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ADN - Azimuthal Density Neutron

List of oil field

 ADT - Applied Drilling Technology, ADT Log

 AFC - Approved For Construction
 AFE - Authorization for Expenditure, a process
of submitting a business proposal to investors
 AFLD - Annular Fluid Loss Device

# 
(ie Halliburton's Twin Flow tool)
AFP - Active Fire Protection
 AFPR - Annual Field Perf Review
 2D - Two dimensional (geophysics)  AGRU - Acid Gas Removal Unit
 2P - Proved and Probable Reserves  AH - Along hole
 3C - Three components seismic acquisition (x,y  AHBDF - Along Hole (Depth)
and z) Below Derrick Floor
 3D - Three dimensional (geophysics)  AHD - Along Hole Depth
 3DATW - 3 Dimension All The Way  AHV - Anchor Handling Vessel
 3P - Proved, Probable and Possible Reserves  AI - Accoustic Impedance
 4D - Multiple Three dimensional's overlapping  AI - Artificial Intellince
each other (geophysics)  AIMS - Asset Integrity Management System
 7P - Prior Preparation and Precaution Prevents  AIP - Annular Isolation Packer
Piss Poor Performance, also Prior Proper Planning  AIRG - Airgun
Prevents Piss Poor Performance  AIRRE - Airgun Report
 AIS - Annular Isolation System (Completions)

A 

AIT - Array Induction Tool
AL - Appraisal Licence (United Kingdom), a
type of onshore licence issued before 1996
 A&D - Acquisition & Divestment  AL - Artificial lift
 AADE - American Association of Drilling  AKO - Adjustable Kick Off
Engineers [1]  ALARP - As Low As Reasonably Practicable
 AAPG - American Association of Petroleum  ALC - Vertical Seismic Profile Acoustic Log
Geologists[2] Calibration Report
 AAODC - American Association of Oilwell  ALD - Azimuthal Litho Density (logging control)
Drilling Contractors (obsolete; superseded  ALR - Acoustic Log Report
by IADC)  aMDEA - activated Methyldiethanolamine
 AAR - After Action Review (What went  AMS - Auxiliary Measurement Service Log
right/wrong, dif next time)  AMSL - Above Mean Sea Level
 AAV - Annulus Access Valve  AMV - Annulus Master Valve [3]
 ABAN - Abandonment, (also as AB)  ANACO - Analysis of Core Logs Report
 ABCM - Activity Based Costing Model  ANARE - Analysis Report
 AbEx - Abandonment Expense  Anhy - Anhydrite
 ACHE - Air Cooled Heat Exchanger  ANP - Agency National Petroleum for Brazil
 ACOU - Acoustic  ANSI - American National Standards Institute
 ACQ - Annual Contract Quantity (in reference to  AOB - Any Other Business
gas sales)  AOF - Absolute Open Flow
 ACQU - Acquisition Log  AOFP - Absolute Open Flow Potential
 ACV - Approved/Authorized Contract Value  AOI - Area Of Interest
 AD - Assistant Driller  AoO - Area of Operation
 ADE - Asphaltene Deposition Envelop  AOP - Asset Open Plan
 ADROC - Advanced Rock Properties Report  AOP - Asphaltene Onset Pressure
 APD - Application for Permit to Drill  BAA - Business Area Alignment
 API - American Petroleum Institute: both the  bbl - barrel
organisation and measure of oil weight (API  BBSM - Behavioural Based Safety Management
gravity) in ºAPI  Bcf - billion cubic feet (of natural gas)
 APPRE - Appraisal Report  Bcfe - billion cubic feet (of natural
 APWD - Annular Pressure While Drilling gas equivalent)
 APS - Active Pipe Support  BCS - Ballast Control Supervisor
 AR - Attraction & Recruitment (HR Dept)  BD - Blow Down
 ARC - Array Restistivity Compensated tool  BDF - Below Derrick Floor
