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PRE SEE SEND UP EXAM, 2075 xfO8«f / Kofhdf s:tf] k|sf/sf] cd}o'lgs k|hgg x'G5 <

n) What is gene?j+zf0f' eg]sf] s] xf] <

Subject: Compulsory Science o) What is comet? k'R5]«tf/f eg]sf] s] xf] <
Time: 2:15 hrs. Full Marks: 75
Group "B"(13×2=26)
Candidates are required to give their answers according to the given
instruction. 2.The weight of object is more in air than in water, why?
kfgLdf eGbf xfjfdf s'g} j:t'sf] tf}n a9L x'G5 . lsg<
Attempt all the questions: 3. Urbanization brings energy crisis. Justify this statement with two
Group "A"
;x/Ls/0fn] phf{ ;+s6 lgDTofpg] ub{5 . o; egfO{nfO{ s'g}
1. Answer the short questions. (15×1=15)
tnsf k|Zgx?sf] 5f]6f] pTTf/ n]Vg'xf];\ . b'O{ sf/0f ;lxt k'li6 ug'{xf];\ .
4. Write differences between stepup and stepdown transformer.
a) What is free fall?
:jtGqv;fO{ eg]sf] s] xf] < :6]kck / :6]k8fpg 6«fG;k{m/d/ lar km/s n]Vg'xf];\ .
b) Write the factors which affect upthrust. 5. Define heat and temperature on the basis of molecular theory.
pmWj{rfk c;/ kfg{] tTjx¿ n]Vg'xf];\ . cf0fljs l;4fGtsf] cfwf/df tfk / tfkqmdsf] kl/efiff n]Vg'xf];\ .
c) What is bio-fuel? 6. What is endothermic reaction? Write with an example.
h}ljsphf{ eg]sf] s] xf] < tfk zf]ifs k|ltlqmof eg]sf] s] xf] < Ps pbfx/0f ;lxt n]Vg'xf];\ .
d) What is the distance of near point and far point of normal 7. What happens if the external cover of plane is made from iron
eye? instead of aluminium? Write with two reasons.
;fdfGocfFvfsf] glhssf] ljGb' / 6f9fsf] ljGb' sltslt x'G5 < xjfOhxfhsf] aflx/L cfj/0fdf PNd'lgodsf] ;§f kmnfd /fVbf s]
e) Write full form of CFL. x'G5 <s'g} b'O{ sf/0fx¿ n]Vg'xf];\ .
BHC sf] k'/f ¿k n]Vg'xf];\ . 8. What is the importance of nitrogen to plants? Write two examples
f) The physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic of fertilizers which contain nitrogen.
function of their atomic number. What does it mean? gfO6«f]hg la?jfnfO{ s] kmfObf k'¥ofpF5 < gfO6«f]hg
tTjx¿sf ef}lts / /f;folgs u'0fx¿ ltgLx¿sf kf/df0flas ;+Vof o'Qmdnsf]b'O{ cf]6f pbfx/0f n]Vg'xf];\ .
k]l/of]l8s sfo{:j?k x'G5g\ . o; jfSosf] cy{ n]Vg'xf];\ . 9. Write any two differences between acid and base.
g) What is neutralization reaction? cDn / Iff/ ljrs'g} b'O} km/s n]Vg'xf];\ .
lg/fs/0f k|ltlqmofeg]sf] s] xf] < 10. Why are the eggs of silk worm kept in cold places during winter?
h) Whatis acidic salt? hf8f] ;dodf /];d ls/fsf] k'mnnfO{ lsg lr;f]df /flvG5 <
cDnLo nj0f eg]sf] s] xf] < 11. Write any two reasons of doing tissue culture.
i)Write any two ores of silver. l6:o' sNr/ ug'{sf s'g} b'O{ sf/0fx¿ n]Vg'xf];\ .
rfFbL s'g} b'O{ 3fpx¿ n]Vg'xf];\ . 12. Write the types of chromosome on the basis of position of
j) What is sericulture? centromere.
/];d v]tLeg]sf] s] xf] < ;]G6«f]ldo/sf] :yfgsf] qmf]df]hf]dsf k|sf/ n]Vg'xf];\ .
k)What is cerebrospinal fluid? 13. Write any two symptoms of diabetes.
;]/]a|f]:kfOgn ˆn'8 eg]sf] s] xf] < dw'd]xsfs'g} b'O{ nIf0f n]Vg'xf];\ .
l) What is chromosomal disorder? 14. Which era is called era of reptiles? Why?
qmf]df]hf]d l8:c8{/ eg]sf] s] xf] < s'g rflx dxfsNknfO{ ;l/;[ksf] o'u elgG5 <lsg<
m) What typeof asexual reproduction are found in hydra and
Group "C"(6×3=18) a) Write any two differences between parts A and B.
27 3 A / B lar s'g} b'O{ km/s n]Vg'xf];\ .
15. If the mass of Jupiter is 1. 9×10 kg and radius is 71×10
km then calculate the acceleration due to gravity on its surface. b) In given figure, what is the work of C?
What will be the mass of an object on the surface of Jupiter if the lbOPsf] lrqdfefuCsf] sfo{x¿ n]Vg'xf];\ .
mass of that object is 50kg on the earth? 20. Show a chart with Mendel's result of cross between long winged
