.897
a,=230 N/mm2 / = 0.906
3. Loads

Self w ight of bea m= (0.4 x 0 8 x 24) = 7.68 k j m

Live load on beam = 20.00 kN/m
Fin is hes etc. = 2.32 kN/ m
. Total load= w = 30.00 kN/m
4. Bending M ornems and Shear Forces
Maximum negative B. M. at middle suppMt = - 0.429w · R2
""( - 0.429 x 30 x 42) kN. m = -206 kN · m
Maximum positive moment = 0. 152w · R 2 = (0.152 x 30 x 42) "" 73 k . m
Maximum tors ionalmoment=0 .1 03w ·R 2 = (0.103 x30 x 42)"'50 kN m
Reaction at end suppo rts "" R 1
Reaction at mid support = R 2
Th en Rr= "f-(1r-2) R2 =2 11'·R

w.R 30 x 4
Shear at end support R 1 = -
2 (~r- 2) =- -2 - (rr- 2) "' 69 kN

Shear at mid suppor t sect io n = c·;R) wR = = (30 X 4) = 120 k N

Shear a t the section of ma ximum twist in g momen t ., ( R 1 - wRO)

where 0 = 59° - 39° = (69 - 30 x 4 x 1039) = -55 k
5. D esign of A1id Suppm 1 Sec/ion
Moment M=206 kN ·m V= 120 kN
' M 206 X J Q6 -
d="'/ (F"b = ,, 0.879x4oo = 7 .) 7 · 7 111111

Adopt effec tive de,;th = 760 mm

Over all depth= 800 mm

Ast=( · M
)=(230 2060.9x )06760 )= 13 10 mm 2
O'st X X

Provide 4 bars of 22 mm diameter a t [he tor (A, 1 : 1520 mm 2 J

Ty: (bdv) (120 ~: 103)

400 x 760 = 0 · 394

fl00 A, 1 ) "' (100 x 1520)' :O 'i

\ iJ,,' . 460 >' 760 ·~
Cuned Beams 77

From Table I 7 of IS · 456 code permissible shear stres in concrete

""o= 0.3 N j mm 2 , which is less than Tv= 0.394 jm m 2 Hence shear
reinforcement s are required. Shear taken by concreter

= Vc = Tc· b ·d= .( O.J X

400 X 76
~ ) = 91 kN •
. 1000
Balance shear =- V,= (V - Vc)-= ( 120- 9 1) .., 29 kN
Using I 0 mm (/)- 2 legged strirrups , the pacing is g ive n by.

. (a,, ·v,A,.· d) = ( 230 x292-:<- 79fOJ- 760) = 952 mm

X ><

Also s. = (Ad~~) = (2JJx;: ~6(~ 5) = 409 nun

Adopt 10 mm -- 2 legged stirrups at 400 mrn centres.

6. Design of Afaxirnum Positi ve Moment Sec1ion

Maximum positive moment M = 73 le N ·m
73 X ] 06 ) _
Ast = ( 230 x 0 . 9 x 760 =
464 mm 2

But minimum area of tens ion reinforcement should be no t less than

that given by

A st == (9.:.~?-h.!!)
f y
.., (0. t-15 X 400
41 5
X 760·) "' G? 1
- · mm
2 I
Provide 2 bars of 22 mm (/) as main tension r ein fo rceme nt I:
(A .. = 760 mm 2) I
7. Design of Section Subjec!ed to Max imum Torsion and Sh ear

T= 50 kN ·m D = 800 mm
V = 55 kN b = 400 mm M = 0

M, = ([)__@_] = 50[~--1:. ( S_Q_Q/~90) J= 89

r[L!-1.7 kN m
Me r =(M + M 1) = 89k ·m
89 X J Q6 )
Ast == ( :noX 0 ,9 ~ 760 = 566 mm 2

B ut minimum area o f tens io n rei nfo rcem en t a s calculated earl1er is

A,= (9~bd) ,_ 623 mm 2

Prov ide 2 ba rs of 22 m m tP a t to p an d bo tto m (A , = 760 mm 2)

Eq ui valent shea r"" v. =- n 1.6T/b) = (55 + 1.6 x ~ 04 ) = 255 kN

78 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Tve = ( :d) = (~~~ : ~~~ ) = 0.838 Njmm 2

IOOAst) = (1 00 X 760) = O
( bd 400 X 760 . 25
From Tab le 17 (IS : 456), •c = 0.22 N jmm2 < 0.838 N/ mm2
. ·. shear reinfor cemen ts are requi red. Using 10 mm 2 legged
stirrup s
with side curves of 25 mm and top and bottom covers of
40 mm .
bt = 350 mm d 1 = 720 mm A,. =(2 x 79) = 158 mm2
btdl 2.5dl ]
Sv = Asv"sv[ T + -V .

350 X 760 2.5 X 720 ]

= 158 x 230 [
50 x 106 + SS x i0 3 =1380 mm


A,, ·asv 2 X 79 X 230

Sv = 0-vc- Tc) = (0.838 - 0.22)44 0 = 147 mm
Adopt 10 mm </J - 2 legged stirrup s at 140 mm centres .


1. A cir cular girder of a water tank has a m~::an diamet er of

10m, and it is
suppor ted on six symme trically placed column s. The uni
formly distrib uted
load on the girder is 200 kN/ m. Design the critical section
s of the girder
usin g M-20 grade concre te and Fe-4!5 grad e To r steeL
and sketch the
detail s of reinfor cemen ts.
2. The circt9a r girder of an intz type water tank of mean
diamet er 10m
and suppor ted o n e ight symme trically placed co lumns,
suppor ts an uni-
formly distrib uted load of 500 kN/m exclus ives of its
own se!f·we ight.
Design the girder usin g M-20 grade conc rete a nd Fc-41
5 grade Tor steel.
3. Design a semicircular R.C. beam suppo rted o n 3
column s equall y
spaced and suppor ting an uniform ly di stribut ed load
of 30 kN/ m. The
radius of the centre line of the beam is 5 m . Adopt M-20
grade concrete
and Fe-415 grade T or steel.

5 !,.

Towers <:'-


5.1 GENER AL I'·

s and
Reinforced concrete tower frame works compri sing of the column
water tank s. The column s
braces are generally used to support over head
p laced to res ist the dead
having the same cross section a re sym metrically
reduced by
· loads and wind loads. The effective length of the column s are
braces at suitable interval s. The
providin g a horizon tal frame work of
braces reducer the bendin g moments develop ed in the column s.
bendin g
The columns and braces are designed for direct loads and
based on an approx imate ana-
moment developed at critical cross ections
nation of force s and momen ts in
lysis. An accurat e procedure for determi
analysi s of wind loads using any
the column s and braces involve s a sway
of the well established methods.
A typical tower frame work for suppor ting a water tank is shown
Fig. 5.1. Genera lly the braces are space d at interval s. of 2 to 3 m. .
! I

The approx imate method of analy is is based on the fo llowing assump
held in
(a) The braces are stiff and integral with column s so that they are
positi.on and directi on.
(b) Contraf lexure points are assumed to d evelop at mid points of
and braces.
by the
(c) The inner columns are assumed to resist, twice the hear taken
d by double bracing .
outer column s si nce the inner column s are stiffene
80 Advanced Reinforced Conc rete Desig

Wate r Tank

Spac in 9
1.5 to 2 m
r:=-:-;: Brac ~s v Co l umn s

7/, 7-r
iI TT7 '77

===::==:;;::==::m----col urn n~
\~ i ? -I
Brae as

Fig. 5.1 R.C. Supp ortin g Towe r

(d) The end co nditi o ns of the column

s at foot ing are assumed to be
hinged unle ss the foot ing is made rigid
by mea ns of piles or rafts or
by horizontal braces.
The mom ent at each end of a brac e
is the sum of the mom ents in the
co lumn above and below the brac e. The
shearin 12 fore in a brace is equa l to
the chan ge of bendin g mom ent from one
end of the brace to the othe r,
divid ed by the leng th of the brace.
The brace is desig ned for bending mom
ent a nd shea r developed due to
external load s and self weight. The brac
e is gen·erally reinforce d with equal
areas of steel at top and ·bott om so that
it is safe to resist wind from one
side or the othe r.


Case a: Two co lumns hinged at base ·I
Refe rring to Fig. 5.2, let
Towers 81

w Wh '1:1....
2 2


I-- l
l B.M.D. S. F. 0.

F ig. 5.2 Two Col umns H inged at Base

W =Horizontal wind force resisted by one row of columns.

V = Vertical reaction
taking moments a bout B , we have the relatfon
V x L=W x H

V= (~~)
B.M. in each column= (w;z)
S .F. in each column= 1
Vert ical thrust in each column= C~)

Case b: Three columns hinged at base

Re!erring to F ig. 5.3 .

l n

L 8. M. D. 5 . F. ~

F ig. 5.3 Three Columns Hinged at Base

The central column i:; as, umed to take double the shear res isted by the
exterior columns. H ence we have

V · 2L= W H V= (~1 )
82 AdYanced Reinfot~ Con crete _Desigh

B.M . in exte rior colu mn ""(";h/4

I' S. F. in exte rior colu mn= (w/4
Vertical thru st in e:de rior colu nmn
= (WH /2L )
B.M . in inte rior colu mn =(W H/2
S.F. in inte rior colu mn= (w/ 2)
Vertical thru st in inte rior tolu mt\
Case c: Two columns jixf 'd 111 bas
Ref erri ng to Flg . 5.4, let
M A=- Mb =M om ent dev elop ed
in columns at A and 8
V =Ve rtic al thru st in the colu
mns by taki ng mom ents abo ut
w w

s-f 0

F is. 5.4 Two Colu mns Fixed at

we have
W·H = V · L+ MA +M n
V·L = W· H- (MA + M ) = W· H-
8 (Wh /4 + Wh/4)
V = W/ L(H - h/ 2)
B.M. in eac h col um n= Wh
S.F. in each col um n= W/2
Vertical thru st in each colurnn
= W! L(H - lz/2)

Cas ed: Columns bra ced at inte

na/ s with JiX~d base
Referring to Fig. 5.5, let
W = load res isted by o ne row
of colu mns assuming ca.ntrafl ex
L'ent re of panels, ur e pui nt s at
Shear force in eac h colu mn = W
Mom ents
w w


W/2 1n,
· w;z fseG


-- -+J

f-.-L /2~

t (c) Mom~nt - Oirection5

"' Joint 8

( . <:~) ShQa r Forc<1s

(b) Momo>nls

Fig. 5.5 Columns Braced at Intervals with Fixed Base ...;



- ---~---"~~"'---·- -·· ·:·. - - ----. . ··-- - - -- -· -~~- --

84 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
Ms ... = (w~!_ )

Msc=Mca =- ( ~h~)

Mco = Moc= (4WhJ)

.. j
Moments in brace at any junction= sum of the moments in the column
above and below th brace.
Msa =Mas = (MaA -Mac)= 4(h t + hz)

Mcp=Mpc= (McB + Mco) = 4Chz --t-h3)

Shear force in brace is obtained as
SsG = L(hl -t- h2)
. w
~CF = ZL(h2 -t- h3)

Case e: Columns braced at inte!'l'a!s with hinged base

Referrin g to Fig. 5.6, let
W =load resisted by one row of columns. Assuming contmflexure points at
centre of panels , shea r forc e in each column= W/2

w w



W /2 W/2

C f----++--1------ F

E W/2 j_
Ia I ~ n oar Fore s

Fog. 5.6 Col umn Braced a1 Int erva ls with H inged Base
Towers 85

Mac= Mcs = (Whz/4)

Men= ( 2

Maa = Maa = (MBA+ Mac) = Wf4(hl + h2)
MCF = MFc =(Mea+ Mco) = Wf4(h2+ 1!3)
Sao= W j 2L(h1 + h2)
ScF = W /2L(h2+ h3)


In the case of over head ci rcular tanks, the tower consists of a numbe r of l
columns braced together on the periphery of a circle. The momen ts and
shears in the columns and braces due to wind loads are analysed by assum-
ing contraflexur•e points at th.e mid heights of columns between the braces.
Referring to Fig. 5.7, let
W, W~o W2, W3 and W 4 be the wind loads acting on the tank and columns
at different nodal points maximum. Moments a nd shears occur in the
bottom panel.
Shear in the bottom panel= ( W + WI + w2+ W3)
Moment about the ha e du e to wi nd is calculated as,
Mt = W · H + W1(h 1+ h2 + h3) + W2(h2 + h3) + WJ h3
Taking momt:nts of all the forces about the axis yy at the base,
we have I
M 1=I: M +2Vrl + 4(V. :~ )r2 !•

where "'
t.... M =(W+ 'W, + W2+ w3 )h:,
2 I.
and V =the vertical reaction developed in the exterior column B. r, a nd r2
are the distances of the column B and C respectively measured from the 'l

central axi s yy .
v t I
M 1 = -'- M + -;;[L, r2]
The maximum moment in brace- BC, occur5 when wind is blow in g normal
to brace BL.
86 Advanced Reinforced Concre te Design

w !

-- l-
I h,

H --
- i-
-+ "2

· -,.
-+ h,

w. ~I' ~M ,. r--M r :'\M r ['.M I
'/ /
v y v

. ·~. I./'

B r at'IIS

· -. - - · -- ·
45'. ......._ . ~r
./ I ~·

F ig. 5.7 W ind Load Analy is of Circula r Tower

Mome nt at the ju nction of colum n in the directi on BK

= (MaA +Mao )
Mo ment in the direct ion of brace BC is given by
Mac= (MuA + Mao) sec. 45° = (MBA + Maoh/ 2
Towers 87

Shear force in the brace is given by

S = [~oment in the brace ]

(length of brace )


A rectangular water tank 3 m by 3 m in plan and of depth .1 m is supported

on a tower 6 m .height. Number of columns= 4. The column s are braced a~
mid height. The wind press ure on the tank may be taken as J kN/m 2.,
Assume dead weight of tank= 160 kN . Weight of water in tank = !280 k .
Adopt M-IS grade concrete and Fe-4 15 grade Tor steel and design the
columns and brace of the supporting tower . The columns are provided with
a rigid foundation so that fixity conditions may be assumed at' the column
I . Data

Height of columns= 3 m
Length of brace= 3 m
Dead weight of tank= 160 kN
Weight of water.= 280 kN
Wind pressure= 1 kN/ m2
M- I 5 grade concrete and F e-41 5 grade tor steel
2. Permissible Stresses
Gee .,4 N/ mm 2 Q= 0.659
Geb= 5 N/mm 2 )=0.903
a..,= 190 N (mm 2 m= 19
Gst = 230 N j mm2

3. Loads and Moments

Referring to Fig. 5.8
Wind load on tank = (3 x 3 x 1) = 9 kN

Load on columns:
Dead weight of tank 160 kN
Weight of water 280 kN
Self weight of columns= (4 x 0.3 x 0.3 x 6 x 24) 52 kN
Self weight of braces= (4 x 0.3 x 0.3 x 3 x 24) 26 kN

Total dead load= 518 kN

88 Ad•anccd Rei nforced C{)ncretc Design

;I J m ----j

water Tank
1 3m

W I~

Br ac~s
D1 - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - C


8 r MQs DOO • 300 J Colu mn

300 • 300

l )rn

)rn --~
Fig, 5.8 Wind Load Analys is of Water-Tower

Dead load per column= ( T

-18 ) = 130 kN

shea r force m each column du e to wind = 9/4 = 2.25 kN

bendin g moment in column = (2 .25 x I .5) = 3.3 7 5 kN · m
If V= di rect load du e to wind, taking moments about B, we have
(2V x 3) + (3.375 x 4)=(9 x 7.5) V=9k
4. Design of cvlumn .H 'C I ion

Size of column = 300 rnm x 300 mm

Towers 89

Ax ial ioad= P = (130 -~ 9)= 139 kN

Bending moment= M = 3.375 kN ·m

. ~ M ( 3.375 X J06 ) 2
eccentncrtye = /P= - lJtJ x JOl = 4mm

The load and eccentricity bein g small , u y minrmum steel of 0.8 / :, of

concrete section.

Asc = ( ~O~ x 300 x 300 ) = 720 mm•

Pro vid e 4 bars of 16 mm Jiameter (A~c = 804 mm 2 )

Ae=(300 x 300)+ ( l. S x l9 x 804)= 1!2914m m

fhd l + l .:lnu
le=l-f2 , 1,c ·h 2 1=
[300 X 3QQJ
' 2
+1.2 x !9 x 804 :' 1!!0 1
= 9.04 X JOB mm4

using a cover = 50 mm II = IOOmm

5. Srr esses in concret e

139 x I 0 3 )
Compressive stress = ( = \ .23

. ( 3. 3 7 5 X I Q6 X I 50 )
·- - 9.04 - X~ - I 0 8 - =056

a;e + a~h ) < l

( Gee Ocb
Use 300 x 300 mm column with 4-20 rom diameter bars .

6. Lat eral R einforcem ent .,

Di a meter of tie s = (20/4) = 5 mm .I
Pitch sha ll be the least of ·t!
(a) least lateral dimen sio n of co lumn = 300 mm
(b) 16 t im es the longitudin a l bar = (16 x 20) = 320 mm .i
(c) 48 times the lateral r einforcement=(48 x 5)= 240 mm .[i
I! I
use 5 mm q, ties at 240 mm centres. .I

7. Design of brace
Moment ir. th e brace = (2 x 2 .25 Y 1. 5)= 6.75 kN ·m

. .f . h ~ . . _(Mo ment in brace )_ (? :75) = 4 . 5 kN

Sh ear orceJnl e or ,tct: - ~, engt h n fb race _ I . S
The cro5s section assumed for the brace is 300 mm by 300 mm

A _ ( M ) ( 6.7 5 x I Q6 ) _ I2 1 2
,, - as
J- d-- = 230 x 0 .9 x 270 - mm
90 Advanced Reinforced Concrete

But minimu m area of steel is given by

A = (O.!f.Sbd
st fy
) -- (0.85 X 300 X 270) = 166
415 rom

Provide 2 bars of 12 rom diamete r (V&t = 226 mml), both at top

bottom with a cover of 30 mm.

= (~) = ( :a~ : ~~ 0
Nomin al shear stress r. ) = 0.-055 N/mm 2
From Ta:ble l7 ofiS: 456· 78, The permissible shear stre s in concret
'~' c =
0.29 Njmm 2 since Tv < '~'c . Nomin al shear reinfor cement are
provide d .
Using 6 mm diamete r 2 legged stirrups the spacing is given by,

Sv =( Asvfy )
0.4b =
(2 0.428x 41 5) == 193 mm ::1- (0.75 x 270) ::1- 202 mm
I Provide a spacing of 190 mm for the stirrups .
A circular over head water tank has a diamet er of 10m and a height
5 m. The tank is uppol'te d ·on a tower 13 m in height which is-
braced at
interva ls of 5 m. The R.C. column s have a cross section 300 mm
by 500 mm
and the braces are 400 mm by 450 mm. Numbe r of column s
in the tower
= 8. The columns are arrange d at intervals of 45°. The total
wind loads
acting on the tank and tower are as given below:

Wind loa,d Distanc e from base

(kN) (m)
W=63 18
Wt=23 15
W2=36 10
W3=J6 5
The total dead load due to the self weight of concret e and
weight lilf
\ ' water acting on each column at the base is equal to 700 kN. If
f~k = 20 N j
mm 2 andfy == 250 N/mm 2 . Design the reinforc ements in the column
I. section
I• at base and in the braces assuming raft founda tions.
I I. Data
Colum n section = 300 mm by 500 rom
Brace section = 400 mm by 450 mm
Wind loads: W= 63 kN, W1 =23 kN, W2= W1 = 36 kN
ht = h2=h3 =Sm H=18 m
Dead load on each column at base= 700 kN
M-20 grade concret e ll.nd Fe-250 grade mild steel.