(LWD)  BDL - Bit Data Log
 ARACL - Array Acoustic Log  BF - Boundary Fault
 ARESV - Analysis of Reservoir  BfD - Basis for Design (Facility Doc)
 ARI - Azimuthal Resistivity Image  BFI - Business Frames Implementation
 ARPR - Annual Report of Petroleum Resources  Bg - Gas Formation Volume Factor
(Reserves)  BGG - Back Ground Gas (reading in mud)
 ARRC - Array Acoustic Report  BGL - Below ground level (used as a datum for
 ART - Acid Response Test depths in a well)
 ART - Actuator Running Tool  BGL - Borehole Geometry Log
 AS - Array Sonic Processing Log  BGS - British Geological Survey
 ASA - Advanced Safety Auditing (Shell/BP  BGT - Borehole Geometry Tool
system)  BGWP - Base of Ground Water Protection
 ASC - Affiliated Services Contract  BH - Bloodhound
 ASD - Acoustic Sand Detection  BHA - Bottom Hole Assembly (toolstring
 ASI - ASI Log on coiled tubing or drill pipe)
 ASME - American Society of Mechanical  BHC - BHC Gamma Ray Log
Engineers  BHCA - BHC Acoustic Log
 ASP - Array Sonic Processing Report  BHCS - BHC Sonic Log
 ASP - Alkaline Surfactant Polymer  BHCT - Bottomhole Circulating Temperature
 ASTM - American Society for Testing and  BHI - Baker Hughes Inteq
Materials  BHI - Baker Hughes International
 ASCSSV - Annulus Surface Controlled Sub-  BHI - Bore Hole Image (logging tool)
Surface Valve [3]  BHL - Borehole Log
 ASV - Annular Safety Valve  BHN - Brunel Hardness Number
 ASV - Annular Sliding Valve  BHP - Bottom Hole Pressure
 ATD - Application To Drill  BHPG - Bottom Hole Pressure Gauge
 AUV -Autonomous Underwater Vehicle  BHPRP - Borehole Pressure Report
 AV - Annular Velocity or Apparent Viscosity  BHS - Bore Hole Stability
 AVO - Amplitude Versus Offset (geophysics)  BHSRE - Bottom Hole Sampling Report
 AWB/V - Annulus Wing Block/Valve (XT)  BHSS - Borehole Seismic Survey
 AWO - Approval for Well Operation  BHT - Bottom Hole Temperature
 AWV - Annulus Wing Valve  BHT - Bottomhole Temperature
 Azi - Azimuth  BHTV - Borehole Television Report
 BINXQ - Bond Index Quicklook Log
 BIOR - Biostratigraphic Range Log
B  BIORE - Biostratigraphy Study Report
 BIVDL - BI/DK/WF/Casing Collar
 BOSIET - Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Locator/Gamma Ray Log
Emergency Training  BLC - Big Lever Club (Contracting)
 B or b - prefix denoting a number in billions  BLI - Bottom of Logging Interval
 B2B - Back to Basics  BML - Below Mud Line (Subsea measurement)
 BMOP - Build Model On Paper  BSPD - Barrels Steam Per Day
 BMSL - Below Mean Sea Level  BSR - Blind Shear Rams (Blowout Preventer)
 BO - Back Off Log  BSR - Bottom Simulating Reflector (seismic)
 BO - Break Out  BTC - Best Technical Case
 Bo - Oil Formation Volume Factor in Rb/STB  BTEX - Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl-Benzene and
 BOB - Back on bottom Xylene
 BODF - Below Original Drill Floor  BTHF - Below Tubing Head Flange
 boe - barrel(s) of oil equivalent  BTHL - Bottom Hole Log
 boed - barrel(s) of oil equivalent per day  BTM - Business Technology Mapping
 BOEMRE - Bureau of Ocean Energy  BTO/C - Break to Open/Close (valve torque)
Management, Regulation and Enforcement  BTU - British Thermal Units
 boepd - barrel(s) of oil equivalent per day  BU - Bottoms Up
 BOL - Back On Line  BUL - Bottom Up Lag
 BOM - Bill of Materials  BUR - Build Up Rate (drilling)
