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Material Properties Partial safety factors

fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:

e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

SECTION: Width 400 mm

Depth 300 mm
Thickness 16 mm

Section Properties
M 167.80 kg/m
Ag 213.76 cm2
D 300 mm
Bf 400 mm
tw 16 mm
tf 16 mm
Iz 30970.25 cm4
Iy 48699.53 cm4
Zez 2064.68 cm3
Zey 2434.98 cm3
Zpz 2392.19 cm3
Zpy 2926.59 cm3
rz 12.04 cm
ry 15.09 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (213.76 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

4858 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 4.78 m Ly 6.12 m

Effective length factor Kz 1 Ky 1

Buckling Class c c Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.49 0.49 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 15.09 cm 12.04 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 31.67 Ky Ly /ry 50.84

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 1968.21 N/mm2 763.56 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.356 0.572

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.602 0.755

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 209.13 N/mm2 182.21 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 213.76 cm2 213.76 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 4470 kN 3895 kN

Compressive strength of member 3895 kN About y-y axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(400-16)/16 24.00 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(300-2×16)/16 16.75 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 544 kNm 665 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 563 kNm 664 kNm

Bending strength of member 544 kNm 664 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 368 kN Capacities Pdz 4470 kN Pdy 3895 kN

Mz 283 kN Mdz 544 tm

My 20 kN Mdy 664 tm

Cmz 0.9 nz 0.082

Cmy 0.9 ny 0.094

CmLT 0.9 LLT 4.78 m

max final
Kz 1.035 1.076 1.035 hf 284 mm
Ky 1.013 1.066 1.013 Mcr 6432.18 kNm
KLT 0.995 0.985 0.995 lLT 0.337

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.640 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.584 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
aw = (A -2b tf)/A 0.551 0.5 (max) af = (A-2 h tw)/A 0.401 0.5 (max)

n = N/Nd 0.082 0.094

Mn d 665.23 752.24
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

SECTION: Width 367 mm

Depth 300 mm
Thickness 10 mm

Section Properties
M 101.58 kg/m
Ag 129.40 cm2
D 300 mm
Bf 367 mm
tw 10 mm
tf 10 mm
Iz 19097.13 cm4
Iy 26086.00 cm4
Zez 1273.14 cm3
Zey 1421.58 cm3
Zpz 1456.30 cm3
Zpy 1673.05 cm3
rz 12.15 cm
ry 14.20 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (129.4 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

2941 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 6.9 m Ly 6.9 m

Effective length factor Kz 1 Ky 1

Buckling Class c c Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.49 0.49 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 12.04 cm 15.094 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 57.32 Ky Ly /ry 45.71

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 600.71 N/mm2 944.58 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.645 0.514

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.817 0.709

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 172.35 N/mm2 189.74 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 213.76 cm2 213.76 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 3684 kN 4056 kN

Compressive strength of member 3684 kN About z-z axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(367-10)/10 35.70 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(300-2×10)/10 28.00 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 331 kNm 380 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 347 kNm 388 kNm

Bending strength of member 331 kNm 380 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 10 kN Capacities Pdz 3684 kN Pdy 4056 kN

Mz 63.7 kN Mdz 331 tm

My 0 kN Mdy 380 tm

Cmz 0.9 nz 0.003

Cmy 0.9 ny 0.002

CmLT 0.9 LLT 6.9 m

max final
Kz 1.001 1.002 1.001 hf 290 mm
Ky 1.001 1.002 1.001 Mcr 1674.70 kNm
KLT 1.000 1.000 1.000 lLT 0.500

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.195 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.176 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
aw = (A -2b tf)/A 0.258 0.5 (max) af = (A-2 h tw)/A 0.011 0.5 (max)

n = N/Nd 0.003 0.002

Mn d 440.11 381.36
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

SECTION: Width 300 mm

Depth 300 mm
Thickness 10 mm

Section Properties
M 91.06 kg/m
Ag 116.00 cm2
D 300 mm
Bf 300 mm
tw 10 mm
tf 10 mm
Iz 16278.67 cm4
Iy 16278.67 cm4
Zez 1085.24 cm3
Zey 1085.24 cm3
Zpz 1262.00 cm3
Zpy 1262.00 cm3
rz 11.85 cm
ry 11.85 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (116 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

2636 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 6.3 m Ly 6.3 m

Effective length factor Kz 1 Ky 1

Buckling Class c c Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.49 0.49 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 12.04 cm 15.094 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 52.34 Ky Ly /ry 41.74