Towers 91 .I
2. Stresses I
fci:.= 20Njmm2 f"-t = 250 N /mm2

3. Loads and moments ;

Referring to Fig. 5.9 , we have

M =Moment at the base of the columns
=(W +W1 + W2+W3) T
=(63 +23+ 36 + 36)5/2 = 395kN m
------.. ...L

W: 63kN ----- I


23k 1N


36 kN

---t Ir
Sm 'i!
l I
J6 k •N ~J

I Sm

I' ~I' ~ I' I"'~

( t"-M ( t"-M

300 • SOO mm

l.OO • 450 mm

1---- - -- 10m
/ Fig . 5.9 Wind wads on Warer Tank T ower
92 Advanced Reinforced Concrete

If M1 =Moment due to wind loads abou t base

M1 =(63 x 18) + (23 x 15) + (36 x 10)+(36 x 5)= 2019 k ·m
If V = reaction developed at the base of exterior columns

M 1= 'EM + - ['[;r2]

2019 = 395 + VJ5[(2 X 52)+ 4t5/ v'2 )2] V=89k

. ·. Total load on Leeward Column at base== (700 + 82) = 782 k

Moment in column at base = c:s) = 50 kN ·m

Moments in brace BC

=[(63 + 23 + 36) x2 , (63 + 23+36 + 36) x ~]\1 2 = l 24 kN· m

8 2 -r- 8 2

shear force in brace = ( ~ ~~~ 8 ) = 65.3 kN · m

4. Design of Column section
Ultimate load Pu = (1.5 x 782) = 1173 kN
Ultimate moment Mu = (1.5 x 50)== 74 kN · m
b= 300 mm [) = 500 d' =50 ram
Ratio (d' / D) = O.IO

Pu ) ( 1173 x 1Q3 )
( fc~<·bD · = 20 x 300 x 500 = 0 ·391

Mu ) ( 75 x J06 )
( fck ·b·d2 = 20 x 300 x 5002 =0.0 5

Referring to the 1nteraction diagram, correspondi ng to

fy = 250 N/ mm 2 and (d'/D) = O.!
(Refer page 181 of book Design of R.C. Structures by Author)
(p ffck) = 0.05 p = (0.05 X 20) = 1%

J, A' (pbD)
100 -
_( 1x Joo100x soo ) = 1;:,_00 mm 2

l. ;.
Provide 6 bars of 20 mm rf; distributing 3 bars on either face.

Transverse R einforcement
Using 6 mm diameter ties, spacing of the ties is the least of
(a) Least lateral dimension= 300 mm
(b) (16 x 20) = 320 mm
(c) (48 x 6)=288mm
Ado pt 6 mm diameter ties at 280 mm centres. 93
5. Design of Braces ,I
Mu=(l .5 x 124)= 186 kN·m
Vu=( l.5 x 65 .3)=98 k I
Section -of brace i b = 400 mm
D=450 mm
d = 400 mm
M u. tim = (0.148/c k · b · d 2 ) = (0. 148' X 20 X 400 X 4002)
= 189.4 x t06 N · mm = 189.4 kN · m

Ast = [ 0.36fcxb(0 · 53d) ] = [ 0.36 X 20 X 400 X 0.53 X 400]

0.87jy 0.87 X 250
= 2807 mm2
Use 6 bars of 25p on each d de (A,, = 2946 mm )
:0~: ~6o )
I '
Tv= (;J)= ( =0 .61 N / mm
2 '\
l OOA., ) - (100 X 2946) = I 84 I
( bd - 400 X 400 . i)
From Table 13 of IS: 456-197 8, permissi ble shear stress ·lj
Tc=0 .76 N / mm 2 > Tv
·If l

. . using 10 mm cp - 2 legged stirrup. as nomina l shear reinfo

men ts, the spacing is given by.
Asv fy ) (2 X 79 X 250 )
Sv = ( 0.4b = 0.4 x 400 = 250 mm , centres.


ted by a 4
1. A square water ta nk 4 m by 4 m by 4 m is to be suppor
column tower of h eight 4 m . The column s ~ave indepen
their base may be conside red as hi,nged. If the dead
of the
gs and
tank is
l 400 kN and weight. of water in the tank is 640 kN , design
M -20
tower allowin g fo r a wind load of 1.5 k"N j m2. Adopt
and Fe-415 grade tor steel .
of 3m is
2. A rectan gular water tank 3 m by 4m with a tank depth
braced at the m id height.
suppor ted o n a fo ur column tower 6 m in height,
300 kN and the weight of water a
A~s u min g the dead weight of tank to be
of the support ing tower . Assume
400 kN design the column and bra ces
is 1.5 kN/ m 2 .
the column a s fixed at the ba e. Inten s ity of wind press ure
Adopt M-200 concret e mix and Fe-41 5 grade to r steel.
suppor ted
3. A circular R.C. water ta nk 6 m diamet er a nd 5 m height is
R.C column s on a circle of d iam eter 5 m . The
b y a to wer consisti ng of 6
ng a t a height o f 4 m fro m the g round . T he
tower height is 8 m with braci
94 Advanced Reinforced Concrete

tank is designed to hold water up to a depth of 5.5 m. The self weight of

the ta.nk is estimated to be 1750 kN. Intensity of wind on tank is !.5 kN/ m".
Using M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade tor steel design the support·
ing tower of the tank.
4. The staging for a water tank of 12m diameter and 6 m height com-
prises of 12 R.C columns arranged concentrically on a circle of 12m dia-
meter. The height of the staging is 12m with bracing at 3m intervals. The
columns are 450 mm square while the braces are 400 rom square. If the
dead weight of the concrete tank is 2250 kN and the weight of water is
three times the self weight of tank, design the reinforcements in the column
an d brace assuming a wind intensity of 1.5 k jm2. The columns may be
assumed to be fixed at the base .
5. A reinforced concrete rectangular water tank is 3 m by 6 m with a
depth of 3 m. The tank is supported on six columns provided with rigid
foundation . The dead weight of the tank is 400 kN and the wei ght of water
may be taken as 500 kN. The height of the staging is 6 m with braces at
3 m height above the ground. Assuming a wind pressure of 1.5 kN/m2 and
M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade tor steel. design the columns and
the brace. <\
'I I
1·, J

6 I '

Elevated Water Tanks




The most common types of over head water tanks are,

I, I

(a) The circular tank !

(b) The intz type tank i
(c) The conica l or funnel shaped tank.
Ci rcular tank s with a ho ri zonta l o r flat floor slab is economi cal
rs in
smalle r storage capacity of up to 200,000 litres and with diamete
. The
range of 5 to 8 m. The depth of storage is generall y between 3 to 4 111
!<ide wall:-~ are designed for circumfe rential hoop ten ion and bending I
moment since the walls are fixed to th e floor slab at the junction . The l
forces are determin ed using coeffici ents recomme ndl.!d in rs: 3370 (Pa rt IV).
· f the nondime nsional para·
-, The coefficients are expressed a s a functio n
meter (H 2 / Dr) ,
where ' H =Heigh t of the water tank ·.'!'I
D= Diamete r of the tank 'I

1 = Thickne ss of the tank wall.


The circular floor slab of the tank is desi'g ncd for circumfe rential and
moment~ deve lo ped in the slah .
De s ign~xamplc s of circular slabs fixed at the edge~ and
circula r tank
walls fix e d at tho:: base are present ed in Chapter 5 and Chapter 14 of the
text hcJok ' Design of R .C . Structur e<>' by the a uthor . 'I


In the case of la rge di a meter elevated circular tanks , thicker floor slahs
96 Ad\'anced Reinf orc ed Concr ete Design

requ ired resul ting in uneconomical desig nes.

Jn such ca es, intz type tank
with conic al and botto m spherical dome s
provides an econ omic al solution.
The prop ortio n s of l;he conic al and the sphe
rical botto m dom es are seleo+-
ed so that the outwarrl thru t from the botto
m dom e balances tile tnward
thrust due to the conical dom ed part of the
tank floor.
(a) Struccrai elem ents of lntz fa;'!k
Refe rring to Fig. 6.! , the var ious struc tural
elem ents of an intz type tank
comp ri ses of the following·
1. Top sphe rical don, e
2. Top rin g beam
3. Circ ular side wa ll ;;

Top . Ri ng Eil!am

S i de Wall

Bottom Ring Bqam


C •rcL•Iar Group of
Colurn ns

Crr c ula r G•r dQr

G~L --~~~r--~~4 · ~~~~ ~~~ I


Fig. 6. 1 Struc tural eleme111 of intz type
Elevated Water Tank~ 97
4. Bottom ring beam i I
5. Conical dome II
6. Bottom spherical dome ' i
7. Bottom circular girder :I
8. Tower with columns and braces lj
9. Foundations. I

If D =diameter of the tank, the proportions of the various other st ructural I

elements in terms of the diameter are shown in F 1g. 6. I.
. I'
(b) Design principles of intz tank I

I. Top spherical dom e

Referring to Fig. 6.2
t = thickness of dome generally varies in the range of 75 to 100 mm.
h =rise of dome= 1/5 to I/6 diameter of tank (D)
R = radius of dome
w '"' uniformly distributed load per unit area of surface.


Fig. 6.2 Dimensions of top dome

The reinforcements in the dome are designed for maximum meridio -

nal thrust and circumferential force given by,

T1 = Meridional thrust= ( l :~s 8)

T2 = Circumferential force = wR(cos 8- I I o) f;
2. Top ring beam
H oop tenswn . nng
m . b earn = ( r. cos J . D)
The cross sectional area of ring beam is determined by limiting the
tensile stress in the ring beam to values specified in lS: 456-1978,
98 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

depending upon the grade of concrete. The tensile stress is calculated

,, by the equation , given as

( Ac:~Ast)
where F 1 =direc t or hoop tension
Ac =cross sectional area of concrete
m = modular ratio
A.t =cross sectio nal area of steel.
3. Side Walls of Tank

The side walls of the tank a re designed for hoop tension develo ped
due to the water pressure in the tank.

Maximum hoop tension = (w ·~·D)

where w== D ens ity of water (10 kNjml)
H =Height of vertical walis
D == Diameter of tank

A min imum thickness of 150 to 200 is provided at the top of the

tank and the thickness at the base of the vertical wall is designed by
li miting the tensile stress. The spacing of the hoop reinforcement is
gradually increased towards the top of the tank. Distribution and tem-
perature rein forcement of 0.3% of the gross section is provided in the
vertical direction.
4. Bottom Ring Beam
Referring to Fig. 6.3

Wa l l


Co n ica l
O om~

Botto rn
"< •ng Boarn

F ig. 6.3 Forces in bottom ring beam

Elevated Water Tanks 99

If V1 =weight of roof, side wall and top ring beam per metre run of
the ring beam
h =height of water above the ring beam
T =Thrust in the conical dome
D =Diameter of the ring beam
H= Horizontal force developed at the junction
d = depth of ring beam
Then for equilibrium of the forces, we have
r. sin e= V1 .-. (H/Vt) = cot e
T·cosB=H H=V1cote
I .. Hoop tension in the beam
= (H·D + _wh·d·D)
.1. 2 2 .
I The reinforcements in the ring beam are designed to resist the hoop
tension and the section is designed limiting the tensile stress in concrete.
4. Conical dome
Referring to Fig. 6.4
Waior LovQ I

T h

F ig. 6.4 F orces acting on conical dome

100 Ad~anced Reinforced Concrete Design

If V2 = Total load/metre run at the base of the conical dome

T= Meridional thrust in the slab due to V2
H =Hoop tension due to water pressure and self weight of conical
,' dome slab
p = Intensity of water pressure at a depth h below the water
q= Weight of the conical slab per square metre of the surface
fJ =Angle made by the conical slab with the horizontal
D =Diameter at a depth h from top.
The meridional thrust a nd hoop tension in the con ical dome IS com-
puted usin g the following eq uations:
Meridional thrust T= V 2 cosec 8
Hoop tension = H = ( p ·cosec 8 + q ·cot fJ) D!2
The reinforcements in the conical dome is designed fo r hoop tension
and meridional thrust.
5. Bottom spherical dome
The design of the floor dome is simi lar to that of the top dome. The
design load for the dome includes the self weight of the dome and the
wei ght of water column above the dome. The dome reinforcements
are designed for meridional thrust and circumferential forces.
6. Bott om circular g irder
Referring to Fig. 6.5, let
T1 =Thrust in the direction of the conica l dome actin g at an angle
a. to the horizonta l
T2 = Thrust from the bottom spherical dome, acting at an angle fJ to
the horizontal
P = Net horizontal fo rce on the rin g beam

Conical DomQ Bottom Dom <l

F ig. 6.5 Forces acting on ci rc ul ar girder

Elevated Water Tanks 101

If T 1 cos a > T 2 cos {3 , the ring beam is subjected to a compressive

fo rce. The magnitLtde of this compressive force is negligibly small in
well proport ioned tanks.
The ve rtical load on the rin g beam is obta ined by the relation ,
(T 1 sin a.+ T2 sin v:) or alternat ively by dividing the total ve rticalloa.ds
by the per imeter of the bottom ring beam .
The rin g beam is suppor ted by a number of column s equally spaced
along the periphery of the circle . Depending upon the number of
columns, moment coefficients compiled in Table 4.1, (refer Ch. 4,
cur ved girders) are useful in computing the max imum bendin g a nd
torsional moments in the circular girder. The procedure o utlined in
Ch. 4 can be used to design the reinforcements in the rin g beam .
8. Tower with columns and braces
The procedure explained in Sec. 5.4 is useful in the design of a tower
with circular group of columns braced together a t regular intervals.
The columns and braces are designed for the maximum forces and
moments developed due to the dead loads and wind loads acting the
9. Foundations
The foundation s for a circular group of columns generally comprises
ofa ring beam with raft slab. The ring beam is designed for maximum
bending and torsional moments while the annular raft slab is design-
ed for maximum soil pressure from the bottom.
The design procedure is illustrated by the followin g example.


De ign an intz type water ta nk of I millio n litres capacity. s uppo rted on an

elevated lower compri sing of 8 co lumns. T he base of the tank is 16m abo ve
ground leve l. Depth of fo undati ons I m below gro und level. A dopt M-20
grade concrete and Fe -4 15 grade tor stee l. The design of the tank should
conform to the s trcsse ~ speci fied in IS: 33 70 and IS: 456.
[. Data
Capacity of tank "" l million litres= 1000 m 3 I,

Hei ght of supporting tower = 16m

Number of co.lumns = 8
Depth of fo undat ion s"" J m below groun d level.
2. Pemussiblc Sir<'.I'S < .I

M-20 grade concrete and e-415 grade tor steel, for calc ulations relat-
ing to resista nce to crac king (IS: 33 10)
ae~ = 1.2 N/mm 2 u,, = 150 N /mm 2
102 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

For strength calculations the stresses in concrete and steel are same
as that recommended in IS: 456.
Ucc= 5 N(mm 2 m=13
ucb = 7 N/mm 2 Q=0.897
3. Dimensions of Tank
Referring to Fig. 6.1 let
D= Inside diameter of the tank. Assuming the average depth= 0.75 D ,
we have
x 0.75D ) = 1000 mJ
( 4
Height of cylindrical p0rtion of tank= 8 m
Depth of conical dome = 2 m
Diameter of the suppor ting tower= 8 m
spacings of bracing= 4 m.
The salient dimensions of the tank and the staging is shown in
Fig. 6.6.
4. Design of Top Dome
Thickness of dome slab = t = . IOO mm
L ive load on dome = 1.5 kNjm2
Self weight of dome= (O. I x 24)= 2.4 kNjm2
Live load= 1. 5
Finishes = 0.1

. '! Total load = w'""4.0 kN (m 2

1f R =Rad ius of the dome
'I D= Diameter at base= 12m

r =central rise = (1 /6 x 12) = 2 m

R = [(D /2)2+r2 ]= [62 +~=]= 10 m

I! 2r 2x2
cos 8 = (8/ l 0) = 0.8
= 36~ -5 0'
Meridional thrust= T 1 = c :~s e)= (~:o~~) = 22 .22 kNj m
C ircumferential force = wR[ cos e- I I
o] = [4 X 10 X 0.8- _!_)
= lO kNjm

M en'd'wnaI stress= (22 .22 xX JQ3). = 0.22 N/mm 2 < 5 N jmm 2

1 000 100
Elevated Water Tanks 103


12 m ----~~
,J -


I +

,:fi 4m




Fig. 6.6 Salient dimensions of intz tank

The stresses are within safe limits.

Providing nominal reinforcemen ts of 0.3%

A M = (0.3 X J00 X 1000 ) = JOO mm 2


Prooide 8 mm cJ> at 160 mm centres both circumferentially and

meridionalty .
104 Advanced Reinforced· Concrete Desi~n
'i 5. Design of Top Ring Beam

. F,= (T, cos2 fl·D)
Hoop tensiOn= = (22.22 X
0.8 X 12) = 106 . 6 kN
! I
A == (106.6 x i0 \ = ?IO 2
sl 150 J mm

Provide 8 bars of I 2 mm <P (Ast = 904 mm 2 )

If A c = cross sectional area of ring beam
106.6 x 103 ) = I 2 .· . Ac = 77 ,082 mm 2
( Ac + 13 X 904 .
Provide 300 mm by 300 mm size top ring beam, with 8 bars of 12 mm
<P as main reinforcement and 6 mm 4> stirrups at 200 mm centres, ..
.. ---- - ·- ~ r~-· ~'"""". t·
6. Design of Cylindrical Tank Wall ' .f.'t
Maximum hoop tension at base of wall

""Ft = (wh~D)
where w =den sity of water and

h = depth of water .. Ft = cl) X ~ X

) = 480 kN}m

410 x 103) .
A,,= ( = 3200 mm 2/m height
Provide 20 mm ¢> at 180 mm centres on each face (A,1 = 3492 mm 2)
steel area required at 2 m below top is A, 1 = (2/8 x 3200) = 800 mm2
Provide 10 mm r:p at 180 mm centres on each face
If t = thickness o f side wa ll at botto m
480 X 103 ] "
[ lQQQ/ ( 13 X 3492) = 1. ..:: 1= 358 mm

Adopt 400 mm thick walls a t bottom gradually reducing to 200 mm

at top .

Distribution Steel
0.2 X 400 X I 000 )
At bottom, A,1 "' ( - -- -
100-· -- -·· == 800 mm2
Provide 10 mm r:p at Iq:'Inm centres on both face
0. 3 X 200 X JOOO ) '
At top A,t = ( -- - i 00 - - = 600 mm-

P rov ide 10 m m 4> at ~5 0 mm centres o n both faces.

