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González Suarez Ingrid Julieth

André Michelin
Project of grade

Chapter 1.


This generation has been called the (crystal generation), due to this many young people
between 13 and 28 years old tend to suffer from depression, they feel very lonely,

making drastic decisions, adolescents become very sensitive to situations, they close in a

Teen depression is a serious mental health problem that causes a constant feeling of
sadness and a loss of interest in doing different activities.

It affects the way the adolescent thinks,

feels and behaves, and can cause emotional, functional and physical problems, in this
way it can be said that metal health is very important.

what happens constantly, is that people ignore this constant matter of mind.

Realizarlo en dos parrafos no como ideas sueltas, usa conectores para crear dos
La información esta bien


Why do depression increase in this generation?

Debe ser especifica en qué generación




Modify attitudes in adolescents with suicidal behaviour and their families through
of group psychotherapy.

Este objetivo debe ser alcanzable dentro de la investigación, este esta demasiado
amplio y en este Proyecto no se puede demostrar que se alcanza.


1. To characterize adolescents in terms of age, sex and level of teaching.

2. To Identify psychiatric symptoms and Psychiatric diagnosis in adolescents.

3. Design, validate and implement a psychotherapeutic strategy in teenagers and their

family. No se puede alcanzar

4. Assess adolescents based on psychiatric diagnosis after intervention. No se puede


5. Describe the functioning of the family before and after the psychotherapeutic
intervention. No se puede alcanzar


The reasons for this research is that in recent years’ depression was present in adulthood,
this is because adolescents finally confuse or ignore the meaning of what depression is,
since depression is a prolonged psychological illness.
In these times it is given a bad sense, it is confused with a deep sadness, the nickname
they have given it (I'm depressed), that is why I want to dedicate myself to doing an
investigation, to letting you know the true meaning of depression
it is important to soak up the topic, to know more and that both my colleagues and other
people understand the importance of depression, because as a i repeat, it is not a state of
encouragement, it is a disease, i think we can still make a change in generation and

La justificación debe dar respuesta a estas preguntas, dentro del desarrollo de dos


1. not having access to the internet.

2. not having access to the internet. Este se repite

3. lack of support, to be able to present my project worldwide, as it is a very important

issue in emotional health. Debe ser durante el Proyecto no despues del Proyecto

4. This research will not be able to reach other places in the world. Debe ser durante el
Proyecto no despues del Proyecto


Attachment and emotions are two fundamental pillars for understanding

human behavior. Attachment relationships and emotions are the
salt of life, however, in their most negative expression, they are disturbing and
can cause serious disorders and conditions that in many cases
begin in childhood.

Adolescence is a period of change in which changes

of all kinds, whether biological, cognitive, social, and/or behavioral
appear at a higher proportion, compared to those
appear at other age levels, all of these changes
mean, moreover, an emotional adjustment that is not always achieved.

In adolescents, it has been observed that stressful life events may have an influence on
the onset and development of symptoms of depression; that originate in family, personal
and economic situations that alter the normal activities of individuals, depression is not a
state of animus is a disease, that we must give you a lot of attention to seek solutions and
thus change it.

Depression in childhood and adolescence is one of the most common mental disorders
and most affecting functional status in this age group. with cumulative rates indicating
that up to 20% of 18 year-olds will have experienced at least one clinically relevant
depressive episode in their lives.

In children and adolescents, depression has a significant negative impact on their

personal growth and development, on school performance, and on family and
interpersonal relationships. There is also evidence of the possible continuity of depressive
disorder throughout adolescence and its prolongation to adulthood, which is reflected in
the high rates of psychiatric consultations and hospitalizations and the labor and
relationship problems it causes.

It's more than feeling sad for a few days. It is an intense feeling of sadness, hopelessness
and anger or frustration that lasts a long time. These feelings make it difficult for you to
have a normal life and do your usual activities. You may also have trouble concentrating
and not having motivation or energy. Depression can make it difficult to enjoy life or
even overcome the day.

