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By Teryx – Version 2.6 – September 25th, 2010

Part 1 – Assignments (Sidequests)
Name: _________________________
Arianna Shepard Most Assignments cannot be accessed or completed once you have finished your fourth mission
world - Finding Liara (Therum), Noveria, Feros and Virmire are plot/mission worlds and missions.
Class: _________________________
Sentinel Additionally, many UNC assignments can be found and completed by simply going to where they take place,
but you may be missing out on opportunities to persuade, hack, or gain Codex entries, and thus miss XP or
Playthrough: ____________________
War Hero/Colonist Paragon/Renegade points! P/R point value listed is the minimum amount needed to access all persuasion
options in that mission. See notes at the end for an explanation of the (2 ) symbol and contact information.
First Citadel Visit UNC: Missing Survey Team
Unusual Readings/UNC: Distress Call
Found Done Available: After becoming a Spectre
Found: Radio broadcast in Citadel elevator ; /
Found: Computer in Udina's office
Takes Place: Argos Rho > Hydra > Metgos
; / Takes Place: Hades Gamma > Antaeus > Trebin
UNC: Hostage
Strange Transmission/UNC: Major Kyle Available: After becoming a Spectre
Found: Computer in Executor Palin's Office
Takes Place: Hawking Eta > Century > Presrop ; /
Found: Radio broadcast in Citadel elevator
Takes Place: Hades Gamma > Farinata > MSV Ontario ; /
Persuade: 7 Charm/8 Intimidate Persuade: 6 Charm/5 Intimidate
Citadel: Asari Consort Notes: Having Kaidan in the party may help.
Found: Sha'ira, Consort's Chambers, Presidium
Persuade: 4 Charm/5 Intimidate
; / Mission World
Noveria: Smuggling
Citadel: Xeltan's Complaint Found: Marchant Opold, Port Hanshan ; /
Available: During the events of Citadel: Asari Consort
Found: Xeltan, Elcor and Volus Embassy, Presidium
; / Persuade: 6 Charm/4 Intimidate
Noveria: Espionage
Citadel: Presidium Prophet Found: Mallene Callis, Port Hanshan Mezzanine ; /
Available: After first meeting with Council
Found: Preaching Hanar and C-Sec Officer, Presidium ; / Persuade: 12 Charm/9 Intimidate
Doctor at Risk/UNC: Dead Scientists
Persuade: 7 Charm/6 Intimidate Found: Hacking the terminal Port Hanshan's upper
Citadel: Scan the Keepers mezzanine
Available: After first meeting with Council
Found: Chorban, Citadel Tower
; / Takes Place: Kepler Verge > Newton > Ontarom
Persuade: 10 Charm/8 Intimidate
; /
Citadel: Jahleed's Fears Notes: Requires Electronics skill. Scene plays out
Available: After first meeting with Council
Found: Jahleed, upper C-Sec Academy ; / differently with Sole Survivor background.
Mission World Feros
Persuade: 7 Charm/6 Intimidate Feros: Geth in the Tunnels
Citadel: The Fan (2 ) 1: / Available: Upon arrival, after speaking to Fai Dan
Found: Fai Dan, Zhu's Hope
; /
Available: After first meeting with Council, continues after
Feros: Varren Meat
becoming a Spectre, and then after a mission world
Found: Conrad Verner, Upper Markets, Wards
2: / Available: Upon arrival, after speaking to Fai Dan
Found: Davin Reynolds, Zhu's Hope
; /
Persuade: 2 Charm/2 Intimidate 3: / Feros: Water Restoration
Citadel: Rita's Sister
