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Positive reinforcement procedures have had a major impact on educational programs for the de-
velopmentally disabled; nevertheless, variation in reinforcer effectiveness both within and across
individuals is a common phenomenon. This study examined one class of variables-establishing
operations-hat might influence the effectiveness of reinforcers. Five developmentally disabled adult
males participated. Responding on one of two motor tasks-switch closure or block placement-
was assessed during baseline, satiation, and deprivation conditions with respect to three classes of
consequences: small food items, music, and social praise. Deprivation and satiation conditions were
constructed so as not to alter significantly the normal course of events in a subject's day. For example,
food deprivation entailed scheduling sessions just prior to a subject's regular lunch, and social
deprivation involved limiting a subject's access to social interaction for 15 minutes, during which
time the subject had access to an assortment of other activities. Results showed that each stimulus
class functioned as reinforcement with different degrees of effectiveness during satiation versus
deprivation conditions. These results are discussed in light of previous research on enhancement of
reinforcer efficacy as well as the assessment and identification offunctional reinforcers, and implications
are presented for future research and client habilitation.
DESCRIPTORS: establishing operations, positive reinforcement, deprivation, satiation

Reinforcement is the most important and most has facilitated the acquisition of a wide range of
basic motivational tool in teaching the mentally adaptive and socially relevant behaviors for devel-
retarded. One of the first studies of operant rein- opmentally disabled individuals, induding self-help
forcement procedures with this population was re- (e.g., Arzin & Foxx, 1971), communication (e.g.,
ported by Fuller (1949), who reinforced arm move- Reid & Hurlbut, 1977), social (e.g., Whitman,
ments in a profoundly retarded teenage boy by Mercurio, & Caponigri, 1970), vocational (e.g.,
contingently squirting a warm sugar-milk solution Cuvo, Leaf, & Borakove, 1978), and community
via syringe into the boy's mouth. Previously, the survival skills (e.g., Page, Iwata, & Neef, 1976),
boy's physicians had considered him "vegetative" among others. Typically, food, liquids, or social
and unable to learn. The response Fuller selected praise is used as the reinforcer with developmentally
for analysis was arbitrary and insignificant as a final disabled populations, although there has been ex-
target behavior, but the demonstration that rein- tensive interest in identifying sensory reinforcers such
forcement principles were applicable to the behavior as vibration, tickling, hand clapping, light, and
of even the most profoundly retarded individuals music (e.g., Bailey & Meyerson, 1969; Ferrari &
was highly significant. Harris, 1981; Rincover & Newsom, 1985).
In more recent studies, positive reinforcement Because reinforcement effects with a given stim-
ulus often vary across individuals, several research-
This research is based on a thesis submitted as partial ers have developed methods for identifying poten-
fulfillment for the first author's Master of Science degree from tial reinforcers on an individual basis (e.g., Datillo,
the University of Florida. We thank Martina Jonak and 1986; Mason, McGee, Farmer-Dougan, & Risley,
Jennifer Zarcone for their assistance as experimenters and 1989;
observers in this study. We also thank Richard Smith for Pace, Ivancic, Edwards, Iwata, & Page,
acting as an observer, and Marc Branch, Vivian Correa, Ed 1985). One consistent finding of these studies is
Malagodi, and Henry Pennypacker for their helpful com- that reinforcement effects are idiosyncratic; it is as-
ments on an earlier draft of this manuscript.
