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1. Churn -To stir
2. Haywire - out of control
3. Causality – lost through death
4. Perish – die
5. Reverberate – lot of echo sounds
6. Damsel – a young woman
7. Regal - royal
Brihasapathi , the teacher of gods and father of
Shukracharaya , the teacher of demons (rakshsas),
He has known the mantra of sanjivini.
Kacha, the son of Brihasapathi.
Devayani , daughter of Shukracharaya
Summary of the lesson
“Why did increase the strength of demons?”, asked
the kacha.
“Shukracharaya has known the mantra of sanjivini, it
has helped to save the lives of demons, it has made
increase the strength of them, and they have more
strength than gods”, said the Brihasapathi.
Why shouldn’t we get the mantra and secret of
sanjivin?, said the kacha.
It is very difficult ,and he wouldn’t teach for any one.
He maintained the secret, said the gods.
Kacha has decided to get the mantra from the
Shukracharaya has a daughter, her name is called
Devayani; she has most beautiful, and you may be fall
in love with her, cautioned the Gods.
I never love anybody till my mission is completed, said
the kacha.
He has joined as a student of Shukracharaya and
learnt all most all the things from him.
He has made friendship with his daughter, they
roamed each other, she has started to love him, and
she expressed her love towards him.
Kacha has clearly rejected her love and said that I
must not love till my mission is completed .
Many days has passed but he has learnt all the things
except sanjivini skill.
Demons has spotted the kacha and identified him
as he has come from the gods side, so they have
decided to kill him.
One day, he sat on the mountain, and they have
pushed him into the air; as a result, he was dead.
Devayani waited so long time, but he wouldn’t
come. You must uttered the mantra to revive him,
said the Devayani.
He uttered a mantra. He came back as a live and
he told that all the things had happened.
Demons has tried to kill him second time;
therefore, they have come with new idea.
They brought him and dipped into the deep ocean;
in fact, he was dead, second time.
As usual, she has waited for him, but he hasn’t
returned back. She has wept and begged her
father to revive him. This time, he said that every
one must go, so I cant do any thing.
Nobody would able to stop crying her; therefore, he
uttered a mantra, and he came back again to life.
Third time, they noticed him and talked with
themselves as he was getting life by Shukracharaya.
Kacha has given a new idea that would help to
demons. I am tired by dying and you must kill me
permanently; therefore, I have a new idea that would
help you. I never return this time if you have followed
this idea.
After killed me, you put my ash into him, I may not
able to come out from his body, I may die
permanently there, and it may help to you.
They have killed him and burnt and mixed up his ash
into the wine which has given to Shukracharaya. He
has drunken it. Now, kacha is in the stomach of
As usual, Devayani has begged his father to revive
him, but this time, he couldn’t able to come out. He
asked him that where are you?, I am in your stomach,
he said.
Devayani requested him that I want him back
again. He asked to her do you want me or he? I
want both, she said.
Now, there is no any option so, he decided to
teach the sanjivini mantra to him.
He told the mantra and got back him again. Now,
kacha told the mantra; therefore, Shukracharaya
came back again.
Now, he left Devayani and went back to his place.
Finally, he succeeded to learn the mantra, but he
didn’t marry her.
Thank you.

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