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Num Contents Page

1 Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of Project

1.2 Problem Statement

1.3 Objectives

1.4 Scope of Study

1.5 Expected Results

2 Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Importance of Numerical method in Civil Engineering

2.2.1 Contribution of numerical method in human beings

2.3 Iteration Method

2.3.1 Gauss-Seidel iteration Method

2.4 Fila Table

3 Chapter 3: Calculation

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Drafted Figure and Calculation

4 Chapter 4: Conclusion

5 References

Chapter 2: Literature review

2.1 Introduction.

Literature reviews is a study of insightful sources on a particular subject. It gives an

overview of latest information, permitting to recognize important hypothesis, techniques, and
holes existing exploration. It is associated with the project objective and problem statement.
This project discussed about surveying method in civil engineering to determine the stress of
the cylinder using gauss-seidel method.

2.2 The importance of Numerical Method in Civil Engineering.

This section discuss about the important of numerical method in daily life activities.
Numerical method nowadays is widely used in performing calculation and evaluate data in
solving problems involving continuous variables. Therefore, contribution of numerical
methods is not only in engineering field, there is also in other field like in natural science and
business field.

2.2.1 Contribution of numerical methods in human being.

Numerical analysis is area of mathematics and computer science that creates, analyses
and implements algorithms for obtaining numerical solutions to problems involving
continuous variables. As example, problems arise throughout the natural sciences, social
sciences, engineering, medicine, and business. Since the mid-20th century, the growth in
power and availability of digital computers has led to an increasing use of realistic
mathematical models in science and engineering, and numerical analysis of increasing
sophistication is needed to solve these more detailed models of the world (Shahrukh Gill,
2017). With the increasing availability of computers, the new discipline of scientific
computing, or computational science, emerged during 1980s and 1990s. The discipline
combines numerical analysis, symbolic mathematical computations, computer graphics, and
other areas of computer science to make it easier to set up, solve, and interpret complicated
mathematical models of the real world especially in engineering field (Shahrukh Gill, 2017).

Basically, numerical methods are popular not only in engineering field but also in
other field such as chemical and pharmaceutical industry which are molecular modelling and
biomedical application. Molecular modelling encompasses all methods, theoretical and
computational, used to model or mimic the behaviour of molecules (Shahrukh Gill, 2017).
The methods used in the field of computational chemistry, drug design, computational biology

and materials science to study molecular system ranging from small chemical systems to large
biological molecules and material assemblies. This may include treating atoms as the smallest
individual unit (a molecular mechanics approach), or explicitly modelling electrons of each
atom (a quantum chemistry approach). Other than that, Biomedical application also one of the
application of numerical methods in chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Biomedical is a
scientific journal dedicated to basic and clinical research in the field of biomedical
engineering (Shahrukh Gill, 2017).

2.3 Iteration Method

The Iterative Method is a mathematical way of solving a problem which generates a

sequence of approximations. This method is applicable for both linear and nonlinear problems
with large number of variables. The word Iterative or Iteration refers to the technique that
solve any linear system problems with successive approximation at each step. There are two
methods under iterative methods one is stationary iterative method and another is a non-
stationary Iterative method. An iteration method, Gauss-Seidel will be discussed. The iteration
method must satisfy convergence criteria, this A must be diagonally dominant. A matrix A of
dimension n × n is strictly diagonally dominant if and only if

|a ii|> ∑ |aij|, ∀=1,2 ,.. , n .

j≠ 1

Then the iteration method will be iterated with initial guesses until the stopping criteria
max {¿¿ is satisfied.

2.3.1 Gauss-Seidel Iteration Method

Gauss-Seidel Method is used to solve the linear system Equations. This method is
named after the German Scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss and Philipp Ludwig Siedel. It is a

method of iteration for solving n linear equation with the unknown variables. This method is
very simple and uses in digital computers for computing.

The Gauss-Seidel method is the modification of the gauss-iteration method. This

modification reduces the number of iteration. In this methods the value of unknown
immediately reduces the number of iterations, the calculated value replace the earlier value
only at the end of the iteration. Because of it, the gauss-seidel methods converges much faster
than the Gauss methods. In gauss-seidel methods the number of iteration method requires
obtaining the solution is much less as compared to Gauss method.

Consider n equations with n unknown below:

a 11 x 1 +a12 x 2 +a 13 x 3+ …+a1 n x n=b1

a 21 x1 + a22 x 2+ a23 x 3 +…+ a2 n x n=b2

a 31 x1 +a 32 x 2+ a33 x 3 +…+ a3 n x n=b 3

a n1 x 1+ an 2 x 2 +an 3 x3 + …+ann x n=bn

Algorithm for Gauss-Seidel iteration method is as below:

Step 1: If necessary, the equation must be rearranged to achieve convergence criteria.

Step 2: Write down Gauss-Seidel iteration formula:

b n−a n 1 x (1k +1)−a n 2 x (2k +1)−a n3 x (3k +1)−a n (n−1) x(n−1
( k−1 )
x n =

Step 3: Take initial guesses as x(0) =(0 0 0)T

Step 4: Iterate using the Gauss-Seidel iteration formula until:

max{ |x −x (k)|}=max {|x (ik−1) − x(ik+1 )|}
1 ≤i ≤n


Table 2.1: Fila Table of Project

The Gauss-Seidel is The value from the How to apply the of Find information
data give the Gauss-Seidel through researchers
particularly useful
different answer method? and books.
on knowing the and it show the error
of the accuracy.
stress of cylinder

Surveying is the best This method and How to compute the Analyse the problem
performance that equipment can be data from the statement based on
surveying? the condition
need to do before apply to collect the
conducting the data of area of
construction project
to justify the
condition of work
area and volume.

Most of the The most irregular How to justify area Do the discussion
civil structures and boundary can be of irregular shape with all group
surfaces have an compute the data. area? members.
asymmetric shape.

Numerical analysis The useful of the What is the Find information

obtaining numerical analysis can be relate importance of the through researchers.
to the surrounding. numerical analysis?
solutions to problems
involving continuous

Each method of the The exact value of Which iteration Find information
have different ways data is importance to method is more through researchers
calculation to perform the other accurate? and books.
compute the data. work by an engineer.


1) Eric Weisstein. (2020). Simpson's Rule. From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

2) Tay Kim Gaik, Penerbit UTHM. (2017). Numerical Methods with Casio fx-570ES PLUS.

3) Vladimir Popov, Antanas Sapalas, 2013. Application of Numerical Methods for the
Analysis of a Concrete-Steel Tower Subjected to Multiple Load Factors

4) J. Uren and W. Price, 1994. Surveying for Engineers, 3, Ed., London: Macmillan Press

5) Ignatius M.Ziwa, September 2016: Applied engineering surveying.

6) Shahrukh Gill, 2017. Numerical analysis and its application

7) Theodore Simos, 2021. Applied Mathematics and Computation
8) Daniele Boffi, 2021. Computers & Mathematics with Applications

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