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Organizational Behavior

Submission date: 6th April 2021

 National University of Modern Languages

Islamabad, Pakistan


Big Five Personality Traits

The research article has examined personality stability and change across the life span, as well as
the influence of the big five personality traits on important life outcomes. The Big Five consists
of related behavioral characteristics. These traits comes from research examining formal
personality tests. Extraversion represents individual differences in social engagement,
assertiveness, and energy level. Highly extraverted individuals have positive emotions such as
enthusiasm and excitement, enjoy socializing and are comfortable expressing themselves while
introverted individuals tend to be socially and emotionally reserved. Agreeable individuals
generally hold positive beliefs about others and have an emotional concern for others’ well-being
on the other hand disagreeable individuals tend to have less regard for others. Conscientiousness
represents individual differences in organization, productiveness, and responsibility. Highly
conscientious individuals prefer order and structure, work hard to pursue their goals, and are
committed to fulfill their duties, whereas unconscientious individuals are comfortable with
disorder and less motivated to complete tasks. Neuroticism or Emotional Stability captures
differences in the frequency and intensity of negative emotions. Highly neurotic individuals
experience anxiety, sadness, and mood swings, whereas emotionally stable individuals tend to
remain calm even in difficult circumstances. Finally, Openness to Experience or Intellect
represents differences in intellectual curiosity, creativity and intelligent. Highly open individuals
enjoy thinking and learning, are sensitive to art and beauty, whereas close-minded individuals
tend to have a narrow range of intellectual and creative interests.

It also examines how and why the Big Five personality traits develop across the life span. The
big five personality traits are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors, and that each
trait is genetically heritable, each trait is also linked with a variety of life experiences and they
can be observed and measured by middle childhood. For example, changes in Conscientiousness
tends to occur by important social experiences such as marriage and work, whereas changes in
Neuroticism tend to occur with negative life events. The stability of these traits increases with
age. Mostly changes in the Big Five occur during adolescence and young adulthood. For
example, some negative patterns of personality development occur from middle childhood into
adolescence. Most individuals become more conscientious, agreeable, and emotionally stable
from late adolescence through middle age.

Each of the Big Five has been shown to predict a number of important life outcomes. For
example, extraversion consistently predicts social outcomes. Highly extraverted individuals
prefer and perform better in social and enterprising occupations, and are more likely to adopt
community leadership roles. Agreeableness is associated with a number of affiliative and
prosocial outcomes. Highly agreeable individuals prefer social occupations and are more likely
to hold religious beliefs, perform volunteer work and are also less likely to engage in criminal
behavior. Conscientiousness is an important predictor of achievement. Highly conscientious
students tend to earn higher grades, and conscientious workers tend to perform better in a variety
of occupations and avoid risky behaviors. Neuroticism is negatively associated with subjective
well-being and psychological health. For example, highly neurotic individuals tend to experience
lower levels of overall life, job and relationship satisfaction and Openness to Experience is most
strongly associated with intellectual and creative outcomes. Highly open individuals tend to be
more creative and intelligent, and to pursue scientific and artistic occupations.

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