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L(}W-$CX AftCI-f i,r'Rs the

first importart inrolation L.l,v Mail-
lart in th* dcrign of c*ncrete bridges.
]n a conventio*nl arch Lrridge {{re-
bu'. t*lt\, the rveight c{ the r*ad-
rv;ry is eilrri*cl by cclur:rils tc tfue
*rch. rvhich rnust be rcl:ltivelv thicl'i
ro kccn lhc hendirrg qirerrrir lorl.
trlut in a hrillow-Lrux asch (ltelou,,
l;ottant), r'crtical rs;llls cernncct {he
roadrvay dech to firr: arch, :rnd for
*rost of thrr brir.lge's sparr thc load is
sh;rred b,v the deci<, rv;i.ils anri arch.
{n 1901 ,\4ailiirrr used this d*sign
to trtrii.-l thc ol.rtdcr. iltcxpcrttrr e
Zuiiz Bridge (/rlr)"

il',rj,l. l#
matical analysis of loads and stresses COLUMNS
that was being enthusiastically adopted
by most of his contemporaries. At the
same time, he also eschewed the decora-
tive approach taken by many bridge
builders of his time. He resisted imitating
architectural styles and adding design el-
ements solely for ornamentation. Maii-
lart's method was a form of creative in- CONVENTIONAL ARCH BRIDGE
tuition. He had a knack for conceivine
new shapes to solve classic engineering
oroblems. And because he worked in a
highly co*petitive field, one of his goals
was economy-he won design and con-
struction contracts because his structures
were reasonably priced, often less costly
than all of his rivals' proposals. The easi
est way to understand his technique is to
look ciosely at the major works that best
illustrate his indeoendent vision.
One of the hafmarks of modern engi- VERTICALWALLS
neering is its use of mathematrcs to ana-
lyze designs. Applying the basic princi- HOLLOW-BOXARCH BRIDGE
ples of mechanics, engineers can caicu-
late the stresses and strains produced in
a structure when it is subjected to loads-
the weight of vehicles on a bridge, for ex- mann, he began the design for a bridge weight of the roadway is transferred by
ample, or the force of wind on a sky- over the Inn River in the small Swiss columns to the arch, which must be rel-
scraper. Such analysis has er-rormously town of Ztoz. The locai officials had atively thick to keep the bending stresses
increased the ability to predict the per- initially wanted a steel bridge to span low under the loads resulting from :

formance of those structures, enabling the 30-meter-wide river, but Maillart ar- bridge traffic. In Maillart's design, o

engineers to determine whether their gued that he could build a more elegant though, the roadway deck and arch were
bridges and towers can withstand severe bridge made of reinforced concrete for connected by three vertical walls, form-
earthquakes or hurricanes. But the de- about the same cost. His plans called for ing two hollow boxes running under the !
pendence on structural analysis has also a single-arch bridge with hinges at the roadway fsee illwstration abctue]. The
served, paradoxically, to limit the vision abutments and the crown (the bridget big advantage of this design was that for 1
of many designers. All too often, con- midpoint) to prevent bending stresses at most of the bridge's span the load
temporary engineers assume that if a those ooints. His crucial innovation was would be carried by ali three parts of
structure cannot be rigorously analyzed, incorporating the bridge's arch and the hollow box: the deck, arch and walls. 6
it cannot be built. roadway into a form called the hollow- (Near the abutments the load would be U

Maillart's first important bridge dis- box arch, which wouid substantially re- funneled into the arch and the abutment
proved this assumption. In 1900, when duce the bridge's expense by minimizing hinges.) Because the arch would not have o
Maillart was working for the Zurich the amount of concrete needed. to bear the load alone, it could be much
construction firm Frot6 and 'Wester- In a conventional arch bridee the thinner-as little as one third as thick o