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 720.58 N/mm2 1133.07 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.589 0.470

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.769 0.676

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 179.97 N/mm2 195.40 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 213.76 cm2 213.76 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 3847 kN 4177 kN

Compressive strength of member 3847 kN About z-z axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(300-10)/10 29.00 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(300-2×10)/10 28.00 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 287 kNm 287 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 296 kNm 296 kNm

Bending strength of member 287 kNm 287 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 13.62 kN Capacities Pdz 3847 kN Pdy 4177 kN

Mz 7.91 kN Mdz 287 tm

My 10.94 kN Mdy 287 tm

Cmz 0.9 nz 0.004

Cmy 0.9 ny 0.003

CmLT 0.9 LLT 6.3 m

max final
Kz 1.001 1.003 1.001 hf 290 mm
Ky 1.001 1.003 1.001 Mcr 1268.77 kNm
KLT 1.000 0.999 1.000 lLT 0.499

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.065 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.049 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
aw = (A -2b tf)/A 0.172 0.5 (max) af = (A-2 h tw)/A -0.103 0.5 (max)

n = N/Nd 0.004 0.003

Mn d 381.07 271.82
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

SECTION: Width 300 mm

Depth 300 mm
Thickness 10 mm

Section Properties
M 91.06 kg/m
Ag 116.00 cm2
D 300 mm
Bf 300 mm
tw 10 mm
tf 10 mm
Iz 16278.67 cm4
Iy 16278.67 cm4
Zez 1085.24 cm3
Zey 1085.24 cm3
Zpz 1262.00 cm3
Zpy 1262.00 cm3
rz 11.85 cm
ry 11.85 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (116 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

2636 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 6.3 m Ly 6.3 m

Effective length factor Kz 1 Ky 1

Buckling Class c c Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.49 0.49 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 12.04 cm 15.094 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 52.34 Ky Ly /ry 41.74

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 720.58 N/mm2 1133.07 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.589 0.470

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.769 0.676

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 179.97 N/mm2 195.40 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 213.76 cm2 213.76 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 3847 kN 4177 kN

Compressive strength of member 3847 kN About z-z axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(300-10)/10 29.00 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(300-2×10)/10 28.00 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 287 kNm 287 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 296 kNm 296 kNm

Bending strength of member 287 kNm 287 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 33.61 kN Capacities Pdz 3847 kN Pdy 4177 kN

Mz 14.57 kN Mdz 287 tm

My 0 kN Mdy 287 tm

Cmz 0.9 nz 0.009

Cmy 0.9 ny 0.008

CmLT 0.9 LLT 6.3 m

max final
Kz 1.002 1.006 1.002 hf 290 mm
Ky 1.003 1.007 1.003 Mcr 1268.77 kNm
KLT 0.999 0.999 0.999 lLT 0.499

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.059 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.055 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
aw = (A -2b tf)/A 0.172 0.5 (max) af = (A-2 h tw)/A -0.103 0.5 (max)

n = N/Nd 0.009 0.008

Mn d 379.08 270.52
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

SECTION: Width 300 mm

Depth 300 mm
Thickness 10 mm

Section Properties
M 91.06 kg/m
Ag 116.00 cm2
D 300 mm
Bf 300 mm
tw 10 mm
tf 10 mm
Iz 16278.67 cm4
Iy 16278.67 cm4
Zez 1085.24 cm3
Zey 1085.24 cm3
Zpz 1262.00 cm3
Zpy 1262.00 cm3
rz 11.85 cm
ry 11.85 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (116 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

2636 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 0.116 m Ly 6.3 m

Effective length factor Kz 0.7 Ky 1

Buckling Class c c Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.49 0.49 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 1.44 cm 15.094 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 5.63 Ky Ly /ry 41.74

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 62251.27 N/mm2 1133.07 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.063 0.470

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.469 0.676

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 243.66 N/mm2 195.40 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 17.00 cm2 213.76 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 414 kN 4177 kN

Compressive strength of member 414 kN About z-z axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(300-10)/10 29.00 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(300-2×10)/10 28.00 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 287 kNm 287 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 296 kNm 296 kNm

Bending strength of member 287 kNm 287 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 10.56 kN Capacities Pdz 414 kN Pdy 4177 kN