Available: Upon arrival, after speaking to Fai Dan
Found: Macha Doyle, Zhu's Hope
; /
Available: After first meeting with Council
Found: Rita, Flux, Upper Wards ; / Feros: Power Cells
Available: Upon arrival, after speaking to Fai Dan ; /
Persuade: 7 Charm/6 Intimidate Found: May O'Connell, Zhu's Hope
Citadel: Reporter's Request Investigate Shipments/UNC: Espionage Probe
Available: After first meeting with Council
Found: Emily Wong, Upper Wards ; / Found: Terminal in Zhu's Hope freighter
Takes Place: Voyager > Amazon > Agebinium ; /
Persuade: 1 Charm/2 Intimidate Notes: Requires Electronics skill.
Citadel: Signal Tracking
Available: After first meeting with Council
Found: Suspicious Gambling Machine, Flux, Upper Wards
; / Feros: Data Recovery
Available: Upon arrival at ExoGeni refugee camp ; /
Found: Gavin Hossle, ExoGeni refugee camp
Citadel: Homecoming Investigate Facility/UNC: ExoGeni Facility
Available: After rescuing Tali
Found: Samesh Bhatia, Embassies, Presidium ; / Found: Hack ExoGeni terminal, upper level of ExoGeni
facility ; /
Persuade: 3 Charm/3 Intimidate Takes Place: Maroon Sea > Vostok > Nodacrux
Citadel: Doctor Michel Investigate Samples/UNC: Colony of the Dead
Available: After rescuing Tali
Found: Dr. Michel, Med Clinic, Upper Wards ; / Found: Hack ExoGeni server node, upper level of ExoGeni
facility ; /
Persuade: 6 Charm/3 Intimidate Takes Place:Maroon Sea > Matano > Chasca
Citadel: Schells the Gambler Notes: Requires Electronics skill
Available: After completing Citadel: Rita's Sister
Found: Schells, outside of Flux, Upper Wards ; / Mission World
(Unlocks after completing two plot missions; any two of Finding
Notes: You'll get caught if you win over six games Liara (Therum), Noveria or Feros)
Missing Persons/UNC: Privateers Virmire: Wrex and the Genophage (2 )
Available: After becoming a Spectre
Found: Garoth, Citadel Tower ; / Available: During Virmire, before infiltrating Saren's base
Found: While speaking to Captain Kirrahe about the
Takes Place: Horse Head Nebula > Strenuus > Xawin
UNC: Missing Marines
Krogan genophage. Then, approach Wrex
Persuade: 8 Charm/8 Intimidate
; /
Available: After becoming a Spectre
Found: Rear Admiral Kahoku, Citadel Tower ; / Notes: Completing the Wrex: Family Armor assignment
before this point removes Charm requirement
Takes Place: Artemis Tau > Sparta > Edolus
Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe's Team (2 )
A Person of Interest/UNC: Hostile Takeover (2 )
Available: During the Virmire plot mission 1: /
Available: After becoming a Spectre 1: / Found: Automatically triggered
Found: Helena Blake, outside Delan's Emporium,
Notes: If you choose to assist Kirrahe's team, there are four 2: /
parts to this assignment ;
Takes Place: In either order:
Gemini Sigma > Han > Mavigon ; 2: / Part 1: Disable the Triangulation Tower
Part 2: Destroy the Satellite Uplink
3: /
Hades Gamma > Dis > Klensal
Part 3: Destroy All Five Geth Flyers
Unlocks after parts 1 and 2 are completed: 4: /
Horse Head Nebula > Fortuna > Amaranthine 3: / Part 4: Use the Security Console to Draw Fire to Yourself
Persuade: 10 Charm/7 Intimidate Mass Effect Galactic Checklist by Teryx – v2.6 – Page 1 of 6