86 ScrsNtrprc AurnrceN Tulv 2000 The Reuctlutionary Bridges of Robert Maillart

as the arch in a conventional bridge. Maillart. who had founded his own ter container, whatever its specific shape.
Maillart used a simplified graphical ionstruction firm in L902, was unable In the same year, though, a thorough
analysis to evaluate the feasibility of his to win many more bridge projects, so he mathematical treatment of the oroblem
design. A rigorous structural analysis shifted his focus to designing buildings, appeared. and this approach giadually
could not be performed, because no en- water tanks and other structures made assumed dominance in the profession.
gineer at the time could accurately cal- of reinforced concrete. The irony is that the mathematical ap-
culate the stresses in a concrete hollow- His firm had already built the concrete proach was so complex that engineers
box arch; the mathematics was simply bases for two large gas tanks in the Swiss could find solutions for only a few sim-
too comolex. \fhen Switzerland's lead- ciry of St. Gallen. These cylindrical struc- ple shapes.
ing authority on structures, \Wilhelm tures are filled with water to seal off the As Maillart began to work on con-
Ritter, was called in as a consultant on gas. Maillart designed the bases to be crete factories, warehouses and other
theZtoz project, he conceded that he light, like his bridges-he used only a buildings, he confronted another techni-
could not mathematically analyze the ouarter of the amount of concrete that cal problem: how to support the struc-
bridge. Nevertheless, he recognized that had been called for in the cityt original tures' heavily loaded floors. In conven-
Maillart's form was sound and recom- plans. He made this dramatic reduction tional designs the floors were flat slabs
mended that it be built. The bridge was by analyzing the structures as if they of concrete with horizontal girders run-
completed in 1901 and passed a full- were ordinary water barrels with vertical ning under each slab. The slabs carried
scale load test that measured the dis- staves and circular hoops [see upper il- the load to the girders, which in turn
placement of the structure when heavy, lustration on page 91l.ln the barrel the carried it to the building's columns.
horse-drawn carts rolled across the span. water pressure against the staves is bal- Maillart sought a simpler and less costly
It was a physical success in spite of be- anced by circumferential tension in the arrangement in which the concrete slabs
ing a mathematical mystery. hoops, which hold the staves together.
Over the next two years, however, Maillart reasoned that the steel bars em-
cracks appeared in the vertical walls bedded in the reinforced concrete would
show Maillart's refinements of his hollow-
near the bridge's abutments. The cracks perform the same function, so the walls box arch design. He used only two vertical
resulted from the gradual drying of the of the base could be relatively thin. walls to connect the deck to the arch and
structure: tension built in the walls as Maillart's graphical analysis of this en- removed the sections of the walls nearest
they tried to contract but were re- gineering problem, published in 1907, the abutments. Completed in 1905 (bot-
strained by the arch and deck, which avoided mathematical complexity, yet it tom),this bridge over the Rhine River was
were exDosed to moisture and thus could be applied to any cylindricai wa- destroved bv an avalanche in 7927.
dried more slowlv. This defect did not
threaten the bridge's safety, but it moti-

"t'i'1;:"s;'-"Lt' *'"
vated Maillart to correct the flaw when :1;ibr:f1j:rrr*
he designed his first masterpiece, the
1905 Tavanasa Bridge over the Rhine " 1r":, o* ..,.
River in the Swiss Alos.
In this design, Maillart removed the
parts of the vertical walls nearest the
abutments, which were not essential be-
cause they carried no load. In addition
to eliminating the cracking problem, the
change produced a slender, lighterJook-
ing form lsee illwstration at rightl.This
shape perfectly met the bridge's structur-
al requirements: it was shallow at the
crown and abutments but deep at the
quarter span-the nvo points halfivay s
between the crown and the abutments- !

which is precisely where the traffic loads s

are highest on a three-hinged arch. Sad- z
ly, the Tavanasa Bridge was destroyed in
a1927 avalanche that no bridee could o
have withstood.
l\Lrter Tbuks *nd Wareha*s*s F
aillart's innovations went Iargely :
unnoticed at first. The Tavanasa €

Bridge gained little favorable publicity in I

Switzerland; on the contrary, it aroused

strong aesthetic objections from public
officials who were more comfortable I

with old-fashioned stone-faced bridges.

Tbe Reuolutionary Bridges of Robert MaiLlart ScrlNrrr,rc Alrnnrcex July 2000 87

DECK-STIFFENED ARCH was conceived by Maillart as
a way ro handle live loads-the weight of traffic on a
bridge-that are not uniformly distributed. When tra{fic
is resting on only the left side of a conventional arch
$$ r tt
bridge (right), the load rvill push the left side of the arch
downlvard and the right side upward. (The deflections
shorvn here have been exaggerated.) The arch must be
thick enough to keep the bending stresses low. But in a
deck-sti{fened arch (far ight), the bridge's deck is made
very sfiff by adding reinforcing st€el to the parapets on
both sides of the roadway. The deck is connected trry
transverse walls to the arch, so it restrains the arch from COLUMNS
rising or falling. The design allows for a thin arch because
the bendine forces on it are minimal.

