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Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments

• Supplier coffee • Supplies and • As third place • Personal Middle and

• Designer roasting coffee besides home service upper urban
• Consultants and office. • Membership communities
• Make tools and
• Import • High quality card ( Young Urban
companies • Services coffee. • Social medias Adults )
• Pastry cook • Marketing • Variant coffee
• Marketing and Food
agencies Key Resources • International Channels
• Human resource
market • Licensed store
• Innovation
• Grocery stores
• Intangible brand • Premium • Warehouse clubs
• Financial resource
• Raw material services • Convenience store
• Patens from menus and • Official website
recipes • Social media
• Building
• Food Application
• Land
• Equipment

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

• Coffee sales ( raw materials operating cost ) • Direct sales ( coffee and cake )
• Promotion • Merchandises
• Merchandises
• Membership Card
• Development cost
• Salary cost
• Events
Customer Segments
• Coffee lovers: Coffee connoisseurs and consumers can almost be said to consume
coffee every day but not premium coffee

• Tourists: Enjoy coffee, but depends on the background of each tourist

• Teenagers / students (19-24 years): Being one of the large enough markets but only
within a certain period or time because they still earn money from their parents.

• Middle and upper urban communities: A market that has a very high demand, where
office workers have an above average income and are well educated.

Therefore, I choose the middle and upper class urban society or commonly called Young
Urban Adults. The niche market that I chose has the opportunity to achieve greater profits,
and in this market is very compatible with Starbucks vision and mission that provides
premium servants with very good quality coffee. Moreover, Starbuck provides different
comfort and experience to each buyer.

Value Propositions
NO ATTRIBUTES Starbucks McDonalds Costa Dunkin
Mc CAFE Coffee Donuts
1 As Third Place √ X X X
2 High Quality Coffee √ X √ X
3 Variant Coffee and √ √ X √
4 International Market √ √ √ √
5 Premium Services √ X √ X

• As Third Place: Making every store a third place besides home and office. We provide
a convenient place for buyers with fast internet connectivity where they can spend time
doing their work. Therefore, visitors will stay longer in the store, buy more and will return

• High Quality Coffee: Selling the highest quality coffee is the differentiator when
compared to other coffee shops. Because good quality makes selling prices more
expensive, but this is not a big problem because the targeted customer market wants
good quality. It also makes a source of strength from Starbucks, to be able to compete
with other competitors.

• Variant Coffee and Food: By providing a variety of coffee and Caked, Starbucks provides
many choices for buyers, so that buyers feel a variety of types of coffee and caked on

• International Market: Expanding cool market niche in several major cities around the
world in various strategic locations such as malls or close to central business.

• Premium Services: Integrating technology so buyers don't have to wait for long queues.
Moreover, providing experienced baristas with high training hours in order to provide
premium experience to buyers. Finally, by selling merchandises it also gives its own
experience to buyers that he has ever been to Starbucks.

Distribution Channels
The main distribution channels are through licensed stores, grocery stores, warehouse
clubs and convenience stores. Furthermore, through official websites, social media and
collaborating with the delivery application so that buyers do not need to come to the store.

Customer Relationships
By providing services like personal assistances to each buyer and explaining about the
coffee purchased by each visitor so they can educate them about coffee. And answer
every question from the buyers. We also provide a membership card service or a
promotion. With membership cards visitors will get special promos and more buying,
membership card holders will get reward points that can be exchanged for Starbucks
merchandises. Moreover, accepting any criticism, suggestions and complaints from
visitors. Use social media as a medium to keep in touch with buyers, so they can keep in
mind the existence of Starbucks in their lives.

Revenue Streams
Revenue comes from every purchase of coffee and food (cake). Sales not only come from
coffee, but also from sales of merchandise and membership cards.

Key Resources
The main resources are human resources, innovation, intangible brands, financial
resources, raw materials, and patents from menus and recipes. In terms of physical
resources are building, land, and equipment.

Key Activities
The basic aspect of the activity is to supply and roast coffee beans well. Especially making
tools and merchandise that are attractive and elegant for customers. The most important
activity is to always make updates and improvements every day in terms of service and
marketing, so that management can identify deficiencies every day.
Key Partners
The most important thing is a reliable and international standard supplier of coffee beans.
Designers, consultants, export and import companies, pastry cooks and marketing
agencies help to make key activities work well.

Cost Structure
Coffee sales are the biggest costs, such as purchasing raw materials and operating costs,
followed by funds for promotion and merchandise, development costs, salary costs and
making events.

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