Return to the Citadel UNC: Geth Incursions
(After completing at least one plot mission, before Lockdown) Available: After becoming a Spectre 1: /
Citadel: Snap Inspection Found: Travel to the Armstrong cluster, or find on a terminal
Available: Upon arrival at the Citadel after completing any on Feros or Virmire.
plot mission; not available upon Lockdown
Found: Rear Admiral Mikhailovich, outside of the Normandy
; / Takes Place: Parts 1-4 (Any order)
Armstrong > Gagarin > Rayingri
2: /

Persuade: 9 Charm/9 Intimidate

Citadel: The Fourth Estate (2 )
Armstrong > Hong > Casbin
Armstrong > Tereshkova > Antibaar ; 3: /
Available: After completing any plot mission
Found: Khalisah Al-Jilani, C-Sec Academy ; / Armstrong > Vamshi > Maji
Part 5 (unlocks after completing the first four) 4: /
Persuade: 6 Charm/5 Intimidate Armstrong > Grissom > Solcrum
Citadel: Family Matter Notes: Hackable terminal in the final part gives you the
5: /
Available: After completing any plot mission
Found: Michael and Rebekah Petrovsky, Presidium ; / item required to complete Tali's Squad Member Assignment,
Tali: Tali's Pilgrimage
Persuade: 3 Charm/3 Intimidate UNC: Listening Post Alpha
Citadel: Asari Diplomacy (2 ) Available: After completing Noveria
Available: After completing any plot mission Found: Entering Erebus, or after UNC: Listening Post ; /
Found: Nassana, Embassies Lounge, Presidium
Takes Place: Artemis Tau > Macedon > Sharjila
; / Theta
Takes Place: Styx Theta > Erebus > Nepmos
Persuade: 3 Charm/4 Intimidate UNC: Listening Post Theta
Available: After completing Noveria
; /
Citadel: Planting a Bug
Available: After completing any plot mission, only available Found: Entering Acheron, or after UNC: Listening Post
if Citadel: Reporter's Request has been completed
Found: Emily Wong, Citadel Tower
; / Alpha
Takes Place: Styx Theta > Acheron > Altahe
Persuade: 4 Charm/5 Intimidate UNC: Depot Sigma-23
Background Assignments Available: After completing Noveria
Colonist Background – Citadel: I Remember Me
Found: Computer in Listening Post Theta
Takes Place: Argos Rho > Gorgon > Unidentified Space
; /
Available: After completing any plot mission
Found: Ride the Docking Bay elevator to C-Sec Academy
UNC: Lost Freighter
Persuade: 7 Charm/7 Intimidate
Spacer Background – Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off
Available: After completing a plot mission
Found: Find the MSV Worthington ; /
Takes Place: Gemini Sigma > Ming > MSV Worthington
Available: After completing any plot mission
Found: Zabaleta, Wards Access Corridor ; / UNC: Derelict Freighter
Persuade: 4 Charm/5 Intimidate
Earthborn Background – Citadel: Old Friends
Available: After completing Feros
Found: Find the MSV Cornucopia ; /
Takes Place: Maroon Sea > Caspian > MSV Cornucopia
Available: After completing any plot mission
Found: Finch in Lower Wards, outside Chora's Den DLC Bring Down the Sky
Persuade: 8 Charm/8 Intimidate Bring Down the Sky
Available: After becoming a Spectre
; /
Notes: This is the default Shepard's background.
Squad Member Assignments Found: Travel to Asteroid X57
Takes Place: Exodus > Asgard > Asteroid X57
Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon
Persuade: 4 Charm/4 Intimidate
Available: Discuss Garrus's history with C-Sec often
Found: Garrus, on the Normandy ; / X57: Missing Engineers
Takes Place: Kepler Verge > Herschel > MSV Fedele
Wrex: Family Armor
Available: After becoming a Spectre
Found: Speak to Simon Atwell after disabling a fusion torch, ; /
or find an engineer
Available: Discuss Wrex's family history with him often
Found: Wrex, on the Normandy ; / X57: Avoid the Blasting Caps
Takes Place: Argos Rho > Phoenix > Tuntau
Notes: Requires Decryption skill
Available: After becoming a Spectre
Found: Speak to Simon Atwell after disabling a fusion torch, ; /
or find the blasting caps
Tali: Tali's Pilgrimage/Tali and the Geth (2 )
Available: After completing UNC: Geth Incursions DLC Pinnacle Station
Found: Tali, on the Normandy
Notes: Requires Decryption skill. Speak to Tali after ; / Pinnacle Station: Combat Missions
Available: Upon arrival
; /
completing UNC: Geth Incursions and accessing the Geth Found: Admiral Ahern, Pinnacle Station
terminal on Solcrum Takes Place: Argos Rho > Phoenix > Pinnacle Station
Alignment Assignments Pinnacle Station: Vidinos
(Most players will only unlock one of these in a single playthrough; however, you can
unlock both through careful planning or alternate methods)
Available: After completing a combat mission
Found: Complete one combat mission ; /
Paragon – UNC: Besieged Base Takes Place: Argos Rho > Phoenix > Pinnacle Station
Available: After reaching 80% Paragon
Found: Admiral Hackett will contact you on the Galaxy Map ; / Pinnacle Station: Convoy
Available: After completing all combat missions
; /
Takes Place: Hades Gamma > Cacus > Chohe Found: Admiral Ahern, Pinnacle Station
Renegade – UNC: The Negotiation Takes Place: Argos Rho > Phoenix > Intai'sei
Available: After reaching 80% Renegade
Found: Admiral Hackett will contact you on the Galaxy Map ; / Citadel: Lockdown Assignments
Citadel: Our Own Worst Enemy
Takes Place: Hades Gamma > Plutus > Nonuel
Uncharted Worlds Assignments
Available: During the Race Against Time mission
Found: Charles Saracino, Upper Wards
; /
UNC: Lost Module Citadel: Negotiator's Request
Available: After gaining control of the Normandy
Found: Enter the Attican Beta cluster ; / Available: During the Race Against Time mission
Found: Elias Keeler, outside Flux, Upper Wards ; /
Takes Place: Attican Beta > Hercules > Eletania Persuade: 8 Charm/7 Intimidate
UNC: Cerberus
Available: After completing UNC: Missing Marines
Found: Admiral Kahoku, Citadel Tower ; /
Takes Place: Voyager > Yangtze > Binthu
UNC: Hades' Dogs (2 )
Available: After completing UNC: Cerberus
Takes Place: Voyager > Columbia > Nepheron
; /
UNC: Rogue VI (2 )
Available: After reaching level 20
Found: Travel to any system
Takes Place: Local > Sol > Luna
; /
Notes: Allows access to a Specialization class Mass Effect Galactic Checklist by Teryx – v2.6 – Page 2 of 6