 BOM - Business Opportunity Manager  BVO - Ball Valve Operator
 BOP - Blowout Preventer  BVS - Block Valve isolation Station (for main
 BOP - Bottom of Pipe PL's)
 bopd - barrel(s) of oil per day  Bw - Water Formation Volume Factor
 BOREH - Borehole Seismic Analysis  bwd - barrels of water per day (often used in
 BOS - Bottom Of Screen reference to oil production)
 BOT - Baker Oil Tools  BWIPD - Barrels Water Injection Per Day
 BOTHL - Bottom Hole Locator Log  bwpd - barrels of water per day
 BOTTO - Bottom Hole Pressure/Temperature
 BP - Before Present (age) C
 BP - Best Practice
 BP - Bridge Plug  C&C - Circulate & Condition (ie mud)
 BP - British Petroleum  C&E - Well completion and equipment cost
 BP - Business Plan  C&K - Choke & Kill (BOPs)
 bpd - barrels per day  C&P - Cased & Perfed (completion type)
 BPFL - Borehole Profile Log  C&S - Cased and Suspended
 BPH - Barrels Per Hour  C/B - Crew Boat
 BPLUG - Baker Plug  C/W - Complete With
 BPM - Barrels Per Minute  C1 - Methane
 BPV - Back Pressure Valve (goes on the end of  C2 - Ethane
coiled tubing a drill pipe tool strings to prevent  C3 - Propane
fluid flow in the wrong direction)  C4 - Butane
 BPWA - Beam Pump Well Analyzer (Dyno & FL)  C6 - Hexanes
 BQL - B/QL Log  C7+ - Heavy Hydrocarbon Components
 BRPLG - Bridge Plug Log  CA - Core Analysis Log
 BRT - Below Rotary Table (used as a datum for  CALD - Caliper interpreted from Density
depths in a well)  CALI - Caliper Log
 BS - Bit Size  CALOG - Circumferential Acoustic Log
 BS&W - BSW - Base/Bottom Sediments &  CALVE - Calibrated Velocity Log Data
Water  CAM - Contract Accountable Manager
 BSCF - Billion Standard Cubic Feet  CAO - Computer Aided Operations
 BSEE - US: Bureau of Safety and Environmental  CAPP - Canadian Association of Petroleum
Enforcement (Formerly the MMS) Producers
 BSP - Brunei Shell Petroleum Company  CAR - Company Appointed Representative
Sendirian Berhad  CAR - Corrective Action Request
 CART - Cam Actuated Running Tool (Housing  CECAN - CEC Analysis
Running Tool)  CEME - Cement Evaluation
 CAS - Casing Log  CEP - Current Estimated Potential
 CAST - Circumfrential Accoustic Tool (HES)  CERE - Cement Remedial Log
 CATe - Core Asset Team  CET - Cement Evaluation Tool
 CATT - Capabilities & Technology Team  CF - Completion Fluid
 CB - Core Barrel  CFA - Compositional Fluid Analizer
 CB - Crew Boat  CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics
 CBD - Competence Based Development  CG - Contents Guideline
 CBIL - CBIL Log  CGEL - CG EL Log
 CBL - Cement Bond Log (measurement of  CGL - Core Gamma Log
casing cement integrity)  CGOC - Current Gas Oil Contact
 CBL - Cement Bond Log  CGPH - Core Graph Log
 CBM - Choke Bridge Module - XT Choke  CGR - Condensate gas ratio
 CBM - Coal Bed Methane  CGTL - Compact Gas to liquids (production
 CBM - Conventional Buoy Mooring equipment small enough to fit on a ship)
 CBP - Composite Bridge Plug  CGWC - Current Gas Water Contact
 CBU - Circulate Bottoms Up  CH - Cased Hole
 CBW - Clay Bound Water  CHCNC - CHCNC Gamma Ray Casing Collar
 CC - Carbon Copy Locator
 CCA - Conventional Core Analysis  CHDTP - Caliper HDT Playback Log
 CCF - Cost Carry Forward  CHECK - Checkshot and Acoustic Calibration
 CCHT - Core Chart Log Report
 CCL - Casing Collar Locator (in perforation or  CHESM - Contractor, Health, Environment and