The details of reinforcement s pro v ided in the cy lindr ical tank walls at
different heights are a s fo Hows:
Eh:vated Water Tanks 105

Distance Main hoop steel Vertical distribution

from top (each face) steel (each face)

0-2 m 10 mm-180 m m c/c 10 mm-250 mm C/C

2 m-4m 16 mm-200 mm ere 10 mm-250 mm c/c
4 rn-8 m 20 mm- 180 mm c /c 10 mm-180 mm c/c

7. Design of Bortom Ri•1g Beam

Loads on ring beam
(a) Load due to top dome = (Meridiona l thrust x si n 8)
= (22 .22 x sin 36°-50') = 13.3 kN/m
(b) Load due to top rin g beam = (0.3 x 0.3 x 24) = 2.16 kN/m
(c) Load due to cylindrical wall

= t0 .4 ~ · ) x 8 x 24 = 57 .6 kN I m

(d) Self weight of ring beam (Assuming a section 1.2 m by 0.6 m)

= 1.2 X 0.6 X 24) = 17 .28 kN/ m
.·. Total vertical load= v.
= 91 kN/m
Horizontal force=H= V 1 cot e=(91 xcot 45°) =91 kN
.. Hoop tension due to vertical loads is given by

Hs= (H~D)= (91 ~ 12) = 546 kN

Hoop tension due to water pressure is

Hw= ( w\d·D ) = ( !0 X 8_~Q_- 6__:<_!~) =288 kN

. ·. Total hoo p tension= (Hg + H w) = (546 + 288) "' 834 kN

As t = ( 8 34150
X I (}3 ) = 5-60
) mm

Provide I 8 bars of 20 mm (A.,= 5562 mm 2 )

Max. tensile stress

= [ (1260-x :~6) fUlfx56.52)) = 1.05 N/mm2 < 1.2 N/mm2

Provide a ring beam of 1200 mm wide by 600 mm deep with

18 bars of 20 mm cfJ and distribution bars of 10 mm 1> from
cylindrical wa ll taken round the main bars a~ stirrups at 180 mm .._
ce ntres. ~ ·/,. f--'1
8. Design of Conica! Dome 1_::> _!:• . t-'-'

Average diameter of conical dome= C 2

; ~) = I0 m

A veragc depth of water= (8 .· 2/ 2}= 9 m

106 Ad~anced Reinforced Concrete Design

Weight of water above con ical dome=(;,. x iO x 9 x 2 x 10) = 5655 kN

Assuming 600 mm thick slab,
Self weight of slab= (rr x 10 x 2.83 x 0.6 x 24) == 1280 k N
Load from top dome, top ring beam, cylindrical wa-ll and bottom
ri ng beam = (" x 12 x 91) = 3430 kN
. ·. Total load at base of conical slab
= (565 5 + 1280 + 3430) = 10365 kN
. length== he: (10365)
Loadjun1t , x = 413 kN/m
Meridional thrust
= T = V2 . cosec 8-= (41 3 x cosec 45°) = 584 kN
Meridional stress

- ( 584 X 1Q3 ) - 0 973 Nj 2 N/ 2

- 600 X J000 - . JUffi < S ffiffi (safe)

Hoop tension in conical do me will be maximum at the top of the

con ical dome slab since diameter D is maximum at this section,
Hoop tension =. H= ( p . cosec 8 + q cot B) D/2
Water pressure= p-;;(10 x-8f= 80 kNjm 2
Weight of conical dome slab per m2 is computed as,
q=(0.6x24) = 14.4 kNjm2
(]"" 45°
D= 12m
H = (80 x cosec 45° + 14.4 x cot 45~) 12/2 = 765 kN
- ( 765 X I 0
Ast- )-
-5100 mm 2
Provide 25 mm r/J at 180 mm centres (A, 1 =54 70 mm 2) on both faces of
the slab
. 'b utwn
D 1stn . steeI = (0 .2 X 600 X !000) = 1200 mm 2
Provide J 0 mm (j) at 130 mm centres on both faces along the
Max. tensile stress=
= [ (6.6oxTboO)+(f3
X 103
x 5470)
1 =
l.IJ N/mm < 1.2 N/mm

9. Design of Bottom Spherical Dome
Thickness of dome slab assumed as 300 mm
Diameter at base= D = 8 m
Central rise= r = (lf 5 x 8) = 1.6 m
If R = radius of the dome
(2R- r)r=(D/2)2
(2R -1.6)1.6 = 42 .. R = 5.8 m
Eleva ted Water Tanks 107

Self weight of dome slab= (2 x rr x 5.8 x 1.6 x 0.3 x 24) = 420 kN

Volume of water above the dome is= rr x 42(8 + 2)-

[ 2:rr x 5.:2 x 1.6 - ,. x3 42 (5.8 - 1.6)] =440m3

.. Weight of water= (440 x IO) = 4400 kN

Total load on dome = (420 + 4400)•d320 leN

. area = w = ( 5320
Loadjumt )
42 = I06 kNjml

Meridional. thrust= T 1 = ( wR f) )
1 + cos ·

cos 8 = (~:~) = 0 . 724 . ·. 8 = 44.SO

106 X 5.8)
.·. T 1 = ( 1 + O.?l 4 = 357 kNjm

M en"d'10naI st1.ess -- ( 357>-;X J03 ) -- 1.1 9 N I mm 2 ( sa ~e )

300 1000

Circumferential force = wR (cos e- l + ;OS 8 ) = 106 X5. 8

[ 0.724- 1.~ 24 ] = 88.5 kN/m

88.5 x JO>)
.. Hoop stress= ( x
300 1000
= 0.3 N / mml (safe)
Provide nominal reinforcement of 0. 3 %

A ~ = ( 0.3 X 300 X 1000 ) = 900

100 mm

Provide 12 mm at 120 mrn centres circumferentially and along the

10. Design of Bouom Circular Girder
V\ Thrust from conical dome= T1 = 41 3 k N/m \J:;> .::.
acting at an angle of ct = 45° to the horizontal.
\'+. Thrust from spherical dome = T 2 -= 357 kN/m "\/ ::to.~
acting at an angle of {3 = 44.5" to the horizontal.
Net horizontal force on ring beam = ( T 1 cos o-;- T2 ·cos {3)
[(413 X 0.707)- (357 X 0. 713)) = 38 kNjm
38 8
Hoop compression in the beam= ( x ) = 152 kN
A ssuming the size of the ring girder as 600 mm wide by 1200 mm deep,
Hoop stress -- ( 152xX I 0 ) -0.21
N f mm 2 (safe)
600 1200
Vertical load on ring beam= T 1 sin ct + T 2 sin {3)
= ([4 13 X 0.70 7) + (357 x 0 .70)] = 542 kN/ m
108 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Self weight of beam = (0.6 x 1.2 x 24) = 17 .28 kN/m

. ·. Total load = (542 + 17. 28) = 560 kN/ m
~ Total design load on the ring girder= W = (tr- D -w) =
= (tr X 8 X 560 = 14074 kN
The circular girder is supported on 8 column. {)sing the moment
coefficients given in Table 4.1 ,
Maximum negative B.M. at sup port section = 0.0083 W.R.
(0.0083 x 14074 x 4) = 467 kN -m=
Maximum positive B.M. at mid s pan section= 0.0041 W · R
= (0.0041 x 14074 x 4)=231 kN-m
Torsional moment = 0.0006 WR = (0. 0006 x 14074 x 4) = 34 kN · m
Shear force at suppo rt section is
""" 1Z "-t~
V= [ 2?.2.! 4 x (:j12] = 880 kN
Shear force at section of maximum torsionis(At an angleof9.5° from
higher support)

V== [ 880 _ 560xrrx4 x 9.5] = 521 kN

Design of SU02.Q!.!..§_ectio~
M=467 kN.m
V= 880 kN

· ·. d= j 467 X 106
0.897 x 600"' 931 mm
Adopt effective depth d =- l I 50 mm cover= 50 mm

A t= ( -~~7 x _1_06 - ) = 3008 mm2

s J5Q X 0. 9 X }I )Q
Provide 6 bars of 25 mm 11 (A, 1 = 2946 mm 2) v"
880 x JOJ}
Tv= ( 600 x 1150 = 1.27 N/mm2

I OOAst ) _ ( I 00 X 2946 ) = O 426

( bd - 600 X Jl5Q . :. -rc = 0.27 N jmm 2

s ince •c < Tv, shear rein fo rcements are required.

0.27 X 600 X ] 150) = J 8fi kN
shear taken bv concrete= ( -----------
~ . 1000
Balance shear = (880 -· 186) = 694 k N
; ~· . -
using ' 12 mm r/) - ._4. ,1egged' stirrups, s pac1n g IS.
. ______.
= (_!_~0-~:~ ~ -~~Q_)' =
694 A 1OJ
112 mm
Ele\·ated Water Tanks 109

Adopt 12 mm If> - 4 legged stirrups at I IO mm centres near supports.

Design of mid span section - , t . , , l , . ~ t ,,,
Maximum positive moment M = 231 kN · m .I
6 !
_ ( 231 X 10 ) _ 2
Ast- 150 x 0.9 x 1150 - 1488 mm

But minimum area of steel in the section is

= ( 0.3 x 6~~; 1200) = 2160 mm 2

Provide 5 bars of 25 mm at mid span section, stirrups 10 mm 4legged ..-

at 300 mm centres.
Design of section subjected to maxim um torsion
-- - ··---- ~- -~ -
T=34 kN·rn D = 1200mm
V= 521 kN b = 600 mm

.(ii;£1 d= 1150 mm

Mt = r[ 1 +I(.~/d)] = 34 [ I+ (I~~~/
000) ], =; 60 kN · m

Met = (M +Mt) = (0 + 60) = 60 kN ·m

-( 60 x !06 }- 2
A,t- J50 x0. 9 x ll50 -J&?mm

But minimum area of tension steel is,

Ast= (-.2~~x 6~~0x 1200)=2 160mm2

Prov ide 5 bars of 25 mm IP(A st = 2455 mm2)

Equivalent shea r = Ve = (V + 1.6 Tjd) -= ( 521 + 1.6 x ~~) "" 612 kN

(bdv) = (600
612 x 10 )
.,.,e = x 1150 = 0.88 N/mm2

. IOOAst)-(100 x 2455) =0 Jl O 24 N j 2
( b·d - 600 x 1150 · .· . Tc = · mm

since -rv > .,.c, shear reinforcements are required.

Using 12 mm ct> - 4 legged stirrups with side covers of 25 mm and top
and bottom covers of 50 mm, spacing is ,
As• · Osv ] [ 4 X 113 X J 50 ] 188
Sv= [ (-r v--rc)b ""' (0.88 -0.24)600 = mm
Adopt 12 mm tP-4legged stirrups at 180 mm cen tres
If. Des ign of Columns of Supporting Tower
The supporting tower com pri ses of 8 columns equally spaced on a
circle of 8 m diameter.
J 10 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Loads on Column s

(a) Vertical load on each column=

14074) = 1760 kN

(b) Self weiglJt of column of height 16 m and diameter 650 mm is

= (IT/4 X 0_.652 X ]6 X 24) = 127 kN
(c) Self weight of bracings (3 numbers of 4 m intervals, size of
bra cing is 500 mm >< 500 mm)
= (3 X 0.5 X 0.5 X rr/8 >< 24) =57 kN
Total vertical load on each column
=(1760+I27+57)= 1944 kN
Wind Forces on Column
Intensity of wind pressure= 1.5 kN/m2
Reduction coefficient for circular shapes= 0. 7
(a) W ind fo rce on top dome and cylindrical wall
= (8 + 2/2) X 0. 7 X 1.5 X 12 = l I4 kN
(b) Wind force on conical dome= (2 x 10 x 0.7 x 1.5)= 21 kN
(c) Wind force on bottom ring beam-= (1.2 x 8 x 0.7 x l.5) = 1 I kN
(d) Wind force on five columns= (5 x 0.65 x 16 x 0.7 x 1.5)= 55 kN
(e) Wind force on bracings = (0.5 >< 8 x 3 x I .5) = I 8 kN
.. Total horizontal wind force= (I 14 + 21 +I 1 +55+ 18) = 219 kN
Ass uming ..::ont raflexure points at mid height of columns and fi xity at
the base due to raft foundatio ns, the moment at the base of columns·
is computed as

( ~x 4 )=438 kN·m

If M1 =Mom ent at the base of the co lumn s due to wind loads

=(114 >. 23) - (2J x 17) + (11 x 16) · (6 x 12)+(6 x 8)+(6 x 4)
= 3299 kN -rn
If V =Reaction developed at the base of exterior column s
-I"J [ r'
r 2J

3299=438+V/4[(2 x 42) + 4(4/y2)2J : . V=I 79kN

.. Total load on Leeward column at base= (1944 + J79)= 2123 kN
Moment in each column at bas.e = -438) .
- =55 kN ·m
( 8
Reinforcemen t in colum n
Axial load = P"' 2123 kN
Bending moment= M =55 kN- m

. .
eccentnuty= eoo (M/P ) = ( 55 xxJ06
!OJ ) =25. 9 mm
2 123

i '·
Elevated Water Tanks Ill

Since eccentricity is smaU, direct stresses are predominant.

Using 8 bars of 32 mm 1> and lateral t ies of 10 1> at 300 mm centres
Asc"" (8 x 804)= 6432 mm2
Ae"' [ 7T( !0)2 +{1.5 x ]3 x 6432)) "" 0.45 x !06 mm2

fe= ( rr X ~
) +(1.5 X 13)[(2 X 804 X 275 2} + 4 X 804 ( ~~ rJ
= 13.48 x 109 mm 4

D trect
. . stress=acc"'
compresSIVe ' ( 2123
0.4S xX 103 ) = 4 .71 N/ mm 2

Ben. d mg
- ' - (55
- acb- - 1.32 Nj mm 2
X.41Q6x X ~
stress- -
13 8 1
Permissible stresses in con-c rete are increased by 33.33% while consi-
dering the wind effect.

(a~c + a~b ) <

ace O'cb

. . ( 5 ~-~- 33 + 7 ~-~~ 3 ) = 0 .84 < 1.0 (safe)


12. Design of Bracings

Moment in brace= (2 >: moment in column X = (2 X 55 v2> X v 2)

M"' 156 kN- m
Section of brace= 500 mm by 500 mm
b = 500 mm d= 450 mm
Moment of reststance of ection is
Mt = (0.897 x 500 x 450 2) = 91 ..- 1(]6 N .mr.l = 9 J ic .m
Balance moment= M 2 = (M- M 1)"' (156- 9!) = 65 kN.m

A,11 = ( 230 :1;91~~50} = 976 mm2

65 X IQ6 ) _ . l
A., = ( 230 x 0 ..9 x 400
- 785 mm
.. A.,= (A"1 +A.t2)"' 1761 mm 2
Provide 4 bars of 25 mm IP(A,. = 1964 mm 2) at top and bottom since
wind dir<.--ction is reversible.
Length of brace =- L ""( 2 ;: 4 x sin 22.5°)= 3.06 m
Maximum shear force in brace

= ( Mo~ent i n_!J__;:~e) _ { !56 ) = 102 kN

~ le ngth of brace - , 0.5 x 3.06
- ( ! 0:::' v ~ Ql ) - 2
.,-• - 500 x 450 - 0.4 5 N/mm
112 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

(~)"" ( I 00 x 1964) ""O 87 . . Tc=0.37 N/mrn2

bd 500 450 X.
since 7v >
Tc, shear reinforcements are re'quired.

. ( 0.37 X 500 X 450 )

shear earned by concrete= 1000 = 83 kN

Ba lance shear= (102- 83) = 19 kN

using 10 mm r[J - 2 legged stirrups, spacing is given by
= ( 230 X 2 X 79 X 450 ) = 860
Sv 19 X 1Ol ' mm
But s., ::? 0.75d or 450 mm whichever is less= (0.75 x 450) = 337 mm
Adopt 10 mm <P- 2 legged stirrups at 330 mm cefltres.
\ 13. Design of Foundations
l A circular girder with a raft slab is provided for the tower foundations.
Total load on fo undations= (1944 x 8) = 15552 kN
Self weight of foundations at 10 % = 1555
Total load. . . . . . = 17107 kN
= 250 kN/m2
Safe bearing capacity of soil at site
. ( 17107) = 68.4 m 2
.. Area of foundatiOn= ---go
Providing a raft slab w ith equal projections on either side of a circular
ring beam and if b = width of raft slab, then
(7T x 8 x b) = 68.4
b., 2.72m
· Adopt a raft slab having 5 m , inner diameter and 11m outer diameter

(b =3 m)
Design of Circular girder of Raft slab
Total load on circular girder= W = !5552 kN
. (15552)
Load per met re run on g1rder = 'IT x 8 = 618.8 kN/m

Referr ing to moment coefficients given in Table 4.1, the maximum

moments in the circular girder is computed.
Maximum negative moment at support
= 0.0083W.R = (0.0083 X 15552 X 4) = 516 kN ·ill

Max imum po si tive moment at mid span= 0.0041 W.R

=(0 .0041 x 15552 x 4}=255 kN·m
Maximum torsional moment (At 9.5" from either support)
= 0.0006 W.R = (0.0006 x 15552 x 4) = 37.3 kN · m
shear force at support section is
v-- ~J~~7TI
L=972 kN
Elevated Water Tanks 113

shear force at secti on of maximum torsion is

V== [972- 6 J 8 x ~ ;04 x 9.51=562 .kN
The support ection is designed for a maxim um negative moment of
M = 5J6 kN ·m shear force V=972kN
Assaming the width of section b = 7 50 mm

. d h d
~ ect1ve ept = =
_897 x I750
X Q6
87 )- mm

Adopt d = 930 mm and over all depth D = 1000 m cover= 70 mm

A ,t = ( i3g ~jG~~~~JO ) = 2680 mm


Provide 6 bars of 25 mm <P(A,1 = 2946 mm2)

972 X 1Q3 )
9 j mm2
1"v = ( 750 X 9:\0 == 1.3

( ~)
-· = ( J00 X 2946) = O 42
750 X 930 ,
since 1"v > ,-c, shear reinforcements a re required.
0. 26 X 750 X 930 )
Shear ta ken by concrete= ( IOOO = 181 kN

. . Balance shea1· = (972 - 181) = 791 kN

U sing 12 mli1 1J- 4 legged stirrups, spacing is,
. = ( 230 X 4 X 11 3 X 930) = Jl2
Sv 79 1 x l0 3 mm
-· · Adopt 120 mm spacing fo r stirrup . Steel required for mid span
section is
- ( 255 x ]Q6 - ) - 13J" 2
A" - 230 -: 0.9 /. 930 - _) mm
_ ( 0.85bd ) (0 .8S x 750 / 930)
Butmimmum steelA 51 = --y;- = 41 5 = 1429mm

Provide 3 bars of 25 mm at mid span section.

The section subjected t o maximum torsional moment and shear should
be designed for the following forces:
D= !000 mm
b= 750 rum
V = 562 kN
d= 930 mm
114 Reinforced Concrete De$ign

.·. Me•=(M + Mt)=(0+51)=51 kN-m

_( 51 X 10 6 ) _ 2
Ast- 230 x 0.9 x 930 - 265 mm
Minimum area of steel A 11 = 1429 mm 2
Provide 3 bars of 25 mm cp (A,1 = 1473 mm2)
Equivalent shear
Ve=(V+ 1.6Tjb)=[562+ 1.6 (37.3/ 0.75)]=641 kN

rv: ( ~~b : ~~~) = 0.92 Njmm 2

( _!_<2~A...!!
) = ( ..~~2J.~Z_3- ) = 0 l
!750 X 930 .
From Tables .,.c = 0.21 N jmm2, rv > rc, shear reinforcements are

Balance shear= [641 °· 21 x

750 930
x J= 495 kN
using 12 mm C/J- 4 legged stirrups, spacing is,
·I A,.-o._. ] [ 4x 113 x 230 ]
Sv = [ (";;::..~)b. = (0.92 - 0.21) 750 = 195 mm
Adopt 12 mm C/>- 4 legged stirrups at 190 mm centres.
Design of Raft slab


= c
Maximum pro jection of raft slab from face of column

-~.75) = 1.125 m

Soifpressure = ___ LS_~S?-=- = 206 kN/m2

(5 52- -2. :::.2). -
Considering I m width of ~aft slab along the circular arc,
M axmmm B.M. = ( 206 X 1.12) =124.6 3 kN ·m

de:=. j ~897-;
T24.63 X 106
IOOO- = 373 mm

Provide 500 mm over all depth with effective depth d = 450 mm

to contain the shear stresses within permissible limits.
- ( I24 .63 x l0 ) - 2
A.t - 23 0x 0.9 x 450 - l 20Smm

Provide 25 mm bar at 200 mm centres to reduce shear stresses

'• (A.t= 2454 mm 2 )
. 0 IS . s t ee 1= ( 0.12 x
. r n.b ut10n soo x 1000)
= 600 mm2- provide l 2C/J - 180 c j c
Elevated Water Tanks 115

shear force at a section 450 rom from face of column is

V = (206 X 0.65 x 1.00) = 134 kN
T - ( 134 X 103 ) -0 29 N/ 2
v- I 000 x 450 - · · mm

lOOA.t ) =( 100 X 2454 ) = 0 545
bd 1000 X 450 .
From Tables, .,.c= 0.31 Nfmm 2
since Tv < .,.c, no shear reinforcemen ts are required.
The thickness of the footing is retained at 500 mm up to a distance
of 500 mm from the column face and there after gradually decreased
to 250 mm at the edges. The details of reinforcemen ts in the varic;>us
structural elements of the intz type tank are detailed in Figs. 6. 7, 6.8
and 6.9.