Address correspondence to Timothy R. Vollmer, Depart- sumed that this variability across (and even within)
ment of Psychology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Flor- individuals is due in part to remote histories of
ida 32611. reinforcement and perhaps genetics. But apart from

individual differences resulting from these factors, period. The experimenters conduded that the de-
it is likely that other variables also determine the privation period increased the reinforcing efficacy
momentary effectiveness of a stimulus functioning of social praise. In a follow-up study, Gewirtz and
as reinforcement. Baer (1958a) demonstrated that a brief period of
One of the dearest examples of variables that presession exposure to social interaction reduced the
influence the momentary effectiveness of reinforcers efficacy of praise as a reinforcer, apparently due to
is the continuum from deprivation to satiation with a satiation effect.
respect to a given stimulus, which is considered to Another interesting demonstration of control by
be an important methodological detail in nonhu- establishing operations in the applied literature was
man behavioral research. For example, theJournal reported by Corte, Wolf, and Locke (1971), who
of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior rou- examined differential reinforcement as a treatment
tinely publishes studies in which reports of depri- for self-injury in profoundly retarded adolescents.
vation level are stated in the method sections. These When the adolescents were relatively food deprived
motivational variables, such as food and water de- (i.e., their lunch was slightly delayed), food was a
privation, have been termed establishing opera- more effective reinforcer in a differential reinforce-
tions by Michael (1982). Michael suggested that ment ofother behavior (DRO) contingency for self-
events such as salt ingestion, temperature changes injury than when the subjects' lunch was served on
away from the organism's normal thermal condi- time. This particular example is one of the few
tion, and food deprivation not only evoke behavior systematic analyses of local deprivation using hu-
that has in the past been followed by a specific man subjects and primary reinforcers. Such an ex-
object or event but also "alter the effectiveness of periment implicitly invokes ethical questions that
some object or event as reinforcement" (Michael, perhaps underlie the absence of applied research on
1982, p. 150). That is, such conditions establish establishing operations: Is it appropriate or even
the reinforcing value of various stimuli. feasible to "deprive" humans of primary or sec-
Although Michael's account of these motiva- ondary reinforcers that are normally made available
tional variables has important implications for hu- to them (e.g., lunch time)? Perhaps more subtly,
man behavior, little research on establishing op- what exactly constitutes a deprivation operation?
erations has been published in the applied literature. Other recent studies have indirectly examined
For example, establishing operations may have spe- variables relevant to establishing operations. For
cial relevance to the growing literature on reinforcer example, Egel (1980, 1981) demonstrated that
assessment for developmentally disabled people, varied reinforcers were more effective than constant
but a dose examination of those studies finds little reinforcers in maintaining correct responses during
mention of antecedent operations. This finding is discrete-trial training with developmentally dis-
surprising because the effectiveness of reinforcing abled individuals. It is possible to interpret Egel's
stimuli might in fact be influenced by some tem- findings as reduced satiation during the varied con-
porary states of deprivation and satiation, which dition, such that the effectiveness of the reinforcer
may inject variability into resulting data or may lasted longer within each session.
even hinder the progress of particular clients. The current investigation examined some vari-
An early example of the effects of establishing ables that may establish a stimulus as a reinforcer
operations on human behavior was described by in one context and, conversely, abolish the rein-
Gewirtz and Baer (1958b), who recorded children's forcing qualities of that same stimulus in another
responding on a marble-dropping task both with context. This type of investigation may provide
and without a presession period of social depriva- suggestions for controlling variables before bringing
tion (a condition with no communication between an individual into a reinforcer assessment, training,
subject and experimenter). During sessions, social or research session, and may also suggest ways to
praise was used as a consequence for responding, maximize the reinforcing capabilities of a given
and response rates were higher after the deprivation stimulus. The selection of stimuli for assessment in

this study was based on reinforcers commonly used imal number of known reinforcers suitable for his
in clinical and applied settings, and also accounted training programs. Donny sporadically followed
for primary reinforcement (food), conditioned re- simple verbal instructions but did not display any
inforcement (social), and sensory reinforcement speech.