could be supported without horizontal He used similar columns for the Filter most important breakthror-rgh during
beams. Other engineers had tried to Building in Rorschach, Switzerland, con- this period was the development of the
solve the problem using mathematical structed tn 1912 fsee lower illustration deck-stiffened arch, the first example of
analysis, but the results were unsatisfac- on page 911. These designs ilh-rstrate which was the Flienglibach Bridge, built
tory. Instead of struggling with formu- Maillart's search for forms that were in 1923. The idea sprang from Mail-
las, Maillart built models of concrete beaudful. functional and inerpensive. Iart's analysis of the effect of live loads
slabs and conducted load tests on them (that is, the weight of thc tr:affic on a
in his firm's construction yard. A trbicc ir: tlie Wiidemcss bridge) when they are added to a dead
For his first flat-slab building, a 19\0 load (the weight of the bridge rtself).
Q tarting in l912, Mai,llert's 6rnr pro.-
warehouse in Zurich, Maillart employed An arch bridge is somewhat like an
columns whose tops flare out in capitals L., pered by taklng on large projecrs ln inverted cable. A cable curves doro,'n-
that merge with the concrete slab above. Czarist Russia, which was just begin- ward when a weight is hung from it,
These columns provided more support ning to industrialize. But the outbreak and the tension in the cable balances
by substantially reducing the free span of Vorld War I trapped Maillart and his the weight. An arch briclge curves up-
of the slab. But they also served an aes- family in Russia, and he lost his fortune ward to support the roadwaS and the
thetic purpose: Maillart designed the and nearly his life during the Commu- compression in the arch balances the
capitals so that they flowed in a smooth nist revolution. He returned to Switzer- dead loacl. But once the engineer has
hyperbolic curve from the horizontal Iand in 191.9 and a few years later began fixed the arch's form to fit the dead load,
slab to the vertical octagonal columns. to work on concrete bridges again. His it cannot be changecl. The addition of

." jlj


- :;i
I tiir:#
Maillart is seen by comparing
the 1925 Valtschielbach Bridee
tI (aboue) rvith the t9J3 Schr.rand-
o bach Bridec \ight and opposite
p age ). The Valtschielbach, locat- -* '; e"
ed ncar the town of Donath in
'-'*-"1. *
6 southeastern Switzerland, has +'' $;d
ii Romanesque stone abutments, a :l

smoothly curved arch and a

straight roadway deck. The
t{ Schwandbach, set in the forests
s south of Bern, has no stone abut-
a ments, its arch is polygonal, and
4 its roadway is horizontally curved.

rti tt i t



live loads will cause the arch to bend, es- the effect on the arch would be negligi- cessity of a thorough mathematical .e
pecially when the loads are asymmerric- ble. In this way, Maillart justified mak- treatment requiring derailed study of the
for example, when a hear,y truck is rest- ing the arch as thin as he could reason- interaction of the deck, walls and arch.
ing on one side of the bridge's span. The ably build it. He was able to stiffen the This approach, though, is often difficult
arch must be strong and thick enough deck of the Flienglibach Bridge by to apply in the real world, because it
to resist the bending. adding more reinforcing steel to the leads to a huge number of simultaneous
For aesthetic reasons, however, Mail- parapets on both sides of the roadway, equations, even for a small bridge. To,
lart wanted a thinner arch. His solution which also served as guardrails for the day such problems can be readily solved
was to connect the arch to the roadway bridge traffic. by computer, but the mathematical fo-
deck with transverse walls [see illustra- Maillart's analysis accurately predict- cus can lead engineers away from think,
tion abouel. Because the arch and deck ed the behavior of the bridge, as shown ing creatively about bridge design.
must then bend together, the forces that in full-scale load tests. But the leading Over the next 10 years, Maillart con-
cause bending (what engineers call the authorities of Swiss engineering-the centrated on refining the visual appear-
bending moment) would be distributed professors at the Federal Polytechnical ance of the deck-stiffened arch. 'We can
between the arch and deck in propor- Institute, Maillart's alma mater-would see this improvement by comparing his
tion to their relative stiffness. Ifthe deck argue against his methods for the next 1925 Valtschielbach Bridge to his 1933
is much stiffer than the arch, Maillart quarter of a century. Maillart's academ- Schwandbach Bridge. Both arches are ex-
reasoned, the bending moment wouid ic foes saw his approach as frivolous traordinarily thin, but the earlier bridge is
be almost completelv on the deck and and dangerous. They insisted on the ne- more conventional-it has Romanesoue