Conical or funnel shaped over head water tanks are often preferred to
other shapes mainly due to their aesthetic and superior architectural
features in comparison with other types of over head tanks. Basically a
coni,cal over head tank comprises of the following structural components
as shown in Fig. 6.10.
(a) Conical dome covering the tank
(b) Top ring beam
(c) Conical shell
(d) Bottom spherical dome and internal shaft
(e) Bottom ring beam
(f) Supporting cylindrical shaft
(g) Raft foundation
For supporting towers higher than 25 m, reinforced concrete cylindrical
shells are economical and can be rapidly constructed using the slip form
process of casting. They can also be built using precast concrete elements.
The conical shell walls are sloping at 45° to the horizontal and the thick-
ness of the walls gradually increased towards the bottom of the tank and
designed for hoop tension and meridional thrust. The top and bottom ring
beams are designed for hoop tension.
The supporting cylindrical shell tower is designed for combined thrust
and bending due to wind and seismic forces. A rigid ra ft slab foundation
is provided to support the shaft. The design of a conical or funnel shaped
elevated water tank is illustrated by the following example.
116 Advanced Reinl'orced Concrete Design


::' 00

-t 2m

t <\m

- T ~-.--.--J.--..---.i

25~ -180 c/c

10 ~ -13 0 c /c


1-600 -j s - 25 i

Fig. 6.7 Re inforcement deta ils in intz tank

Elevated Water Tanks 117

12 4, - 110 c/ <::
' /'6 - 25 i 1
Rin g_.. ~
v v 12 i

f-- r-
r-- I-- '-......5-259, t-- 1-- 5 - 25 i
f-- f-- t- r-
!---8- 32 i
t- r--
cotumz f--f--
1- I -
1\ t-f--

i - 300 c/c
t - r--
t- ~ t- r-
t-- t-- t-- r--
200 X 200
4 -12 i~

~ ~t7 ;zs ~ i 10 l -:no c/c

g: ~~· I

t..-2Si T

j~ Kt7

lX I rl l l><f
--1 /

l ~
lL IV ~ J
f. - 25 i

Fig. 6.8 Reinforcement details in ring girder columns and braces.



Design a funnel shaped over head water tank to suit the followin g data:
Capacity of the tank= 3 50,000 litres
Height of tower shaft= 20 rn above G.L.
Basic wind pressure= 1.5 kN/m2
118 Ad"llanced Reinforc ed Concrete Design

2 ' i> -200c/c

P= f.----8 -32 ~ 10 i -300 c/ c ~



1-- 6-12 i
( 3- 25 ..


1-.- ~
~ 6 - 2 'j ..
~ 12 li - 12 0 c/c

Fig. 6. 9 Reinforcement deta ils in ri ng beam and raft sla b.

Adopt M-20 grade co ncrete a nd Fe-41 5 grade tor steel for all
Depth of founda tion s= I. 5 m
Safe bearing capacity of soil = 200 kNfm
Design the conical shaped tank, support ing cylindrical sbaft and founda-
in the
tions for the tan k and sketch ' the typical reinforcement details
various structural compo nents.
I . Data

Capaci ty V= 350, 000 litres

He ight of suppor t ing shaft = 20 m
Wi.nd press ure = 1.5 kNj m2.
S.B.C. of oil = 200 kN/m2
D epth of foundati ons '"' I .5 m
Ele\·ated Water l 'anks 119

Top Ring

Bottom Ring Beam

Su pper t ing
Cylmd ric a l Shalt

Fig. 6.10 S tructural components of funn el shaped tan k .

2. Permissible Stresses
For M-20 grade concrete a nd F e-41 S grad e steel
ac, = !. 2 / mm 2 m = 13
Gee= 5 N jmm 2 Q = 0.897
2 j=0.906
acb = 7 N/ mm
a" = l SO /m m2
3. Dimensions of Tank
Diameter of the s uppo rting sha ft is a sum ed a 5 m.
120 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Let R = radius of the conical shell. The dimensions of the tank can be
expressed in terms of R <~;s shown in Fig. 6.11.

j1 mr



Fig. 6.11 Dimensions of conical shell

x = Radius of shaft = 2.5 m

H= (R-x) "" (R- 2.5)
h = (H-r)=(R-2.5-l) : (R - .1.5)
If V =volume of the tank
Then , V ==(Volume of cone ODC) - (Volume of cone OAB)
-(Volume of dome AEB)- t Volume of inner shaft)
V1 =Volume of cone ODC
= l / 31TR • R 2 = 1/3rrR3
V2 =Volume of cone OAB
=1/3 7'T · X2= 1(3-rr X 2.5 3
VJ =Volume of dome AEB
== 7'Tr (3R-t) = 7'T x J2 (3R- I)
3 3
V4 = VoJ.ume of inner shaft= 11'(0. 5 )2 (R - 3.5)
V = (VI - V2 - VJ - V 4)
= 1/ 3 rrRL 1/ 3 1T(2.5)3 - 3 (3R- I) - rr(0.5)2 (R - 3.5)

But V: ( 350.000 ) =
350 m 3
Elevated Water Tanks 121

350 = 1.047 RL 16.36 - 3.14 R

+ 1.047 - 0.785 R + 2.7489
1.047 RL 3.925 R- 362.57=0
solving R = 7.15 m
Adopt R = 7.5 m to allow for free board. The capacity of the tank
with a radius R= 7.5 m is computed as V = 388 ml. Which is margi-
nally greater than the required volume capacity of 350 m 3 .
4. Design of Top Conical Dome
The geometry of the conical dome is shown in Fig. 6.12.

Top Cofli cal



F ig. 6.12 Top conical dome.

Assuming a central rise = 2 m

If (1. = semi-vertical angle at apex, tan r.t = { :/-) = 3.75

t =thickness of slab= 100 mm

Self weight of slab = (0.1 x 24) = 2.4 k jm2
Live load .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . = 0.6 kNjm2
Total load w .= 3.0 kN/m 2
Maximum meridional thrust at base

Tl = ( wh )=( 3 x 2 ) = 45 k /m
2 cos 2 a. 2 cos2 75°
Maximum circumferential force at base,
Ne = wh · tan2 oc = (3 x 2 x tan2 75°) = 84.3 kN/m

. ·. M en'd'wnaI stress = ( 45 XxI 03 )

1000 190
= 0.45 kN/mm 2 < 5 N7mm 2 (safe)

1 0~~ : ~~~ ) = 0.843 N/ mml <

Hoop stress = ( 5 Njmml (safe)
122 Advanced Reinrorced Concrete Design

Since stresses are within permissible lim its, nominal reinforcements

are provded in the conical dome.

A ., =( 0.3 x IOOO
x 100 )=300 mm 2

Provide 8 mm ([> at 160 mm centres both meridionally and circumfe·

5. Design of Top Ring B eam
Hoop tensiOn= F, =
( T 1 cos
e D)=( 45 x cos 15o x 14.30)
2 2
= 31 I kN

A,,= ( 311 x 1OJ ) = 2074 mm2

Provide 8 bars of 20 C/J (A 8, = 25 12 mm 2)
If Ac = cross sectional area of ring beam

-·· _3I 1 x_~0~---) = I 2 .·. Ac = 225,6 10 mm 2

( Ac+l3 x 2512 ·
Provide a ring beam of size ·600 mm by 400 mm.
Provide 8 rfJ stirrups at 200 mm centres.
,j 6. Design of Conical Shell
The geometry of the conical shell is shown in Fig. 6.13.
Thickness of shell at top= 200 mm , at bottom= 300 mm
Average tbic kness = 250 mm r2 = 1.5 m
Slope of wall = 45° I"J = 2.5 m
Height of cone = h 3 = 5 m ,
Self weight of slab = (0. 25 x 24) = 6.0 kN/m 2
Length Lc = y(r2- ,. ;)2_-f-_h ~ = y(7:-5--- f 5)2+ 5 2 = 7.07 m
Weight of conical wall
75 25
= Wt = 2 X 7T ( · ; · ) X 0.25 X 7.07 X 24 = 1333 k

Weight of wate-r over the conical wall

= w2 = 7T(5 7 - 2.5 2 ) 5 x 10 = 2945 kN
Self weight of top dome= (r. x 7.5 x 7. 76 x 3) = 549 kN
Self weight of top ring beam = (0 .4 x 0.6 x 7T x 15.4 x 24) = 279 kN
. ·. Tota l vertical load at base of conical shell
= w= (549 + 279 + 133 3 -!· 2945 ) k = 5106 k

. . . M en·d·10na1 t h rust
· T -- (W·cosec0 ) -- (5106 x cosec45° )
2rrr 3 27T' x 2 . 5
"' 460 kN /m
Elevated Water T anks 123

ig. 6.13 Geometry of conical shell

Assuming thickness of conica l shell at base= 1 = 300 mm

'd' . ( 460 X I 0 )
t.S3- fmm2 < 5 N/ mm2 (safe)
M en tonal stress= 1000 x 300 =

The hoop tension in the conical shell varies with the depth of water
and is given by
Hoop tension F, = ( p ·cosec () + q · cot 8) D / 2
where, D = diameter at any horizontal section
p =Intensity of water pressure normal to the incl ined walb
=(LO h) kN jm2
· h = height of wate r above the section
e= angle ma de by the conical shell wi th the hor izontal
it= weight of conical slab per square metre of surface area .
Hoop Tension at bottom of Conica l shel l
h= 5 m D = 5 m () = 45°
124 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

p=(l0 x 5)=50 kN jml

q = {0.3 x 24) = 7.2' kNjm2
F 1 =(50 x cosec 4SO + 7.2 cot 45°) 5/2 = 195 kN
Hoop tension at 1 m above base
h=4 m D=7m
p=(IO x 4)=40 kNjm2
q = {0.28 x 24) = 6. 72 kNjm2
Ft = (40 x cosec 45° + 6.72 cot 45 °) 7/2'""' 222 kN
Hoop tension at 2 m above base
h= 3m D =9 m 8 = 45°
p = (10 x 3) = 30 kNjm2
q == (0.26 x 24) = 6.24 kNjml
P 1 = (30 x cosec 45° + 6.24 cot 45°) 9{2 = 219 kN
. ·. Maximum hoop tension occurs at l m above the base section
,, i' . ·. Maximum hoop tension P1 = 222 kN
· · --'-(222>::10 ) -1480mm
Ast- - 2
Provide I 0 mm rP bars at I 00 mm centres on both faces.
(A,1 = 1570 mm 2)
M ax1mum . [ 222 X 103
tens1 1e stress== ( 300 x lOOO) + ( x )
13 1570
= 0.69 N/mm 2 < 1.2 Njmm 2 (safe)
. stee] = ( 0.3 X 300 X 1000) = 900 mm 2

Provide 10 mm ([;> at 160 mm centres on both faces along the meri-

7. Design of Bottom Dome and Internal Shaft
Diameter at base = 5 m
Rise of dome = I m
Thickness = t = 150 mm
If R =Radius of the dome (2R- I) 1 = (5/2)2 .·. R = 3.625 m
Self weight of dome slab = (2 x 11 x 3.625 x 1 x 0.15 x 24) = 82 kN
Internal diameter of vertical shaft= 800 rum
Thickness of walls = I 00 mm
. ·. Exeternal diameter= I 000 mm
Weight of water over bottom dome= 11(2 .52- 0 52) 4.5 x J0 = 848 kN
Weight of vertical shaft = (11 x 0.9 x 0.1 x 4 x 24) = 28 kN
Total weight on dome = (82 + 848 + 28 ) = 958 kN
Elevated Water Ta"ks 125

98 5
. ·. Load/unit area= w = ( ) = 49 k fm2
77' X 2 .5 2

.·. Meridional thrust= T 1 = ( I :~~~s fl )

2.5 ) -
cos fi= ( 3.625 =0.68 .·. fi=47°

T= {49 x 3.625 )=l 0 6 k /m

I ] + 0.68 .

. ·. M en'd'10na I stress = ( 106xX 103 )

150 1000
= 0.706 N/mm2 < 5 N/mm2 (safe)

Circumferential force= wR [cos e- (I +~OS fl)]

= 49 x 3.625 [ 0 .68 - !.~ 8 J= IS kN/ m
. ·. Hoop stress = (
~g : /g~O }= 0.1 Njmm 2

Provide nominal reinforcements of 0.3 %

_ ( 0.3 X 150 X 1000) _ 450 _
A st-. _ !OO - mm 2

Adopt 10 mm f/J at 160 rnm centres both radially and in circumferen - .

tial direction.
M ax1mum h oop compress .ton m .
. t11e Jllterna 1 shf
a t = (!O x 4 x0.9)
= 18 kN
Since hoop stresses a re neg ligibly sma ll provide nominal reinforce-
ments of 8 mm CfJ at J 60 mm centres in both d irecti ons .
8. Design of Bottom Ring Beam
Horizontal component of thrust from conical shell= H 1 = 460 cos 45°
= 326 kN
I;· Horizontal thru st from bottom dome= }h = 106 cos 4 7" = 72 k
I Net compressive force in rin g beam= (H 1 - H 2) = (326- 72) = 254 kN

.-. . (254
Hoop compresston = - ·-5)
= 635 k
.Assuming the rin g beam "ize as 400 mm wide by 600 mm deep ,
. -ve sttess
C ornptesst - = .( 635 -x
400 600
103) = 2.64 N/ mrr: 2 < .5 I mm 2 ( sae

Prov ide min imum reinforcement of 0.3 %

A st"' ( Q.J X 400 X 600)

I OO o;
126 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Provid e 8 bars of 12 mm C/J with 8 mm t1J- 2 legged

stirrup s at
200 mm centres. As the girder is suppor ted by the shaft walls,
will be no shear in the ring beam.
9. Design of Supporting Cylindrical Shaft
Diame ter of shaft= 5 m
Height of shaft (above G.L.)= 20 m
Thickness of shaft walls above G.L. = 150 mm
Height of shaft (below G.L.) = 1.5 m
Thickn ess of shaft below G.L. = 300 mm
Self weight of shaft= 1r X 5 X 24[(20 X 0.15) + ( l.5 X 0.3)) = 1300
The vertical shaft has an extern al diamet er of 5.30 mm and
an interna l
diamet er of 4.70 m, thickn ess of walls= 150 mm

Loads acting on Shaft at Ground Level

Load due to weight of kN
(I) The dome 549
{2) Top ring beam 279
(3) Conical shell 1333
(4) Bottom spheric al dome 82
(5) Interna l shaft 28 .
(6) Bottom ring beam 90
(7) Suppo rting shaft 1300
(8) Plastering, pipes, Ladde rs
Railings etc. (Lump sum) 339
Total dead loads 4000 kN
Weigh t of water 3880 kN
Wind Pressure
Vertically projected area of over head tank

= (1- x15.4 x 2)+ ~15.4 + 5.4)5 = 70m2

. . Wind force on tank = (0. 7 x 1.5 x 70) = 73.5 kN
acting at a distanc e of 24 m from base.
Wind force on shaft = (0.7 x 1.5 x 5. 3 x 20) = 112 kN
acting at 10 m from the base
Total momen t due to wind about base= M = (73.5 x 24) +
(112 x 10)
=2884 kN · m
Area of cross section = A= rr(2 .652 - 2.352) = 4.71 m2

Second momen t of area= /=; (2.654 -2. 354)= 14.92 m 4

Stresses at Base Section

Elevated Water Tanks 127

Tan~mpty Condition
P ""'4 00 kN D = 5.3 m M = 2884 kN · m

~}= {~~~~) =0.72 m < (~) =C6

e= )=0.88 m
The section is under compression only •
- ( p
"" -
My)- (4000

A ' I - 4.71 x
X \0 3
}()6 +
2884 X
14.92 x
I ()6 X
- 1·361 Nfmm 2
(compression) < 5 N/mm2 (Hence safe)
Tank Full Condition
P=(4000+3880) = 7880 kN M=2884 kN · m
- (7880 X 10 3 2884 X 106 X 2650)- 2 l
"c- 4 . 71 x 106 + 14 . 92 x 1012 - 2.185 Nfmm < 4N/ mm (safe)
Provide minimum reinforcement of 0.3%
A •t = (0.3 X 150 X 1000) = 450 mm lj m
Provide 8 mm lJ) at 200 mm centres both vertically and circumferen-
tially on both faces.

Checkfor Seismic Forces

(Weight of tank portion+ water) W 1 = (2361 + 3880) = 6241 kN
(Weight ofshaft + finishes etc.) Wz={1300+339)= 1639 kN
Seismic coefficient = an= 0 .01 5
Moment due to seismic force at ground level
Mq= a 0 (Wtht + W2h2) =0.015(6241 x 23 + 1639 x 10)= 2399 kN · m
.·.Total load P= 7880 kN M = 2399 kN ·m
_ (7880 X I 03 2399 X 106 X 2650)
Uc - 4.7 1 X 1Q6 + 14.92 X 10 12
2.09 Nj mm 2 < 5.00 N f mm2 (safe)

10. Design of Raft Foundf!tions

Total load from tank and shaft= 7880 kN
Self weight of footing (10 %) 829 kN
Total load W 8700 kN
S.B.C. of the soil = 200 kN/ m 2
If A= Area of footing
D = Diameter of the footing
Direct load W = 8700 kN
Moment M = 2884 .kN · m

(~ + ~) = 2oo [c7T~14 > + c7T~132 ] = 2oo

8700 2884 ]
[ (1rD 2 / 4 ) + (1rD 3 / 32 ) = 200 . Solving D= 8.54 m
128 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Adop t diame ter of raft slab D = 9 m

Inten sity of soil pressu re = w = [(1r ~ 7~2~14 ] = 137 kN jm 2

The loadin g on the base is taken as annul ar loadin

g on the mean
diame ter of the shaft. The d esign proced ure is simila
r to that descri b-
ed in the design Exam ple 3.8 (refer chimney fo undati
D iamete r of raft slab= 2a = 9 m
Diame ter of the shaft= 2b = 5 m
Maxim um bendin g mome n t in the ection i govern
ed by the radial
mome nt.
Radia l mome nt at centre of footin g is given by

M,= W [2 1og
8n e (!:)
b + 1- (!a )
]- 2.
16 w-a2

8r. [ 2 loge(~2.5
= --2) + 1 - ( 42.5· 5 ) ]
- [2.
16 X !37 X 4.5 2 ]
= 126 kN ·mjm
Mome nt at juncti on of foot ing ·and tank walls at
is given by
aradius of 2.5 m
M. {max)=~[ 2 loge( i )+ I - (%r] - 136 w(a2- b 2

~~ 0 [ 2loge (~: ;) + , _ (;:;r - 3 2 2
16 x 137(4.5 _ 2.5 )
=287 k · mim
Using M-20 grade concre te and Fe-415 grade tor steel.

