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Transformative science education:

Empowering self-regulated learners during

pandemic COVID-19
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 050022 (2021);
Published Online: 02 April 2021

Henny Herawaty Br Dalimunthe, Anan Sutisna, Linda Zakiah, and Sri Handayani


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AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 060005 (2021);

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AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 050022 (2021); 2331, 050022

© 2021 Author(s).
TransformatiYH Science Education: Empowering Self
Regulated Learners Guring Pandemic COVID-19
Henny Herawaty Br Dalimunthe1, a), Anan Sutisna1, Linda Zakiah2, Sri Handayani3
Department of Community Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta, Indonesia
Department Elementary School Teacher, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta, Indonesia
Postgraduate education, Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education globally in the world has led to a temporary learning
process carried out at home using digital learning. The limitations of digital learning tools, namely devices, and
connecting the internet, cause learning, communication between teachers and students. The COVID-19 pandemic
emergency situations cannot be predicted when it will end. However, through college, elementary school students still
have to carry out the learning process carried out by students at home. Transformative knowledge can take place at home
with the initial communication between the teacher and parents. Using a transformative approach in understanding the
concepts, students will learn by reading, discussing, observing, and producing student experiences. This paper aims to
provide knowledge about the teacher's task of communicating to parents'’ material guidelines that must be learned by
helping students and helping parents create learning activities at home. Guidelines for learning activities, parental
support, learning climate situations will encourage students to be prepared Self-Regulated in preparing learning activities,
understanding problem situations, constructing knowledge, and giving meaning to concepts learned. Parents support the
meaning of students' meaning and the teacher's task reinforces the results of the construction of knowledge built by

The COVID-19 pandemic globally based on a WHO situational report-130 data reached 5,701,337 cases
affecting public health, economy, politics, and education. The closing of offices, tourist attractions, places of
worship, transportation restrictions, and temporary closure of elementary schools to tertiary institutions. The world
of education faces the challenge of how learning can still occur during a pandemic emergency from the COVID-19
pandemic. Educational institutions, teachers, parents, and students must be prepared to adapt online learning to face
the COVID-19 pandemic emergency learning situation [1].
Digital platform learning solutions currently carried out by educational institutions to carry out learning, digital
learning platforms; there is no simple mapping from offline to online needs, the readiness of learning devices in the
form of laptops, and stable internet connecting [2]. Countries that face the limitations of digital learning, namely
learning tools and internet connecting, must use other ways to learn and construct knowledge with parental
encouragement. The teacher's task is to communicate the material that students must learn during the situation,
according to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Teachers and parents can create transformative education by developing self-concept essential to an integrated
academic and scientific identity [3] students can learn science, according to what is needed in accordance with the
field of study and develop student confidence. How transformative educational products have been applied to the
community and adult education programs [4].
The concepts of construction and meaningful learning process of building a basic conceptual framework,
knowledge is a meaningful interpretation of our experiences of reality[5]. How is the principle of constructivism

The 2nd Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC 2020)

AIP Conf. Proc. 2331, 050022-1–050022-5;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4075-3/$30.00

learning to break the process and design thinking activities [6]. When the COVID-19 pandemic is the ability of
students not only to learn to understand the context of scientific knowledge and technology, but the ability to
understand social problems by thinking creatively to find problems and be able to solve problems effectively,
cooperatively, and tolerantly with constructivism approaches [7].
Transformative learning processes involve bringing students closer to thinking critically about teachers' roles as
facilitators to motivate, guide, and direct students. Transformative science education can help students define,
organize, organize, and evaluate learning independently at home. The impact of the transformative learning process
can encourage students to have self-regulated and improve problem-identifying skills.

Encouraging Student Self-Regulated to Construct Science

Giving students knowledge is not like pouring water into an empty glass, but giving meaning to the knowledge
gained. Schools, parents, and the environment facilitate students to gain knowledge by using different learning
strategies. When the COVID-19 pandemic is happening, learning was carried out at home with online learning.
However, several cases, especially in developing countries, namely Indonesia, were found to be digital learning less
than the maximum due to the limitations of online learning tools and internet connection. Parental involvement in
student learning in the home environment is essential with parenting, communicating, decision-making,
volunteering, and collaborating strategies within the community [8]. Parents create a learning environment; foster a
learning climate to motivate students to learn by creating activities and using resources at home.
Students are trained to construct their knowledge based on experience, learning, and transferring knowledge
through interpretation. Science learning can be done at home with family members, making every part of the house a
laboratory. An active process creates Self-regulated that students do. At the same time, at home, because learning is
a process to build a conceptual framework from what is read, observed, one's own experience, or others' experience.
We never know the knowledge that is built by students is an interpretation of the experience of reality. The
interpretation of the knowledge formed will be meaningful because it comes from students' analysis and experience.
Constructivism is a practical idea for students to develop their knowledge by learning to understand what is
experienced [5].
The approach used by The exploratory study with interviews, observations, and videos. Teachers and parents'
involvement as facilitators to communicate the material that students must achieve during online learning.
Teachers provide material stages weekly. Parents play their accompanying children to make their study planning,
where the materials must be studied, what time, the target that students must go through. Participants involved were
two grade 8 students of junior high school, male gender, the age range of 13-14 years. Two high school students in
grade 10, male gender, age 16-17.
TABLE 1. Examples of Student Learning Activities Learning At Home When the COVID-19 Pandemic Occurred