*s r,"X
*;.-,:* ;
abutments, a smoothly curved arch and 1991 it became the first concrete bridge
a straight roadway deck. In contrast, to be desienated an international historic
the Schwandbach Bridge has no stone civil engineering landmark.
abutments, its arch is polygonal, and its A few years after Salginatobel was
roadway deck is horizontally curved built, though, Maillart criticized his own
lsee illustration at bottom of page 8Bl. rnasterpiece, regretting his decision to
These innovations give the Schwand- round the underside ofthe arch near the
bach Bridge a wonderfully original form, bridge's crown. In his view, this round-
making that remote structure in the ing was another unnecessary reference
Swiss wilderness one of the greatest con- to an older style. He corrected the mis-
crete bridges of the century. take in his 1933 Felsegg Bridge, which
has a "broken arch"-the underside of
F,n gineering versu$ Arrhi t€c{ure the arch comes to a point at the bridge's
l, rf aillart's best-known structure is ln 1936 Maillart completed another
IVI th. Sclginatobel Bridge. complet- remarkable bridge, located at Vessy on
ed ir: 1?30 lsee illustration on pages 84 the outskirts of Geneva. \7ith this bridge,
dnd 8-\1. The design was based on the Maillart refined his broken-arch design
hollow-box arch of the destroyed Ta- by moving the two abutment hinges into
vanasa Bridge, but with refinements: the sp:rn and adding a vertical cut at the
MAILLAI{T'S LATER BRlI}GES illus- Maillart eliminated certain references to center hinge, thus emphasizing the arch's
trnte his continual qilest for nerv forms. older styles, such as the Tavanasa's Rom- discontinuity lsee illustration aboue).
Tlrc l?36 Vessy Briclge (*bave, ngi:rf) on anesque stone abutments. He won the Even more striking, the cr:oss walls sup- o
the orrtskir:ts of Geneva h;rs ;r hrokcn competition for the contract because his porting the roadway deck are in the
ar'ch--rts untlcrsitlc col!lc\ t(| .t point at design was the least expensive of the 19 shape of X's. This play with form creates
the bridge's qrorvn. The X-shaped crors a lively impression, yet the cross walls
submitted-the bridge and road were ci
lvalls supportiug the br:idgeh rofldway t
deek (alroue, leli) featur* horiaont*l lines
built for only -00,000 Swiss francs. are also suited to the bridge's structural a
equivalent to some $3.5 million today. requirements. Their X shape matches
produced hy the nnoden form hoards
In the Salginatobel was also Maiilart's longest the distribution of the bending moments
used in their construction' 1!]4t)
Larqhen Briclg* (&elo*r. ngfur), thc hori- span, at 90 rneters (295 feet), and it had caused by temperature expansion of the 6
zontal form-board lines highlighr the the most dramatic setting of all his struc- deck, which are largest at the top and g