Mz 54.4 kN Mdz 287 tm

My 0 kN Mdy 287 tm

Cmz 0.9 nz 0.026

Cmy 0.9 ny 0.003

CmLT 0.9 LLT 0.116 m

max final
Kz 1.001 1.002 1.001 hf 290 mm
Ky 0.997 1.020 0.997 Mcr 3462684.91 kNm
KLT 1.000 1.000 1.000 lLT 0.010

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.192 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.196 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
aw = (A -2b tf)/A 0.172 0.5 (max) af = (A-2 h tw)/A -0.103 0.5 (max)

n = N/Nd 0.026 0.003

Mn d 372.67 272.02
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

SECTION: Width 300 mm

Depth 300 mm
Thickness 12 mm

Section Properties
M 108.52 kg/m
Ag 138.24 cm2
D 300 mm
Bf 300 mm
tw 12 mm
tf 12 mm
Iz 19143.48 cm4
Iy 19143.48 cm4
Zez 1276.23 cm3
Zey 1276.23 cm3
Zpz 1493.86 cm3
Zpy 1493.86 cm3
rz 11.77 cm
ry 11.77 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (138.24 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

3142 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 6.12 m Ly 6.12 m

Effective length factor Kz 1 Ky 1

Buckling Class c c Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.49 0.49 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 12.04 cm 15.094 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 50.84 Ky Ly /ry 40.55

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 763.60 N/mm2 1200.70 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.572 0.456

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.755 0.667

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 182.21 N/mm2 197.07 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 213.76 cm2 213.76 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 3895 kN 4213 kN

Compressive strength of member 3895 kN About z-z axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(300-12)/12 24.00 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(300-2×12)/12 23.00 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 340 kNm 340 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 348 kNm 348 kNm

Bending strength of member 340 kNm 340 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 168.07 kN Capacities Pdz 3895 kN Pdy 4213 kN

Mz 17.85 kN Mdz 340 tm

My 67.58 kN Mdy 340 tm

Cmz 0.9 nz 0.043

Cmy 0.9 ny 0.040

CmLT 0.9 LLT 6.12 m

max final
Kz 1.010 1.032 1.010 hf 288 mm
Ky 1.016 1.035 1.016 Mcr 1614.38 kNm
KLT 0.997 0.994 0.997 lLT 0.481

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.274 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.200 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
aw = (A -2b tf)/A 0.306 0.5 (max) af = (A-2 h tw)/A 0.074 0.5 (max)

n = N/Nd 0.043 0.040

Mn d 433.15 338.51
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

SECTION: Width 300 mm

Depth 300 mm
Thickness 12 mm

Section Properties
M 108.52 kg/m
Ag 138.24 cm2
D 300 mm
Bf 300 mm
tw 12 mm
tf 12 mm
Iz 19143.48 cm4
Iy 19143.48 cm4
Zez 1276.23 cm3
Zey 1276.23 cm3
Zpz 1493.86 cm3
Zpy 1493.86 cm3
rz 11.77 cm
ry 11.77 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (138.24 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

3142 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 6.12 m Ly 6.12 m

Effective length factor Kz 1 Ky 1

Buckling Class c c Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.49 0.49 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 12.04 cm 15.094 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 50.84 Ky Ly /ry 40.55

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 763.60 N/mm2 1200.70 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.572 0.456

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.755 0.667

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 182.21 N/mm2 197.07 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 213.76 cm2 213.76 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 3895 kN 4213 kN

Compressive strength of member 3895 kN About z-z axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(300-12)/12 24.00 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(300-2×12)/12 23.00 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 340 kNm 340 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 348 kNm 348 kNm

Bending strength of member 340 kNm 340 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 173.85 kN Capacities Pdz 3895 kN Pdy 4213 kN

Mz 154.91 kN Mdz 340 tm

My 0 kN Mdy 340 tm

Cmz 0.9 nz 0.045

Cmy 0.9 ny 0.041

CmLT 0.9 LLT 6.12 m

max final
Kz 1.011 1.033 1.011 hf 288 mm
Ky 1.017 1.036 1.017 Mcr 1614.38 kNm
KLT 0.997 0.994 0.997 lLT 0.481