Theory Learning activity Journal Reference Observation result

Growth and Students in the 1. Students record 1. Book 1. Students
development of presence of parents the time, day and 2. Family discussions construct
living things grow vegetables date plant (parents, brothers knowledge
Example: Plants using soil or water vegetables. and sisters) 2. Students give the
media 2. Daily observation 3. If there is internet meaning of
Example: of the plant growth access, use social learning
Kangkung, media to read the Student entry
Mustard, Lettuce growth and notes:
development of Small objects
living things grow straight
like buds, then
the leaves
appear and get
taller day by day

Student learning activities and daily notes in documents for student material explain to the teacher when the
school meeting starts. This is one example of a case that was done to anticipate if digital learning cannot run
optimally. Students can still learn by constructing knowledge held and accompanied by parents. If the school's

meeting is still not possible, the first choice is parents send student notes to the teacher. Teachers then provide
feedback by providing special notes to strengthen the concept of student understanding; the teacher and students do
a critical reflection on learning outcomes [9] .The second way to go through: take photos of student learning
activities and student notes to be sent using social media.
Self-regulation is needed for elementary school and college students to learn in adjusting to the emergencies of
the COVID-19 pandemic. Emergent learning is the achievement of students themselves to develop concepts of the
self [10]. Learning achievement requires the support of teachers, parents, and the environment. At the time of this
pandemic, parents' role is huge because learning is done at home. The family's role is needed in assisting students in
learning, especially elementary school students; family supported education has a positive effect on academic
success and conceptual learning [11]. As new learning environments, education and technology are viewed from a
transformative perspective. Technology will be implemented if access and equipment are available by students and
parents. However, not all developing countries, especially in Indonesia, have good internet access, especially in
remote villages and islands.
A transformative educational approach with developing self-concept is essential to an integrated academic and
scientific identity [3]. Students can learn science according to the interest of the study field. It will motivate students.
The transformative approach to education is already in the Adult Education program [4]. Involving the students and
parents as the transformative pedagogic, students can improvise and explore various resources and learning
strategies. Transformative encourages students to have self-regulated so that students are empowered, explore
strengths to construct student knowledge, utilize environmental resources, and establish a harmonious relationship
between parents and students during learning activities.

Constructivism Develops Students’ Ability To Identify Problems

Transformative learning aims to increase the students ' awareness of science and technology's impact on the
community. It also improves their decision-making skills, assigns students an active role in learning so that human
knowledge starts with sensible intuition of various things, from which ideas are formed. Mezirow, a transformative
learning approach in science teaching, can effectively improve student attitudes [12] The study shows how the
transformative learning process, utilizing the home environment as a student learning resource: family, friends for
discussion of reading, observation, and experimentation.
A transformative approach develops potential; students have the value of talents, interests, and different
intelligence skills, school, and home environments that will form into the privilege to become thriving or not well
developed. Parents and teachers' role in developing student potential, teachers have professional complications such
as pedagogical content knowledge, teaching motivation, teaching strategies, and humanist. A teacher's complications
can develop students ' abilities, but when pandemic COVID-19, learning is conducted online. Positive teaching
enthusiasm relates to student interest, self-efficacy positively related to student learning achievement. The three-
dimensional teaching quality is cognitive activated, supportive climate, and class management (13). The
constructivist theory of learning places students as the center of pedagogies, [14] . Pandemic learning conditions
cannot be implemented in school but should be at home online. Students should have the ability to construct
knowledge gained without teachers at home, construct student knowledge using critical thinking skills to understand
one concept, look for relationships with other concepts, and develop problem-solving skills. The transformative
approach of science education empowers students to study independently. The transformative science education
approach brings students closer to learning objects, learning resources, and family members as discussion bodies to
construct knowledge.
Teacher's role as online learning at home prepares the availability of reliable instruments to measure students'
perception of how their ability to construct knowledge [15]. Students learn to identify problems based on reading,
observing, discussing, and contracting problem identification and communicating with parents. In addition to
constructing the knowledge of the students must have the ability to integrate social skills, cognitive, and needed
communication for students where the world's science is very fast [16].
Identifying problems and solving problems are different things that must be understood by students, especially
elementary schools. Who should provide knowledge about the differences in problem identification and problem
resolution? When the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, students study while at home, the teacher as a tutor studying
at school is not maximally doing face-to-face learning, so parents replace this role in guiding students to learn to
identify problems based on guidance given by the teacher [16]. But when the COVID-19 pandemic occurred,
learning is done at home, the teachers' role as a facilitator in reinforcing concepts through a blend that students can