El context es la description del lugar donde realizara las encuestas, la localidad


Chapter 2.
Theoretical Framework:
the crystalline generation, is one of the generations most affected by depression since
many adolescents, tend to feel loneliness, tiredness, frustration and fear, depression is not
a state of mind, this 100% proven that it is a disease, begins in a period where the
adolescent or the child, he feels a certain dislike to interact with more people, closes to
new opportunities, some are to too violent, begin to lose taste for the activities they do
with constancy, They feel a certain fear of interacting with more adolescents, this disease
was discovered in year 450 by Hipocrates was the first to discover this disease, but over
time and with the change of each generation depression is increasing much more, now
13-year-old children feel a desire to commit suicide.
In such a short age they feel frustration and discouraging, many times this can happen
because of the bad treatment they receive at home, the harassment of a family member,
problems that affect their emotional side, problems in school, also the pandemic, being
locked up in a place for a long time, it can cause bad thoughts, such as attacking our own
lives, it's important to know about this issue.
It also adds a cognitive pattern
that extends from an intrinsic lack of motivation that affects
attention-orientation and decision-making, to problems such as forgetfulness and
slow thinking.
In conclusion, major depression is understood as a chronic and recurrent biological
disease that affects behavior, thinking, and
feelings. Additionally, it is also defined by a hypo-vital tone
translated into a psychophysical and vitality claudication, which involves sadness,
hopelessness, loss of self-esteem and disinterest in the psychic plane, and in the somatic
it can be expressed by hypo activity, anorexia and alterations of the
sleep-wake cycle, depression is the fourth most
discapitative disease worldwide. Some medicines that by their mechanism of action can
produce a depressive picture that can be resistant to treatment with antidepressants
because they do not have the sub treatment necessary to improve, when they gather
several things cause them worry, the teen with a bad image of himself develops the
feeling of not being able to get afloat.
Psychology tests measure the common characteristics of a picture but not
all the ones in it, therefore they are limited. That is, it measures the most common
symptoms of the disorder, for example depression looks for the common
symptoms of depressive disorders: General malaise, unhappiness, chronic fatigue, but not
the specific, as if you have had manic periods, if you have had changes according to
menstruation. drug or substance-induced depressive disorder secondary to another
medical condition and in children and adolescents; disruptive mood deregulation.

All of these disorders share symptoms such as a feeling of vacuum, labile animus, general
malaise, loss of interest in everyday life along with physical symptoms such as chronic
fatigue, irritability, intestinal disorders, sleep disturbances and food, but are distinguished
in the form of presentation.


Depression is known since ancient times, its symptoms are described in many
ancient documents. The Bible Mentions King Saul's story in the Old Testament,
describing a depressive syndrome. 450 years before Christ, Hippocrates used the terms
mania and melancholy to describe mental disorders. Cornelius Celso toward
The year 100 D.C described melancholy in his medical work as a depression produced
by black bile, the term depression was used by other writings mention that ancient
Egyptians recognized it as a defined pathological entity, the use of the term depression
began mainly with the
attempts of the 19th-century psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin to create a new word that had
greater diagnostic specificity than melancholy,2
Kraepelin description of the
depressive illness already contained the criteria that they had psychiatrists are currently
using to
make their diagnosis and even described a tip as well for most of this century, clinicians
have tried to sub classify this syndrome
based on symptoms and causes.
Many of the sub classifications proved invalid or untrustworthy by
Example The distinction in reactive depressions and those that were non-reactive or
that is, not precipitated by psychosocial stress, proved to be without predictive value,
since Kraepelin many generations of psychiatrists (including ours) have made numerous
attempts to better classify depressive disorders. As a result of these efforts are the St.
Louis criteria, the review of diagnostic criteria and the DSM IV.3 classifications.