Part 2 – Planetary Checklist
Argos Rho Cluster
Gorgon System Done
Carbonaceous Asteroid
Survey: League of One Medallion /
Unidentified Space Facility
Assignment - UNC: Depot Sigma-23
/ Patamalrus
Survey: Heavy Metal /
Hydra System Done Thegeuse
Canrum Survey: Heavy Metal
Survey: Turian Insignia Vamshi System Done
Metgos Maji
Land – Warning: Level 2 Heat Hazard
Heavy Metal, Rare Element, Turian Insignia
/ Surveyable:
Light Metal x2, Rare Element, Turian Insignia
Assignment - UNC: Distress Call Assignment - UNC: Geth Incursions
Survey: Gas Deposit / Pregel
Survey: Turian Insignia /
Phoenix System Done Artemis Tau Cluster
Athens System Done
Carbonaceous Asteroid
Survey: Prothean Data Disc

Survey: Gas Deposit /
Unlocks after Pinnacle Station: Combat Missions / Pharos
Survey: Turian Insignia /
Assignment – Pinnacle Station: Convoy
Survey: Rare Element /
Survey: Gas Deposit /
DLC: Pinnacle Station Knossos System Done
Assignment – Pinnacle Station
/ Archanes
Survey: Gas Deposit /
Surveyable: /
Carbonaceous Asteroid
Survey: League of One Medallion /
Asari Writings, Heavy Metal, Light Metal
Assignment – Wrex: Family Armor
Metallic Asteroid
Survey: Heavy Metal /
Survey: Light Metal / Therum
Mission World: Finding Liara /
Armstrong Nebula
Macedon System Done
Gagarin System Done
Survey: Light Metal /
Survey: Gas Deposit /
Survey: Asari Writings /
Metallic Asteroid
Survey: Light Metal /
Survey: Asari Writings /
League of One Medallion, Light Metal, Rare Element x2
/ Sharjila
Land – Warning: Level 1 Pressure Hazard
Assignment – UNC: Geth Incursions
Grissom System
Asari Writings, Light Metal, Rare Element x2
Done Assignment – Citadel: Asari Diplomacy
(Unlocks during UNC: Geth Incursions)
Sparta System Done
Survey: League of One Medallion Alsages
Survey: Rare Element /
Rocky Asteroid
Survey: Rare Element
Asteroid Cluster
Survey: Prothean Data Disc /
Land – Warning: Level 1 Heat Hazard Edolus
Surveyable: / Land – Warning: Thresher Maw
Asari Writings, Light Metal, Rare Element x2
Assignment – UNC: Geth Incursions (Final Part)
Heavy Metal, Light Metal, Rare Element, Salarian ID Tag
Zaherux Assignment – UNC: Missing Marines
Survey: Light Metal
Hong System Done
Survey: Gas Deposit /
Casbin Attican Beta Cluster
Land Hercules System Done
Heavy Metal, Rare Element x2, Salarian ID Tag
/ Eletania
Land – Warning: Level 1 Toxic Hazard
Assignment – UNC: Geth Incursions Surveyable: /
Survey: Asari Writings / Heavy Metal x2
Assignment – UNC: Lost Module
Survey: Light Metal /
Survey: League of One Medallion /
Tereshkova System Done
Survey: Heavy Metal /
Land – Warning: Thresher Maw
Heavy Metal, Light Metal x2, Prothean Data Disc
Assignment – UNC: Geth Incursions Mass Effect Galactic Checklist by Teryx – v2.6 – Page 3 of 6