completion operations, the tool provides depths by Safety Management
correlation of the casing string's magnetic  CHFP - Cased Hole Frac Pack
anomaly with known casing features)  CHH - Casing Head Hanger
 CCLP - Casing Collar Locator Perforation  CHKSR - Checkshot Survey Report
 CCLTP - Casing Collar Locator Through Tubing  CHKSS - Checkshot Survey Log
Plug  CHOPS - Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand
 CCR - Change Control Request  CHP - Casing Hanger Pressure (pressure in
 CCRT - Coct Control Reporting Tool (SAP an annulus as measured at the casing hanger)
Report)  CHROM - Chromatolog
 CCS - Carbon Capture & Sequestration  CHRT - Casing Hanger Running Tool
 CCT - Closed Chamber Test  CI - Chemical Injection
 CD - Chart Datum  CI - Competitive Intelligence
 CD - Core Description  CI - Corrosion Inhibiter
 CDATA - Core Data  CIBP - Cast Iron Bridge Plug
 CDIS - CDI Synthetic Seismic Log  CICHP - Closed In Casing Head Pressure
 CDP - Common Depth Point (geophysics)  CIDPP - Closed In Drill Pipe Pressure
 CDP - Comprehensive Drilling Plan  CIIP - Condensate Initially In Place (Gas
 CDRCL - Compensated Dual Resistivity Cal. Log Cap/Res)
 CDRT - Completion Design Review Team  CILD - Conduction Log
 CDS - Completion Data System  CIM - Chemical Injection Mandrel/Manifold
 CDU - Control Distribution Unit  CIMV - Chemical Injection Metering Valve
 CDV - Critical Development Volume  CIN - Common Interest Network (system on
 CE - CE Log Shell Global Networks)
 CE - Civil Engineer  CIRP - Schlumberger's Completion Insertion
 CE - Completion Engineer and Retrieval under Pressure, (snap lock guns)
 CE - Corrosion Engineer
 CITHP - Closed In Tubing Head Pressure  COWC - Current Oil Water Contact
(tubing head pressure when the well is shut in)  COXY - Carbon/Oxygen Log
 CIV - Chemical Injection Valve  CP - Cathodic Protection
 CIW - Cameron Iron Works  cP - Centipoise
 CIW - Concept Identific  CP - Cloud Point
 CL - Core Log  CPEMA - Concurrent Production Eng
 CLG - Core Log and Graph Maintenance Activities
 Clyst - Claystone  CPF - Central Processing Facility
 CM - Choke Module  CPI - CPI Log (computer processed
 Cm - Compaction Coefficient interpretation)
 CMM - Corporate Management Manual  CPI separator - Corrugated plate interceptor
 CMP - Common Midpoint (geophysics)  CPICB - CPI Coriband Log
 CMR - Combinable Magnetic Resonance  CPIRE - CPI Report
(Schlumberger NMR type logging tool)  CPRA - Concurrent Production & Rig Activities
 CMS - Corporate Management System  CPT - Compliant Piled Tower (Deepwater)
 Cmt - Cement  Cr - Chrome
 CNCF - Field Normalized Compensated  CRA - Corrosion Resistant Alloy (material)
Neutron Porosity  CRET - Cement Retainer Setting Log
 CND - Compensated Neutron Density  CRI - Cuttings Re-Injection
 CNFDP - CNFD True Vertical Depth Playback  CRP - Common/Central Reference Point
Log (Subsea Survey)
 CNG - Compressed Natural Gas  CRP - Control Riser Platform  CRT - Clamp Replacement Tool
 CNGR - Compensated Neutron Gamma Ray  CSB - Conventional Sample Bottle (testing)
Log  CSE - Chemical Systems Engineering
 CNL - Compensated Neutron Log  CSE - Control Systems Engineering
 CNLFD - CNL/FDC Log  CsF - Caesium Formate (coincidentally also an
 CNS - Central North Sea acronym of the sole large-scale supplier of
 CNSOPB - Canada Nova Scotia Offshore caesium formate brine, Cabot Specialty Fluids.)