The World Health Organization (WHO) figures are alarming: More than de121
million people suffer from depression worldwide.
Five years ago, this disease was the fifth cause of work disability. By
year 2020, the body expects it to take second place, behind heart
In El Salvador, the situation is not far from this reality. The Epidemiology Unit
of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare (MSPAS) recorded a 35
percent increase in depression cases over the past five years. In 2000, 6 713 cases were
treated. At the end of 2004, the national network of hospitals
registered 10 411, becoming the second most

behavioral disorder affecting the population after anxiety. Depression can begin at any
age and can manifest with primary symptoms that do not include manifest changes in
It can be difficult to diagnose depression in children, there is an average age of initiation
between 25 and 30 years although each year the age of initiation has increased and the
frequency in
births after 1945, this has been attributed to the current culture being "depressive".
that the situations of disvalience have increased. Changes in family structure and
increasing urbanization also increase the vulnerability to depression.
Other factors contributing to this increase according to WHO are longevity, rapid
changes, increases in chronic diseases (cardiovascular, neurological, collagen, vascular
brain), and excessive use of drugs such as those tranquilizers, antidepressants and
contraceptives that frequently produce secondary depressions. Different studies show that
of all the clientele of doctors between 12.5 and 25% suffer predominantly a depressive
disorder. Other studies state that 20 to 25% of patients hospitalized in medical rooms
have depressive disorder. Similarly, in the psychiatric outpatient clinic, depression is 1er
Depressions are more frequent in females (ratio 2:1) and this has been
attributed to genetic transmission, endocrine physiology and psychological disadvantages
in our society. As for age, unipolar depressions can occur at any chronological stage,
how often the frequency increases over time. The mox of women's frequency is between
the age of 30 and 60 and in men between 40 and 70 years old. Depression is less common
in married and unmarried than in divorced, separated and widowed. It has not been
possible to establish a clear relationship between social class and depression since the
findings of different studies are contradictory. The life expectancy of developing any type
of depression for women is about 20% and for men 10%, although 1er-degree family
members of depressive people show a life risk of 20% of affective disorders. As for
recurrence there is a possibility of 50 and 60% of patients in remission of a unipolar
depression has another attack. Episodes usually play every 3 to 9 years. Current ratings
divide depressions according to their pattern of presentation (single or recurring episode,
and persistent disorder). Subsequently, subdivide or classify according to intensity into
mild, moderate and severe (with or without psychotic symptoms).

The most important hypotheses offered to explain the actual mechanism of mood disorder
are aimed at changes in brain monoamines (norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin). The
theory of catecholamine’s s in its simpler form postulates that in depression there is an
absolute or relative deficit of norepinephrine in brain synapses, on the contrary in mania
there is an excess of that use said neurotransmitter and that this
second ably would produce a decrease in monoamine oxidase (MAO), an enzyme that
degrades both catecholamine’s and serotonin.
These theories originated when trying to understand some effects of psych drugs, without
however, despite all these hypotheses and findings, the role that monoamines play
in affective disorders does not this clarified and therefore postulate that depression is due

a deficiency of a single neurotransmitter is simplistic, there may be

regulations or imbalances between several of them Multiple studies show abnormalities
in the hypothalamus axis
adrenal hipophysiary in depressive disorders There is an increase in the release factor
corticotrophin (CRF) in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the flat curve of
production of suprarenocorticotropic last (ACTH) by stimulating with CRF, increasing
cortisol, and not answering the cortisol suppression test, in many depressed patients
and especially those with psychotic depression with treatment these findings are
normalized. Persistence of non-suppression with dexamethasone after treatment predicts
greater chance of relapses. The increase in glucocorticoids decreases the activity of
growth factor neuronal with decreased size of neurons and glial tissue, especially in areas
prefrontal areas. Hypothalamus hipophysiary thyroid abnormalities have also been
reported but discovery is not consistent in different studios. A very important finding that
persisted after improving depression, is that of decreased secretion of the hormone of
growth during sleep.