Theseus System Done Farinata System Done
Mission World / Juntauma
Survey: Prothean Data Disc /
MSV Ontario
Survey: Light Metal Board
Assignment – UNC: Hostage
Survey: Prothean Data Disc / Nepneu
Survey: Rare Element /
Exodus Cluster
Asgard System Done
Rocky Asteroid
Survey: Light Metal /
Asteroid X57
Assignment – Bring Down the Sky
/ Plutus System
(Unlocks upon earning 80% Alignment Points)

Utopia System Done Clocrolis

Survey: Rare Element /
Eden Prime
Mission World: Prologue / Mingito
Survey: Rare Element
Gemini Sigma Cluster
Han System Done Land – Warning: Thresher Maw (x2)
(Unlocks upon receiving UNC: Hostile Takeover)
Asari Writings, League Medallion, Light Metal, Rare Element
Land – Warning: Level 2 Cold Hazard
Heavy Metal, Light Metal, Salarian ID Tag
/ Assignment – Renegade Assignment - UNC: The Negotiation
Hawking Eta Cluster
Assignment – UNC: Hostile Takeover Century System Done
Survey: Asari Writings / Canctra
Survey: Light Metal /
Survey: Light Metal / Metallic Asteroid
Survey: Heavy Metal /
Ming System Done Presrop
Land – Warning: Thresher Maw
Survey: League of One Medallion / Surveyable:
Heavy Metal, Rare Element, Turian Insignia
MSV Worthington Assignment – UNC: Major Kyle
Assignment – UNC: Lost Freighter
/ Tharopto
Survey: League of One Medallion
Survey: Light Metal / Horse Head Nebula
Fortuna System
Hades Gamma Cluster Done
(Unlocks after finishing parts 1 & 2 of UNC: Hostile Takeover)
Antaeus System Done Amaranthine
Survey: Gas Deposit / Land
Surveyable: /
Heavy Metal, Rare Element x2, Turian Insignia
Survey: Asari Writings / Assignment – UNC: Hostile Takeover

Land – Warning: Thresher Maw
Survey: Turian Insignia /
Rare Element x2, Turian Insignia
/ Therumlon
Survey: Rare Element /
Assignment – UNC: Missing Survey Team Pax System Done
Survey: Rare Element / Noveria
Mission World /
Cacus System

(Unlocks upon earning 80% Alignment Points)
Done Veles
Survey: Asari Writings /
Land – Warning: Thresher Maw Strenuus System Done
Asari Writings x3, Heavy Metal, Rare Element
/ Antitarra
Survey: Gas Deposit /
Assignment – Paragon Assignment - UNC: Besieged Base
Survey: Rare Element /
MSV Majesty
Survey: Unlocks Xawin/UNC: Privateers /
Survey: Heavy Metal / Land – Warning: Thresher Maw
Surveyable: /
Dis System Heavy Metal x2, Light Metal, Turian Insignia
Done Assignment – UNC: Privateers
(Unlocks upon receiving UNC: Hostile Takeover)
Survey: League of One Medallion /
Heavy Metal, Light Metal, League of One Medallion
/ Kepler Verge
Assignment – UNC: Hostile Takeover Herschel System Done
(Unlocks upon receiving Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon)
Metallic Asteroid
/ MSV Fedele
Survey: Light Metal
Board /
Survey: Light Metal / Assignment – Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon

Raysha Rocky Asteroid

Survey: Heavy Metal /
Survey: Turian Insignia
/ Mass Effect Galactic Checklist by Teryx – v2.6 – Page 4 of 6

Newton System Done Grosalgen
Survey: Light Metal /
Survey: Gas Deposit
Erebus System Done
Survey: Asari Writings / Nepmos
Heavy Metal, League of One Medallion, Light Metal, Rare /
Heavy Metal x2, Turian Insignia
/ Element
Assignment – UNC: Listening Post Alpha
Assignment – UNC: Dead Scientists
Local Cluster
Survey: Heavy Metal /
(Unlocks upon reaching level 20)

