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KAPAMPANGAN, Ali Saddique M.

May 17, 2021

1st year – Section 2

A Reflection Paper on a Korean series entitled “Law School”

A class of students conducting a mock trial in Hankuk University Law School found
themselves in a rather chaotic scene when Seo Byung-ju, the professor who is running a mock
court trial, is found dead in his office. Yang Joon-hoon, a previous prosecutor who used to work
with Seo, takes over as the professor-facilitator for the mock trial but a sudden turn of events
occurred when he is arrested as suspect for the death of Mr. Seo. The students, along with
faculties and staff of the University, are in shock of the unprecedented events. Kang Sol and Han
Joon-hwi, two of the students who participated in the mock court, along with all other students,
must keep their grit towards pursuing law school while attending to their own personal matters
and other extracurricular activities related to law school.
I personally liked the plot of the series, although I would usually find myself confused
with the transition of events, especially with the flashbacks. The series would catch anyone’s
attention especially if one is interested in law or in solving mysteries. The setting wherein the
students are always pressured and nervous, tip-toeing every recitation with Professor Yang, is
almost relatable. During my undergraduate school in the program of BS Accountancy, our Law
subject instructors would call and bombard us with many questions where we should apply the
provisions of the law. However, those experiences were way too light compared to the recitations
of the students in the series. I was looking forward for such scenarios when I finally enrolled in
law school but due to Covid-19 restrictions, we have been limited to virtual classes.
I can relate to the scene where Kang Sol A is baffled by the fact that her classmates are
not seemingly affected by the murder case of their former professor and the arrest as a suspect of
their other professor for the former’s death. It might be somehow cold, but at the same time
amusing because it depicts how strong and immovable the determination of the law students in
studying law. On the other hand, I also feel for Kang Sol A because it shows compassion and
care for the well-being of others to take a moment and reflect about the events occurring to their
Another content of the series that I find relatable is the ambiance or the environment
around the class every time a professor has entered the premises. Faces of confidence,
unpreparedness, nervousness, and all other emotions can be seen. However, one expression that
is usually pervasive and evident is the façade of eagerness. Nobody in the class would feel
nervous, inferior, insecure, and other similar emotions if they are not eager to learn. When one is
really interested in something, indifference has no place in one’s mind and heart. Ever-blazing
passion would continuously flourish through unstable outburst of emotions, be it positive or
negative. That is because Law school is a roller-coaster ride, where one has to hold tight onto the
pursuit, through ups and downs, until they reach the destination of becoming lawyers. And once
they get off the pursuit, another one is waiting for them headed to a rockier road yet most
fulfilling journey in their practice of the legal profession.

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