Effective depth d = j 28 7 X I Q6
. x
0 897 103 = 566 mm
Adop t an effective depth of 570 mm and an over a ll
depth of 650 mm .
A = ( · _.}_8}_ _~
--) = 243 2 m m2
" 230 x 0.9 x 570
Adop t 25 mm Cf> at 200 mm centre s in perpen dicula
r directi ons . botl1
ways also provid e 12 nun tl> - 200 cj c both ways
at the top of the
footin g. The detai ls of rei nforce ments in the ta nk
, suppo rting shaft
and found at ions are shown in Figs . 6.14 and 6.1 5.


l. Design a n intz type water ta nk to store 1.5 milli

on litres of water. The
height of the tank above groun d level is 20 m. The
site has oi l of safe
beari ng capac ity= 200 kN/ m2 Depth of found ations
1.5 m below groun d
level. Basic wind pressu re= 1.5 kN/ m 2 . Num ber of
s uppor t ing co lum ns
Elevated Water Tank 129

8 i -1 60 c/c

ti i - 200 c/c


j. ~

I Sm

--l l-150
Fig. 6.14 Remforcement deta ils in funnel-shaped ovet J. ~ad tank

== 8. Adopt M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade tor steel. The design of
the tank should conform to the stresses specifi ed in IS : 3370 and IS : 456
2. A reinforce<:! concrete intz type water tank is required to store 2:iv.000
liters of water. H eight of staging is 12 m a bove ground level. The tan k is
surported on six co!umns. Safe bearing r.apaciiy of the soil .. I 30 kJ jm2.
Basic wind pressure = 1.5 kN/m 2 . Adopti ng M-20 grade concrete aud Fe-
41 5 grade tor steel, d esign the in tz rype ta nk and sketch the deta ils of
reinforcements in the various structura l components of the tank.
130 AdYlUiced Reinforced Concrete Design

150 I

, -8-J,---2-00 ::-r l




25 i- 200 c/c

Fig. 6.15 Details of reinforcements i.n shaft and raft foundation

3. Afunnel shaped over head water tank is required to store 500,000

lit res of water with the height of supporting tower being 25 m above ground
Basic wind pressure = I .5 kNjm2
Depth of foundati ons = 2 m below G.L.
Safe bearing capacity of the soil= 200 kN/m 2
Adopt M-20 grade .concrete and Fe-415 grade tor steel for all R.C.C. work.
Design the conical shaped tank , supportin g cyli ndrical shaft and fo undations
for the tank. Sketch tbe details of reinforcement s in the tank .


built mono-
Box culverts consisting of two horizo ntal and two vertical slabs
suited for a road or a railway bridge crossin g with high
lithically are ideally
rced concrete
emban kments crossing a stream with a limited flow. Reinfo
gs are used up
rigid frame box culverts with square or rectang ular openin
exceed 3 ro.
to spans of 4 m . The height of the vent generally does not
monol ithic action
Box culverts are economical due to their rigidity and
bottom slab resting
and separate founda tions are not require d since the
rges, single celled
directly on the soil , serves as raft slab. For sma ll discha
elled box culvert s can
box culvert is used and for larger discharges, multic
be of sufficie nt length to
be employed. The barrel of the box culvert should
accom modat e the carriage way and the kerbs.


t comprises the
The structu ral design of a reinfor ced concre te box culver
ri gid frame for mome nts, shear fo rces and thrusts
detailed analysis of the
due to variou s types of loading cond itions outline d below:

! . Conce ntrated Loads

centra ted
In cases where the top slab forms the deck of the bridge, con
type loading
loads due to the whee l loads of the I.R.C. cla s AA or A
ha..,.e to be con idered.
If W =conc ent rated load on the lab
P= wheel load
13:Z Advanced Rcinfored Concrete Design

I= impact factor
e =effective width of dispersion
Then W=(P·lje)
The soil reaction on the bottom slab is assumed to be uniform . The
notations used for the box culvert and the type of loadings to be
considered are shown i11 Fig. 7.1 (a) to (f).
2. Uniform Distributed Load
The weight of emba1kment, wearing coat and, deck slab and the
track load are considered to be uniformly distributed loads on the
top slab with the uniform soil reaction on fhe bottom slab.
3. Weight of Side Walls
The self weight of two side wails act ing as concentrated loads are
assumed to produce uniform soil reaction on the bottom slab.
4. Water Pressure Inside C!ilvert
When the culvert is full with water, the pressure distribution on side
walls is assumed to be triangular with a maximum pressure intensity
of p ""' wh at the base where w,. density of water and h is the depth of
flow , ' ·
5. Earth Pressure on Vertical Side Walls
The earth pressure on the vertical side walls of the box culvert is
computed according to the Coloumb's theory. The distribution of
earth pressure on the side wall is shown in Fig. 7.1 (e).
~· Uniform Lateral Lua.d on Side Walls
Uniform lateral pressure on vertical side walls has to be considered
due to the effect of live load surcharge. Also trapezoidal pressure dis-
tribution on side walls due to embankment loading can be obtained
by combining the cases (5~ and (6).
7. Design Moments , Sh ears and Thrusts
The box culvert is analysed for moments, ·shear forces and axial
thrusts developed due to the various loading conditions by any
of the classical methods such as moment distribution, slope deflection
or column analogy procedures. Alternatively coeffici ents for moments,
shears and thrusts compiled by Victor (Ref 22), are very useful in the
computation of the various force components for the different loading
The fixed end moment developed for the six different loading
cases are compiled in Table 7.1. The moment, shear and thrust coeffi-
cients for the various loading cases are sh own in Table 7.2, for two
differenrrati os of (L/ H)== I and 1.5
where L =span of the culvert.
H =height of the cuh·ert,
Box-Culverts 133

· lr

l I + t..,
H h +Is
K .,.!:!._ (~)

L lw

Not ations

I 1I I I I

l t ! f t 1 1_1_ w/m 2
(a) Case - 1 (b)C ase-2

w w

I II I I ~ I
(c) CasG!- 3 (d)Case-4

p/ m2
(f) Ca5G! - 6
Fig. 7.1 Types of loading for box-culverts


The max imum design moments result ing from the combination of the vari -
ous loading cases are determined . The moments at the centre of span of
top and bottom slabs and the support sections a nd at the centre of the
134 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

TA BLE 7.1 Fixed End Moments in Box Culvert

Loading Fixed end Moment s


WL [ 2k+4.5 ] WL[ k+6 ]

-12 (k+3)(k + I) -24 (k + 3)(k+l)

w£1 wL'
2 J2(k+l) 12{k + 1)

' WL [ k ] WL [ 3+ 2k ]
3 + -6- (k+ 3)(k + l) - -6- (k +3 )(k+1

pH' [ k(2k+ 7) J pH' [ k(3k +8 ) ]
+ 6 0 (k+3)(k +i)
+w <k + J>(k + l >

pH"[ k(2k+7) ]
oH'[ (k+3)(k
k(3k + 8l )
+l )
-6() (k + 3)(k+ l)
p·kH' p·kH'
6 12(k +l) 12(k + 1)

Note: Positive moment indicates tension on inside face .

loadin g
vertical walls are determined b y suitably combining, the different
general ly develop for the fo1Io wing
patterns. The maximum moments
loading conditions:
1. When the slab upports the dead and live loads and the culvert
2. When the top slab support s the dead and liv e loads and the culvert
running full.
3. When the sides of the cul vert do not carry the live load and
culvert is running full.
at the
The slabs of the box culvert is reinforced on both faces with fillet s
inside corners.


3m by
Design a reinforced concrete box culvert having a clear vent way2 of
load on the culvert is 12.8 kN/m • The live
3 m. The super imposed dead
load on the culvert is 50 kN/m
2 • Density of soil at site is 18 kNjm2. Angle
of repose </>= 30°. Adopt M-20 grade concrete mix and Fe-415 grade
steel. Sketch the details of reinforc ements in the box culvert.
H. I . Data
Clear Span = L = 3 m
Height of event = h = 3 m
Dead load = t2.8 kNfm2
Live load= 50 kN/m 2
Box-Culverts 135

r and Thru st
TADLE-7.2 Coefficient .; for Moment, Shea

Facto rs Loadin!! caso

4 5 6
L:H Section For 1 2 3

WL pL' p£1 pL'

M WL wL'
w pL pL pL
N w wL
v w wL w pL pL 'I
M + 0.182 + 0.083 +0.021 + 0.019 -0.019 -0.042 l
1 : 1 B-1 0 -0.16 7 + 0. 167 + 0.500 I

N 0 0
-0.042 + 0.021 +0.019 -0.01 9 -0.042 l
A-2 M
-0.06 8
0 0 0
-0.16 7
-0.50 0
v + 0.500 +0.500
- 0.042 + 0.021 +0.019 -0.019
A-3 ,'v[ -0.06 8 0
+0.500 0 0 0
N + 0.500 -0.50 0
0 +0.167 - 0.167
v 0 0
-0.042 - 0.042 -0.04 3 +0.04 3 . + 0.083
E-4 M - 0.052 0
-t-0.500 + 0.500 0 0
N + 0.500
-0.004 + 0.023 -0.02 3 -0.04 2
D-5 M -0.036 -0.042
-0.33 3 -l-0:3"33 0
N +0.5 00 + 0.500 + 1.000
0 0 0 + 0.500
v ·0 0
-0.04 2
-0.04 2 -0.10 4 + 0.023 -0.02 3
D-6 M -0.03 6 +0.50 0
0 0 0 0
N 0 0
-1.02 0 -0.33 3 + 0.333
v - 0.500 -0.50 0
-0.04 2
-1-0. 146 -t-0.023 -0.02 3
C-7~ M +0.08 8 + 0.083
0 -0.33 3 +0.333 + 0.500
N 0 0
+ 0.015 -0.0 15 -0.033
M +0.1 70 +O.o75 +0.0 18
1.5:1 B-1 -0.16 7 +0.167 +0.500
N 0 0 0
+ 0.015 -0.01 5 -0.033
A-2 lvf -0.07 9 -0.05 0 +0.018
-0.167 +0.1 67 + 0.500
N 0 0 0
0 0 0
v + 0.500 +0.50 0 0
-0.01 5 -0.03 3
M - 0.079 -0.05 0 + 0.018 + 0.015 I
A-3 0 0
N + 0.500 + 0.500 0 0
+ 0.167 - 0.167 -0.50 0
v 0 0 0
-0.04 7 + 0.047 + 0.092
E-4 M -0.06 2 -0.05 0 -0.050
0 0 0
N -l-0.500 +0.500 +0.500
-0.01 8 -0.03 3 ,.
M -0.04 5 -0.05 0 -0.11 8 + 0.018
D-5 0 0 I•
+ 0.500 +0.50 0 +1.00 0 0 i
N +0.333 +0.50 0
v 0 0 0 -0.33 3 I
+ 0.018 -0.018 -0.03 3 II

.D-6 M -0.04 5 -0.05 0 -0.11 8

-0.33 3 +0.33 3 + 0.500
N 0 0 0
0 0 0
v -0.500 -0.50 0 -1.00 0
+ 0.018 -0.01 8 -0.03 3
C-7 M + 0.079 -l-0.075 +0.132
0 -0.3 33 + 0.333 + 0.500
N 0 0

Refer Fig. 7.1 for details and notat ions.

n on inside face
Note: I. Positive mom ent indicates tensio n
shear indic ates that the summ ation of force at the left of the sectio
~ - Positive
acts outw ard when viewe d from withi n.
on the section.
3. Positive thrus t indicates compression

. .. .
136 Advnced Reinforced Concrete Design

Density of soil= 18 kN/mJ

Angle of repose= rp = 30,
Concrete- M -20 grade, steel- Fe-415 tor steel.
2. Permissible Sr.-esses
ace= 5 N/mm 2 m= 13
acb= 7 N/mm 2 J= 0.86
a 01 = 150 N / mm 2 (water face) Q = 1.198
a,t = 190 N/mm 2 (Away from water face)

3. Dimensions of Box Culvert

Adopting thickness of slab a 100 mmfmetre span
Thickness = t, = lw = 300 mm
Effective span= 3300 mm
4. Loads
Self weight of top= (0 .3 x 24) = 7.2 kN/ m 2
Super imposed dead load = 12.8
Live load = 50.0
Total load = w = 70.0 kN/m 2
Weight of vertical side walls= (0.3 x 3.3 x 24) = W = 24 kN
So1! pressure= p = wh (I
1 +sin </>
At h = 3.3 m
1 = 30° . P=(i8 x3.3 x 1/3 ) = 20 kNJm2
Uniform lateral pressure due to the effect of superimposed dead load
and live load surcharge is calculated as,

p = (50 + 12.8) [~ ~ ::~ :J

= (62 .8 x 1/3) = 21 kNjm2

Uniform lateral pressure due to the effect of super imposed dead load
surcharge only is.
I' .
p= 12.8 ( -
sin~) = (12.8 x I /3)= 4.26 kN/ m2
1 +S in 'I' .

Intensity of water pressure is obtained as

p = wh = (10 x 3.3) = 33 kNjm2

5. Analysis of Moments, Shears and Thrusts

The various loading patterns considered are shown in Fig. 7.2. The
moments, shears and thrusts co rresponding to the different cases o f
loading (ease-l to case-6), evaluated using the coefficients given in
Table 7.2 are compiled in Table-7 .3 . The design forces resulting from
the combination of the various cases yielding maximum moments and
force s at the support and mid span sections are shown in Tabl.e 7.4.

Box.CW.verts 137


W W: 24 kN

J JJ 1 I J
Cl!l s.Q - 3

p: 4·26 kN/m2
Case~- 6 (a) CasQ-6(b)

Fig. 7.2 Loading cases considered for hoJt culvert

The maximum positive moments develop at the centre of bottom

and top slab for. the condition that the sides of the culvert not carry-
ing the live load and the culvert is running full with water.
The max.imum negative moments develop at the support sections
of the bottom slab for the condition, culvert is empty and the top
slab carries the dead and Live load.
6. Design of Reinforcements
Section-C-7 (Mid span of bottom slab)
M= 76.10 kN·m
N = - 7.43 kN (Tension)
138 Adv•nced Reinforced Concrete D1!$ign

TABLE 7.3 Force Components for Different Cases of Loading

Loading Case

Section Forces Case-2 Case-3 Case-4 Case-S Case-6(a) Case-6(b)

B- 1 M 63.2 1.66 6.82 . - 4.13 -9.6 -1 .92

N 0 0 -18.18 +It.O + 34.65 + 6.93
A- 2 M - 31.6 1.66 6.82 - 4.13 -9.6 - 1.92
N 0 0 - 18.18 + 11.0 - 34.65 -6.93
v 115.5 0 0 0 0 0
A- 3 M - 31.6 1 .66 6.82 -4.13 - 9.6 - 1.92
N 115.5 0 0 0 0 0
v 0 0 18.18 - 11.0 - 34.65 -6.93
£- 4 M -31.6 - 3.32 - 15.45 - 9.36 + 19.2 + 3.84
N 115.5 + 39.6 0 0 0 0
D- 5 M - 31.6 -0.317 8.26 -5.00 ~ 9. 6 - 1.92
N 115.5 + 79.2 - 36.26 + 21.9 0 0
v 0 0 0 0 + 34.65 + 6.93
.D-6 M - 31.6 - 8.23 8.26 - 5.00 -9.6 -1.92
N 0 0 0 0 + 34.65 +6.93
v -115.5 - 79.2 - 36.26 I
+21.9 0 0
C- 7 M 63 .2 11.56 8.26 - 5.00 -9.60 -1 .92
N 0 0 -36.26 +21.9 + 34.65 + 6.93

Moments are in kN.m

Shear force and thrusts are in kN.

TABLE 7.4 Design Moments and Forces in Box Culvert

Loading Moment Thrust Shear force

Section Combination M N v
cases (kN·m) (kN) (kN)

D- 6 2+ 3+ 5+6(a} - 54.43 + 34.65 -172.8

A- 2 2+3 + 5+ 6(a) -43 ..67 - 23.65 + 115.5
B- 1 2+3+ 4+ 5+6(b) 65.63 -1.25 0
C-7 2+ 3+ 4+5+6(b) 76.10 -7.43 0
E-4 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+6(b) - 55 ..89 +155.1 0
' 1

A 11 = ( 15076.10 x 106 )- 2234 2/

x 0.86 x 270 - mm m

Provide 2M> at 140 mm centres.

D 1.stn'b utwn 300 X 1000) = 900 mm 2

. stee I = (0.3 X
Provide IO<P at 150 mm centres on both faces.
Section-D-6 (support section)
M=- 54.43 kN· m
N=34.65 kN
Box-culverts 139 i
) - 12 33 lJ
54.43 x J06
-{ mm m l.j
A.,- 190 x 0.86 x 270 -
n bars of 1Ott> at 150 rnm
Provide I 6cfJ at 150 rum centr es and distributio
(;entr es.
Section- E-4 (Vertical side w a lll
= 83.83 kN · m
M"" - 55. 89 kN · m .·. Mu"" (1.5 x 55.89)
N "" J55.1 kN . Nu=( 1.5 x 155. 1), 232.5 kN
Mu ) ( 83.83 X 106 ) fy=4 15N fmm2

( fck·b D 2· "' 20 x iOOO x 3002 =0.04o

( d' ' ( 30 )
Nu ·, ,. 232.5 x tQ3 ) . 0 0387
L> bn·) = ,2ox 1ooo x 3oo = · . = -3oo =0 · 10 n)
Refer ring to intera ction cur~e of .SP-16 ( Jci<. ) = 0.02
x 1000 x 300)/100
Where Asc =A., =0.5(pbD 100) = 0.5(0.02 x 20 2
= 600 mm
2 • •• A.= 1200 mm

cross section has to be

But minimum reinfo rcem ent of 0.8 % of
provi ded
A = ( 0.8 X 300 X 1000 ) ='2 400 rum2
s 100
in the vertical side walls.
Provide 16cfJ- at 150 mm centr es on both faces
provide on both faces.
Distr ibutio n steel of lOcfJ- at 150 mm centr e is
rt is show n in Fig. 7.3.
The detail s of reinforcements in the box culve
16l-1 50c/c 10 i -150 c/c
r r·
r r "---2 0 i -1t.O
.. ~ Con struct ion

!----" P,..16 l-150 c/c


b. 104,- 150c/ c
Wo op- Hol~t
75 -
150 X 150
VFi l lot ~20;.- 140 c/c

r " r /
.\ _L

\.......16 i - 150 c/c 10 ji - 150 c/c

~300 ~ ""'
Fig. 7.3 Reinf orcem ent detail s in box-culvert
140 Advanced Reinforced Concret e Design


I. Design a reinforced concre te box culvert with inside dimens

ions of 3m
height and 4.5 width. The box culvert has to carry a super
imposed dead
load of I 0 kN/m 2 and a live load of 50 kNfm2. The density of
the earth is
I 8 kN/m 3 . Angle of repose of the soil is 30°. Adopt M-20
grade concre te
and Fe-415 grade tor steel. Sketch the details of reinforcemen
ts in the box
(2) A reinforced concre te box culvert is required for a nation
al high way
crossing. The clear vent way of the box culvert is 4 m by 4
m. Design the
box culvert assumi ng a super imposed dead load of 12 kN/m 2
and a live
load of 50 kN/m 2• The density of the so'it is 16 kN/m 2. Angle
of repose of
the soil is 30°. Adopt M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade
tor steel.
Sketch the details of reinforcements in the box culvert.
3. A reinforced concrete box cu lvert of prismatic form with
a clear vent-
way of 3.5 by 3.5 m is requir ed for a road crossing. The box
culvert has to
suppor t a super imposed dead load of8 kN/m2, and a live load
of 50 kN/m 2 .
Density of the soil is 18 kN/ml, and the angle of repose of
the soil is 30°.
Adopting M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade tor steel,
design the box
culvert and sketch the details of reinforcements in the box culvert


"'· ' "

Portal Frames


Reinforced concrete portal frames of single and multibay are commonly

used in bridges, and industrial structures due to their fi re resistance and.
negligibre maintenance costs. A portal frame is a rigid frame having mono-
lithic joints at the junction of columns and beams. The different types of
portal frames used in the various types of structure are shown in Fig. 8 .1.
For work shops and storage sheds, portal frames with sloping roof is gene-
rally preferred. For high ways and buildings, portal frames with fiatroof is


In the case of buildings, the portal frames are generally spaced at intervals
of 3 to 4 m with a reinforced concrete slab cost monolithically between the
frames. Frames used for ware house sheds and work shop structures are
prov ided with sloping roof comprising of purlins and asbestos sheet roofing
between the portal frames.
The base of the columns of the portal frames are either fixed or hinged.
If individual column footings are provided, the base is assumed to be hing-
ed while raft or pile foundations are provided, the base is assumed to be
fixed for purposes of structural analysis.
T he portal frames are geuerally analysed by the various standard methods
such as, moment distribution, slope deflection, column analogy or matrix
methods. The roof slab between the frames is analysed as continuous slab .
The mid span section of the frame behaves as a tee section while the support
142 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

section is designed a a rectangular section . Design aids like· interaction

diagrams are very useful in the design of beam sections and columns sub-
jected to axial thrust and bending moment.

