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Science Department
- 2021
Student’s Name: ____________________
yousef maklad        Grade (9) /Section: _________
Chapter (2): Motion in One Dimension         Date: ___________________
Lesson (2):  Acceleration                              
Answer the following Questions.

1. A skater glides off a frozen pond onto a patch of ground at a speed of 1.8 m/s. Here she is
slowed at a constant rate of 3.00 m/s2. How fast is the skater moving when she has slid 0.37 m
across the ground?
Answer: vf = 1 m/s
Vf^2=(Vi^2)+(2a deltax)
(1.8^2) + (2)(-3) (0.37)
3.24 + -6 x 0.37
3.24 - 2.22

2. Human reaction time is usually about 0.20 s. If your lab partner holds a ruler between your
finger and thumb and releases it without warning, how far can you expect the ruler to fall
before you catch it?
(a = 9.81 m/s2.)
Answer: - 0.196 m
delta X = (Vi x t ) + 1/2 a (delta T)^2
delta X = (0 x 0.20) + 1/2 (-9.81) (0.20 ^2)
delta X = (0) -0.1962
delta X = -0.1962 m

3. A cat walking at 0.25 m/s sees a mouse and accelerates uniformly at 0.40 m/s2 for 3.0 s. What
is the cat’s displacement during this time?
Answer: 2.6 m

delta X = (Vi x t ) + 1/2 a (delta T)^2
delta X = (0.25 x 3.0) + 1/2 (0.40) (3.0) ^2
delta X = (0.75) + 1.8
delta X = (2.55)

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