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People who have been in 

close contact with someone who has COVID-19

—excluding people who have had COVID-19 within the past 3 months
or who are fully vaccinated.

 People who have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 3 months
and recovered do not have to quarantine or get tested again as long as
they do not develop new symptoms.
 People who develop symptoms again within 3 months of their first
bout of COVID-19 may need to be tested again if there is no other
cause identified for their symptoms.
 People who have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-
19 are not required to quarantine if they have been fully
vaccinated against the disease and show no symptoms.

What counts as close contact?

 You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15
minutes or more
 You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19
 You had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed
 You shared eating or drinking utensils
 They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you

People who have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19
—excluding people who have had COVID-19 within the past 3 months
or who are fully vaccinated.

 People who have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 3 months
and recovered do not have to quarantine or get tested again as long as
they do not develop new symptoms.
 People who develop symptoms again within 3 months of their first
bout of COVID-19 may need to be tested again if there is no other
cause identified for their symptoms.
 People who have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-
19 are not required to quarantine if they have been fully
vaccinated against the disease and show no symptoms.
What counts as close contact?

 You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15
minutes or more
 You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19
 You had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed
 You shared eating or drinking utensils
 They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you

 3. Power of a Power
 For example: (2³)², (5²)⁶, (3² )−3−3

In power of a power you need multiply the powers.

 Consider the following

(i) (2³)⁴

Now, (2³)⁴ means 2³ is multiplied four times

i.e. (2³)⁴ = 2³ × 2³ × 2³ × 2³



Note: by law (l), since aᵐ × aⁿ = am+nm+n.

(ii) (2³)²

Similarly, now (2³)² means 2³ is multiplied two times

i.e. (2³)² = 2³ × 2³

= 23+33+3, [since aᵐ × aⁿ = am+nm+n] 
 = 2⁶

Note: Here, we see that 6 is the product of 3 and 2 i.e,

                          (2³)² = 23×23×2= 2⁶

(iii) (4−2−2)³

Similarly, now (4−2−2)³ means 4−2−2
  is multiplied three times

i.e. (4−2−2)³ =4−2−2 × 4−2−2 × 4−2−2
 = 4−2+(−2)+(−2)−2+(−2)+(−2)
 = 4−2−2−2−2−2−2

= 4−6

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