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.496 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.460 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
aw = (A -2b tf)/A 0.306 0.5 (max) af = (A-2 h tw)/A 0.074 0.5 (max)

n = N/Nd 0.045 0.041

Mn d 432.48 338.02
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

SECTION: Width 300 mm

Depth 300 mm
Thickness 12 mm

Section Properties
M 108.52 kg/m
Ag 138.24 cm2
D 300 mm
Bf 300 mm
tw 12 mm
tf 12 mm
Iz 19143.48 cm4
Iy 19143.48 cm4
Zez 1276.23 cm3
Zey 1276.23 cm3
Zpz 1493.86 cm3
Zpy 1493.86 cm3
rz 11.77 cm
ry 11.77 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (138.24 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

3142 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 6.12 m Ly 6.12 m

Effective length factor Kz 1 Ky 1

Buckling Class c c Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.49 0.49 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 12.04 cm 15.094 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 50.84 Ky Ly /ry 40.55

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 763.60 N/mm2 1200.70 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.572 0.456

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.755 0.667

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 182.21 N/mm2 197.07 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 213.76 cm2 213.76 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 3895 kN 4213 kN

Compressive strength of member 3895 kN About z-z axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(300-12)/12 24.00 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(300-2×12)/12 23.00 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 340 kNm 340 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 348 kNm 348 kNm

Bending strength of member 340 kNm 340 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 392.05 kN Capacities Pdz 3895 kN Pdy 4213 kN

Mz 25.48 kN Mdz 340 tm

My 0 kN Mdy 340 tm

Cmz 0.9 nz 0.101

Cmy 0.9 ny 0.093

CmLT 0.9 LLT 6.12 m

max final
Kz 1.024 1.074 1.024 hf 288 mm
Ky 1.037 1.081 1.037 Mcr 1614.38 kNm
KLT 0.993 0.986 0.993 lLT 0.481

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.168 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.170 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
aw = (A -2b tf)/A 0.306 0.5 (max) af = (A-2 h tw)/A 0.074 0.5 (max)

n = N/Nd 0.101 0.093

Mn d 407.12 319.76
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

Buitup box 300x400x10

Section Properties
M kg/m
Ag 136 cm2
D 300 mm
Bf 400 mm
tw 10 mm
tf 10 mm
Iz 20490.00 cm4
Iy 31970.00 cm4
Zez 1366.00 cm3
Zey 1597 cm3
Zpz 1552.00 cm3
Zpy 1892.00 cm3
rz 12.27 cm
ry 15.33 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (136 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

3091 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 6.3 m Ly 6.3 m

Effective length factor Kz 1 Ky 1

Buckling Class c c Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.49 0.49 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 12.27 cm 15.331 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 51.33 Ky Ly /ry 41.09

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 749.12 N/mm2 1168.93 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.578 0.462

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.759 0.671

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 181.48 N/mm2 196.31 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 136.00 cm2 136.00 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 2468 kN 2670 kN

Compressive strength of member 2468 kN About z-z axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(400-10)/10 39.00 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(300-2×10)/10 28.00 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 352.73 kNm 430.0 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 373 kNm 436 kNm

Bending strength of member 353 kNm 430 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 10.08 t Capacities Pdz 246.8 t Pdy 267.0 t

Mz 2.68 tm Mdz 35.27 tm

My 2.28 tm Mdy 43.00 tm

Cmz 0.900 nz 0.041

Cmy 0.900 ny 0.038

CmLT 0.900 LLT 6.3 m

max final
Kz 1.010 1.030 1.010 hf 290 mm
Ky 1.015 1.033 1.015 Mcr 2418.45 kNm
KLT 0.997 0.994 0.997 lLT 0.442

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.162 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.139 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
aw = (A -2b tf)/A 0.294 0.5 (max) af = (A-2 h tw)/A 0.059 0.5 (max)

n = N/Nd 0.041 0.038

Mn d 45.11 42.63
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

Buitup box 300x400x10

Section Properties
M kg/m
Ag 136 cm2
D 300 mm
Bf 400 mm
tw 10 mm
tf 10 mm
Iz 20490.00 cm4
Iy 31970.00 cm4
Zez 1366.00 cm3
Zey 1597 cm3
Zpz 1552.00 cm3
Zpy 1892.00 cm3
rz 12.27 cm
ry 15.33 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (136 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

3091 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 6.3 m Ly 6.3 m

Effective length factor Kz 1 Ky 1

Buckling Class c c Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.49 0.49 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 12.27 cm 15.331 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 51.33 Ky Ly /ry 41.09

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 749.12 N/mm2 1168.93 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.578 0.462

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.759 0.671

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 181.48 N/mm2 196.31 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 136.00 cm2 136.00 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 2468 kN 2670 kN