Sol System Done
Survey: Prothean Data Disc /
Assignment – UNC: Rogue VI
/ Voyager Cluster
Amazon System Done
Maroon Sea Cluster Agebinium
(Unlocks after Feros)
Caspian System Done Surveyable:
Light Metal x2, Rare Element, Turian Insignia
Survey: Turian Insignia / Assignment – UNC: Espionage Probe
Survey: Heavy Metal / Survey: Rare Element
Survey: Heavy Metal / Survey: Turian Insignia
MSV Cornucopia
Survey: UNC: Derelict Freighter / Survey: Gas Deposit
Columbia System Done
Matano System Done (Unlocks after completingUNC: Cerberus)

Chasca Gromar
Survey: League of One Medallion
Heavy Metal, Light Metal, Prothean Data Disc, Rare Element Nepheron
Land – Warning: Thresher Maw
Assignment – UNC: Colony of the Dead
Surveyable: /
Metallic Asteroid
Survey: Heavy Metal / Heavy Metal, Light Metal, Rare Element, Salarian ID Tag
Assignment – UNC: Hades' Dogs
Rocky Asteroid
Survey: Prothean Data Disc / Ontaheter
Survey: Rare Element /
Yangtze System
Survey: Light Metal / (Unlocks after completing UNC: Missing Marines)

Vostok System Done Alrumter

Survey: Prothean Data Disc /
Metallic Asteroid
Survey: Heavy Metal / Binthu
Surveyable: /
Heavy Metal, Light Metal, Turian Insignia
/ Heavy Metal, Rare Element, Prothean Data Disc
Assignment – UNC: Cerberus
Assignment – UNC: ExoGeni Facility Dregir
Survey: Light Metal /
Survey: Asari Writings / Patajiri
Survey: Rare Element
Pangaea Expanse
(Unlocks after completing all four Mission Worlds) Part 2.5 – Collection Assignments
Refuge System Done UNC: Asari Writings Done
Mission World / Asari Writings
10/16 needed for assignment completion /
Sentry Omega Cluster UNC: Locate Signs of Battle Done
League of One Medallions
(Unlocks after completing any two Mission Worlds)
10/12 needed for assignment completion /
Hoc System Done
Salarian ID Tags
Mission World / 3/4 needed for assignment completion
UNC: Prothean Data Discs Done
Serpent Nebula Prothean Artifacts
Widow System Done 7/10 needed for assignment completion
UNC: Turian Insignias Done
The Citadel / Turian Emblems
13/17 needed for assignment completion /
Styx Theta Cluster UNC: Valuable Minerals Done
(Unlocks after completing Noveria) Gasses
Acheron System Done 6/10 needed for assignment completion /
Heavy Metals
Land 20/34 needed for assignment completion /
Asari Writings, Heavy Metal, Rare Element
/ Light Metals
20/34 needed for assignment completion /
Rare Earths/Elements
Assignment – UNC: Listening Post Theta
20/36 needed for assignment completion /
Carbonaceous Asteroid
Survey: Turian Insignia / Mass Effect Galactic Checklist by Teryx – v2.6 – Page 5 of 6