Petroleum Board  CSF - Critical Success Factors
 CO - Change Out (ex. from rod equipment to  CSG – Casing
casing equipment)  CSHN - Cased Hole Neutron Log
 COB - Close Of Business  CSI - CSI Log
 COE - Centre of Excellence  CSIA - Compound Specific Isotope Analysis
 COL - Collar Log  CSID - Casing Size Internal Diameter
 COMAN - Compositional Analysis  CSMT - Core Sampler Tester Log
 COML - Compaction Log  CSO - Capital Staff Overhead
 COMP - Composite Log  CSPG - Canadian Society of Petroleum
 COMPR - Completion Program Report Geologists
 COMPU - Computest Report  CSS - Check Shot Surveys
 COMRE - Completion Record Log  CSS - Cyclic Steam Stimulation
 CONDE - Condensate Analysis Report  cSt - Centi-stokes (Viscocity)
 CONDR - Continuous Directional Log  CST - CST Log
 CORAN - Core Analysis Report  CSTAK - Core Sample Taken Log
 CORE - Core Report  CSTRE - CST Report
 CORG - Corgun Log  CSUG - Canadian Society for Unconventional
 CORIB - Coriband Log Gas
 CORLG - Correlation Log  CT - Coiled Tubing
 COROR - Core Orientation Report  CTC - Contracting Tender Committee
 CTCO - Coiled Tubing Clean Out  DCQ - Daily Contracted Quantity (Gas supply
 CTD - Coiled Tubing Drilling contract)
 CTE - Center Technical Excellence  DCS - Distributes Control System
 CTFV - Critical Transfer Fluid Velocity  DD - Directional Driller or Directional Drilling
 CTLF - Coiled Tubing Lift Frame  DDBHC - DDBHC Waveform Log
 CTOD - Crack Tip Opening Displacement  DDET - Depth Determination Log
 CTR - Cost Time Resource  DDI - Direction Difficulty Index
 CTRAC - Cement Tracer Log  DDM - Derrick Drilling Machine (a.k.a. Top
 CTU - Coiled Tubing Unit Drive)
 CUP - Clean Up Pit  DDNL - Dual Det. Neutron Life Log
 CUT - Cutter Log  DDPT - Drill Data Plot Log
 CUTTD - Cuttings Description Report  DDV - Downhole Deployable Valve
 CVDC - Cost vs Depth Curve (drilling)  DDWT - Deliberately Disturbed Well Test
 CVX - Chevron  DE - Decision Executive
 CWDT - Critical Wax Deposition Temp  DE - Drilling Engineer
 CWOP - Coring the Well On Paper  DECC - Department for Energy and Climate
 CWOP- Complete Well On Paper Change (United Kingdom)
 CWOR- Completion Work Over Riser  DECT - Decay Time
 CYBD - Cyberbond Log  DEFSU - Definitive Survey Report
 CYBLK - Cyberlook Log  DEGC - Degree Celcius
 CYDIP - Cyberdip Log  DEGF - Degree Fahrenheit
 CYDN - Cyberdon Log  DELTA - Delta-T Log
 CYPRO - Cyberproducts Log  DEM - Drilling Engineering Manual
 DEN - Density Log
 DEPAN - Deposit Analysis Report
D  DEPC - Depth Control Log
 DES - Derrick Equipment Set
 D - Depth  DESFL - Deep Induction SFL Log
 D&C - Drilling and Completions  DEV - Development Well, Lahee classification
 DA - Data Aquisition  DEVLG - Deviation Log
 DA - Drill Ahead  DEXP - D-Exponent Log
 DAB - Decision Advisory Board  DF - Derrick Floor
 DAC - Dipole Acoustic Log  DFA - Downhole Fluid Analysis
 DACA - Data Aquisition & Control Architecture  DFE(ACD) - Drill Floor Elevation (Admiralty
(Smart) Chart Datum)
 DAPC - Dynamic Annular Pressure Control  DFIT - Diagnostic Fracture Injection Test
 DARCI - Darci Log  DFR - Drilling Factual Report
 DAT - Wellhead Housing Drill-Ahead Tool  DG - Decision Gate
 DAZD - Dip and Azimuth Display  DGP - Dynamic Geohistory Plot (3D Technique)

 DBB - Double Block & Bleed

 DH - Drilling History
 DBE - Detailed Budget Exercise
 DHC - Depositional History Curve
 DC - Drill Centre
 DHC - Down Hole Camera (Eline)
 DC - Drill Collar(s)
 DHI - Direct Hydrocarbon Imaging
 DCA - Development Contract Area
 DHPT - Down Hole Pressure Temperature
 DCAF - Discipline Controls & Assurance