Compressive strength of member 2468 kN About z-z axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(400-10)/10 39.00 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(300-2×10)/10 28.00 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 352.73 kNm 430.0 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 373 kNm 436 kNm

Bending strength of member 353 kNm 430 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 6.08 t Capacities Pdz 246.8 t Pdy 267.0 t

Mz 1.65 tm Mdz 35.27 tm

My 4.97 tm Mdy 43.00 tm

Cmz 0.900 nz 0.025

Cmy 0.900 ny 0.023

CmLT 0.900 LLT 6.3 m

max final
Kz 1.006 1.018 1.006 hf 290 mm
Ky 1.009 1.020 1.009 Mcr 2418.45 kNm
KLT 0.998 0.996 0.998 lLT 0.442

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.174 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.130 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
aw = (A -2b tf)/A 0.294 0.5 (max) af = (A-2 h tw)/A 0.059 0.5 (max)

n = N/Nd 0.025 0.023

Mn d 45.87 43.29
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

Buitup box 300x400x10

Section Properties
M kg/m
Ag 136 cm2
D 300 mm
Bf 400 mm
tw 10 mm
tf 10 mm
Iz 20490.00 cm4
Iy 31970.00 cm4
Zez 1366.00 cm3
Zey 1597 cm3
Zpz 1552.00 cm3
Zpy 1892.00 cm3
rz 12.27 cm
ry 15.33 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (136 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

3091 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 6.3 m Ly 6.3 m

Effective length factor Kz 1 Ky 1

Buckling Class c c Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.49 0.49 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 12.27 cm 15.331 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 51.33 Ky Ly /ry 41.09

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 749.12 N/mm2 1168.93 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.578 0.462

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.759 0.671

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 181.48 N/mm2 196.31 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 136.00 cm2 136.00 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 2468 kN 2670 kN

Compressive strength of member 2468 kN About z-z axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(400-10)/10 39.00 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(300-2×10)/10 28.00 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 352.73 kNm 430.0 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 373 kNm 436 kNm

Bending strength of member 353 kNm 430 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 6.35 t Capacities Pdz 246.8 t Pdy 267.0 t

Mz 13.16 tm Mdz 35.27 tm

My 1.79 tm Mdy 43.00 tm

Cmz 0.900 nz 0.026

Cmy 0.900 ny 0.024

CmLT 0.900 LLT 6.3 m

max final
Kz 1.006 1.019 1.006 hf 290 mm
Ky 1.010 1.021 1.010 Mcr 2418.45 kNm
KLT 0.998 0.996 0.998 lLT 0.442

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.434 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.386 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
aw = (A -2b tf)/A 0.294 0.5 (max) af = (A-2 h tw)/A 0.059 0.5 (max)

n = N/Nd 0.026 0.024

Mn d 45.82 43.25
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

Builtup box 400x300x16

Section Properties
M kg/m
Ag 213.76 cm2
D 300 mm
Bf 400 mm
tw 16 mm
tf 16 mm
Iz 30970.00 cm4
Iy 48700.00 cm4
Zez 2064.67 cm3
Zey 2435.00 cm3
Zpz 2392.19 cm3
Zpy 2926.59 cm3
rz 12.04 cm
ry 15.09 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (213.76 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

4858 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 4.78 m Ly 6 m

Effective length factor Kz 1.2 Ky 1.2

Buckling Class c c Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.49 0.49 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 15.09 cm 12.04 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 38.00 Ky Ly /ry 59.82

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 1366.83 N/mm2 551.67 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.428 0.673

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.647 0.843

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 200.59 N/mm2 168.46 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 213.76 cm2 213.76 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 4288 kN 3601 kN

Compressive strength of member 3601 kN About y-y axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(400-16)/16 24.00 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(300-2×16)/16 16.75 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 543.68 kNm 665.1 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 563 kNm 664 kNm

Bending strength of member 544 kNm 664 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 117.04 t Capacities Pdz 428.8 t Pdy 360.1 t

Mz 7.25 tm Mdz 54.37 tm

My 0 tm Mdy 66.41 tm

Cmz 0.9 nz 0.273

Cmy 0.9 ny 0.325

CmLT 0.9 LLT 6.12 m

max final
Kz 1.154 1.260 1.154 hf 284 mm
Ky 1.062 1.218 1.062 Mcr 4092.46 kNm
KLT 0.979 0.950 0.979 lLT 0.423

