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General Ecology (Arch5351) assignment for Architecture students (50%)

1. What could architects learn from ecological organizational systems (10pts)? Explain your answers

with pragmatic examples( maximum 3 pages)

2. What could architects learn from ecological concepts (10pts)? Explain your answers with pragmatic

examples ( maximum 3 pages)

3. What could architects learn from ecological principles (10pts)? Explain your answers with pragmatic

examples ( maximum 3 pages)

4. Everything is connected with every other things through ecology, but the natures and strengths of the

connections vary. Basing this key ecological principle, explain how activities of architects connect to

the natural ecosystems and could affect the integrity ecological processes and functions with pragmatic

examples (10%). Explain your answers in detail ( maximum 3 pages)

5. Explain what ecological issues an architect must consider in design infrastructures in an ecosystem

with pragmatic examples (10%). Explain your answers in detail ( maximum 3 pages)

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