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assalamualaikum, hello guys, we are from a group of 4 members amaliya gita,

yuninda ardianti and mia mei lutfi, in this video we will discuss about one material
that is familiar to us while still sitting on the junior high school or senior high
school bench, which is about the explanatory text. ok let's discuss it, keep on
following it.
2. Definition of Explanation Text is a text that contains about processes related to
natural phenomena, social, scientific, cultural, and others. So, this text tells the
process related to the formation of natural, social, scientific and general
phenomena. Explanation text is to say ‘why’ and ‘ how of the phenomena. It is
often found in science, geography and history text books.
3. for the purpose of this explanatory text is to explain about the process of the
creation of something that occurs naturally, or the process of the workings of
existing social phenomena, besides this text also provides clear information to the

reader so that they can understand about a phenomenon that is happening .

4. The explanatory text has a structure consisting of general statements, followed by a
sequence of causalities and ends with interpretation. text explanation also has
characteristics such as :
1. The structure consists of general statements, the sequence of causes and effects
and interpretations as explained above.
2. Contains factual information.
3. The factual it contains information that is scientific or scientific, such as science
and others.
5. Explanatory texts generally have the following language characteristics :
- Focus on general "generic" non-human participants (nonhuman participants) such
earthquakes, floods, rain and air.
- It is possible to use scientific terms.
- Use more material and relational verbs "active verbs".
- Using time conjunctions and conjunctions for example if, if, so, before, first and
6.Explanation texts can be natural, social, scientific, cultural, and other phenomena or
events. here we will give an example of natural events namely earthquakes, because
this earthquake is a disaster that often occurs in Indonesia. The earthquake that
occurred in Indonesia was caused by the geographical location on two continents and
two samdra, then the movement of the plates, Indonesia was surrounded by Pacific
Ring of fire and a chain reaction of volcanoes.
7. After identifying the text structure of the 'Earthquake' explanatory text you will learn about the
language characteristics of the Explanation text. Characteristics of explanatory text languages are
as follows.
1. Focus on general things (generic), not human participants (nonhuman participants), for
example earthquakes, floods, rain, and air.
2. It is possible to use scientific terms
3. Using time conjunctions or clauses, for example if, if, so, before, first and then.
4. The language is concise, interesting, and clear

8. this is an example of an explanatory text problem that often comes out of high school, we take
one example of photosynthesis, yes the subject is familiar to us of course ..
9. the correct statement based on the text is that photosynthesis produces sugars and other
chemical contents according to option answer A

10. okey, guys, that is the explanation of our group regarding explanatory texts, all benefits and
additional information for you to understand this text. thank you for your time for watching our
video this time. wasalamualaikum. See you next time.

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