27 3 drosophila (LL) and short winged drosophila (ll)upto second
olb j[x:kltsf] lk08 1. 9×10 kg/ cw{Jof; 71×10 km5g\ eg] generation showing phenotype and genotype.
j[x:kltsf] ;txdf u'?Tjk|j]u slt x'G5 <k[YjLdf 50kglk08 ePsf] nfdf] kv]6f(LL)ePsf] 8«f];f]lkmnf / 5f]6f] kv]6f(ll)ePsf]
j:t'sf] lk08 j[x:kltdfsltx'G5 < 8«f];f]lkmnf lar uef{wfg u/fpFbf bf];|f] j+z;Ddsf]
16. A copper ball of mass 2000gm at 1000C is dipped in water of lkmgf]6fOk / lhgf]6fOk b]lvg] u/L d]G8nsf] glthf rf6{df
mass 5kg. If final temperature is 15 0C then calculate the initial
temperature of water. Specific capacity of copper is380J/kg 0C b]vfpg'xf];\ .
and 4200 J/kg0C respectively. Group "D" (4×4=16)
21. A student at last bench cannot see anything written in a board
Pp6f 2000g lk08 / 1000Ctfkqmd /x]sf] tfdfsf] 8Nnf]nfO{ but can read book easily. On the basis of this, answer the
5kgkfgLdf 8'afpFbf clGtdtfkqmd150C x'G5 eg] following question.
pQmkfgLsf] ;'?sf] tfkqmdlgsfNg'xf];\ . tfdfsf] ljlzi6 tfkwf/0f Pp6f ljBfyL{ sIffsf] clGtd a]Grdf a;]/ af]8{df n]v]sf] s'/f k9\g
Ifdtf380J/kg0C / kfgLsf] ljlzi6 tfkwf/0f Ifdtf4200J/kg0C5 . ;Sb}g t/ lstfa k9\g ;S5 . o;sfcfwf/df tnsfk|Zgx¿sf] pQ/
17. Write any two elements of IIA group. Which element is more lbg'xf];\ .
reactive between them? Why?
a) What types of defect does he/she have?
;d'xIIA df kg{] s'g} b'O{tTjx¿sf] gfd n]Vg'xf];\ / p;sf] cfFvfsf] sdhf]/L s'gxf] <
ltb'O{ tTjx¿ dWo] s'g al9 ;lqmo 5 <lsg< b) Write a cause of such defect.
18.Study the given structural formula and answer pQmsdhf]/Lsf] s'g} Ps sf/0f n]Vg'xf];\ .
the questions given below.
c) Which lens should use to remove such defect?
Pp6f of}lussf] ;+/rgfTds ;"r lbOPsf] 5 . o;sfcfwf/df lgDgk| pQmsdhf]/L ;'wf/ ug{ s'g n]G; k|of]u ug'{ kb{5 <
Zgx¿sf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ . d) Draw defect corrected diagram of eye by using lens.
a) Write name, molecular formula and condensed formula of o; k|sf/sf] sdhf]/L x6fOPsf] cfFvfsf]lrqagfpg'xf];\ .
given compound.
22. Answer the following questions on the basis of given diagram.
lbOPsf] of}lussf] gfd cf0fljs ;"q / sG8]G:8 ;"r n]Vg'xf];\ . lbOPsf] lrqsf] cWoog u/L ;f]lwPsfk|Zgx¿sf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ .
b) Write any two uses of given compound.
a) Which gas is collected in gas jar?
lbOPsf] of}lussf]s'g} b'O{ pkof]lutf n]Vg'xf];\ . 0.5
c) Write name and molecular formula of a compound which is UofF; hf/df s'gUofF; hDdf x'G5
formed by the replacement of three hydroxyl radical of given
compound by three hydrogen. <
b) What is X in given figure? Write its
lbOPsf] of}lussf] tLg xfO8«f]lS;n /]l8snnfO{ tLg use. 1.5
xfO8«f]hgn] lj:yflktubf{ aGg] of}lussf] gfd / cf0fljs ;"q lrqdfX s] xf] <o;sf] k|of]u lsg ul/G5 <
n]Vg'xf];\ . c) How is urea prepared from this gas? Write with equation. 2
19. A figure of human brain is given below. Answer the given pQm UofF;af6 s;/L o"/Lofdn agfOG5 < /f;folgs ;lds/0f
questions on the basis of figure.
;lxt n]Vg'xf];\ .
tndfgjdl:tissf] lrq b]vfOPsf] 5 . pQmlrqsf] cfwf/df lgDgk| 23. Draw internal structure of human heart and describe blood
Zgx¿sf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ . circulation in it.
dfgj d'6'sf] leqLefusf] ;kmflrq sf]/L To;dfx'g] /Qm ;~rf/
lqmof j0f{g ug'{xf];\ .
24. How does CFC deplete ozone layer? Write with chemical
equation. Also, explain the role of Kyoto protocol on mitigation
and adaptation of climate change.
CFCn] s;/L cf]hf]g txsf] ljgfzub{5 < /f;folgs ;lds/0f ;lxt
n]Vg'xf];\ ;fy} hnjfo' kl/jt{gsf] Go"gLs/0fsf] nfuLSof]6f]
cle;lGwn] s:tf] e"ldsf v]n]sf] 5 < n]Vg'xf];\ .

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