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VARK Results

LIM, Danina Mabel M.


The results of my VARK form indicate that I have strong preferences in Aural, Reading,
and Writing and Kinesthetic modes because I got an average score of 9 in each of them, while I
only scored 4 in Aural learning preference. I was not as astounded as I thought I would be,
knowing that I have already experienced answering this kind of survey questionnaire once in
high school, and the results so far are still the same. The results prove how I learn best and
conveniently by hearing information from the person speaking. I tend to get a great deal out of
lectures and I am good at remembering things I am told. For instance, reading out loud helps
me remember information better.

Meanwhile, based on the results, I also believe that I am a Reading and Writing learner
since I enjoy making lists, reading definitions, and creating presentations when I am studying. I
take notes during class, as well as while reading my textbooks. Kinesthetic modality also suits
my learning preference. I find the hands-on experience very important because I love the
feeling of being able to experience and do things on my own to actually learn it. Applied
activities such as being into sports serve as the best example of this learning modality. I enjoy
playing volleyball since I was a high school student, and it is difficult for me to stay still in a
place for a long period of time.

However, I scored the least on Visual learning preference, perhaps because I would
rather see information in written form than presented in a visual such as charts, diagrams,
illustrations, handouts, and videos.

Basically, having more than one preference means that I am a multimodal learner, as
what my family and friends have observed from me ever since. I couldn’t agree more because
personally, I consider myself flexible about how I give and receive information, which can make
it easier for me to adapt to the mode of information I am presented with.

For me to enhance and develop my study habits, I should take into consideration that
listening, note-taking, reading, and teamwork skills are important factors I should acquire.
Being an active listener will help discern more facts, evaluate, summarize, and question what I
just heard. This will lead to a better note-taking ability, by writing only what is important and
beneficial, which can be written in three different methods. Reading more about a specific topic
will help me improve my learning ability, thus with the use of muscle reading technique, which
comprises of three phases – before, during, and after reading.

Lastly, building teamwork skills serves as a vital role in success. As a people person, it is
comfortable for me to work in teams. Hence, I know that the proper strategies in socialization
will help me develop my study habits and fulfill my full potential as a student.

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