Depression is a major public health problem because of its high prevalence and its impact
on quality of life, as well as by the disability that cause and the increased use of health
services. Furthermore, depression has the distinction of having negative effects on patient
health and increases the risk of attempted suicide. This review will describe the
epidemiology aspects, age of onset, natural history, prognosis and mortality of this

Classical Greek culture explained all diseases and changes in temperament or "humour"
from the influence of four body fluids called "humours": Blood, phlegm, black bile and
yellow bile. According to this theory of the four humours proposed by Hippocrates an
excess of blood caused hyperactive behaviours (maniacs, in current terminology), While
the excess of black bile caused a disdain, apathetic behavior and a manifest feeling of
sadness. The term "black bile" or ("melancholy", melan, black; jole, hiel, bile) became
synonymous with sadness.
The ancient Romans had in Latin their own way of calling black bile, atra bilis (dark
bile), from which the Spanish word " ill-tempered" is derived, which means of sad
countenance; but the medical term kept the original Greek.
Hippocrates explained not only the behavior but the health and illness themselves by
balancing these humours in the body. He called crasis the balance between them and
called crisis to the expulsion of humours through physiological processes such as
sweating, vomiting, expectoration, urine, or feces.
The doctor had to find out what was the "critical" moment (the one at which the
expulsion of the bad humours should occur) to facilitate it by applying the corresponding
Homogeneous behaviours should be able to be described with one word, common to all
behaviours linked to the same concept. The use of the word depression, depressive
disorders, affective disorders or mood disorders has complicated the nosographic aspects
due to its multiple uses in psychiatry and psychology. That is why the seemingly banal

process of defining a word (in this case depression), in a second instance, overcomes the
fact of literally transcribing what the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Castilian
Language or the corresponding caption of the Catalan Encyclopedia says. First and
foremost, a fundamental distinction must be drawn from the term depression in
Psychopathology and Psychiatry Depression is, in the first place, and following Castilla
del Pino, a symptom, that is, a manifestation that occurs exclusively or almost
exclusively, but that sometimes simply accompanies other symptoms without direct
relation to it.
En segundo lugar, la depresión es un síndrome, en el que lo nuclear, la base, es la tristeza,
pero que se enlaza con otros síntomas de manera casi o muy frecuentemente constante, de
manera que al conjunto puede suponérsele una relación estrecha y, en igual medida,
pueda ser objeto de un estudio específico. And, thirdly, depression is a disease whose
habitual manifestation (not the only one) is the depressive syndrome (and within it, its
habitual symptom: Sadness) and on which it can be investigated with reference to
specific aspects: That is, its etiology, pathogenesis, course, evolution, resolution and

In the history of the concept of depression, as in other concepts in psychiatry, we find a

long evolution, not only on a theoretical level, but also at the cultural level. The concept
of nosology refers to a key process of systematization of knowledge. In the case of
medicine and, of course, psychiatry, this systematization is carried out with the aim of
naming, identifying, defining and classifying diseases in psychiatry, it is Pinel who
introduces the term of nosography, of use in botany, to describe the philosophical
characteristics proposed for its classification, that is, that it possesses a logical,
homogeneous, scientific, reasoned and reasonable character.
The evolution of psychiatric knowledge from the first descriptions to the present day has
followed a process that frames this description
It is not always possible to structure or classify. To do this, it must be based on two
previous postulates, that is, the existence of mental disorders and the possibility of
describing them, as well as a condition: The usefulness of that structure or classification.
The first postulate includes the definition of the universe or domain to be classified,
linked to the concepts of health and disease, normality and pathology. Therefore, those
who deny the existence of the mental disorder or the medical model, undoubtedly reject
the possibility of their structuring.

The possibility of classifying the psychiatric domain requires at least a minimum of two
objects or ways of getting sick, and a maximum that must be numerable and finite. In
addition, there must be the possibility of describing objects belonging to the domain. In
this way, proposals describing psychiatric diseases or problems as reactions in the
predisposed or proposals that talk about the only quantitative nature of the difference
between the different disorders also exclude the possibility of classification.
Similarly, those who defend theoretically infinite individuality in the way people get sick
also exclude the possibility of classifying. Our disciplines, as well as others, but possibly

