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Activities and timeframe

1. July 11, 2020 Count and Non-count Nouns


Every noun can be counted, but not all nouns are counted the same way. There are two main

types of nouns: count nouns and non-count nouns.

Learning Hint:

Memorize the most common non-count nouns and remember to use singular verbs with these


Count Nouns

All count nouns have a singular and plural form and are used in agreement with singular or

plural verbs. Count nouns are things that exist as separate and distinct individual units.

Count nouns are generally individual persons, places or objects that can be recognized by

our senses.
Count Noun Type

Names of persons, their relationships and their friend, girl, accountant


Names of species, plants, insects cat, dolphin, tree, fly

Names of objects with a finite and specific shape bottle, computer, table, office,


Units of measurement centimeter, inch, meter, kilogram,

pound, degree

Units of social classification family, language, country

Some abstract concepts idea, invention, plan


There will be two  proposals submitted to the manager by 2pm.

Each office comes equiped with a computer, a desk and two chairs.

Not all great  ideas lead to successful inventions.

Non-Count Nouns

Non-count nouns only have one form and are always used in agreement with singular verbs.

Many non-count nouns are wholes that cannot be cut into parts or counted individually. Non-
count nouns also include most shapeless objects and abstract ideas.
Non-Count Noun Type

Nouns that are whole and made up of smaller parts sand, rice, sugar

Foods that can be purchased in various forms meat, bread, fruit, coffee

Substances that can change shape or have various oil, tea, milk, wood, iron, glass,

forms water, wind, rain, fire, ice

Groups of things that have different sizes and shapes clothing, furniture, luggage, cash

Languages Italian, French, Japanese

Most -ing forms learning, working, speaking

Abstract concepts, often with endings - ness, -ance, efficiency, progress, intelligence,

-ence, -ity beauty


Clothing is one of the common things collected to give to charity.

Water boils to become steam or freezes to become ice.

Efficiency is a characteristic in employees that managers admire.

Although non-count nouns are considered uncountable, there are times when it is necessary

to explain how much of it there is or to be able to quantify it in some way. This can be done

by using a measurement word or counter in combination with the non-count noun. The most

common measurement words are  bar, slice, piece, glass, game and cube.


I bought two bars of chocolate.

He had four slices of meat in his sandwich.

This recipe requires one glass of milk.

There are five pieces of luggage in the trunk.

We played three games of tennis.

Some nouns can be a count or non-count noun depending on the meaning of the noun used.

Normally the non-count meaning is abstract and general while the count meaning is concrete

and specific. Nouns that can be both

include light, glass, sound, business, fire, life, noise, space, thought, success, work, wa

r, pleasure.

Count Meaning Usage Non-count Meaning Usage

The city at night is full of bright  lights. Sound travels through space slower than  light.

He has two papers due next week. We will wrap the gift with  paper.

Noun Type Indicators

Indications of what kind of noun is in a sentence can be determined by the quantity term or

article used with the noun:

 Only the article a / an can be used with singular count nouns.

 The terms each, every, any and one can only be used with singular count nouns.
 The words these, those, many, both, several, few / fewer / fewest and the
phrases a few, one of the, and a couple of can only be used with plural count nouns.
 This and that can be used with either singular count nouns or non-count nouns.
 Some, any, most, more, all, alot of, no, none of the can be used with plural count
nouns or non-count nouns.
 The article the is not a useful indicator since it can be used with both types of count
nouns and non-count nouns.

 ps://
2. Analyzing Vocabulary (prefixes, suffixes,)
3. Conditional Sentences (1,2 and 3rd conditions)
4. Relative clauses
5. Articles (wrong form of a or an )
6. Caustive verb ( pas participle)
7. Verb tenses and stative verbs (stative verbs in the progressive form)
8. Gerunds and infinitives
9. Prepositions ( prepositional phrase and verb agreement)

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