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.456 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.411 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
aw = (A -2b tf)/A 0.551 0.5 (max) af = (A-2 h tw)/A 0.401 0.5 (max)

n = N/Nd 0.273 0.325

Mn d 52.70 56.07
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

Builtup box 400x300x16

Section Properties
M kg/m
Ag 213.76 cm2
D 300 mm
Bf 400 mm
tw 16 mm
tf 16 mm
Iz 30970.00 cm4
Iy 48700.00 cm4
Zez 2064.67 cm3
Zey 2435.00 cm3
Zpz 2392.19 cm3
Zpy 2926.59 cm3
rz 12.04 cm
ry 15.09 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (213.76 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

4858 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 4.78 m Ly 6.12 m

Effective length factor Kz 1 Ky 1

Buckling Class c c Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.49 0.49 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 15.09 cm 12.04 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 31.67 Ky Ly /ry 50.84

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 1968.23 N/mm2 763.56 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.356 0.572

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.602 0.755

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 209.13 N/mm2 182.21 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 213.76 cm2 213.76 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 4470 kN 3895 kN

Compressive strength of member 3895 kN About y-y axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(400-16)/16 24.00 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(300-2×16)/16 16.75 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 543.68 kNm 665.1 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 563 kNm 664 kNm

Bending strength of member 544 kNm 664 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 40.65 t Capacities Pdz 447.0 t Pdy 389.5 t

Mz 14.7 tm Mdz 54.37 tm

My 9.07 tm Mdy 66.41 tm

Cmz 0.9 nz 0.091

Cmy 0.9 ny 0.104

CmLT 0.9 LLT 6.12 m

max final
Kz 1.039 1.083 1.039 hf 284 mm
Ky 1.014 1.073 1.014 Mcr 4092.46 kNm
KLT 0.993 0.984 0.993 lLT 0.423

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.498 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.419 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
aw = (A -2b tf)/A 0.551 0.5 (max) af = (A-2 h tw)/A 0.401 0.5 (max)

n = N/Nd 0.091 0.104

Mn d 65.90 74.40
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

Builtup box 400x300x16

Section Properties
M kg/m
Ag 213.76 cm2
D 300 mm
Bf 400 mm
tw 16 mm
tf 16 mm
Iz 30970.00 cm4
Iy 48700.00 cm4
Zez 2064.67 cm3
Zey 2435.00 cm3
Zpz 2392.19 cm3
Zpy 2926.59 cm3
rz 12.04 cm
ry 15.09 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (213.76 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

4858 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 4.78 m Ly 6.12 m

Effective length factor Kz 1 Ky 1

Buckling Class c c Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.49 0.49 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 15.09 cm 12.04 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 31.67 Ky Ly /ry 50.84

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 1968.23 N/mm2 763.56 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.356 0.572

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.602 0.755

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 209.13 N/mm2 182.21 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 213.76 cm2 213.76 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 4470 kN 3895 kN

Compressive strength of member 3895 kN About y-y axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(400-16)/16 24.00 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(300-2×16)/16 16.75 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 543.68 kNm 665.1 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 563 kNm 664 kNm

Bending strength of member 544 kNm 664 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 68.13 t Capacities Pdz 447.0 t Pdy 389.5 t

Mz 0 tm Mdz 54.37 tm
My 25.09 tm Mdy 66.41 tm

Cmz 0.9 nz 0.152

Cmy 0.9 ny 0.175

CmLT 0.9 LLT 6.12 m

max final
Kz 1.065 1.140 1.065 hf 284 mm
Ky 1.024 1.122 1.024 Mcr 4092.46 kNm
KLT 0.989 0.973 0.989 lLT 0.423

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.523 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.361 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
aw = (A -2b tf)/A 0.551 0.5 (max) af = (A-2 h tw)/A 0.401 0.5 (max)

n = N/Nd 0.152 0.175

Mn d 61.44 68.54
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

Select Box Channel ISMC 200 F-F with 0 mm spacing

Section Properties
M 44.6 kg/m
Ag 57 cm2
D 200 mm
Bf 150 mm
tw 6.2 mm
tf 11.4 mm
Iz 3660.00 cm4
Iy 1883.13 cm4
Zez 362.00 cm3
Zey 251.08 cm3
Zpz 419.85 cm3
Zpy 286.23 cm3
rz 8.01 cm
ry 5.75 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (57 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