Part 3 – Upgrades and Licenses
MediGel Capacity Upgrades Grenade Capacity Upgrades
Tier Available From Price Bought Tier Available From Price Bought
- C-Sec Requisitions Officer (Citadel Wards, C-Sec
- Morlan (Citadel Wards, Lower Markets)
- Normandy Requisitions Officer – (Normandy)
100 / I Academy)
- Normandy Requisitions Officer (Normandy)
100 /
- Expat (Citadel Wards, Upper Markets)
II - Morlan (Citadel Wards, Lower Markets)
- Petozi (Noveria, Rift Station)
3 125 / II
- Morlan (Citadel Wards, Lower Markets)
- Opold (Noveria: Port Hanshan)
3 125 /
- Commander Rentola (Virmire, Salarian Base)
- Opold (Noveria, Port Hanshan)
12 500 / III
- Commander Rentola (Virmire, Salarian Base)
- Expat (Citadel Wards, Upper Markets)
12 500 /
- C-Sec Requisitions Officer (Citadel Wards, C-Sec - C-Sec Requisitions Officer (Citadel Wards, C-Sec
- Commander Rentola (Normandy Cargo Bay, if rescued
56 000 / IV
- Commander Rentola (Normandy Cargo Bay, if rescued
56 000 /
on Virmire) on Virmire)
- Delan (Citadel, Presidium, Financial District)
- Dr. Michel (Citadel, Medical Center)
111 000 / V - Delan (Citadel, Presidium, Financial District) 111 000 /
Manufacturer Licenses
Manufacturer Available From Gear Price Bought
- Armor
Aldrin Labs 1 - C-Sec Requisitions Officer (Citadel Wards, C-Sec Academy) - Biotic Amps
- Omni-tools
100 /
Elanus Risk Control 1
- Commander Rentola (Virmire, Salarian Base)
- Morlan (Citadel Wards, Lower Markets)
- Armor
- Weapons
100 /
- Delan (Citadel, Presidium, Financial District) - Armor
Elkoss Combine 1 - Expat (Citadel Wards, Upper Markets)
- Opold (Noveria, Port Hanshan)
- Omni-tools
- Weapons
100 /
Hahne-Kedar 1 - Normandy Requisitions Officer (Normandy)
- Armor
- Weapons
-- /
- Commander Rentola (Normandy Cargo Bay, if rescued on Virmire) - Armor
Sirta Foundation 1 - Delan (Citadel, Presidium, Financial District)
- Petozi (Noveria, Rift Station)
- Biotic Amps
- Omni-tools
100 /
- Armor
Ariake Technologies 18
- C-Sec Requisitions Officer (Citadel Wards, C-Sec Academy)
- Commander Rentola (Normandy Cargo Bay, if rescued on Virmire)
- Omni-tools
- Weapons
6 250 /
- Commander Rentola (Virmire, Salarian Base)
Armali Council 18 - Can also be earned by completing the Citadel: Asari Diplomacy
- Biotic Amps
- Omni-tools
6 250 /
Devlon Industries 18 - Delan (Citadel, Presidium, Financial District)
- Armor
- Weapons
6 250 /
Haliat Armory 18 - Ledra (Feros, Zhu's Hope) - Weapons 6 250 /
Rosenkov Materials 18 - Opold (Noveria, Port Hanshan)
- Armor
- Weapons
6 250 /
- Armor
Armax Arsenal 36 - Expat (Citadel Wards, Upper Markets) - Biotic Amps
- Weapons
30 000 /
Geth Armory 36 - Morlan (Citadel Wards, Lower Markets)
- Armor
- Weapons
30 000 /
- Armor
Kassa Fabrication 36
- C-Sec Requisitions Officer (Citadel Wards, C-Sec Academy)
- Petozi (Noveria, Rift Station)
- Biotic Amps
- Omni-Tools
30 000 /
- Weapons
- Armor
Serrice Council
(Serris Council in game)
- Commander Rentola (Normandy Cargo Bay, if rescued on Virmire)
- Delan (Citadel, Presidium, Financial District)
- Biotic Amps
- Omni-tools
30 000 /
Spectre – Master Gear -- - Unlocks with Rich Achievement (earning 1 million credits) - Weapons -- /
Notes Mass Effect 2 Thank you!
While most of the missions Thank you for downloading this, and I hope you find
and sidequests in the first it useful. Thanks to all who submitted requests,
game have at least a minor suggestions and corrections, and everyone who let me
effect on or are referenced in know that they used the list – I really appreciate that!
an imported character's Thanks again to BioWare for creating such a great
playthrough in the second game and a fascinating universe.
game, only missions on this And a special thanks to Zxaos. For so many
checklist that are known to reasons. ♥
have an impact on available Please feel free to share this, but do not upload it to
dialogue options or a mission other websites without my written permission.
in Mass Effect 2 have been Have fun!
denoted by a (2 ) symbol. - Teryx
Other missions may be
referenced or alluded to Xbox Live Gamer Tag: Teryx | BioWare ID: Pteryx
(sometimes in surprising E-mail: me_checklist [AT] teryx {DOT} oib [DOT] com
ways!), so be on the lookout as
you explore the second game! Latest version and updates can always be found at Mass Effect Galactic Checklist by Teryx – v2.6 – Page 6 of 6

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