thinness of the areh and its thickening at tures, vaulting 80 meters (262 feet) bottom of the walls and nearly zero at
the lnwer"hinges (&eiartr, /eft). above the ravine of the Saleina brook. In midheight. Another interesting feature is
the series of horizontal lines produced in I
some of the cross walls by the wooden o
form boards used in their construction. 4
This pattern of lines on X shapes resem-
bles the painting Doppelzeb ("double t
tent"), by Swiss artist Paul Klee, a con-
temporary of Maillart's.
Builders commonly use form-board :
patterns to give texture and decoratior-r
to exposed concrete surfaces; the result =
is sometimes called "architectural con-
crete." In 1939, ayear before his death,
Maillart incorporated form-board pat- PRESSURE @F.
terns into his design of Lachen Bridge on
the south shore of the Lake of Zurich' A
series of horizontal lines run along the
surface of the arch and the vertical walls
of the hollow box above tt lsee illustra-
tion at bottom of opposite pagel' The BENDING
pattern highlights the thinness of the arch
and its thickening at the lower hinges. MAILLART'S PLAN
Because Maillart paid so much atten-
tion to the appearance of his bridges' he
saw no need for the input of an archi- PRESSURE
tect to complete his designs. Early in his
career he was forced to collaborate with
architects on several of his bridges in or-
der to satisfy local officials and, as he Gl{APf"1lCA1" AI\AI.}'SIS led to Maillart's design for the
called it, their "atavistic antipathy" to concr*te basers of two large t:rnks in 5t" Gallerr, Srvitzer-
his innovations. But Maillart worked lanc1"'T'hc origin*l p1*n (fop) called lirr thick conclete walls
alone on all of his most important de- to r*sist lhe prcssirle of the rr'atcr contained lll the srfl$il-
signs. He was particularly disdainful of turc. Bnt in Maillart's plan {batt<xrtJ. the rcsistancc c:t)mes
from circurnfcrential tcnsion in the stcel rods cnrl"rcdded in CIRCUMFERENTIAL
the attempts by some architects to give TENSION
rhc coucrr:(*, thus allnwing tlre walls to bc thinncr'
bridges a "monumental" look.
Maillart did appreciate the fact that
some architects and architectural writ- neer Christian Menn, who designed
ers were perceptive critics of bridge de- many striking deck-stiffened arch bridges
sign. Indeed, architects often recognized beginning in the late 1950s. By the early
the high quality of Maillart's structures I970s American engineers started to
be{ore his fellow engineers did. ln 1'947, build deck-stiffened arches as well.
seven years after Maillart's death, the- Vewed from a historical perspective,
architectural section of the Museum of Maillart fits squarely in the engineering
Modern Art in New York CitY devoted tradition established by John Roebling'
a maior exhibition entirely to his works' designer of the Brooklyn Bridge, and
In contrast, very few American structur- Gustave Eiffel, creator of many impres-
al engineers at that time had even heard sive bridges and, of course, the Eiffel
of Maillart. Tower. For all three men, design came
In the following years, however, engi- first. They began with the forms or
neers realized that Maillart's bridges shapes that expressed their visions of
were more than iust aesthetically pleas- structural art; then they used simple an-
ing-they were technically unsurpassed. alvtical techniques to develop their
After \Torld War II, Maillart's hollow- plans. Maillart'i work provides a valu-
box arch became the dominant design able lesson for today's engineers: he
form for medium- and long-span con- was able to design stunningly original
tr[.Al{lNG {]ilI'Ll Ml'l$ nrcr$* 5*'}olrth!y
crete bridges in the U.S. In Switzerland' bridges and industrial structures be- with th* concrrt* slnb ;ttrr;vr: tht:m irl
professors at the Federal Polytechnical cause he possessed artistic sensitiviry N4 irill*rt'i l'iltcr tltrildi rlg i n ftorsch*ch,

lnstitute finally began to teach Maillart's broad construction experience and deep Srvirz*rl*nd, constructed in 191?' l\4nil-
ideas, which then influenced a new gen- technical proficiency. In the modern art lnrt's elcsigtr nllorvccl lh* colunrns t{} bl!p-
eration of designers. One of Maillart's of structural engineering' these three pol't thc heavilv loarieil *l;lb rvitt.rottt thc
most prominent followers is Swiss engi- qualities must go hand in hand. 6 nced for horieotttirl ber;lrn".

The Awthor Further lnformation
Spacr,,Trun aNo Ancnrrpctunr: THs Gnov'rH oE e
DAVID P. BILLINGTON has been teaching engineering at Princeton,Univer-
Professor ot Nr,w TharrroN. Sigfried Giedion. Harvard Universiry =
sity for 40 years and currently holds the title of Gordon Y. S. s
in degree from Press, 1963. f,
[;d;.r-;- He received his bachelor of science engineering
RosnRr MaIrraRt: BnIocEs eNo CoNstnucrloNs'
priiceto. ii tpSO and worked as a structural designer at the firm of Roberts &
Max Bill. Artemis, 1969., in New York City before joining Princeton's faculty in 196,0' He has
Tnr, AncHrrr,cruRE oF Bxrocns. Elizabeth B' Mock' €
ouutirl.a six books, including Robert Maillart's Bridges (Princeton,University Aver- 1972.
F**, iszsl, The Tower andih, Bridgrt The New Art of Struct,ural Art Engineer
ol Re- Roesnr Marttanr: Buttor,R, DasIcNnn, aNo ARttsr'
lng (Princeton University Press, 1985), and Robert Maillart and the o
David P. Billington. Cambridge University Press, 1997'
inforced Concrete (MIT Press' 1991).

Maillart ScrcNnrrc AusRrcau JulY 2000 97

The Reuolutionary Bridges of Robert

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