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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

(Appreciative Method)
I. Objectives
After the 60-minute period, each student with 85% proficiency will:
a. explain the literary devices used in the poem.
b. give technical and operational definitions.
c. analyze the figures of speech utilized in the poems.

II. Subject Matter

a Topic: “Laura”, “The White Doe” by Francesco Petrarch.
b References: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, Learner’s
Material (page 171 – 176) and Teacher’s Guide (page 152 – 157)

c Materials: Power point, textbook, visual aid, chalkboard

III. Learning Tasks

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Let us pray. Almighty God… (Student’s Prayer)

A Daily Routine
1 Prayer
Good afternoon Madam Rosanna! It is nice to see
2 Greetings

The first to finish will be given two precious pearls. (Students will go to their proper groupings. And forms a semi-
(Teacher gives pearl to the 1st group.)
B.) Review (3 minutes) A representative of the winning group will post
Let me check your understanding on the pearl to their flag.

(Leaders will write the name of their group,

date and members, then passes it to the
the topic we had yesterday about bias
and prejudice, I am going to assign each
group with a picture. Tell me if it
express bias & prejudice. Then tell me

Group Air you take picture no.1

Group Earth you take picture no.2
Group Sky you take picture no.3
Group Water you take picture no.4
Group Fire you take picture no.5

(The teacher posts the pictures one at a



“It shows prejudice because they judge the

religion of the other boy.”

3.) It has bias because the restaurant favors only

the white people.

4.) It has prejudice because people tagged

Muslims as terrorist.

It is bias because it shows the inequality

5.) between men and women.

It does not have prejudice and bias because it
Will someone remind the class what is
prejudice? shows the unity of different races.

Very good! How about Bias? Ma’am Prejudice is a feeling of like or dislike
for someone or something especially when it is
not reasonable or logical.

“Remarkable answer!”

Bias is a tendency to believe that some people,

D.) Motivation ideas, etc., are better than others.
Our activity class is called
“Minding the Objectives”
 Unlocking of Difficulties through
matching the words with its
meaning. (Group leaders will check the assignment of
 Reading the poems the members and report the students who have
 Answering the comprehending
 Finding the Rhyme Scheme
 Explaining the literary devices used
in the poem by completing the grid.

Each group would be given an

objective to act and chant three
times and utter the other
objective once to signal the
passing of careful
with the pronunciation. Wrong
pronunciation means
elimination. Last group standing
earns the pearl.

E.) Presentation of the Lesson

Unlocking of Difficulties
“Each group have a representative to
unlock the difficult words on the
board. You have 2 minutes to do this.

 tinder
 suavely
 topaz
 Zephyr
 Jove

 Any dry, easily flammable material,

esp. as formerly used for starting a
fire from a spark made by flint and
(Representatives match the words with the
struck together.
 Smoothly agreeable or polite.
 A clear, yellowish-brown gemstone
 The mighty king of the gods. Roman
 a soft gentle breeze

(Each group tells whether it is technical or

operational definition.)

(Teacher lets the representative read the word

and its meaning. The correct answer is
equivalent to 1 pearl.

F.) Lesson proper

1) Reading of the poems and
answering the questions
(“Laura”). 5 minutes.

(Teachers post the poem on the


“Class listen to me as I read the

poem so you will be guided with
the proper intonation, pitch,
juncture, stress and proper

“Now it is your time to read.”

 Answering of the pre-assigned


“I want you to read the question first

and then post your answer here on
the board.

(Students do silent reading.)

(Students read the poem “Laura.”)

Comprehending Question for Laura

Team Air
1. In the poem “Laura,” how was Laura
described by the speaker? (Answer)

Team Sky
2. In Laura’s “present and past,” what are
the common details the speaker
remembers about Laura. (Answer)
Team Fire
3. How does Laura seem to have changed?

Team Earth
4. Though years passed, what aspects in
the poem “Laura” remain
unchanged? (Answer)

Team Water
5. What is the other meaning of “though
the bow’s unbent the wound bleeds on”?

Possible Answers:
 Reading and answering the questions
1. The speaker described Laura as a
for “The White Doe.” (2mins.)
beautiful lady that has a Golden
(Teacher posts the poem on the board.
hair, deep eyes, angelic
Same activity as Laura)
moves, and that she is divine.
2. The speaker remembers the beauty of
Laura in the past and according to him
nothing has changed about her though
time has passed.
3. Though the bow’s unbent means: she is
older and does not have her original
beauty. The bow referred to is Cupid.
4. What remains unchanged is the
author’s undying love for Laura.
5. It means that the one you love doesn’t
feel the same way towards you.

The White Doe

Team Air
1. What details in the “The White Doe”
tell about time and season?