(music). Finally, the establishing operations in the Similarly, 36-year-old Rich was reasonably well
current study did not significantly interfere with the coordinated with his legs, arms, and fingers but
subjects' ongoing daily routine. This feature further often wandered away from training sessions after
differentiates this study from operations employed short periods of time. Rich complied to a number
in the basic literature (in which naturally occurring of routine verbal requests (e.g., "Get your jacket,"
feeding and/or drinking cycles are necessarily dis- "Take off your shoes"), but displayed no conven-
rupted) and suggests meaningful strategies for tional language.
avoiding such ethical concerns as those mentioned Sessions were conducted, usually 5 days per week,
above. in a therapy room in an unoccupied cottage or in
a room situated away from ongoing activity in the
METHOD subjects' home cottage. In both rooms, the exper-
imenter and/or an observer sat or stood several feet
Subjects and Setting from the subject (depending on the experimental
Five adult males, diagnosed as profoundly re- condition). For each subject, the location of the
tarded, participated. All of the men resided at a session was always the same for each stimulus as-
state facility for the developmentally disabled. sessment.
Sam was 27 years old and was nonambulatory
but could independently use a wheelchair. He fol- Selection of Stimuli
lowed simple instructions and could say a few words The three stimulus classes selected for analysis
and short sentences. He was reported to have a low (small food items, music, and social praise) were
attention span and displayed difficulty in the use chosen because they are commonly used as rein-
of his arms and fingers to perform fine-motor tasks forcers in applied settings (e.g., Ferrari & Harris,
such as picking up small items. 1981; Rincover & Newsom, 1985) and because
Lonny was a 28-year-old ambulatory individual they represent three discernible classes-primary,
who responded to simple verbal requests; however, conditioned, and sensory. The stimuli were matched
he displayed no functional or conventional vocal to subjects based on either a procedure similar to
behavior. Staff described his behavior as "distract- that employed by Pace et al. (1985) involving
ible," and he also had difficulties with fine-motor approach to the items or on information obtained
tasks, although his difficulties seemed related to via staff interviews. Thus, for each subject, there
poor vision. Apart from the vision problem, Lonny was prior information indicating that the stimulus
appeared to be physically well coordinated. to be assessed might function as a reinforcer in
Craig was a 29-year-old man who sometimes some context. Craig, Sam, and Lonny participated
used a wheelchair but also would hop from place in the food assessment; Rich and Donny partici-
to place with his one fully developed leg. Craig had pated in the music assessment; and Donny and
an extremely limited receptive and expressive verbal Sam participated in the social interaction assess-
repertoire. He displayed good motor skills with his ment.
one fillly developed arm but demonstrated diffi-
culty in staying on task in training sessions observed Procedure
prior to this study. Food items. The subject was guided to and seat-
Donny was a 2 5-year-old ambulatory man who ed at the table in the experimental room. A con-
had adequate use of his hands, arms, and fingers tainer holding approximately 250 small blocks was
but displayed a propensity for running away from placed on the table in front of the subject; next to
training sessions and was reported to have a min- it was placed a receptacle (1 ft high) with a hole
at the top large enough for one block at a time to of food during any 2-min span, the 1O-min free
fit through. Each session began with a simple prompt access period was terminated and the session began.
that was not repeated at any time during the session. The satiation condition was identical to the depri-
The experimenter said, "Do this [subject's name]," vation condition from that point on.
and demonstrated the response of putting one block Music. The same general seating and prompting
through the hole. The experimenter then sat across procedures were followed for this stimulus class;
the desk from the subject and watched the top of however, an automated apparatus was incorporated
the receptade only. If an additional observer was for the purpose of recording responses and deliv-
present, he or she sat approximately 3 m away from ering music. The target response involved pressing
the subject at an angle allowing dear view of the a small pedal (with the hand) that dosed a micro-
target behavior. Sessions lasted 10 min, although switch. The only person in the room, other than
the subject could stop responding at any time and the subject, was the experimenter or an assistant
was never instructed to return to the desk if he left who sat across the table "reading" (and watching
it. The dependent variable of interest was the num- a dock).
