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1. Watch the video entitled “These 9 Brands Got Sued for Deceptive Advertising” for examples of
false advertising by going to this link:

2. Reflect on the morality of false advertising.

3. Write down your reflections with the following as your guide questions:

(a) What makes false advertising an ethical issue?

(b) What is your moral stand on false advertising? Explain your answer using at least one
relevant ethical concept/principle taken from the Ethics part of the course to support your
stand. (John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarian Ethics and/or Immanuel Kant’s Duty Ethics)

4. You may use other references in addition to Acuna’s Philosophical Analysis.

5. Don’t forget to include your references in your assignment.
6. The following will be the criteria for grading A3:

a. Organization (Consistency, coherence and clarity of presented answers/ ideas)

b. Correctness (well- explained answer, correctly discussed and aptly applied ethical
principle and concepts from the Ethics part of the course)
c. Strength of Arguments (arguments must be well-substantiated)

7. Please follow the adjusted submission schedule.

Schedule of Submission: May 19- June 5, 2021 (Sat), 11:59pm

Please take note that the deadline for the submission of A3 is on June 5, 2021, 11:59 pm. This
means that A3 submission bin will close at exactly 11:59 pm of June 5, 2021.

8. To ensure that you will be able to submit the requirements on time, please avoid last minute
submissions. This is in consideration of some unexpected technical mishaps that might prevent
prompt submission of your output.

9. I also highly recommend that you take a screenshot of your successfully uploaded/posted output
and be ready to show this as your proof of submission in case of technical mishaps. In case
presenting acceptable proof of submission is called for and you are unable to show one, I will take
it to mean that you did not submit your output.

10. Your answer must not exceed 3 pages.

11. Please review the uploaded “Guidelines for Assignments (As)” on pages 21-22 of our Philosophy
1 Course Pack. course guide. Carefully read and follow the instructions. Corresponding deductions
will be given to those who will not follow the instructions.

Please be guided properly. Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have questions or

Thank you.

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