~-Store~yod S ing !~ - ~
(Sloping Roof l

77 77 /T; 7?77 /7 n: ' 7 ~ nn

Fig. 8.1 Types of portal frames
H Portal frames precast in the horizontal position on ground are economi-
I cal in situations where a large number of similar frames are used in a
building project anq the precast units considerably reduce the construction
time besides resulting in over all economy due to the better quality and
Portal Frames 143

efficient utilisation of the materials. The analysis and design of the different
types of portal frames are illustrated by the following design examples :


Design a portal frame hinged at base to suit the following data:

spacings of portal frame s= 4 m centres
Height of columns= 4 ro
Distance between coJuror: centres"" 10 m
Live load on roof= 1.5 kN/m 2
R.C.C. slab continuous over portal frames. Safe bearing capacity of soil at
site= 200 kN /rol.
Adopt M-20 grade concrete and Fe-41 5 grade tor steel. Design the slab.
portal frame ·and foundations and sketch the details of reinforcemen ts.
1. Data
Spacings of portal frames "" 4 m
Span of portal frame = 10m
Height of columns = 4m
Live load on rnof = 1.5 kNfml
M-20 grade concrete and Fe-4 15 grade tor steel.
2. Permissible Stresses
Oeb= 7 N jmm 1 m= !3
on = 230 Nfro m2 Q=0.897
j = 0.906
3. Design of Continuous Slab
Since the slab serves as a roof, loading is light, hence assume an
overall depth of slab of I 20 rom.
Dead load of slab= (0.1 2 x 24) = 2. 88 kN/ m2
Roof finish= 0.50
Ceiling finish= 0.25
Dead load (g) = 3.63 kN/ m 2
Live load (q)= 1.5 kNfml
. B.M . at mtenor
Negattve . gV + 9qU)
. support = ( 12

=e·6~;42 + u9:x 42) = 7 .s kNtmt~

7.5 X I ~
Effective depth = d =
0. 897 x 1000 = 91 mm
Adopt d = I 00 mm with a cover= 20 mm
- ( 7. 5 X I Q6 ) 36 3
A,, -- 230 x 0.9 x 100
- mm

~· · .
144 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Provide 10 mm rp at 200 mm centres at supports. The same bars are

provided at thl~ centre of span section.
. 'b uti.on stee 1= ( 0.12 x 120 x 1000)
D 1stn - = 144 mm 2
Provide 6 mm rp at 130 mm centres
4 . Design of Portal Frame
Effective span of beam = 10 m
If d = effective depth

( effect~~:ndepth ) = ( ; ) = 12 to 15 (Heavy loading on beam)

.. -- x -103) =833mmto ( 10 x IOl) =666mm
d= ( 10
12 15
Adopt effective depth d = 700 mm
and over all depth D = 750 mm
Width of beam b = 450 mm
Column section is assumed as 450 mm by 600 mm.
(a) Loads on Frame ·
Load from slab = (5.13 x 4) = 20.52 kN/ m
Self weight of beam= (0.45 x 0.63 x 24) = 6.80
Finishes on beam = 0.68
Total load w = 28.00 kNj m
h = height of centre line of beam above hinge = ( 4.0 + 0.1 0- o;5')
= 3.72m
The moments in the portal frame are analysed by moment distribution
BC = lO.OOm
I = ( 450 X6003 ) I BC = ( 450 12
X 7503 )
AB 12

lAB: Inc= 1 : ( 750
)3 = 1 : 1.95

(b) Relative Stiffness

kBA= (! 3 .~ 2 ) =0.20/

1.95!) = 0.195/ == or !J0.20J

kBc = (
(c) Distribution Factors
0 .20/ )
dnc =dnA = ( 0.201 + 0.201 = 0. 5
Portal Frames 145

(d) Fixed end Moments

FBC= - fv~l) = -(28;2102) = - 234k ·m

Fcs = + (w~) = + cs ~2 2:)
=234 kN ·m l'I
The moment distribution is car ried out to get the resultant moments
for the frame loaded as shown in Fig. 8.2.

- --o- 10m


Fig. 8.2 Portal-frame

(e) Moment Distribution

B c
A 1,0.5 0 . 5 :1 ff0 . 5 0.5! D

- 234 + 234
l· 11? + 117~- 117 - 11?
- 58.5 + 58.5

+ 29 . 25 • 29 . 2 5 x - 29 . 25 - 29.25

- 14.6 + 14 .6
.+ 7.3 +

><- +

- 7.3

- 1.83

+ 1.8} + 1.83><- 1.• 83 - 1.83

- ,0 . 92 + 0;92
+ 0.46 + 0.46 - 0.46 - 0.46

0 + 156 - 156 + 156 - 156 0 k:N.III

146 Adfl!llced Reinforced Concrete Design

(/) Design Moments and Shear Forces

Maximum negative moment at support B= 156 kN - m
Maximl.!m positive moment at centre of span
BC_= ( --g-156 ) = {28xi02 -156 ) = 194kN-m
Maxtm\.!m shearforce at B= V=
( 28 X }Q) = 140 kN

Shearforce at the hinge A= {;~~) = 52.15 kN

(g) Design ofBeam Sections
Mid span section
The mid span section is designed as a Tee-~ecti on
Design moment M = 194 kN ·m

Approximate lever arm = ( 700 -

~O ) = 640 mm

Aot = { i:~: ~: )= 1318 mm


Provide 4 bars of 22 mm I/J(A.1 = 1520 mm 2).

The stresses in steel and concrete are checked and shown to be with in
permissible limits
Support Section
Design moment M = - 156 kN · m
The support section is designed as a rectangular section
Moment of resistance of section= (0.897 450 x 700 2) «
= 197 x 106 N · mm = 197 kN · m

A •t- I56xlQ6 )-1077 2
230 x 0.9 x 700 - mm
Provide 4 bars of 22 mm <P (Aot = 1520 mm2)

! '
· ( V) (450
Nomtna\ shear st·ess = -rv = bd - = 140 x
X 1Q3 )-
= 0.44 Nfmm

IOOA,1 ) - ( toO x 1520 )= 048

( bd - 450 700
X .
From Table 17 (IS: 456), Tc= 0.25 Njmm2
Since ,., > -rc, shear reinforcements are to be designed.
0 25 450 700
Balance shear= [140- · x x ] = 62 kN
Using 6 mm 1/J-2 legged stirrups, spacing is
= (230 X 2 X 28 X 700) = 145
s, 62x J03 mm
Portal Frames 147

Adopt 140 mm spacing near supports gradually increasin g t o 400 mm

towards the centre of span.
(h) Design of Column Section
The column section is subjected to a moment
M= 156 kN·m and a Thrust P= l40kN.
Using a load factor of 1.5
Mu = (I56 x 1.5)= 234 kN ·m
Pu =(l40 x 1.5)=210kN
Section is of size 450 x 600 mm
b = 450 mm D = 600 mm ( d' } ( 50 )
d = 550mm d' = 5Dmm 75 _= 600 = O.IO

( fck ·b·D2
)=( 20 234xl06
x 450x6002
Pu ) ( 210 x 103 ) 4
( fck ·b· D = 20 X 450 X 600 = 0.0
Using interaction curves of SP-16 we get

.(JJ=0.04 :. p=(20x0.04)=0.8
:. A,= (p· b ·D/1 00) = (0.8 x 450 x 600)(100 = 2160 mm 2

But minimum area of steel =


X ~;6 X
2160 mm2)=
Provide 4 bars of 20 mm (/) on each face, (A.t = 2512 mm2), and 8 mm
(/) ties at 300 mm centres throughout the column.
(i) Design of H inge
At the hinge portion concrete is under triax.ial stress and can with
stand higher permissible stresses.
Permissible stress in concrete at hinge= (0.5 x 20) = lON/rnrn2

Area of hinge required= (

140 103
) = 14,000 mm 2

Area provided= 200 mm by 100 mm

Shear at hinge = 52.15 kN
If A,1 "' Area of bars required to take the shear at hinge section
e=Inclination of bars to vertical as shown in Fig. 8.3.
(Aot ·sin 0 X 230)= 52.15 X JQ3

- ( 52 ·~_.:_!_Q~_0 ) - 440
Ast- 2
230 X Sin 3J - mm

Provide 4 bars of 16 mm (f> (A,t = 804 mm2 )

{j) Dedgn of Founda tions
Axial load on column = \40 kN
148 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

t-100 -j

SO mm T
Covll r = 20 mm
Tan 8= (3 / 5) = 0·6
8 = 3 ,.


l HOO-l

ot Column .
( II ) R.. ( . Hi nge a1 Bea u

r--70 0


T 2
p =180 kN/ m

(b ) R C. -Footin g For Co lumn .

Fig. 8.3 Details of' hinge and foo ting

Weigh t of colum n= (0.45 x 0.6 x 3.72 x 24)= 24 kN

Self weight of founda tions at 10 % = 16 kN

Total Load == 180 kN

Mome nt about base (Figs. 8.3(b) =(52. 15 x 1)=52 .15 kN·m
. . ( (52.15 X }
.•. eccentnc1ty e) = 180 x 103
()6) = 290 mm
Portal Frames 149

To avoid tension in the foun da tions,

Breadth b = 6e = (6 x 290) = 1740 mm
Provide a foundation area of 1 m x 2m
. o f maximum
Intensity . pressure ( p ) = (21X2

= 180 kN1m2 < 200 kN/m 2 (safe)

p' = cso; I.J) = 117 kNjm2

T ota1 pressure on t h e cant1.1ever portion:=

. ( 180 + 117
= 104 kN acting at 0.4 m from the column edge.
:. B.M. at edge of column= (1 04 x 0.4) = 42 kN · m
. ·. Effective depth of footmg = d = . J 42 X }1)6
0 .897 x 100 = 216 mm
Provjde effective depth d = 250 mm
and over all depth =300mm
_( 42 X 106 ) _ . 2
A st- 230 x 0 .9 x 25Q.! - 8 1-2-mm
Adopt 16 rom cp at 150 min centres (Ast = 1341 mm 2)
. 'b utwn
D 1stn . bars = ( 0.12 X 300 X 1000) ,
= J 60 rom 2
Provide 10 mm cf) at 180 mm cent res (Ast = 436 mm 2)
Check for Shear
Shear force acting a t a distance of 250 mm from the face of the
column is given by ·

V= ( 180+2139. 5) X 0.45 = 72 kN

72 X }03 ) ·
"Tv"" ( 1000 x 250 = 0.288 Njmm2

1001.!'"} (100x 134l)=OS J 0N/

( bd = 1000 x 250 · ·. · r c = 03
· mm

since 'l'c > '•• no shear reinfo:cem ents are required. The details of
reinforcem ents in the portal frame are shown in Fig. g.4_

The roof of a 8 m wide h;tll is supported on a portal frame spaced at 4 m

int~r vals . The height of the portal frame is 4 m. The continuous slab is
120 mm thick . Live load on roof = 1.5 kN/ m2 . Bearing capacity of a soil
150 kN/m2. The colu mns are connected with a plinth beam and the base of
150 Ad\·anced Reinforced Concrete Design

the column may be assumed as fixed. Design the column and beam members
and suitable foundation footing for the column of the portal frame. Adopt
M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade tor steel.

(a l Section of Continuous Slab.

/"'4 -zz i
r;:=t=::;;n±=r=;:==r=:;::n==r±=r=r==r=l f

x_ _ X


Se~ct i on XX

lm L.. .----, ,.
l !..!::~::::!!:'===f=:j::::!;==!!¥=~~__L

Fig. 8.4 Reinforcement detai ls in portal frame

1. Data
Spacing of portal frame s = 4 m .
Span· of portal frame = 8m
Height of columns = 4m
Live load on roof = 1.5 kNfm2

... . '
Portal Frames lSI

M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade tor steel.

2. Permissible Stresses
(Jcb = 7 NJmm 2 m=J3
(Jst = 230 Nfmm 2 Q=0.897
3. Design of Slab
The slab design is similar to that presented in design Example 8.3.
Provide 120 mm slab with 10 mm bars at 200 mm centres at supports
and mid span sections. Distribution steel is 6 mm 1> at 130"-mm
4. Design of Portal Frame
Efi"ective span of beam= 8 m
Effective depth-= d = ( ~~0 } = 666 mm
Adopt d = 650 mm and overall depth= 700 mm brea-dth= b = 400 mm
Column section is assumed as 400 mm by 600 mm
(a) Loads on Frame
Self weight of slab= (0.12 x 24) ""2.88 kNjm2
Roof finish = 0.50
Ceiling finish = 0.25
Live load = 1. 50
Total load = 5.13 kNjm
Load from slab= (5. I 3 x. 4) = 20.52 kN/ m
Self weight of beam = (0.4 x 0.58 x 24)"" 5.56
Finishes of beam = 0.92
w = 27.00 kN)m
The moments in the portal frame fixed at base and loaded as shown
in Fig. 8.5 (a), are analysed by moment distribution.
AB=4m, BC = 8m

I = ·( 400 X 6003 ) [ = ( 400 X 7003 )

A.B 12 BC 12

fAs:/oc=l: (
700 )3 ""1:1.57

(b) Relaiive Stiffness

kBA = ( ~ ) = 0.251
kBc"" ( 1.~7/) = 0.201
152 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

l c

-- -- -·;-1
l40Q ~ ?00 Beam I
I v-400 I
l A 1 Column


(e) Po rhl - FramQ

51 kN m 51 -kN-m

lbl Bqndi n g Mo m Qn\ - CUngram

Fig. 8..5 Portal-frame (fixed at base)

' i' (c) Distribution Factors

0.25/ )
dnA'= ( 0.251+0.20! "" 0· 55

dJJc =- ( 0.25~!0:.20/) = 0.45

(d) Fixed End Moments

FBc=- wL2) == - (27

(12 - --
=- 1444 kN · m

+(~~ ) = +( )= +1 44 kN·m
Fco== 1;
FsA = F AB= 0
?ortal Fnunes 153

(e) Moment Distribution

B c
A 10.55 0 .451 10 .45~] D
0 0 -1 44 • 14 4 1 0

39 .5 +---- •79
- 32 .5
>< ~--~9
- -}9.5 1

8.9 ~ · 17.8 +14.7.,.>< -14.7 -~8 - --- -8.9

- 7.4 + 7.4
2 .0 ------- + 4.0 • 3 . 4 > < - ) .4- - 4.0 - - - 2.0 I

0.47 +0.93
- 1, 7 .
o. 77
+ 1.7

- 0.77 - 0 . 93 - 0 . 47
51 + 102 - 102 - 102 + 102 • 51 k N ,II

(f) Design M oments and Shear Forces

MB= 102 kN · m

Maximum positive moment at centre of span BC = ( ;l -102}


The bending moment diagram for the portal frame is shown tn

Fig. 8.5(b).
Maximum shear force at B = - 2X- (27 8) = 108 kN
Shear force a t A= ( MA+MB) = (51+102)
= 38 .25 kN

(g) Design of Beam Section

Mid span section
The mid span section is designed as a Tee-section
Design moment M = 114 kN · m

Approximate lever arm= ( 650 - ~O ) = 590 rom


l14 x J06) 2
• • A ot = ( 2_30 x 590 = 840 mm
Provide 4 bars of 20 mm rJ> (A., = 1256 mm2 )
154 Advanced Reinforced Concr ete Design

The stresses in steel and concrete are checked and shown to be within
permissible limits.
Support section
Design moment M = - 102 kN · m
The support section iu designed as a rectangular'section
Moment of resistance of section = (0.897 x 400 x 65Ql)
·= 151 x 106N·mm=I51 kN·m

- ( I 02 X 1()6 ) - 2
Ast - 230 x 0.9 x 650 - 758 mm
Provide 4 bars of 20 mm fP (A. 1 = 1256 mm2)

N~minal shear stress "'Tv= ( ~gg: ~i~) =0.415 N/mm2

( 100An)=(l00xl256)=o 02 N/ 2
b·d 400x650 ·483 .·. Tc= • 9 mm

since Tv < Tv, shear reinforc~en!s are required.

Balance shear= [ws- 0 29 45 0060

· x x
' 1000
= 33 kN

Using 6 mm rlJ -2 legged stirrups, spacing is

s,.- ,- -33 x J03 . t-

_ ( 230 X 2 X 28 X 650 \ ~
253 mm

Adopt 250 mm spacing near supports, gradually increasing to 400 mm

towards the centre of span.
(h) Design of Column Section
Section at Top (B)
, Moment M= 102kN·m
Thrust P= 108 kN
Using a load factor of 1.5
J! '! Mu=(I02 x 1.5) = 153 kN ·m
l' Pu = (108 X 21.5) = 162 kN
Column section is of size 400 x 600 mm
b""400 mm d= 550mm

D =600 mm d'=50mm (~ )=0.10

lci:.=20Nfmm 2
Mu ) ( 153 x J06 }
( /c~:.. b. IJ2 = 2o x 400 x 600 2 = 0 ·053

Pu ) ( 162 X 103 ) .
I! ( /ci:.·b· D = 20 X 400 >< 600 = 0·033
Portal Frames 155

Using interaction curves of SP-16 we get

= 0.03 :. p = (20 X 0.03) = 0.6

As= (p· b · D)/100 = (0.6 X 400 x 600)/100 = 1440 mm2

. _ f ) (0.8 X 400 X 600) = 1920 mm 2
But mmtmum area o - stee = 100
Provide 4 bars of 20 mm rfJ on each face (A 51 = 2512 mm 2 }.
and 8 mm <P ties at 300 mm centres throughout the column.
Same reinforcements are provided at the base section of the column .
(i) Design of Foundations
Axial load on column = 108 kN
Self weight of column
(0.4 X 0.6 X 4 X 24) = 23
Self weight offoundation
at 10% 14

Moment at base = M = 51 kN · m
:. eccentnc1ty = e = (pM) (145
51 10 -
) = 350 mm

To avoid tension in the foundations

Breadth b = 6e = (6 x 350) = 2100 mm
Adopt a foundation area of 1 m by 2.1 m

Intensity of maximum pressure= p = ( ~: ~:~) = 103 kN/m2

< ISO kNjm2 (safe)
p' = ( 103 x 1.35 ) = 66 kNfm2
I 2.1

Total pressure on the cantilever portion= (

)o. 75 = 64 kN
I acting at 0.4 m from the column edge
.·. B.M. at edge of column = (64 x 0.4)= 25.6 kN · m
25.6 X IQ6
. ·. Effective depth of footing = d = 169
0 .897 x 1000 = mm
Provide effective depth d = 250 mm and over aU depth= 300 mm
(Increased depth required to limit the shear stress within permissible
- ( 25.6 x lQ6 )-494
A st- 2
230 x 0.9 x 250 - mm
156 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

Provide 12 rnm <I> at 150 mm centres both ways. (A,1 = 154 mm 2)

Check for shear
Shear force acting at a distance of 250 mm from face of column is
given by

V'"' C
)o.5 = 45 .5 kN

- ( 45.5 1()1
250 ) -0
- ,I 82 N/ffilJl 2
Tv- }QQO X

( 100A")
"" ( IOOO
100 x 754 } = 0 30
X 250 °
.. Tc= 0.23 N/mm2

since Tc > Tv, no shear reinforcem ents are required.