ber of responses per minute. During baseline, responding was met with no
During baseline conditions, sessions took place programmed consequences (other than a slight click
within 30 min before the subject's scheduled lunch noise by the switch dosure). In the deprivation
time, and responding was met with no programmed condition, an observer ensured that the subject did
consequence. During deprivation conditions, ses- not have access to any musical stimulation for at
sions also took place within 30 min before lunch least 30 min prior to the session. During sessions,
time and commenced with the modeled response responding produced music (via cassette tape) on
and instruction. However, responses were now fol- an FR 6 schedule; the duration of music was 4 s
lowed by fixed-ratio (FR) schedules of food pre- for Rich and 4 s and later 12 s for Donny. As with
sentation (raisins, nuts, or dried fruit, none of which the food assessment, the first response of each ses-
were available during the morning snack). For Craig sion was followed by the relevant consequence.
and Sam, the schedule was FR 3, whereas Lonny's During the satiation condition, an experimenter
schedule was FR 5 (although the first response of played taped music (the same or similar tape to be
each session was followed by access to food for each used in the session) in a room where the subject
of the 3 subjects; this was seen as the most efficient happened to be sitting or standing for 30 min prior
way to allow the behavior to contact the conse- to the session. The music was played at a level
quence in effect). A food item was delivered by deemed audible throughout the room, but an at-
placing it on a particular corner of the desk within tempt was made to keep the music's source within
1 s after completion of the schedule requirement. 2 m of the subject. Sessions began at the end of
Along with sessions taking place prior to lunch the 30 min of music and, from this point on, were
time, it was ensured that the subject did not have the same as those described in the deprivation con-
access to the target food item during that morning's dition.
snack (the items were not induded in the cottage Social interaction. The block-placement task
reinforcer or snack supply). was used as the target response for this stimulus
During satiation conditions, sessions started dass, and the same general seating and prompting
within 15 min after the subject had eaten lunch. procedures described above were followed. As with
Also, the sessions were preceded by 10 min of free the other stimulus assessments, the baseline con-
access to the food item. Specifically, the experi- dition provided no programmed consequence for
menter placed the small food item on the desk (in responding. The other conditions differed some-
the designated spot); when and if the subject placed what for the 2 subjects (Donny and Sam).
the food item in his mouth, another piece was In the deprivation condition, an observer watched
delivered. If the subject did not consume a piece Donny until a period of 15 min had passed in

which there was no social interaction between the in size to the ones he often carried around, although
subject and any other person. During this 1 5-min he did not have access to any marked "field trip
span, the subject was not socially isolated; games, pass." At the end of the 15-min period, during
water, and other materials were available, but the which Sam spent most of the time looking at col-
observer explicitly did not interact with the indi- oring books, sessions began. The experimenter pro-
vidual. This condition was conducted in Donny's vided contingent interaction on an FR 3 schedule
home cottage. Staff members were asked to "allow by acknowledging Sam's field trip pass, saying "I'd
Donny to play or work by himself for a while," better write _ _ on your pass" and writing one
and they were assured that he would be monitored. of seven predetermined words or phrases such as
Following the 15-min period, the session began. Sam's name, the experimenter's initials, or the name
Responses on the block task were followed by social of the research site in a quasi-randomized order.
praise on an FR 10 schedule (after the initial FR During the satiation period, the experimenter
1 as described in the previous conditions). Social acknowledged Sam's "passes" for 15 min prior to
praise consisted of an experimenter approaching the session, continuously writing and saying one of
from a distance of about 2 m to a distance of about the seven words or phrases. Following the 1 5-min
1 m and stating any one of six praise statements satiation period, sessions matched those described
such as "Good job Donny! You are a hard worker," in the deprivation phase.
or "Wow, I sure like it when you work this hard."
