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DATE: December 11th, 2020

SCHOOL: Școala Gimnazială nr. 1 Știubieni
CLASS : 7th grade
TIME: 45 minutes - ONLINE lesson
TEACHER: Pahon Andreea
COURSEBOOK:Limba modernă 2 engleză. Clasa a VII-a, autor: Jenny Dooley, Uniscan
Grup Educațional, Express Publishing
UNIT: 2 – Fun time!
LESSON: Past Simple
TYPE OF LESSON:Reinforcement of knowledge – Past Simple: affirmative, negative,
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: Google Classroom, YouTube video,worksheets.

2.4. Manifestarea interesului pentru exprimarea personală într-o limbă străină;
3.1. Identificarea unor detalii din texte simple care conţin informaţii uzuale;
3.2. Extragerea informațiilor dintr-un text scurt, însoțit de ilustrații;
3.3. Identificarea informațiilor din mesaje scrise simple;
4.1. Redactarea de mesaje simple și scurte.


1. to develop students’ reading, speaking and writing skills;
2. to complete with the correct form of the verb;
3. to put verbs at affirmative, negative, and interrogative form;
4. to transform affirmative sentences in negative and interrogative sentences.

By the end of the lesson, the students will be better able to:
 O1: to describe/talk about past actions and activities past actions;
 O2: to use Past Simple in real-life situations of communication;
 O3: to stimulate students’ imagination and creativity.

ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: I anticipate that the following may cause problems:

some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and they
may also need some of these indications to be given in Romanian; students might feel
nervous and reluctant to participate in the activity, so they may need assistance;some
students may encounter problems with connecting and connection.
Stages of the lesson
1 Organizing 1’ T - Ss The teacher greets the class and The students login and -
the class waits for all the students to login. prepare for the lesson.
The teacher creates a pleasant
environment by asking the student
how are they and checks the
absent students.
2 Warm up 5’ T-S-S The teacher checks the homework. The students read the Worksheet
The teacher shares the homework. (Attachment
screen,plays a song and tells the The students listen to 1)
student to complete the missing the song and complete YouTube song
words from the lyrics that are the lyrics with the https://youtu.b
projected near the song. missing words. e/m2uTFF_3
Then, the teacher tells the students MaA
to recognize the verbs at the Past The student identify the
Simple Tense. verbs.
3 Lead-in 2’ T – Ss The teacher tells the students that The students listen to -
they are going continue working the teacher’s questions
with the Past Simple Tense, in and they give answers.
T–S order to consolidate their
S-T knowledge.
The teachers asks the students
about the rules of forming Past
Simple Tenseforms: affirmative,
negative, interrogative.

4 Practice 25’ T – Ss The teacher tells the students that, The students read the Worksheet
for practicing the use of present text and solve the (Attachment
simple, they have to work on a worksheet. 2)
worksheet which contains a text
and exercises based on it. The
student have to:
 complete the gaps with the
correct form of the verb;
 say if the sentences is true
or false;
 correlate images with
sentences from the text;
T - Ss  answer questions based on The students read the Worksheet
the text. sentences, complete (Attachment
with the correct form of 3)
the verb and put the
Next, the teacher tells the students sentences at negative
that they have to solve an exercise and interrogative form.
in which they have to complete
with the Past Simple form of the
verb and then to put the sentences
at negative and interrogative form.

6 Production 8’ S-T The students receive a beginning The students continue Worksheet
of a story. Using that beginning, the story from the point (Attachment
they have to continue the story by that the student before 4)
using verbs at Past Simple forms. them stopped.
One student starts to continue the
story, then the teacher stops him
and asks another student to

7 Assigning 2’ T - Ss The teaches gives the homework: Worksheet

homework a worksheet with aPast Simple (Attachment
exercise. 5)

8 Feedback 2’ T - Ss The teacher gives feedback,

congratulates the students and
encourages the less talkative ones
to answer more.
Attachment 1

Yellow Submarine - The Beatles

In the town where I was ______

Lived a _____ who sailed to sea

And he told us of his life

In the land of _________

So we sailed up to the sun

'Til we found a sea of __________

And we lived beneath the waves

In our yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

And our ________are all aboard

Many more of them live next door

And the band begins _______

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

Attachment 2
Attachment 3

1. Complete with the correct past simple form of the verbs. Then, put the sentences at
negative and interrogative form.

2. They   something to drink. (to order)

3. Last summer I   to London. (to go)

4. She   her homework in the afternoon. (to do)

5. Our cat   a big mouse. (to catch)

6. In 2017 our class   a trip to Bucharest. (to make)

7. The weather   really nice. (to be)

8. The secretary   the file yesterday. (to delete)

9. Paul   that you are his sister. (to say)

10. The people   their names on the list. (to write)

Attachment 4

It was a hot day of July. I decided to go for a walk in the park. There were few people
there. I felt as someone was following me when I heard someone fall behind me. When I
turned back, I saw…
Attachment 5

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