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Symbol No.....................

SEE 2074 (2018)
P]lR5s k|yd e"uf]n
lbOPsf lgb]{zgsf cfwf/df cfkm\g} z}nLdf l;h{gfTds pQ/ lbg'xf];\ .
;do M @ 3G6f !% ldg]6 k"0ff{ª\s M &%
;d"x ‘s’ (Group 'A')
tnsf k|Zgx¿sf] ;xL pQ/ 5fgL pQ/k'l:tsfdf n]Vg'xf];\ . % x! =%
Choose the best answer of the following questions and write in your
answer sheet:
!= ss{6 /]vf slt l8u|L cIff+zdf kb{5 <
In which latitude does the Tropic of Cancer lie?
-s_ ^^!÷@) pQ/ (66 1/2O N) -v_ @#!÷@) pQ/ (23 1/2O N)
-u_ @#!÷@) blIf0f (23 1/2O S) -3_ ^^!÷@) blIf0f (66 1/2O S)
@= pQ/ cd]l/sf dxfb]zsf] k"jl{ t/ axg] ;fd'lb|s wf/nfO{ s] elgG5 <
What is the ocean current blows towards the east of North America called?
-s_ a|flhlnog wf/ (Brazilian current) -v_ ci6«l] nog wf/ (Australian current)
-u_ Nofa|f8f]/ wf/ (Labrador current) -3_ k]? wf/ (Peru current)
#= g]kfndf w]/} h'6 pTkfbg x'g] If]q tnsf dWo] s'g xf] <
Which of the following region produce large amount of Jute in Nepal?
-s_ k"jL{ t/fO{ (Eastern Terai) -v_ klZrdL t/fO{ (Western Terai)
-u_ dWo t/fO{ (Mid Terai) -3_ dWo kxf8 (Mid Hill )
$= tn lbOPsf dWo] s'g If]qdf hg3gTj Go"g 5 <
Which of the following region has the lowest population density?
-s_ klZrdL o'/f]k (Western Europe) -v_ dWo o'/f]k (Mid Europe)
-u_ blIf0fL o'/f]k (Southern Europe) -3_ pQ/L o'/f]k (Northern Europe)
%= ef}uf]lns cWoog–e|d0f ug's
{ f] k|dv
' sf/0f tn lbOPsf dWo] s'g xf] <
Which of the following reasons responsible for an excursion?
-s_ /dfOnf] ug{ (Enjoyment)
-v_ ;}4flGts 1fgnfO{ Jojxf/df k|of]u ug{ (Apply theoretical knowledge into practice)
-u_ ;fyLefO;“u e]63f6 ug{ (Meeting with colleague)
-3_ cjnf]sg ug{ (Observation)
;d"x ‘v’ (Group 'B')
tnsf k|Zgx¿dWo] s'g} gf}cf]6ffsf]
sf] 5f]6f] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ . ( x$ =#^
Write short answers to any nine of the following questions:
^= )) cIff+zdf kg]{ nG8gdf lbp“;f]sf] @M#) aHbf *%) k"jd{ f kg]{ sf7df8f}d+ f slt ah]sf] x'G5 .
What is the time of Kathmandu at 850E, when it is 2:30 PM in London at 00 Longitude?
RE-241 (2)
&= lbOPsf] lrq x]/L To; cfs[ltsf] gfd / lgdf{0f
k|lj|mof n]Vg'xf];\ . @+@=$
Look at the given figure and write
its name and formation process.
*= ;d'bL| wf/ eg]sf] s] xf] < of] wf/ pTklQ x'gs
' f sf/0f n]vL s'g} Pssf] 5f]6s/Ldf j0f{g
ug'x{ f];\ . !+#=$
What is ocean current means ? Write the reasons of the origin of the
current and explain any one of them.
(= lrq cWoog u/L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] pQ/ n]Vg'xf];\ . !+!+@=$
Study the figure and write the answer of the
-s_ of] jiff{sf] gfd s] xf] <
What is the name of this rainfall?
-v_ of] jiff{ s'g If]qdf x'G5 <
In which region does this rainfall occur?
-u_ of] jiff{sf s'g} b'Oc{ f]6f ljz]iftf n]Vg'xf];\ .
Write any two specialities of this rainfall.
!)= tkfO+s
{ f] cfkm\gf] ef}uf]lns k|bz
] df s]–s:tf k|fs[lts jg:kltx? b]Vg'ePsf] 5 < ltgLx?sf]
gfd n]vL ljz]iftfx? n]Vg'xf];\ . $
What types of natural vegetation that you have seen on your own
geographical region? Write their name and write down its features.
!!= olb tkfO{+ /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]usf] pkfWoIf x'ge' Psf] eP g]kfnsf] cf}Bf]lus ljsf;sf] nflu
s]–s:tf of]hgf k|:tfj u/L sfof{Gjog ug'x{ G' Yof] < s'g} rf/cf]6f of]hgf n]Vg'xf];\ . $
If you were the vice-chairman of National Planning Commission, what
plans would you purpose for industrial development of Nepal? Write any
four plans.