more than others, are crossed by a basic problem concerning the models or different
theoretical conceptions of which we participate to a greater or lesser extent professionals
trained in these disciplines. Therefore, when defining the current concept of depression,
we must consider the context of the different models currently present in psychiatry and


this policy proposes the search for optimum conditions of

balance and human well-being in terms of achievements of integral development from a
perspective of capacities and human rights, and it recognizes health as a fundamental
right in line with the provisions of Law 1751 of 2015 - the Statutory Health Act - and
with the Comprehensive Health Care Policy, adopted by Resolution
429 of 2016. This Policy integrates the provisions of Law 1414 of 2010, Epilepsy Law,
accepting the recommendations of the World Health Organization to manage mental
disorders and epilepsy together in primary health care, due to high comorbidities between
epilepsy and mental disorders and common outcomes such as mental or psychosocial
disability and cognitive impairment.
Thus, the present policy will be the input with which the departments and districts of the
country will carry out the adoption and adaptation processes that will allow its
Finally, as provided for in Law 1616 of 2013 in its article 41, the Document Conpes de
Salud Mental (2018 – 2022) will be issued. The United Nations Development Program –
UNDP, through the Human Development Report 2016, recommends incorporating
international human rights principles, such as: Guarantee, protection, into public policies
positively affecting the health conditions of populations.

Similarly, the inclusion of mental health within public policies is

an essential part of the social benefits of the entire population. as well as a key factor
in the establishment of support networks and social relations with which it is
able to reduce discrimination and impoverishment and improve access to other services
which decreases some of the burden of disease Other studies recognize the promotion of
mental health and rehabilitation, through community-based services and their integration
into general health care, as part of the main axes of mental health policies, to reduce the
gaps and improve the responses of mental health systems in
1. Lack of internal consistency between the structure and content of public
2. Superficiality of key international concepts.
3. Lack of evidence to support policy orientations.
4. Lack of political support and poor integration of mental health
policy into national policy.
5. National legislative framework lacking sectoral budget specificity and
resources (human, financial).

Derived from the above, the studies mentioned have recommended interventions related
to: i) strengthening the capacity of key actors in mental health and the development of
public policies, ii) creating a culture of
development of inclusive and dynamic policies, and iii) coordinated action to optimize
the use of available resources. These strategies are taken into account in
the present National Mental Health Policy for Colombia.


1. Cristina Yasmin Jadán López, general medical degree, “DEPRESSION IN

adolescents aged 14 to 16 years, the present research revealed the most relevant risk
factors leading to depression in adolescents aged 14 to 16 from Colegio 27 February in
the city of Loja to build a proposal for prevention; for which a descriptive, cross-sectional
study was carried out with a quantitative approach, in which it was necessary to have
specific data on the conditions sociodemographic and family of the students studied, in
addition the Zung test was applied whose results obtained are: Prevalence of depression
65.75% as for the genus we have a ratio of 1.5 more in women than in men, taking into
account tho in the pre-domino study the male gender, It took as samples 266 students
who were between the ages of 14 to 16 years of the school February 27 of the city of Loja
in the period September 2015 to July 2016.


To schedule extracurricular activities such as Sport and motivational talks so that they
recognize their potential in discord from their difficulties and are generators of a fraternal
coexistence for themselves, their community and the whole society.


 Develop creativity, skills, skills and knowledge and

raise self-esteem, through the realization of sport and including therapies of
personal dialogs, to promote the integral training of young people.

 Foster the experience of values in the personal interrelationship of students to

through training talks addressed by professional staff to overcome

emotional conflicts that cause the deterioration of harmony in the educational and family

 Involve parents in monitoring the comprehensive training of them

represented and attend to calls and requirements of the campus authorities.

 Evaluate the activities developed by students for verification of the

operation of individual, collective and social conflicts.

3. As a result of the results, the analysis and interpretation thereof in the research
presentation, has been concluded as follows:

 In terms of the participating and involved population, the highest proportion of

people corresponds to the male gender with 51.50%; the age group with
highest participation is in the 16 years, corresponding to 38.72% and
are in the first year of high school. A prevalence of depression
of 65.75% was found.