The praise statements were presented in a quasi- Recording and Reliability
randomized order. Observers recorded the subjects' performance on
During satiation conditions, the experimenter met the block task on a hand-held counter. Each block
with Donny for 15 min prior to the session and placed in the receptade was counted as one re-
provided continuous interaction (e.g., simple game sponse. Counting blocks in the receptade at the
playing and conversation) and noncontingent state- end of the session proved to be an inexact measure
ments of verbal praise at least once every 15 s because several of the subjects would occasionally
(mixed in with the normal conversation). Sessions overturn the receptade and shake out several blocks.
then followed the same format as that described Therefore, responses were counted as they occurred.
for deprivation conditions. For each subject and for each condition of each
Informal observation of Sam showed that he assessment, a reliability observer simultaneously
spent much time asking for acknowledgment of collected data during 20% or more of the sessions.
the "field trip passes" he carried around (which Agreement was calculated by dividing the smaller
were actually torn strips of paper on which staff number of responses counted by the larger number
frequently wrote various words). He did this by of responses counted and converting into a per-
persistently holding out the paper towards staff centage. Overall agreement scores exceeded 97%
members and saying "field trip." Thus, the social in all conditions for all subjects. When possible,
consequence assessed for Sam was more idiosyn- the rare discrepancies were rectified by counting the
cratic than for Donny, because the "passes" were blocks in the receptade following the session.
used as the occasion for social reinforcement.
Baseline conditions, using the block task, matched
those presented to subjects in the food-item as- Procedural Integrity
sessment. Because he had been a subject in that During assessments involving food, the proce-
component of the study, Sam had previous expe- dure was kept consistent by always placing the food
rience with the block task several months earlier. item in the same general spot on the desk, by
During deprivation conditions, Sam was placed placing it within 1 s of the completion of a ratio
in a room alone for 15 min with various play requirement, and by requiring the experimenter to
materials and two blank torn sheets of paper similar avoid eye contact with the subject. Observers re-
Table 1 ments involved the block task. Despite individual
Overall Mean Response Rates: All Stimuli differences, each subject showed higher rates of re-
Stimulus Baseline Satiation Deprivation sponding in deprivation than in satiation; partic-
ularly large differences between conditions can be
Food seen in Lonny's food assessment (9.48 vs. 0.42)
Craig 0.36 0.68 2.62 and Rich's music assessment (8.42 vs. 1.54). Rel-
Sam 0.93 2.80 4.64
Lonny 2.65 0.42 9.48 atively small differences are seen in Sam's social
Music interaction (5.32 vs. 3.99) and food assessments
Rich 2.16 1.54 8.24 (4.64 vs. 2.80). In every case, mean response rates
Donny 5.88 2.48 5.06 during deprivation were higher than in baseline,
Social except in Donny's music assessment (the reasons
Donny 2.48 10.36 17.78 for this are discussed below).
Sam 1.34 3.99 5.32
The upper panel of Figure 1 shows Craig's ses-
ported no procedural variation from these dimen- sion-by-session response rates on the block task.
sions. His responding decreased throughout baseline,
During assessments involving social conse- eventually approaching zero (condition M = 0.36
quences, procedural reliability was established by responses per minute). During the first deprivation
preselecting the consequences to be delivered, keep- condition, when contingent food was first present-
ing experimenters constant, and having interactions ed, Craig's responding increased immediately (M
timed in at least 20% of the sessions in each con- = 2.54 responses per minute). His response rate
dition (in Sam's case). Interactions with Sam lasted subsequently decreased and again increased as a
an average of 5.4 s in satiation conditions and 5.5 function of satiation followed by deprivation (M
s in deprivation conditions. No other procedural = 0.68 and 2.67 responses per minute, respec-
variations were reported. tively). These results indicate that food functioned
When the electronic apparatus was used during as a more effective reinforcer during the deprivation
the music conditions, responses were recorded au- condition.
tomatically and totals were written down at the The middle panel of Figure 1 shows Sam's data.