Team Sky

Great Answer!.
Good Job! Wonderful!
Great reader!

2. What is a doe?

Team Fire

2.) Literary Devices Used 3. How is the doe described in the poem?
a. Background of the writer
These sonnets are written by Francesco
Team Earth
4. To whom is the “white doe” compared in
the poem?

Team Water
5. What emotion does the last stanza evoke
in you?

Possible answers.
1. The time is sunrise and noon;
and the season is winter as in the
expression, season’s bitter cold.
Each writer has their own unique style 2. Ma’am a doe is a female deer.
in writing sonnets and these are 3. The author described the doe as a pure-

through. white doe in an emerald glade, with

two antlers of gold.
Rhyme vs. Rhyme Scheme 4. The doe is compared to a lovely woman
who is Laura. Petrarch’s great love.
5. Ma’am the emotion evoked in the last
stanza is sadness because He falls in
love with her and tries to pursue her but
she was out of reach and He must end
his pursuit.

(The teacher lets the student

differentiate rhyme from rhyme
“To find out the rhyme scheme listen to the
last sound of each word and assign letters to
the word that rhymes”
What is Rhyme?

(The teacher uses the first quartet as

example. And calls the students for the next
Thank you! How about Rhyme
Scheme? Allegory vs. Oxymoron
Now let us move on to Figures of speech, let’s
just focus on two types, which are Allegory
and Oxymoron.
Good job!
(Pulls the arrow and let the student read
the meaning.)
(The Students read aloud the background od
the author.)



He is Francesco Petrarch - born

Francesco Petrarca on July 20, 1304, in
Arezzo, Tuscany. He is the "Father of
Humanism," Petrarch's writing includes
well-known odes to Laura, his idealized
love. He died at age 69 on July 1374, in
Arquà, Carrara.

Rhyme - the correspondence of two or

more words with similar-sounding final

(Student pulls the arrow and read the


 The Lion, the Witch, and the

Rhyme Scheme is the arrangement of
Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis is a  The Wizard of Oz - The lion
religious allegory with Aslan as represents cowardice. The
Christ and Edmund as Judas. scarecrow stands for the agrarian
past and the tin man the
technological future. rhymes in a poem or stanza.

Please read the definition of


Very Good! Here are some examples of

oxymoron. (Students assign letters to the lines.)

 "The same difference."

 "A business that makes nothing,
but money is a poor business." -
Henry Ford.

Class I will be giving you 5 minutes to

look for allegory and oxymoron used in
the 2 poems. Write it on the colored
paper I am going to give you.

G. Generalization
What are the literary devices used in the 2 ALLEGORY- is a piece of art or literature, like
poems? a poem or story, in which people, things or
happenings have a hidden or symbolic
Marvelous answer!
Very good! What is Rhyme?

How about Rhyme Scheme?


What is allegory?
OXYMORON - two words placed close
together which are contradictory yet have truth
Good Job! in them.

What is Oxymoron?

Well Done!

H. Application
Class I’ll be giving you 5 minutes to
do this task.

Direction: Go through the poem

“The White Doe” again. This time
focus on the structure of the poem.
And write the rhyme scheme of the
poem on the space provided.

The White Doe

Translated by Anna Maria Armi
Ma’am the literary devices used are Rhyme,
A pure-white doe in an emerald Rhyme Scheme, Allegory and Oxymoron.
Appeared to me, with two Rhyme is a repetition of similar sounding
antlers of gold, words occurring at the end of lines in poems or
Between two streams, under a songs.
laurel’s shade,
At sunrise, in the season’s bitter Rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme that
cold. comes at the end of each verse or line in poetry

Her sight was so suavely

merciless Allegory is a piece of art or literature, like a
That I left work to follow her at poem or story, in which people, things or
leisure, happenings have a hidden or symbolic
Like the miser who looking for meaning.
his treasure
Sweetens with that delight his
bitterness. Oxymoron - two words placed close together
which are contradictory, yet have truth in them.
Around her lovely neck “Do not
touch me”
Was written with topaz and
diamond stone,
“My Caesar’s will has been to
make me free.”

Already toward noon had

climbed the sun,
My weary eyes were not sated
to see,
When I fell in the stream and
she was gone.

Five minutes is finished. Let us have

your answers.

IV. Evaluation (5 minutes)

Direction: complete the Grid with the proper information asked.

Poem List 4 words that Get the rhyme Figure of speech used
rhyme scheme

The White Doe


V. Assignment
a. Copy a sonnet from other reference and figure out its Rhyme scheme.
b. Read the news article on page 178
c. What is the source of the news article?

Prepared by:

Mario R. Lazaro Jr.

BSED-E 1-1

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