 With regard to the prevalence of depression by age and sex, it is

found in women 92.20% and men 88.30% with a ratio of 1.5:1 respectively, and the age
group with the highest depression is 15 years with 34.59%.

 Referring to the association of risk factors as family members and socioeconomic,

no association was found with the presence of depression in change with regard to habits:
Drug use, tobacco and alcohol, there are considerable percentages of adolescents who
have already started these social practices such as drugs 25.9%, tobacco 21.4% and
alcohol 63.50%, and the statistical association between the variables under study,
presented in the second objective, there is a statistical relationship or significance with p
< 0.05 (0.047) in the consumption of drugs at the age of 16 years and consumption of
tobacco with p < 0.05 (0.031) at the age of 14 years.

4. These investigations are related, since at some points they talk about the
importance of depression, they talk about the depression in these times being greatly
increased, whether it is because of drugs, families, loving states or other situation.
read most of the information, to have more knowledge, and to inform me more about the
topic of depression, since it is too important, and very important that people know, that it
is not a state of encouragement, if not a disease.

En cuanto al Segundo capitulo las siguientes observaciones:

1. falta marco conceptual.
2. tienes dos marcos teoricos.
3. el marco legal debe ser más organizado, escoge cuatro leyes y explicalas de forma
4. falta una investigación en los antecedents.
5. debes organizar todo el Proyecto según normas APA, doble espacio, tamaño de
letra 12 y times new roman.
6. debe estar justificado en algunas partes esta centrado.

Do the chapter number III.



The interpretative paradigm understands that reality is dynamic and diverse directed to
the meaning of human actions, social practice, understanding and significance, is
discovery-oriented. There is a relationship of democratic and communicative
participation between the researcher and the object under investigation. He considers
interview, systematic observation and case studies as the model of knowledge production
allowing the researcher to understand what is happening with his object of study.
Practice predominates. Goal to penetrate the world of men and women, is focused on
differences. Research and action are constantly interacting. Action as a source of
knowledge and research is itself an action. So can be used in small groups or scales.
The main objective of the interpretative paradigm is not to seek casual explanations of
social and human life, but to deepen the knowledge and understanding of why a reality is.
This paradigm can be understood as the dynamic and diverse reality, it is called
qualitative because as Ericsson points out in research it is not only a question of methods
and techniques but conception of knowledge and reality, it is also called
Phenomenological-natuarian or humanist. This paradigm seeks assumptions about the
customs, policies, economic development, religious, etc. that is in a community in
general and this is called CULTURE. A paradigm is a class of elements with similarities.
Among the kinds of paradigms is the interpretative paradigm which looks for
assumptions about customs, politics, economic development, religious, etc., that are
found in a community in general and this is called CULTURE. This is to ensure that all
this information is universally known.

This paradigm is based on the knowledge process, in which an interaction between

subject and object is given. In fact, both are inseparable. Observation not only disturbs
and shapes the observed object, but the observer is shaped by it (by the individual or the
observed group). Such a situation cannot be eliminated, even if the observer wished to
eliminate it. The research is always influenced by the researcher's values and the
researcher, in his reports he must give account of them. From this point of view, this
paradigm has had a significant influence on the field of psychology, as it is the method on
which therapists are based, of them. From this point of view, this paradigm has had a
significant influence in the field of psychology, since it is the method on which therapists
(psychologists) are based to observe the subject in research, i.e. an iteration between the
observer and the observed, influencing both the behavior of the other. The interpretative
paradigm does not intend to make generalizations from the results obtained. The research
that is based on it ends in the elaboration of an ideographic description, in depth, that is,
in such a way that the object studied is clearly individualized.