end of the session by the experimenter. Prior to His responding also decreased markedly during
each session, the accuracy of the machine was cal- baseline; occasionally he exhibited no responses dur-
ibrated in terms of response recording and duration ing an entire session (M = 0.93 responses per
of stimulus presentation. The apparatus remained minute). During the first satiation condition, his
accurate throughout the study. response rate increased noticeably (M = 2.16 re-
sponses per minute) and increased even further
RESULTS during the subsequent deprivation condition (M =
4.38 responses per minute). Responding decreased
Overall Results slightly during the second satiation condition (M
Table 1 shows the mean response rates for all = 4.18 responses per minute) and increased again
subjects across baseline, satiation, and deprivation during the final deprivation condition (M = 5.17
conditions. There were large differences in absolute responses per minute). An overall acquisition effect
response rates across subjects; for example, whereas is evident following baseline, but is especially dear
Donny responded an average of 17.8 times per after Sam broke his arm in an accident unrelated
minute in the social deprivation condition, Craig to the experiment (arrows in Figure 1). Thus, the
responded only 2.6 times per minute in the food results indicate that although food functioned as
deprivation condition-even though both assess- reinforcement during both satiation and depriva-



5 arm
U bbroken
z cast
0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~removed


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Figure 1. Responses per minute in food assessment for Craig, Sam, and Lonny during no reinforcement (baseline) and
reinforcement (deprivation, satiation) conditions.
tion, deprivation enhanced the overall acquisition graph is descending, although it is temporarily in-
effect. terrupted by deprivation. The across-sessions effect
The lower panel of Figure 1 displays Lonny's replicates the findings of Rincover, Newsom, Lo-
data. During baseline, responding was variable and vaas, and Koegel (1977), who showed that the
showed a decreasing trend (M = 2.65 responses reinforcing effect of taped music decreased after a
per minute). During deprivation, responding re- series of sessions.
mained variable (ranging from 0 to 19.9) but in- After Rich's two deprivation and satiation con-
creased markedly (M = 6.44 responses per min- ditions, a varied reinforcement condition (Egel,
ute). In satiation, his response rate again decreased 1980, 1981) was implemented in an attempt to
and approached zero (M = 0.42 responses per increase responding. During this condition, praise,
minute). Finally, responding in the second depri- a new tape of music, or food was delivered in
vation condition increased substantially (M = 12.1 random order after completion of the FR 6 re-
responses per minute). These data indicate that food quirement. Following an initial increase in respond-
functioned as reinforcement during the deprivation ing, another across-session decrease in responding
conditions and that the presession satiation almost was observed (M = 4.42 responses per minute).
entirely eliminated the reinforcing efficacy of food. Because of these mixed findings, it is more difficult
It is noteworthy that Sam consumed food items to determine precisely the effects of the presession
throughout the presession exposure period before manipulations on Rich's behavior.
every satiation session, whereas Lonny did for most The lower panel of Figure 2 displays Donny's
of the sessions, and Craig generally stopped eating data. In baseline, initially high rates of responding
them after about 1 to 2 min of exposure. Thus, it eventually decreased and stabilized at a rate near
is undear whether the relevant satiation effect took zero (M = 5.88 responses per minute). The first
place during the presession exposure, during lunch, four sessions of the baseline account for the con-
or as a function of some combination of the two dition mean that is higher than the overall means
events. during satiation and deprivation (see Table 1). In
many of the last 11 sessions of baseline, any re-
Music sponding that occurred happened almost imme-
The upper panel of Figure 2 displays Rich's diately after the initial instruction. During the first
session-by-session response rates on the switch-do- satiation condition, the initial exposure to the music
sure task. A relatively low and descending rate of consequence produced a relatively high rate of re-
response was observed in baseline (M = 2.16 re- sponding, but the rate then descended and ap-
sponses per minute), followed by a marked increase proached zero (M = 3.97 responses per minute).