learn and accompanied by parents. This stage is very heavy; the biggest challenge of studying at home is the student
companion. If parents do not have the level of education and only work as housewives will be difficult. But the main
thing that must understand that parents have life experiences so that they can be a resource for students who study at
home following the concept of andragogy [17] .
TABLE 2. Examples of learning activities to identify problems at home
Theme Material Sources Identify the Solution Results of
Cause knowledge
Pandemic The 1. Social Media Students write For example, students Students write
COVID – 19 COVID-19 2. News on TV identification write: conclusions with
pandemic 3. Discussion results 1. Study at home language and
with parents I.e. 2. Keep the distance writing style
Pandemic Maintain cleanliness
corona virus

The student work results become a daily note that students must collect during a meeting with the teacher or
send the results of the assignment in the manner referred to above. This result shows that there is no problem for
students to continue learning at home. The teacher must provide clear guidance on student learning activities. This
ability will train students to have a sense of caring about the social environment [18]. Prepare students to identify
and deal with social problems by strengthening social understanding of the Self as a basis for social-transformative
education [19]. The social skills improvement consist of several steps; identifying students participation, designing
intervention programs, forming intervention groups, preparing intervention leaders, implementing interventions, and
monitoring student progress [20] and factors affecting students in solving problems in groups [6]. The
transformative approach of science education trains students who have difficulty learning to organize learning plans,
determine materials, evaluate and reflect learning outcomes.
Parents accompany students to scale and solve the problem. Therefore, self-regulated was developed in the
learning process at home. In the school environment, the students' self-regulated learning follows the rules; follow
instructions, take turns, and relate to students' academic achievement [21] .Self-regulated at home trained students to
identify learning activities to solve problems. Therefore self-learning can be conducted independently.

Need cooperation to confront, fight, and continue the activity of life on the pandemic Garry-19. Uncertainty
conditions create anxiety for society, there are significant increases in mental health problems such as post-traumatic
stress disorder [22] . Governments, health officers, military, corporations, educational institutions, teachers, parents,
and students feel the anxiety will be infected with stress, which will impact body endurance. The task of teachers at
school is essential to develop the students ' potential, give motivation, spirit so that students continue to implement
learning Akvitas in the home without having to make the students stressed the number of assignments. Recent
research shows a dependent relationship between teachers and students who have a more positive meaning for a
specific group of students [23].
The limitations of home digital learning are not a reason teachers and parents develop creativity in facilitating
students. The transformative approach of science education encourages students to have self-regulated skills by
setting their home learning process; students perform according to the stages and construct the knowledge used by
students ' perspectives. Parents' role helps students achieve self-regulated skills, mentoring, learning activities,
discussion of materials, and together observing the process of learning activities at home. Parents make sure students
at home start their academic assignments by noting learning time and learning activities to have critical thinking
Today's transformative education reform must be undertaken to improve student learning skills at home. The
transformative Reformati Model promotes mutual teaching and learning relationships, outdoing aspirations,
improving educational achievement. The reform is grounded in a commitment to equity, excellence and belonging
for all, three things done is a cultural relationships for responsive pedagogy; Home, school and community

collaborations and adaptive expertise driving deliberate professional acts (24). It means that the transformative
science education can be done at home with good collaboration between the school and the parents. But that is
important to the next thought of whether a true parent can play a role in accompanying students to learn if the
condition of the parents has a high sense of anxiety or has a high level of stress.
Online learning is a very precise choice in the case of an emergency where temporary learning is performed at
home [25] but not all countries have a great digital learning tool to implement online bombarsation, so the role of
institutions, teachers and parents use the right approach, concepts, learning strategies according to students ' learning
needs. The concept of this writing gives a preset thinking against the emergency situation must be studied at home
directing students have the ability of critical thinking, students as objects in learning, growing self-regulated results
of transformative education science implementation can be done at home with mentoring from the family
environment. Implementing this is very practical and very easy to implement in-house learning activities for school

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