!@= g]kfnsf] j}bl] zs Jofkf/ 3f6f x'gfsf s'g} b'Oc{ f]6f sf/0f pNn]v u/L Jofkf/ 3f6f sd ug]{
s'g} b'Oc{ f]6f pkfox? n]Vg'xf];\ . $
Explain any two responsible reasons of foreign trade deficit of Nepal and
write any two mitigating measures.
!#= ‘k|f/lDes pBf]usf] ljsf;ljgf dfWolds pBf]usf] ljsf; ;Dej 5}g’ o; egfOnfO{ k'li6
ug'x{ f];\ . $
'Development of the secondary industry is not possible without development
of primary industry.' Justify the statement.
!$= oftfoftsf] ljsf;ljgf pBf]usf] ljsf; ;Dej 5}g . o; egfOnfO{ k'li6 ug'x{ f];\ . $
Industry cannot develop without development of transportation. Justify
the statement.
(3) RE-241.
!%= hg;ª\Vof ljt/0fdf tnsf tŒjx?n] s:tf] k|efj kfb{5g\ < n]Vg'xf];\ . @+@=$
How do the following factors affect the population distribution? Write.
-s_ w/ftn (Topography) -v_ /f]huf/Lsf] cj;/ (Employment opportunity)
!^= lbOPsf] gS;fsf] cWoog u/L ;f]lwPsf k|Zgx?sf]
hjfkm lbg'xf];\ . !+#=$
Study the given map and answer the
following questions.
-s_ lbOPsf] gS;fdf gfDr]ahf/ s~rghª\3faf6
s'g lbzfdf kb{5 <
In which direction does Namchebazar lies
from Kanchanjungha in the given map.
-v_ gS;fdf lbOPsf] gfkf]sf] cfwf/df tnsf
:yfgx?aLrsf] b"/L kQf nufpg'xf];\ .
Find the distance between the following places with reference to the given scale.
(i) gfDr]ahf/ – Onfd (Namchebazar- Ilam)
(ii) /fhlj/fh – la/f6gu/ (Rajbiraj- Biratnagar)
(iii) la/f6gu/ – gfDr]ahf/ (Biratnagar- Namchebazar)
!&= lbOPsf] tYofª\snfO{ :tDelrqdf b]vfpg'xf];\ . $
Show the following data on bar-diagram:
j| m =;+ = (S.N) k|b]z g+=(Province No.) If] q kmn ju{ ls=dL= (Area in
1 1 25,905
2 2 9,661
3 3 20,300
4 4 21,504
5 5 22,288
6 6 29,984
7 7 19,539
;d"x ‘u’ (Group 'C')
!*= km/s 5'6\ofpg'xf];\ -s'g} tLgcf]6f dfq_ . # x# = (
Differentiate (any Three only).
-s_ u|LidsfnLg / zLtsfnLg dg;'g (Summer and winter monsoon)
-v_ /]ndfu{ / /Hh'dfu{ (Railway and ropeway)
-u_ :yn oftfoft / hn oftfoft (Land transportation and water transportation)
-3_ ;]lG6u|8] / km/]gxfO6 (Centigrade and Fahrenheit)
RE-241 (4)
;d"x ‘3’ (Group 'D')
!(= ef}uf]lns sf/0f lbg'xf];\ -s'g} tLgcf]6f dfq_ . # x# = (
Give geographical reasons (any three only).
-s_ d?e"ld If]qdf of/8fª\sf] lgdf{0f x'G5 .
Yardangs are formed in desert region.
-v_ e"–dWo/]vLo If]qdf xfjfsf] rfk sd x'G5 .
There is low air pressure in the mediterranean region.
-u_ g]kfnsf] s[lif ljsf;sf nflu l;+rfOsf] cfjZostf 5 .
Irrigation is needed for agricultural development of Nepal.
-3_ gbLlgld{t d}bfg If]qdf ljZjsf] hg;ª\Vof pRr 5 .
High population of the world is in the river made plain region.
;d"x ‘ª’ (Group 'E')
nfdf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ -s'g} b'O{cf]6f dfq_ . @ x* =!^
Give long answers (any two only).
@)= dg;'gL jfo' eg]sf] s] xf] < dg;'gL jfo' slt lsl;dsf x'G5g\ < o;sf] pTklQsf] sf/0f
n]vL o;sf ljz]iftfx? n]Vg'xf];\ . !+!+#+#=*
What do you mean by Monsoon wind? What are its types? Write the
cause of its origin and also mention its features.
@!= g]kfndf slt k|sf/sf jg ;fwg kfOG5g\ < gfd n]vL jg ;fwg ;+/If0fsf s'g} kf“rcf]6f
sfo{jm| dx?sf] pNn]v ug'x{ f];\ . # + %= *
What types of forest resources are found in Nepal? Write names and
explain any five programs to conservation of forest resources.
@@= k[i7el/sf] g]kfnsf] gS;f lgdf{0f u/L lgDg tYox? pko'St ;ª\st] sf] k|of]u u/L eg'x{ f];\ .
# + %= *
Draw a full page outline map of Nepal and insert the following geographical
skmL pTkfbg If]q -Coffee production area_, bfdf]b/ lxdfn (Mt. Damodar)
s0ff{nL nf]sdfu{ (Karnali highway), lj/f6gu/ (Biratnagar)
df}nfsflnsf dlGb/ (Maulakalika Temple)


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