The details of reinforcem ents in the portal frame is shown in Fig. 8.6.

1., - 20 l 2 - 2() &
( ( y
I I 700
c 4 -20 i
: I ~ I---" iJ
HOO-j : 6
~-250 c/c r- 400-l ly
s ecl ion yy
~4 -20 ..

1 e .. - 300 c/c
(; ...

X . _x

·/ 1
I ~600~

Sill B11am
-- -- 5Gdion -XX

'TA• rm ..... - --'

,·r-.· '"'! ....

ll -
12 { - 150 c/c ( Batt - Ways)
------ J
j_ _l
Fig. 8.6 Reinforcement details in portal-frame
Portal Frames 157


I. A portal frame ABCD has fixed supports at A and D. The columns AB

and CD are 5 m in height while the transoqt BC is I 0 min length. The frames
are spaced at 3.5 m intervals. The live load on the roof slab which is 10 em
thick may be taken as 1.5 kN/m 2 . Design the tran_som BC and sketch the
details of reinforcements. (Banga.lore University, Jan. 1979).
2. A hall 50 m long and lO m wide has to be covered by a continuous
R.C.C slab over portal frames spaced at 3 m intervals. The height of the
hall is 7 m. Design the slab and one intermediate portal frame. Adopt
M -20 grade concrete and F e-415 grade for steel. Sketch the details of
3. The roof of an assembly hall 30m long and 12 m wide between
centres of columns, consists of a continuous reinforced concrete slab over
rectangular portal frames spaced 3 m apart. The columns are provided with
independent footings and are hinged at the bottom. The ceiling height is
3.5 m above the hinge level. Adopting M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415
grade for steel, design the continuous roof slab and the portal frame and
foundation footing for the columns. Assume safe bearing capacity of the
soil as 150 kN/m 2 • Sketch the details of reinforcements in the portal frame.
4. A reinforced concrete two bay portal frame is used for covering a
hall 20 m w.ide by 40 m length. Distance between centre line of columns is
l 0 m. The portals are spaced at 4 m intervals. The height of the columns is
5 m. Design the continuous slab, and one of the intermediate portal frames.
Assume hinged· condition at the base of the columns. Assume safe bearing
capacity of the soil as 200 kNjm2 . Sketch the details of reinforcements in the
portal frame.
Multi Storey Building Frames


Reinforced concrete multistorey building frames are statically indeterminate
structures .and their rigorous analysis for vertical and horizontal loads in-
volves lengthy computations. There are several methods of analysis such
as moment distribution, Kani's rotation contribution, Takabeya' s method
and Matrix method s. The classical methods like moment distributio n and
Kani's rotation contribution are suitable for small frame s but involve lengthy
computations when used for solving multistorey and multibay frames.
Matrix methods with the use of compt:1ters are ideally suited for the
analysis of multistorey frames with large number of redundants . However
certain reasonable assumptions will result in approximate methods which a re
simpler in computational effort, although resulting in conservative magnitudes
of the redundant forces. The most commonly used method for the analysis
of vertical loads comprising of dead and live loads is the substitute frame
method. For the analysis of wind loads, the portal and cantilever methods
are generally used.


A substitute frame consists of a small portion of the multistorey , multi bay

frame generally comprising of the floor beams, with the columns above and
below the floor assum.:d to be fixed at the far ends as shown in Fig. 9.1.
It is sufficient to consider the loads on the two nearest spans on each side
of the joint under consideration. The continuous beam is analysed for verti-
cal loads by moment distribution to ce>mpute the maximu m span and
support moments using the following criterion:
Multi Storey Building Frames 159

, B c 0 E F

n;'nt 177m m'm 777r 77~ 1!'~

(a) lolui t i Storey- Mult i Bay 9uilding FrQme

A 8 c D E F

(b) Subs.'titute- Frame

Fig. 9.1 Multistorey-multibay building frame

{a) The maximum positive bending moment at mid point of any parti-
cular span develops when the load is placed on the span under con-
sideration and on the alternate span as shown in Fig. 9.2(a).
(b) The maximum negative bending moment at any particular support
develops when the loads are placed on two spans adjacent to the sup-
port under consideration as shown in Fig. 9.2(b). ·
(c) The maximum negative moment at mid point of any parti-
cular span develops when the loads are placed on the spans adjacent
to the span under con~deration as shown in Fig. 9.2(c).
The computation of moments in beams and columns by using a substitute
fraine is illustrated by the following example.
/ I


160 A'.lfanc:ed R.eiuforced Concrete Design

c D E

A 6 M

(a J Loadi ng for Maxim um Po siti ve B .M at M

at C
"(b) Loa ding for Maxim um Neg a I i ve B . M

A C M 0 E

(c) Load ing for Ma• im urn Negati v.t

B .M at M

Fia;. 9.2 Loadin g pattern for maximum moments


ed for m~imum
The substitute frame shown in Fig. 9.3 has to be analys
AB, BC and CD. Use the
positive and negative moments in the beams
mome nts in beams and colwnns.
following data to estimate the maximum
The beams are spaced at 3 m intervals.
Thiclrness of floor slab = 100 mm
Live load (Resid ential flats)= 2 kN/m2
f loor finish - 0.6 kNfm 2
Size of beams = 200 rom by 400 rom

Size of columns = 200 mm by 400 mm

Multi Storey Building Frames 161



A 8 c D

6m 3m 6m

~ I K L

Fig. 9.3 Sllbs.titu te frame for analys is of momen ts

! . Loads on Beams

Self weight of slab"" (0. 1 x 24)"" 2.4 kNjm2

Floor finish = 0 .6
Dead load = 3.0 kN/ m2
Live load = q = 2 kN/m
Self weight of beam = (0.2
x 0.4 x 24) = 2 kNj m
Dead load from slab = (3 x 3) = 9 kNfm
Live load = (2 x 3) = 6 kNjm
:. Total D.L. on beam = (9 + 2) = 11 kN/m
Total L.L. on beam = 6 kN/ m

2. Stiffness and Distribution Factors

Since the beam and colum n section is same (200 mm by 400
fbeam = I column

kAn = kco= (~). kAE""(~)=kAiand .knc=( ;)

dAn=[-/ + -~ + -1 1=0.25
6 4 4 ~

dAB= dAr=l j
I 114
[ J
] =0.375
6 +4+ 4

dnA=[ 1 1 /
1 1 ]=0.166
6+3 + 4 +4
162 AdwnCed Reinforced Concrete Design

dsc=[/ // 1 1 ]=0.333
dsp =dar = G~~} = 0.25
3. Fixed End Moments
Dead load F.E.M.
II x 62)
FAo=- ( - - - = -33 kN-m
11 32
Fsc = - ( ( ) = -8.25 kN·m
Live load F.E.M.
6 61
FAo=- ( ; ) = -18 kN·m
6 31
Fsc = - ( ; ) = -4.5 kN ·m
For span AB, positive bending moment at mid span

= (w~ )=

(17 ; 62 )=76.5 kN·m

F:or span BC, positive bending moment at mid span

= (-wL2)
- = (17x32)
= 19.12 kN·m

4. Moments in Beams ·
Case I. Maximum positive B.M. at mid span of AB. The continuous
rI beam ABCD is loaded as shown in Fig. 9.4 and moment distribution
I. is carried out to determine the support moments.
Negative moments at supports A and Bare
f I MAB=41 kN ·m
•·l ' MBA=48 kN·m
Positive B.M. ordinate at mid span of AB

( 17 ~ )=76.5.kN·m

Maximum positive B.M. at mid span of AB

= [76.5- ( 41 ~ 48 )]=32kN·m
Case 2. Maximum positive B.M. at mid span of BC
Referring to Fig. 9.5, the support moments obtained from moment
distribution are given by,
Moe= Mea = 18.6 kN·m

( 0 -L+L ·Ll = (11+6): 17 k'N /m O· L:11kN/m !0 -L+L· Ll = (11-t-6 ): 17 k N / m

Sm 3m c Sm 0

K "'L
[20.481 1-14 OS I [14 .o5J j.zo.t.s I
- 3. 37 + 3 . 37 - 1 . 35
+ 1. 35
+19 - 13 -10 ·68 +10 .sa - 19 · 13

0-166 0 -25

·12 .75

• 7.1 + 7.1
+12 -7 5 > < 6.4 14 -ZOx-14 -20
- ) .6 -10 ·68 +7 -1 -7 -1 +1 0 .68 -si><~ - 19-13 ~
+19 ·13
+1 · 35 +0 .9 - 2.24 - 3·37 -1. 48 +4 48 _ +3 · 37 +2 -2l. • 0 .9 . 1 35 a.

B 1+~,1
1 1 I

T [i!IJ 1·.. ·11 1:1:1

Ca st -1 . Ma.dmum Pos iti vt BM at Mid Span of ·AB (Momtnts i-ni<N -ml
0 - LonABCO L-LonAB ondCD j
Fig. 9.4 Moment distributio n of substitute frame
O. L:11k N/ m O- l : 11 k N/m 4m
A 6m 3m c 6m 0 """'
I K l g_
~ ~ ~ ~ g
+0 - 63
12 - 37
- 1 ' 87
+1 -87
5 0
-0 6 3
12 37

- 33 + 33

+12 .3 7
+8 -25..><
-1 .68 + 4 1'2 -5 0 +5 . 0
-3 3
+ 3 -36
-1. .12
>< - 825
+1 68
_ O-l.2 - 12 37
+ 0 -€3 +0 -l;2 -1 21. -1 87 - 2 48 +2 l.B + 1 87 +! 24 -0 - 6 3

~ EJ 6 ~

1 B
1+186 1

1 1
Case -2 Mal(imum P os i t i ve B . M at Mid Span of BC (Momen t s in kN m l
O. L on A~CO L.L on BC
Fig . 9. 5 Moment d istribution of substi tute frame
MuUi Storey Building Frames 165

Positive B.M. ordinate at mid span of BC

17 X
( ~8- = 19.1 kN·m

.. Maximum positive B.M. at mid span of BC

= {19.1- 18.6) = 0.5 kN ·m

Case 3. Maximum negative B.M. and S.F. at A

Referring to Fig. 9.6, the max.imum negative B.M. at support section
A of beam AB is obtained as

By analysing the free body diagram, the shear force at support A IS

computed as

Case 4. Maximum Negative B.M and S.F at B

Referring to Fig. 9.7, the maxtmum .P.t gative B.M. at support section B
of beam BA is obtained as

By analysing the free body diagram, the maxtmum shear force at

support B of beam BA is computed as

VB"' (49.4~ 40.6) + c 72x 6) == 55.46 kN

5. Moments and Axial Thrust in Columns
(a) Exterior Column AI
'' From Fig. 9.6
I Moment at top of column AI= 20.5 kN · m
I· Axia! thrust= VA= 49.75 kN

(b) Interior Column BJ

From Fig. 9.7

Moment at top of column BJ = 12.01 kN. m

Axial thrust= [ (49.4 ~ 40.6) + c 7 2x 6)] + [ c5.2; 16.6)

+ c\x 3
)] = 84 kN

\ •

H ...>
( 0 - L+l -Ll: {11+6) :17 k N/m
D- L:11 kN/m I O-L :11k N/m
I t.m a.
6m 8
3m Cj 6m Dj ..
4m 0'
J K a.
~ 1-;3 31 I L
+1 . 35 ·2 -63
~ ~ =
+19 -13
-10 68
+2 -SO ·0 . 76 ~
+6-1~ ~
-12 -38
• 51
+Sl -S 25
+~ >< :2:..!.
.. 8 .25
-1l. . 2 ><.. + 8 -24
-- -- ~ -33
+[, .10

+19 .13
+0 -9
-1 . 75
-10-6 8
- 9- 63
-tl. . 12
- ) .5
-7 . 1
+3 -73
+6 Hl
+2 8
-4 -12
+1 · 86
- 8 .25
-12 . 38
- 0-51 - 0 -76

@] ~

T ~1

1+26 -21

Case -3 .Max imum Nega tive 8

-M at A (Mom ents in kN . m)
O. L on ABC 0 l.l on A 8
Fig. 9.6 Mom ent distri butio n of subst itute

(D· L+L.L):(11+6) : 17 kN /m (0. L+L-L):(1l+6 ):17 k N/m D· l=lJkN/m

B c 0


~ ft-z .~2 1
~ ~ - 0.44
-t 1 -16 -2 . 45 +2 61
9. 56 5 06 12 -38
19 .13

+12~75 ~ -33 +3 3
-51 +51
~ -12- 75
:::;;::..< -8.25
•• ,2 .75 ~ -6 .35
,9 .56
-12 7 x + 6 -74
-6 -35 +5 -06
+3 .36
-4 -12 . •1 -18 -12 ' 36
+1 9 13 - 3.17 +6 · 4 +) . /;

+ 118 + 0.79 -1 -62 -2 . /.5 - 3'2 +3 ./.S +2 ·61 +1 -73 • 0-29 • 0 · 4~
r r 1 1-25) I 1-32·51. Jzs.Gf.J ~
Case-4 . Max imu m N~tgative B.M at B (Momtnts i n ktLml

Fig. 9. 7 Moment distribut ion of substitute frame

168 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design


Bending momen ts developed in the column of a multistorey, si

ngle and
multibay frames can be evaluated by an approx imate method which
into accoun t the stiffness of the columns and beams in the frame
. This
method gives reasonably good resul ts and is sufficiently accurate for
designs .
The moments in column s of single and multi bay are comput ed
by the
expressions given in Table 9.1.

TAt<LE 9.1 Bending Moment s in Columns

Moments for Frames Moments for Frames of two

of one bay or more bays

I. External Columns

(a) Moment at foo t of

M e ( _ _ k_u - -- ) M.0 ( ku )
upper column ku +kL + 0.5k b ku + k L + kb
(b) Moment at head of
M ( kL
lower column e ku + kL + kb )
2. Internal Co lumns
(a) Moment at foot of
upper column M. ( ku )
cs kL + ku + kb, + kba
(b) Moment at head of
lower column M ( kj. )
es kL + ku +kb,+kb ,

Me ;: Bending momen t at the end of the beam framing into the column
asswnin g fixity at the connection !
Meo = Maxim um difference between the momen ts at the ends of
the two
beams framing into opposite sides of the column each calculated
the assump tion that the ends of the beams are fixed and assuming
of the beams unloaded.
ku =Stiffn ess factor of the upper column
k 1 =Stiffn ess factor of the lower column
kb 1 =Stiffn ess of the beam on one of the side of the column
b1 = Stiffness of the beam on other ide of the column.
The applica tion of this method to comput e momen ts in the exterior
column s of design Example 9.3, indicate s that this method s results
in mo-
ments about 6 percent Jess than those obtaine d by the substitu
te frame
method. Howev er the method is simp ler and yields reasonably acc urate
of momen ts for design purposes.
Multi Storey Building Frames 169



Ma!tistorey building frames with the ratio of height to the least lateral di-
mension greater than 2, have to be analysed for moments developed in the
members due to the effect of horizontal wind forces acting on the building.
The horizontal forces due to wind are assumed to act at each of the floor
levels and they induce axial forces in the columns and bending moments in
all the members of the frame. These moments and forces can be analysed
by the following approximate methods.
(a). Portal Method (b) Cantilever Method
(a) Portal Method
The portal method is based on the following assumptions:
I. Points of contrafiexur<! are assumed to develop at the mid point of
beams and columns.
2. The interior columns are assumed to resist double the shear force
taken by each of the-'ext~rnal columns.
The method is illustrated with reference to the multistorey, multibay frame
shown in Fig. 9.8.

f.-.--- 1 -+-- I _:_ _ _,___ _ ( - ·--1

A B c 0

Fig . 9.8 Portal method of analysis for wind loads

The horizontal shear forces resisted by the columns in each of the floors
are shown above and below the contraflexure points in the Fig. 9.8 .
170 Admnc:ed Reinforced Concrete Design

The momen ts in the columns are computed as shown below:

MsA=(~1 x i) =(~~;)
=(H1 +hz)
(~)= (H1 +Hz)h
X 12
MMI =(HI+ Hz+
HJ) x (!!...) = -(H + H 2 + H )h
1 3
2 12

Mps=(~' x ~)= (9 t)
MpJ= (H1 ;Hz) x (~ }= (Ht ~Hz)h
MNJ=(Ht +~2+H3) x (~)~ (Ht+n ;+H3)h

The moments in the beams are comput ed by using the free lbody
shown in Fig. 9.9 .

---~-- · ---- ---~----
H, I
----r-- - --

Fig. 9.9 M~ents in beams

Momen t in column just above E= (~ 1 • ~)

Momen t in column just below E= ( H, ;Hz} x (;)

Therefo re for equilib rium of moments at joint E, the beam is subjecte

d to
a momen t
Multi Storey Building Frames 171

Similarly at joint F , the clockwise moment is given by,

This moment is !Sheared equally by the beams FE and FG.

M = M = l_ [H,h (Ht + H2 )h] = [H,h + (H, + H2)h ]
FE PO 2 6 + 6 12 I2

Vertical reactions in columns develop only for the exterior columns. If M

is the moment at the ends of beams and L =length of beam, the Windward
column is subjected to a pull of (2M/L) and the Leeward column is sub-
jected to a push of (2M/L). The reactions neutr!llize for interior columns.

(b) Cantilever Method

The following assumptions are made in the cantilever method.
I. Points of contraflexur e occur at the middle points of the various
members of the frame.
2. Direct stresses in the columns are proportional to their distances from
the centroidal vertical axis of the frame.
Referring to the multistorey frame shown in Fig. 9.10. Let v,, V2, V3 and
V4 are the vertical reactions developed in the top storey of the frame due to
the horizontal force H 1 acting at the joint A 1•
If the cross sectional area of the columns are the same, then the reactive
forces in the columns are propo rtional to their distances from the centroidal
axis of the frame. Let P 1 , P 2 , P 3 and P 4 be the horizontal shears in the top
storey. Then using the assumpatian s specified, the following equations can be

(~·)= (::) = (~:)= (~) (1)

VJX.! + V2x2 + V3X3 + V.x4 =(~h) (2)

(P1 +P2 + P3+P4)~ =(~h) (3)

F rom Eqs. (I ) and (2), the vertical reaction components V 1, V 2 , V3 and V4

can be computed.
By taking moments about the point of contrafiexure in beam AB (refer
Fig. 9.11) we have. •I
(4) 1·.j
By taking moments about the contra.flexure point at the mid point R of BC, 'I
we have,
172 Advanced Reinf()rced C()ncrete Design

t--- l ----- +--- -

A 8 c 0


' '


·r J K L

Tr!m 7T.
N 0 p

'" 7r rr.>rr

A 8 c 0

I I~
i Pig. 9.10 Cantilever method of analysis f~r wind loads

Since P 1 is evalua ted from Eq . 4, P2 can be obtain ed
from Eq. 5. Similarly
by taking mome nts about the contra ftexur e points ,
the horizo ntal shears
P3 and P4 can be determ ined. The analys is is repeat ed
for differe nt storeys.
Know ing the horizo ntal shears , the mome nts in the
colum ns and beams
can be compu ted in every floor of the frame .
Multi Storey Building Frame.-; 173

H, --'-~-,------ - Co ntra f l e>ure poin!