 DHPTT - Downhole Pressure/Temperature
 DCAL - Dual Caliper Log
 DHSIT - Down Hole Shut In Tool (for pressure
 DCF - Discounted Cash Flow (economics)
 DCM - Dielectric Constant Measurement
 DHSV - Downhole Safety Valve
 DIBHC - DIS BHC Log  DPT - Deeper Pool Test, Lahee classification
 DIEGR - Dielectric Gamma Ray Log  DQLC - Dipmeter Quality Control Log
 DIF - Drill In Fluids  DR - Drilling Report
 DIL - Dual Induction Log  DR - Dummy Run Log
 DILB - Dual Induction BHC Log  DRB - Decision Review Board
 DILL - Dual Induction Laterolog  DRI - Drift Log
 DILLS - Dual Induction Log-LSS  DRLCT - Drilling Chart
 DILSL - Dual Induction Log-SLS  DRLOG - Drilling Log
 DIM - Directional Inertia Mechanism  DRLPR - Drilling Proposal/Prog. Report
 DINT - Dip Interpretation  DRPG - Drilling Program Report
 DIP - Dipmeter Log  DRPRS - Drilling Pressure
 DIPAR - Dipole Acoustic Report  DRREP - Drilling Report
 DIPBH - Dipmeter Borehole Log  DRYRE - Drying Report
 DIPFT - Dipmeter Fast Log  DS - Deviation Survey, (also as Directional
 DIPLP - Dip Lithology Pressure Log System)
 DIPRE - Dipmeter Report  DS - Downstream
 DIPRM - Dip Removal Log  DSCAN - DSC Analysis Report
 DIPSA - Dipmeter Soda Log  DSE - Driling Specific Energy
 DIPSK - Dipmeter Stick Log  DSFR - Developed Scope For Recovery
 DIRS - Directional Survey Log  DSI - Dipole Shear Imager
 DIRSU - Directional Survey Report  DSPT - Cross Plots Log
 DIS - DIS-SLS Log  DST - Drill Stem Test
 DISFL - DISFL DBHC Gamma Ray Log  DSTG - DSTG Log
 DISO - Dual Induction Sonic Log  DSTL - Drill Stem Test Log
 DIV - Downhole Isolation Valve  DSTND - Dual Space Thermal Neutron Density
 DL - Development Licence (United Kingdom), a Log
type of onshore licence issued before 1996  DSTPB - Drill Stem Test True Vertical Depth
 DLA - Development Lease Area Playback Log
 DLIST - Dip List Log  DSTR - Drill Stem Test Report
 DLL - Dual Laterolog  DSTRE - Drill Stem Test Report
 DLS - Dog-Leg Severity (directional drilling)  DSTSM - Drill Stem Test Summary Report
 DMA - Dead Man Anchor  DSTW - Drill Stem Test Job Report/Works
 DNHO - Downhole Logging  DSV - Diving Support Vessel or Drilling
 DOA - Delegation of Authority Supervisor
 DoC - Declaration of Commerciality  DT - Downtime
 DOD - Dead Oil Displacement (Subsea)  DTA - Decision Tree Analysis
 DODC - Development Operations Coordination  DTC - Delta T Compressional (log).
Document (US Govt GoM Well Permit applic form)  DTI - Department of Trade and Industry (United
 DODI - Diamond Offshore Drilling company Kingdom) (obsolete; superseded by dBERR, which
 DOE - Department of Energy, United States was then superseded by DECC)
 DOWRE - Downhole Report  DtL - Drilling The Limit
 DP - Drill Pipe  DTPB - CNT True Vertical Depth Playback Log
 DP - Dynamic Positioning  DTS - Distributed Temperature Sensor (Smart
 DP - Development Planner completion)
 DPDV - Dynamically Positioned Drilling Vessel  DTT - Depth To Time
 DPL - Dual Propagation Log  DUR - Developed Ultimate Recovery
 DPLD - Differential Pressure Levitated Device  DW - Deepwater
(or Vehicle)  DWD - Deep Water Development
 DPM - Drill Pipe Measurement
 DPRES - Dual Propagation Resistivity Log
 DWOP - Drilling Well on Paper (a theoretical  EMS - Environmental Management System
exercise conducted involving the Service provider  EMV - Estimated Monetary Value
managers)  EMW - Equivalent Mud Weight
 DWQL - Dual Water Quicklook Log  EN PI - Enhanced Productivity Index Log
 DWS – Drawworks  ENG - Engineering Log
 DWSS - Dig Well Seismic Surface Log  ENGF - Engineer Factual Report
 DXC - DXC Pressure Pilot Report  ENGPD - Engineering Porosity Data