1295 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 4.5 m Ly 2.25 m

Effective length factor Kz 0.85 Ky 0.85

Buckling Class b b Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.34 0.34 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 8.01 cm 5.75 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 47.75 Ky Ly /ry 33.26

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 865.63 N/mm2 1784.28 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.537 0.374

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.702 0.600

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 197.10 N/mm2 212.76 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 57.00 cm2 57.00 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 1123 kN 1213 kN

Compressive strength of member 1123 kN About z-z axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(150-6.2)/11.4 12.61 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(200-2×11.4)/6.2 28.58 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 95 kNm 65 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 99 kNm 68 kNm

Bending strength of member 95 kNm 65 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 651 kN Capacities Pdz 1123 kN Pdy 1213 kN

Mz 2.1 kNm Mdz 95 kNm

My 8.2 kNm Mdy 65 kNm

Cmz 0.896 nz 0.580

Cmy 0.761 ny 0.537

CmLT 0.939 LLT 2.25 m

max final
Kz 1.094 1.429 1.094 hf 188.6 mm
Ky 1.196 1.464 1.196 Mcr 783.28 kNm
KLT 0.976 0.922 0.976 lLT 0.302

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 0.716 < 1 SAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.670 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz
Material Properties Partial safety factors
fy 250 N/mm2 Resistance to:
e 1 Yielding, gmo 1.10
E 200000 N/mm2 Buckling, gmo 1.10

Select Box Channel ISMC 150 F-F with 0 mm spacing

Section Properties
M 33.6 kg/m
Ag 42.6 cm2
D 150 mm
Bf 150 mm
tw 5.7 mm
tf 9 mm
Iz 1576.00 cm4
Iy 1402.63 cm4
Zez 210.00 cm3
Zey 187.02 cm3
Zpz 240.01 cm3
Zpy 209.82 cm3
rz 6.08 cm
ry 5.74 cm

Tension Capacity
Design strength due to yielding of gross section
Tdg = Ag fy/ gmo = (42.6 × 100 × 250/1.1) /1000

968 kN

Compression Capacity
About z-z axis About y-y axis

Length Lz 4.5 m Ly 2.25 m

Effective length factor Kz 0.85 Ky 0.85

Buckling Class b b Buckling

Class a

Imperfection factor, a 0.34 0.34 a 0.21

b 0.34
Appropriate radius of gyration rz 6.08 cm 5.74 cm c 0.49
d 0.76
Effective slenderness ratio Kz Lz /rz 62.91 Ky Ly /ry 33.32

Euler buckling stress, fcc = p2 E /( KL/r)2 498.74 N/mm2 1778.08 N/mm2

Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio, l = Ö(fy/fcc) 0.708 0.375

f = 0.5 [ 1 + a(l - 0.2) + l2] 0.837 0.600

Design compressive stress, fcd = [ fy/gmo ] / [ f + (f2 - l2)0.5 ] 177.08 N/mm2 212.70 N/mm2

Effective c/s area, Ae 42.60 cm2 42.60 cm2

Design compressive strength Pd = Ae fcd 754 kN 906 kN

Compressive strength of member 754 kN About z-z axis governs

Bending Capacity

Internal element of compression flange, compression due to bending, b/tf =(150-5.7)/9 16.03 < 29.3 e Plastic

Web of box section, neutral axis at mid depth, d/tw =(150-2×9)/5.7 23.16 < 84 e Plastic

Laterally supported
About z-z axis About y-y axis
bb 1 1

Md = bb Zp fy / gmo 55 kNm 48 kNm

Simply supported 1.2 1.2

Md shall be less than 57 kNm 51 kNm

Bending strength of member 55 kNm 48 kNm

Combined Bending and Axial Compression

Factored Loads P 647 kN Capacities Pdz 754 kN Pdy 906 kN

Mz 2.14 kNm Mdz 55 kNm

My 5.37 kNm Mdy 48 kNm

Cmz 0.896 nz 0.858

Cmy 0.761 ny 0.714

CmLT 0.939 LLT 2.25 m

max final
Kz 1.125 1.571 1.125 hf 141 mm
Ky 1.436 1.686 1.436 Mcr 441.81 kNm
KLT 0.964 0.896 0.964 lLT 0.345

Interaction Checks
P Cmy M y Mz
 Ky  KLT  1.0 1.019 > 1 UNSAFE
Pdy Mdy Mdz

P Cmy My Cmz Mz
 0.6Ky  Kz  1.0 0.971 < 1 SAFE
Pdz Mdy Mdz

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