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Based Student Profile

Name: John Doe School: ABC Elementary
Class: Div 4 Grade: 4

Some words that describe me are:
Funny, caring, honest, worry-bug, introverted, detailed oriented


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This is a picture of me Some things that I am interested in are:
I like to read, especially books about planes, cars, or space
I like music
I like planes, lego, and drawing
I like moving my body and really enjoy PE
I like playing on the playground and climbing the slide
I like hiking, cycling, and rollerblading
I like playing with my Rubik's cube

The best ways for me to show what I know are:
Working in a quiet environment, using hands-on manipulatives, using visuals and graphic organizers, conversing with an adult 1:1

Some things that I need to you to know about me are:

I need help initiating/engaging in social interactions; I have a short attention span and need some help to focus and redirect;
I need some help expanding my interests; it helps when a complicated task is broken up in to smaller steps
Some things that I want to get better at this year are:
Being more proactive in greeting my classmates in the morning, and to develop more interests outside of planes

My Goal Areas (What I am good at/ know a lot about)
(what I still need support with/ need to get
better at)
most problems on
Being creative, solving
To vary my interests beyond that of planes,
my own, regulating myself
by taking deep realizing when transitions are happening
Personal Goals breathes and using the rubrik's cube,
to use the egg
recognizing when I need
(Things I can do on my own) chair for a break

Beginning to make eye contact and Recognizng classmates' faces and
how positive signs off joint attention, remembering their names; developing

beginning to interact/exchange dialouge meaningful interactive play with other
Social Goals with EAs, developing more focus and students/peers
(Things I can do with other people) participate more actively in classroom
routines, beginning to make connections
with peers

Strong decoding skills when reading, Reading comprehension skills and ability
beginning to expand my interests through to answer questions or retell a story is limited;

graphic novels, becoming more fluid in written output, particularly generating my own
Intellectual Goals basic math skills such as 2-digit plus ideas is challenging
(Things I can learn and think about) 1-digit equations

Strength Based Student Profile, adapted from Schnellert & Brownlie, 2011 Shelley Moore, 2017

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