in the first deprivation condition, during which In the first deprivation condition, responding did
music was first presented (M = 10.2 responses per not differ markedly from the first satiation condition
minute). Responding then decreased to approxi- until the duration of the music was increased from
mately baseline levels during the first satiation con- 4 to 12 s (arrow in Figure 2); prior to that ma-
dition (M = 2.41 responses per minute), followed nipulation, the mean rate was 3.81 responses per
by an increase during the second deprivation con- minute, whereas after the change it was 6.30 re-
dition (M = 5.06 responses per minute). In the sponses per minute. The change in stimulus du-
second satiation condition, the rate again decreased ration was made after informal observation of Don-
(M = 0.81 responses per minute). Thus, music ny suggested that music was functioning as a
showed a differential reinforcement effect in depri- reinforcer in some contexts (i.e., he was often seen
vation versus satiation conditions, but the data also dancing, smiling, and orienting to music outside
suggest an overall across-sessions satiation (or ha- of the experimental setting). Thus, it was felt that
bituation) effect because the entire curve of the perhaps the short duration of exposure accounted




0 25
CD 20 12 sec
w 15
0 LbQ 8 9
10o 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 2. Responses per minute in music assessment for Rich and Donny during no reinforcement (baseline) and
reinforcement (deprivation, satiation) conditions.

for the lack of a reinforcement effect, and the data event to function as reinforcement in the depriva-
indicate that this was probably the case. Subse- tion condition.
quently, responding in the second satiation con-
dition decreased to low rates similar to the last Social Interaction
several data points in baseline (M = 0.8 responses The upper panel of Figure 3 displays Donny's
per minute), even though the duration of music session-by-session response rates on the block task.
was still 12 s. Finally, responding increased again His responding stabilized at a low rate during base-
in the second deprivation condition (M = 4.92 line (M = 2.48 responses per minute). During the
responses per minute). Thus, the results for Donny first deprivation condition, responding increased and
indicate that the degree of presession exposure in- occurred at consistently high rates (M = 20.3 re-
fluenced the efficacy of music only when the du- sponses per minute). The rate during satiation was
ration of the consequence was long enough for the comparatively low (M = 10.4 responses per min-



w 15
z 10

cc 01

wc 5

10 20 30 40
Figure 3. Responses per minute in social interaction assessment for Donny and Sam during no reinforcement (baseline)
and reinforcement (deprivation, satiation) conditions.

ute) and was descending when the transition to the responding. The difference between responding in
second deprivation condition occurred. Interesting- the first deprivation condition and the satiation
ly, after two satiation sessions, Donny began to condition was dear enough that a return to the
display escape behaviors during the presession in- deprivation condition was made to avoid inadver-
teraction, such as moving across the room or run- tently supporting inappropriate behavior. The ap-
ning away from the experimenter. Eventually, this parent aversive nature of the social interaction was
apparent escape responding escalated to aggression only temporary because rates of responding recov-
in the form of throwing objects at the experimenter. ered during the second deprivation condition (M
These informal observations suggest that social praise = 15.0 responses per minute). Also, no further
or attention not only lost reinforcing efficacy but aggression or escape responding was observed in
also may have acquired aversive properties. The the presession setting.
brevity of the satiation condition was, in fact, due The lower panel of Figure 3 shows Sam's data.
to the escalation of inappropriate and aggressive Responding decreased throughout baseline (M =
1.34 responses per minute). The rates increased functional reinforcers (via manipulation of ante-
relative to baseline in each of the satiation (M = cedent variables). For example, a therapist might
4.08 and 3.92 responses per minute) and depri- find that preferred stimuli for a client indude food,
vation conditions (M = 5.42 and 5.18 responses air from fans, and fluid. The therapist might then
per minute). These data indicate that contingent apply the principles of establishing operations by
interaction involving Sam's "pass" functioned as using specific stimuli as consequences at the time
reinforcement for the target response in both sati- when they are likely to be most effective: food
ation and deprivation conditions, but was more before meals, the fan at the hottest point of the
potent in the deprivation conditions. day, and fluid after some specified time that the
client has gone without a drink or in conjunction
with salty food such as crackers. A failure to con-
DISCUSSION sider these variables may be translated (falsely) as
Results of this study showed that response rates a failure of positive reinforcement.