A l B ~
112 1/2 1/2
h/2 h/2

P, p2 I!
i v, I
I Fig. 9.11 Free body diagrams

Analyse the multistorey frame shown in Fig. 9.8 for moment-S in the ground
floor columns IM. JN, KO and LP and the beams IJ, JK and KL. Adopt
· the following data: L ~ 6 m, h = 3m, Wind loads are H1 = 6 kN. H2 = 12 kN,
.I H3 = 12 kN. The columns have the same cross section. Compare the results
of the portal and cantilever methods of analysis.
(a) Portal Method
Referring to Fig. 9.8, the horizontal shears in the first storey are computed

(H1 + ~2 +H3 )= (6 + 1~ +12) = 5 kN

(H 1 +~2_+ H3)= (6+ 1~+12 )= 10 k

The moments in columns are obtained as
MJM=MMr = (5 x 1.5)=7.5 kN·m =MLP
MJN=MN 1 =(l0 x 1.5)= 15.0 kN·m=MKo
174 Adnmced Reinforced Coacrete Design

The moments in the beams are computed as follows:

MJ1=[H1~Hz x 4)+ (H• + ~z+H3 x ;)]

=[( 6 : ( 6 + !~+ 12 x ~}] =d2 kN·m
x {}+

Mn~MJK== ~ [(H•~Hz x 4) +(H1+3~2 + H x ~)]

= ; [( 6 ~1 x ; )+ ( +
6 1
i+ 12
x ~ ) ] = 12 kN · m
{b) Cantilever Method
Referring to Fig. 9.1 0 . If v~.. V2 , V 3 and V4 are the reactions developed in
the columns, we have by symmetry V1 = V4 and Vz = VJ.

(~·)= (;:)
Let P1, Pz, P3 and P4 are the horizontal shears, in the second storey.
Then (P1 +- Pz +P3 +P4 ) =(H1 +H2) = (6 + 12) = 18 kN
Also (P1 + Pz + P3 + P 4 )h/2 = V1x 1+ V2x2 + V3x3 + V4x4
es2x ) = (V.·9 +(VJ/3)·3+(VJ/3)·3+ v. x 9]

P1 = ( .J;. )v• = (6/3) 1.35 = 2.70 kN

p1+ p2 = 2 [V•L+ (Vh + V )L/2]2

= Z [(1.35 X 6) + ~l.J5 + 0.45)3] = 9

P 2 =(9-2 .70)=6.30 kN

Similarly considering the first storey (Ground floor). If P 1, P 2 , P 3 and P

are the horizontal shears at the contraflexure points, we have
(P1+P2+P3 + P4)= (HI +H2+H3)""(6+ 12+ 12)= 30 kN
Also [(P1 +Pz+ P3 +P4)h/2J = (V1x1 + V:zx2 + V3X3 + V4X4]
C0 3
2x ) = V 1 ·9+ (~•)·3 + (~•) · 3 + Vt · 9
45 = 20V1
Multi Storey Building Frames 175

Vl=2.2 5kN=V 4 .. Vl""( \ )=0.75 kN;V3

PI= (Lfh)VI =(6/3)2 .25 = 4.5 kN

(PI +Pl) = 2[V1L + (~: + V2)Lj2] = 2 [2.25 x 6 +(;25 + 0.75)3 J
= 15.00
P2-=(l5 -4.5)= .J0.5 kN
Column ~oments
MrE =MLH = (2. 70 x 1.5) = 4.05 kN · m
MIF = Mxo = (6.3 x 1.5) = 9.45 kN. m
MrM = MLp=(4.5 x 1.5)=6 .75 kN·m
MJN = Mxo= (10.5 x 1.5)"" I 5.75 kN ·In I,
Beam momen ts Ii
Mu=(M m+MI M)=(4 .05+6. 75)= 10.80 kN·m I,
Mn=M JK= [(M1 p~Mrn)]= [(9.45+215.75)] = 12 .6 kN·m
ts in the
The portal method results in slightly higher values of momen Ii
er method gives higher values of
exterior column s where as the cantilev II
Also the shears resisted by t~e . interior
momen ts for the interior column s. I'

columns are higher accordi ng to the cantilev er method of analysis

. I.II


1. The substitu te frame of a multist oreyed buildin g having
3 bays has a
m. The
continu ous beam ABCD with AB = 4.0 m BC= 2.5 m, and CD= 4.0
120 mm. Live
beams are spaced at 3 m interva ls. Thickness for floor slab=
of beams= 250
load (office floor)= 4 kNjm2. Foor finish= 0.6 kNfm2. Size
Height between
mm by 400 rom. Size of column s ... 250 mm by 400 mm.
um design
floors = 4 m. Analys e the substitu te frame and estimat e the maxim
momen ts in the beams and column s.
2. A four bay multist oreyed frame has the following details. Contin
Height betwee n floors= 4 m.
beam ABCDE with AB = BC =CD= DE= 4 m.
column s= 300 mm by 400 mm.
Size of beams"" 300 mm by 500 mm. Size of 2 load= 2
Thickness of floor slabs= 150 mm. Floor finish= 1 kN /m . Live
momen ts in the beams and column s.
kNfm2. Estimat e the maxim um design
buildin g frame has four equal bays of 4 m
3. A four storeye d multist orey
floors is 4 m. The wind loads acting at roof
each and the height between
level and various floor levels are,
H2= 10 kN, and H,= 10 kN.
ts in the
The column s have the same cross section . Estima te the momen
column s and beams using.
{a) Portal method (b) Cantile ver method .

~-· j •


Shells or skin space roofs are preferab le to plane roofs since they can be
used to cover large floor spaces with economical use of materials of cons·
truction. The use of curved space roofs requires 25 to 40 % less material
than that of the plane elements. Structur ally the shell roofs are superior
since the whole cross section is uniform ly stressed due to the direct forces
with negligible bending effects. Due to this aspect the thickness of shells
usually very small in the ra nge of 75 mm to 150 mm.
Shell roofs are generally adopted for hangers, sports auditori ums, exbibi·
tion halls, industria l buildings and a variety of other large span structur es
where uninterr upted floor space is required. Sb.ell roofs are architecturally
very expressive and have been used for domes by Romans . Recent advanc-
es include the construction of shell structur es using prefabri cated shell
. . I
elements .

'1 I

The following terms are generally used in the study of shell structure
according to the Indian Standar d Code IS : 2210.
Shelf: A curved urface having small thicknes s compare d to the radius
and other djmensi ons.
Shell or Revolution: These are obtained when a plane curve is rotated
about the axis of sym metry. The common examples of shells of revolution
are the circular dome , the cone and the parabolo id of revoluti on shown
Fig. 10.1.
Sbells 177

Circul ar Dom11


Con ic a l Dome Parabo loid

Fig. 10.1 Shells of revolut ion
when one curve
Shells of Translation: Shells of revolution are formed
the planes of the two curves
moves parallel to itself along anoth er curve,
oloid and hyperb olic para-
being at right angles to each other. Elliptic parab
transl ation. These are shown in
boloid are common examples of shells of
Fig. 10.2.
Cylindrical Shells: These are shells in which the genera
trix (moving
For cylindrical
nary curve) is a straig ht line.
curve) or the directrix (statio

Hyper bolit Parabo loid
E lt iplic Par a boloid
Fig. 10.2 Shells of transla tion
178 Ad\•anced Reinforced Concrete Design

shells, the common curves used are the arc of a circle, sem i-ellipse, para-
bola or catena ry_ The various structural components of a cylindrical shell
are the thin shell, edge beam a nd end frame or traverse as shown in
Fig. 10.3.

----- -
:..:....~- --- --- -- ~~
Chord Width
....... ....

End of Frame
or Traverso

I j

Fig_ 10.3 Cylindrical shell
Multiple Cy lindrical Shells: A series of parallel cylindrical shells which
I are transversely continuous are termed as multiplE: cylindrical shells. Gene-
rally used for hangers, Ware houses and factory buildings. A typica l
,•! multiple cylindrical shell is shown in Fig. 10.4.

Fig. 10.4 Multiple cyl indrical shells

Shells 179

Continuous Cylindrical Shells: These are cylindrical shells which are

longitudinally continuous over the traverses Multiple andcontinuo us cylin-
drical shells are widely used for market hall and ware house roofs.
Cylindrical shells which are symmetrical about the crown are termed as
Barrel shells . ! I
North Light Shells: North light shells comprise of cylindrical shells with
two springings at different levels and built in single or multiple bays and
have provisions for north light glazing. North light shells are commonly
used for factory shed roofs. A typical north light shell ofmultibay is shown
in Fig. 13.5.
Fr. a me;

' II

Fig. 10.5 North light shells

Butterfly Shells: A bunerfiy shell is formed when two parts of a cylin-
drical shell are joined together at their lower edges as shown in Fig. 10.6. I
This type of shell is commonly used for railway platforms and bus shelters.

Ruled Surface: Are surfaces which can be generated entirely by straight

lines. If at every point, a ingle straight line can be ruled, the surface gene-
rated is termed as singly ruled surface. Common examples of singly ruled
surfaces are cylindrical shells and conical shells.
If at every point, two straight Jines can be ruled, the surface generated is
termed as doubly ruled surface. Common examples of doubly ruled surfac-
es are hyperbolic paraboloid and hyperboloid of revolution of one sheet.
180 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design


I,- Fig. 10.6 Butterfly shell

I. Radius of the Shell: The general expression for the radius at any point
of a shell surface is given by,
R = Ro cos"</>
where R"" Radius at any point
I Ro = Radius at crown
rfo = Slope of the tangent to the curve at that point

.,_1 n =A constant depending upon the type of curve

n = 0 f or a circle
,[ = I for cycloid
! = -2 for catenary
= - 3 for parabola
For an ellipse,

r ,
I, R= ( ( a2 sin2 </> ~~: cos2 4>)312]
where a=.Semi major axis
b = Semi minor axis
cb = Slope of tangent at that point
Gauss- Curvature
Gauss curvature is the product of the two principal curvatures 1/R 1 and
and 1/R 2 at any point on the surface of the shell. F or s ingly curved deve-
lopable shells, Gauss curvature is zero. For doubl y curved non-developable
shells, Gauss curvature is positive for synclastic shells and negative for
Anticlastic shells.

Shells 181

the two adja cent end fram es or

Span of Shell: The dista nce between
the shell.
trav erses is termed as the span of
n of the arc of the shel l.
Cho rd Width: Hor izon tal proj ectio
apex of the curv e and the spri ngin
1 Rise: Vertical d istance between the
I prov ided at the end s to supp ort
End Frames or Traverses:; Fram es
preserve the geom etry of the hell.
zont al beam supp orte d on colu
Edge Mem ber or B eam : The hori
s of the shel l.
and supp ortin g the long itud inal edge

maj or grou ps as,
Shells are broa dly classified into two
deve lopa ble
(a) Singly curv ed shells wh ich are
non -dev elop able
(b) Dou bly curv ed shel ls whi

Und er the singly curv ed shel ls we

The comn)OD examples of dou bly
ch are
have the coni cal and cyli ndri cal
curv ed shells are the circ ular dom
para bolo id, ellipsoid, hyperboli~ para
shells are gene rally grou ped und er
bolo id and ellip tic para bolo id.
the thre e cate gori es desi gnat ed as
The se
(a) Shel ls of revo lutio n
(b) Shells of tran slati on
(c) Ruled surfaces
sification of shel ls with examples.
Figu re 10.7 show s the gene ral clas
th ick shells. A she ll can be cons ide-
Shell are also classified as thin and ter
to the thic kness of the shell is grea
red as thin if the ratio of the radi us com e und er the
shells used in prac tice
than 20. In gene ral, mos t of the
cate gory of thin shells.
classified in two groups,
Thin cyli ndri cal shell s are gene rally
(a) Lon g shells
(b) Sho rt shells
on desi gn of cyli ndri cal conc rete
Aco ording to the A.S .C.E . man ual than 0.6 are class ifi -
to span (R/ L) less
roof s, shells havi ng ratio s of radi us ls are cons ider ed as
this valu e, the shel
ed as long shells . If the ratio exceeds
hort barr els.

ls have to be selec ted before a rigo
The salie nt dim en sion s of the shel puta tion of mem bran e
out for the com
mat hem atic al a nalysis is carr ied


rsHrs 1 i


I Curved
tDeve~lopable} .
Doubly Curve~d
(Non, Developa ble}

o.,,. c,,!,,,,. loco ..

s,"\""' L,1,,;,
(Membra ne Equation
Gauss curvature +ve~
(MombCOM Eoo.lioo
Ellipt i c!
Gauss Curvature -vCI
(Mombco "' Eoo.lio"
Hype~rbo lic l

She~lls of Sh~Zlls of
Ru le!d Sh~ZIIs of She~lls of
ShCIIIs of
She~ ll s
of Ru l ed
Revolutio n Translat ion Surfaces Re~vo lulion Tr anslation R~Zvolution Trans Ia I oon Su rfaces

C(rc ular Domes Ell i pl ic Hyperbol o id H~p"rbolic Concuds
Shells Parabolo id Parabo loid of RQvol ut io n Pa ra bo loi d Hype~rbol ic
Cy lindrical Ell i psood of Cir cula'r of One Shee~ t Paraboloids
She l ls Revolut ion Parabo loid

Flg. H).7 General classificat io n of shells



I 'I'
Shells 1R3

g the dimen·
forces in the shell. T he genera l guide lin es follow ed for sek:ctin
compo nents of the shell a re d eta ikd
sion s of the various st ructural

1 I. Thickness
T he overall thick ness of a reinfor ced concre te shell shoul
d not be
bly curved
less tha n 50 mm for singly curved she lls, 40 mm fo r dou
mm for p recast shell . G enerall y the th ick ness is in the
shells and 25
on practic al
range of 80 mm to 120 mm for most of the shells ba ed
consid eratio ns.
ll is increa-
At the juncti on of the edge beams, thet hick ness of the ~ he
sed by 30 percen t over a length of 0.38 Rd v to 0. 76 \ / Rd for si ngly
u-re of the shell s and d =over -
curved shells , where R =radi us of curvat
cu rved shells, thi s di stan ce
all thickne ss of the hell. For d ou bly
and bound ary con di tions.
depend s upon the geome try of the shell
2. Span and Chord Width
greater than
The span of reinfor ced concre te shell s shoul d not he
nforce ment within practic able limi ts in
30 m to fimit the size and rei
longer spans, prestre ssed edge beams can
the edge beams. For
the edge m ember is lim ited to 2 to 3 times the
be used. The width of
thickne ss of the shell.
the chord
In shells with chord widths much larger than the sp<tn ,
width sha ll be prefera bly be 3 to 6 times the span.
3. Depth of Shells
figure.; are
For large spa n she !Is, depth = 1/6 to I /12 span. larger
For shells withou t edge membe rs, depth
applicable to small spans.
{' ( s~~n} For shells with ch ord wid th much larger than
th~ span,
Depth <~:: 1/ 10 chord width.
4. Semi Central Angle
degree s. lf
The sem i central angle should be in the range· of 30 to 45
may be ignored .
the a ngle is less than 45 °, the effect of wind load
may be neces<>ary for
For larger a ngles with sieep slopes, back form s
cast ing.

5. Reinforcements in Shell
for 50 mm
The diamet er of reinfor cemen ts should no t exceed 10 mm
mm for shells
thick hell s and 12 mm for 65 mm thic k shell and 16
zones where
having thickne ss greater th an 65 mm. In the juncti on
i~s i ble . The
the shell i thicken ed, larger diamet er bars are perm
th{' thickn c~s
spacin g of the bars should no t be more than five times
o r the nomina l
of the shel L Minim um clear cover mu st be 12 mm
rcin f~~~c c ment of
size of the rei nfor ci ng bar. Genera lly a m inimum
It I.

'I 184 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

of 0.15 percent of the gross cross section in the principal directio

is recomm ended for thin shell structur es.
6. Shell Joints
In the case of shells of long lengths exceeding 40 m, expansi on joints
have to be provide d. The constru ction joints are provided along
curved lengths of the shell where the shear forces are minimu
Shells have to be well cured for a minimu m period of two weeks
before decentering. The end beams and diaphra gms have to be cured
for 3 to 4 week before decente ring.

I .

I 10.5.1 Memb rane Theory

The membr ane theory was formula ted by Dischin ger with the assump
that the shell is regarded as a perfectly flexible membr ane
of infinite
extent, carryin g direct forces in its plane only. Over a limited
zone at
sufficient distances away from the bounda ries, the stresses in
the shell
slab approa ch a distribu tion which is statically determinate and
may be
found by the membr ane theory. This procedu re is applicable to shells
span to radius ratio is less than 0.5.
The equilibrium of the shell elemen t shown in Fig. 10.8 is examin
under the given set of direct forces with the following notatio ns.
X -Direc tion of generat rix
Y- Directi on of tangent to directri x at A
.. Z-Dire ction of the outwar d normal at A
T .., Ty and S are the forces per unit length, R-Rad ius ot the singly
shell X, Y and Z are the compo nents of externa l loads per unit area
on the
I dy=R·d<fo
.I Equatio ns of Equilib rium
l':X"" 0 'EZ=O
(a) Forces in %-direction

I arx
· R·d</>·dx + R· oif> · R·d<fo· dx+X·d xR·d</> =0

8Tx os
- + - -+ X'""O (I)
ox R- i3<fo
{b) Forces in Y-direction
ary as
R ·B</> · R · #·dx+ ox ·dx· R·dc/> +Y·dx· R·d¢.= 0

T, os
R·o¢ + ox + Y=O (2)
Shells 185


\ I I
\ \R I
\ ~

\ I
'( ...... \ I I
'y ......

...... \ d~\... I
...... f \ I
..... \
-? -.. . '\
-.....-..... \I I
' -\I
Fig. 10.8 Equi librium of she ll element

(c) Forces in Z-direct ion

. d<P aTy d df d'-1.
2 +R.a.p R· cf; dx·sin
2 - Z·dx·R· 'P = O

. d' l l . drf> d,P

smce !p Js sma sm 2 =
R· otf> R· cp
d d . d.P o
x Stnl=

Ty- R ·Z=O (3)

The va lues ofT~ and S are to be evaluated b)' integrating equations

(J) and (2)
186 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

T .. = - J__!!__
R· ()if>
·dx- JX dx + F2(r/>)

where F1(</>) and F2(r/>) are functions of <f only which have to be
determined from boundary conditions.
In most cases in practice X, Y, and Z a re functions of </> only and
do not vary along X. Then Ty is a function of .p only a nd does not
depend on X.

S= - x(R~f + Y) + F!(rf>)
! I
= -x·K+F1(</;)

T = x2(
aK ) _ x ·b[( FI(cP)] _ · X+F(.I..)
'! • 2 R. a"' R. a.p x 2 "'

Fo r a shell, simply supported at the end frames and symmetrically

loaded , shear S = 0 at x = 0
.· Ft(c/>)=0
The traverses at ends cannot withstand forc&.s · normal to their planes.
Hence T, = 0 at .x =±Land also in most cases X == 0

F2(</>)= - -( v)
·- ax
- )

... Ty=ZR
S= -x .(_ar._r + Y ) =x·K
! R-3¢
T,= -( V;x2) (/~)
! !
These three equations can be used to calculate membrane stresses for
any type of directrix.
Equations for Membrane stresses under various types of loads
(a) Self Weight (Refer Fig. 10.9(a)]
Y=g sin¢
. i
Z= -g cos</>
Ty= -g·R cos </>
K=( Y+-;r; )
=g·sin cp+ 1/R (g R·sin </> - g -cos </> ~:)
=- 2g · srn th -
( g · cos
.p ) · (dR)
Shells 187

(a) Shel\ Weight

p0 c os ¢


· p0 . cos II
(b I Snow Load l

Fig. 10.9 Types of loads on membrane

(b) Snow load [Refei." Fig. 10.9(b)]

Considering the snow load to be uniform per unit length of
Y=po cos 4> ·sin 4>
Z= - p0 cos2 4>
Ty = ZR = - p 0 R·cos2 </>

(Y+ Ro¢
= 3po sin </> cos </> - p0 co; 4> (;;)

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