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Savitri Ayu Saraswati



The improvement on OTA depicts their flight inventory, establish the product
requirements and conduct a benchmarking to strengthen the product requirements

According to the research result, OTA shows their search result regarding to the lowest price,
the earliest or the latest departure time, the earliest or the latest arrival time and the shortest
duration. There are types of customer, especially for detailed-customer. My idea is related to
product development that may have great impact and useful for the detailed customer and
boost sales.

• Define strategy and roadmap

In the website of OTA, there is a price offered and according to the research I
have found its much cheaper as compared to book flight on the own airplane website.
There are some customers who likely to research and comparing the prices from others
websites involve from airplane website. Therefore, below the price-offered, OTA may
show the price that offered in the airplane website, and depicts either with percentage
or the difference price on how much that customers can saving. For instance, the price
from CGK-IST in Emirates website: 3.842.100, as compared to Traveloka its 2.711.700,
therefore, the engineer may conduct calculation of the saving and show it in attracts
way. Another idea is about the occupancy of seats/passengers that have reserved. The
OTA may show the seats left, that it may turns into triggers for the customer to buy it
fast. Lastly, according to international flight, in terms of transit visa, the OTA may
elaborate more about this and ensure the needs of transit visa in the destination
because there are some countries that don’t need this. It would be advantage if OTA
give more information about transit visa, as we know, there are some passenger go
abroad for the first time and need to get more information about that.
• Create product requirement
Additional product requirement will consist of:
- Price offered from the airplane website
- The total of occupancy seats and booked seat in real time, and the availability seats
- The detailed-information about transit visa
- Workshop with the related engineer
• Product development
- Ensuring the legal terms, either it allowed or not
- Inform and align the stakeholder about the strategy
- Do testing and prepare the release plan
• Monitoring and define improvement
- Monitoring the performance
- Give a feedback from the customer, if its useful or not
- Define improvement
- Handling bug or report
Savitri Ayu Saraswati

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