during reinforcement conditions varied as a function The notion of intentionally strengthening stimuli
of relative deprivation versus satiation. These effects as reinforcers via establishing operations has ad-
were shown across subjects, as well as across two ministrative implications for scheduling daily ac-
tasks and three dlasses of reinforcers. The results tivities as well as for scheduling access to various
thus extend Michael's (1982) analysis of establish- stimuli. It is often thought that constant stimulation
ing operations to the behavior of developmentally is optimal for the development of disabled indi-
disabled individuals. Of particular interest was the viduals because of their limited access to stimuli.
finding that the deprivation and satiation levels But results of the current study suggest that per-
used in this study were quite commonplace and formance during training sessions may be enhanced
generally took advantage of naturally occurring ac- by actually scheduling "time away" from social
tivities and events. In no case was an invasive de- contact and other stimulation; this replicates earlier
privation period required to enhance the efficacy of findings with normally developing children (see Ge-
the reinforcers. These results have implications for wirtz & Baer, 1958b). Thus, it is conceivable that
reinforcer assessments, future research, and habil- constant stimulation may hinder a client's progress
itation of developmentally handicapped people. because the value of social reinforcement is not
Much of the variability found in assessments of being optimized. Alternatively, long periods of non-
reinforcer value (as discussed by Mason et al., 1989) contingent stimulation probably require frequent
could be, in part, a function of presession variables. switching of reinforcers, because the data obtained
The data obtained in this study support the notion in this study suggest that relatively brief exposure
that presession variables should be held constant to a given stimulus may diminish its relative value
and described during reinforcer assessments. Ad- as a positive reinforcer. The case of Donny repre-
ditionally, information about reinforcers gathered sents an extreme example of this phenomenon, in
in one context may not apply to some other context. which a stimulus functioning as a positive reinforcer
For example, it might not be wise to hold an became an apparently aversive event within a 15-
assessment session prior to lunch one day and use min period of exposure.
the obtained results to select reinforcers for training Another finding of this study is that the effects
sessions that will take place after meals on another of deprivation and satiation extended to conse-
day. quences generally considered to be conditioned gen-
It is also possible that many "failed" attempts eralized reinforcers-reinforcers not generally
to apply reinforcement procedures in the literature thought to be readily susceptible to satiation- such
and in general practice may not only be a result of as social praise and attention (see Skinner, 1953,
a failure to identify functional reinforcers (via as- for a discussion). Similarly, although satiation ef-
sessment) but may also be a failure to establish fects have been explored to some extent with sen-
sory reinforcers (Rincover & Newsom, 1985; Rin- repeatedly exposed to similar conditions, although
cover et al., 1977), a direct analysis of the the extent of such effects remains unexplored. Fur-
relationship between establishing operations and thermore, the range of stimuli and response dasses
subsequent efficacy had not been carried out pre- influenced (whether directly or indirectly) by es-
viously. tablishing operations remains an issue, because this
In this study, the effective establishing operation study focused on relatively simple consequences and
was deprivation, by virtue of limiting a subject's simple dasses of responses. It is likely that the effects
access to a stimulus. However, there seem to be of antecedent operations become increasingly com-
certain conditions in which these operations do not plex as the relationship between functional stimulus
have the same effect. For example, Ayllon and dasses and response dasses increases in complexity
Azrin (1968) demonstrated that presession expo- (see Michael, 1982, for a thorough discussion).
sure to a stimulus dass can sometimes enhance the Thus, the extent to which consideration of estab-
value of that event as reinforcement. Specifically, lishing operations in applied settings will augment
the subjects in their experiment were required to treatment procedures and enhance the knowledge
sample various events, such as movies and walks. of the field remains an open question.
This sampling procedure increased the subjects' at-
tendance at these events, suggesting that the re-
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the dassroom to the natural environment. Journal of Revision received October 27, 1990
Applied Behavior Analysis, 9, 433-444. Final acceptance February 19, 1991
Reid, D. H., & Hurlbut, B. (1977). Teaching nonvocal Action Editor, Terry J. Page

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