Quantitative methods, quantitative methodologies or quantitative research are the set of

strategies for obtaining and processing information that employ numerical magnitudes
and formal techniques and/or statistics to carry out their analysis, always framed in a
cause-and-effect relationship. In other words, a quantitative method is anyone who uses
numeric values to study a phenomenon. As a result, it draws conclusions that can be
expressed mathematically. Quantitative research methods are useful when there is a
problem in studying a set of mappable data using different mathematical models. Thus,
the elements of research are clear, defined and limited. The results obtained are
numerical, descriptive and, in some cases, predictive. Quantitative research is considered
the opposite form of qualitative research, and its use is common in the field of exact
sciences and in many social sciences. It is also known as the empirical-analytical method
and as a positivist method. The quantitative method is characterized, first and foremost,
because it requires numerical variables in order to express the problem of research. In
other words, the data analyzed must always be quantifiable, that is, expressible in a
quantity. Among his techniques, surveys, experiments and even predictions are often
used, once a first result is obtained, since quantitative data are usually generalized.
Another important feature is that it is an objective method, or at least aspires to be one.
This means that interpretation and views have no place in it, but the demonstrable
relationship between mathematical figures and models.


The interviews will be applied in the locality of Santa Fe, a town with a population of
95.201 inhabitants, between extracts 1 and 3, has the basic services for a quality of life,
17,100 Total households, 5,381 Commercial establishments, 58,131 Trees.

3.4. SAMPLE.

25 people between the ages of 13 to 28, the economic extract from 1 to 3, half of those
people are bachelors, the other half are studying and some are university students, those
who are studying are about 13 to 18 years old and the rest are in college between 18 and
28 years’ old.
Redactar mejor, esta confusa la redacción


A survey is a procedure within the designs of a descriptive research in which the

researcher collects data using the previously designed questionnaire, without modifying
the environment or phenomenon where the information is collected for delivery in a
triptych, graph or table form. The data are obtained by asking a set of standardized
questions directed to a representative sample.
What are closed questions? These are the ones that ask the respondent to choose from a
set of answers, such as “yes/no” or from a list of multiple choices, etc.
Closed questions are critical to collecting responses from our respondents within a
limited framework of options. Closed questions are the basis for all statistical analysis
techniques applied in questionnaires and surveys.

Is the depression real?

Do you think today's sleepers feel lonely or unprotected?

Open questions also called "Free Questions" are a type of question that allows for deeper
details in respondents' answers.

What are the symptoms of depression?

Who does depression affect?


1. ¿Has escuchado que es la depresión?


2. ¿Te enfrentas a una falta de concentración?


3. ¿Sientes que no tienes futuro?


4. ¿Tiene problemas para tomar decisiones?


5. ¿Sientes que tu vida es triste y que no hay alegría en ella?


6. ¿Te has sentido culpable por todo lo que haces?


7. ¿Sientes que todo lo que has hecho ha sido un fracaso?


8. ¿Crees que la depresión es un estado de ánimo o una enfermedad?


9. ¿Crees que perdiste el interés en todas las cosas que eran importantes para ti desde
hace mucho tiempo?


10. ¿Sientes pensamientos suicidas?


11. ¿Estás teniendo problemas de confianza con todos los que te rodean? ¿Por qué?



12. ¿Sientes con frecuencia ganas de llorar? ¿Por qué?



Debes realizar por lo menos 4 preguntas cerradas que presenten otras opciones y no
siempre SI O NO, por ejemplo, cree que la depresión se ocasiona por:
a. Problemas económicos.
b. violencia.
c. problemas emocionales.
d. perdida de un ser querido.
e. enfermedades.
f. Todas las anteriores

3.5.1 SURVEY.

1. Have you heard what depression is?



2. Do you face a lack of concentration?


3. Do you feel like you have no future?


4. Do you have problems making decisions?


5. Do you feel that your life is sad and that there is no joy in it?


6. Have you felt guilty for everything you do?


7. Do you feel that everything you have done has been a failure?


8. Do you think depression is a mood or disease?


9. Do you think you lost interest in all the things that were important to you for a
long time?


10. Do you feel suicidal thoughts?


11. Are you having problems of trust with everyone around you? Why?



12. Do you often feel like crying? Why?







series 1 felt anger series 1 depression series 1 anguish series 1 fear

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