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Chapter III

Research Design/Research Methodology

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers use dosed-ended questions based on the survey wherein the expended

answer would be a yes or no, in order to gather data. The questionnaire was based on the Grade

12 Senior High School Student’s experience towards the North Kennel’s Cafeteria.

Questionnaire were given to the respondents through google forms. The researchers personally

messaged the respondents for their honest and credible answer. Before the questionnaires with

the use of the google form were distributed, the researchers explained the importance of their

answer for the research. There are a total of 100 students who answered the questionnaire and

were answered correctly. Th e study also used graphs to determine how many percent and how

many respondents answered the questions. Lastly, the researchers organize the information and

the data gathered.

The Respondents

In this research, our respondents come from Grade 12 Senior High Students. The

respondents are students in Foundation Preparatory Academy, they came from different stands,

thus 100 respondents were selected. This students experience the service of the North Kennel’s

Cafeteria. The Cafeteria are offering not just food but also good ambience, friendly environment,
and cleanliness. It can give the customers a good quality and safe satisfying food. The students

can assure to have a healthy benefits of the food served in North Kennel’s Cafeteria.

Sampling Design

North Kennel’s Cafeteria is located at Foundation Preparatory Academy. Where students

go to, to eat their snacks and take their lunch. The researchers make or created questions basing

on the research topic which is “ The Grade 12 Senior High School Students level of satisfaction

towards the North Kennels Cafeteria”. In finding the respondents, we chose random sampling.

Wherein the sampling population is only for the grade 12 Senior High School.

Research Instruments

The instrument used for data collection in this research study is a questionnaire. Some of

the items in the questionnaire are designed by the researchers in order to analyze the students

level of satisfaction towards the service of the North Kennel’s Cafeteria at Foundation

Preparatory Academy. For the purpose of this study, the questionnaire only used close-ended

questions answerable by Yes or No only, that will serve to being a quantitative data respectively.

The questionnaires were distributed to each of the respondents to assist in answering the research

questions of this study. The total number of questions in this questionnaire was 26 items,

questions are specific to avoid from appearing intimidate and disorganize, as well as to segregate
clearly the objectives under different section to ease the data analysis process. The description of

each questions are as follows: 

Factual questions: These include demographic information, socio-economic status, education,


Behavioral questions: Deals with both past and present deeds of the respondents.

Attitudinal questions: Comprises of world views. It covers people’s opinions, attitudes, beliefs,

and values.

Ethical Consideration

The researchers ask the Grade 12 Senior High School Students at Foundation Preparatory

Academy if they have time to answer the given survey questionnaire. The respondents are not

forced to answer the questions. Researchers properly introduce theirselves and provide the

reason why they are conducting this study. The researchers make sure that the answers given to

the respondents by the researchers and findings are presented honestly and are not falsify.

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