 Eni - Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi S.p.A. (Italy) [6]
 ENJ - Enerjet Log
E  EOA - End Of Assembly (Completion)
 EOB - End Of Build (Drilling)
 E - Excellent  EOC - Equivalent Oil Column
 E&A - Exploration and Appraisal  EOFL - End of Field Life
 E&D - Exploration & Development  EOR - Enhanced Oil Recovery
 E&P - Exploration and Production  EOS - Equation of State (normally Peng
 EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists Robinson or SRK)
& Engineers[5]  EOT - End of Tubing
 ECC - Emergency Control Center  EOW - End Of Well Report
 ECCN - Export Control and Compliance Number  EOWR - End Of Well Report
 ECD - Equivalent Circulating Density  EPA - Exploration & Production - Asia
 ECP - External Casing Packer  EPB - Exploration & Production - Business
 ECR - Emergency Control Room  EPBM - Explor & Prod Business Management
 ECRD - Electrically Controlled Release Tool  EPC - Engineer Procure Construct
 ED - Experimental Design (statistical reservoir  EPCC - Engineer Procure Construct
modelling analysis method) Commission
 EDP - Emergency Disconnect Package (Subsea  EPCU - Electrical Power Conditioning Unit
tree)  EPE - Exploration & Production - Europe
 EDP - Exploration Drilling Program Report  EPG - Exploration & Production - Africa
 EDP - Extended Draft Platform (Technip  EPICO - Engineer Procure Install Construct
offshore platform design) Operate
 EDR - Exploration Drilling Report  EPIDORIS - Exploration and Production
 EDS - Emergency Disconnect Sequence Integrated Drilling Operations and Reservoir
(Offshore rig) Information System
 EF - Equipment Failure  EPIRB - Emergency Position Indicating Radio
 EFL - Electrical Flying Lead Beacon
 EFR - Engineering Factual Report  EPL - EPL Log
 EGLV - Electric Gas Lift Valve  EPLF - E&P Leadership Forum
 EGMBE - Ethylene Glycol Mono-Butyl Ether  EPLG - Epilog
 EGP - External Gravel Pack  EPLPC - EPL-PCD-SGR Log
 EHC - Equivalent Hydrocarbon Column  EPLT - E&P Leadership Team
 EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment  EPM - Exploration & Production - Middle East
 EIS - Expandable Isolation Sleeve  EPR - Exploration & Production - Russia
 EL - Electric Log  EPT - EPT Log
 ELT - Economic Limit Test  EPTNG - EPT-NGT Log
 EM - EMOP Log  EPT-P - Exploration & Production Technology -
 EMG - Equivalent Mud Gradient Projects; a.k.a. EPP
 EMMG - Equivalent Mud ??? Gradient  EPT-S - Exploration & Production Technology -
 EMMS - Electronic Magnetic Multishot Survey Solutions; a.k.a. EPS
 EMOP - EMOP Well Site Processing Log  EPW - Exploration & Production - America
 EMP - Electromagnetic Propagation Log
 EPX-N - Exploration & Production - New  FCIBHP - Final Closed In Bottom Hole Pressure
Business  FCP - Final circulating pressure
 EPX-RTD - Regional Technical Directorate.  FCV - Flow Control Valve
Team that inherits the project after Exploration has  FCVE - F Curve Log
found and appraised them.  FDC - Formation Density Log
 ER - Emergency Reponse  FDO - Field Development Options
 ER(D) - Extended Reach (Drilling)  FDP - Field Development Plan
 ERD - Extended Reach Drilling  FDPSO - Floating Drilling Production Storage
 ERT - Emergency Response Training Offloading host
 ESAR - Estimating & Schedule Assurance  FDS - Functional Design Specification
Review  FE - Formation Evaluation
 ESD - Emergency Shut-Down  FEAST - Fluid Evaluation And Sampling
 ESD - Equivalent Static Density Technologies
 ESHIA - Envinmental Safety Health Impact  FEED - Front End Engineering and Design
Assessment  FEL - Front End Loading (AFEs & Projects)
 ESP - Electric Submersible Pump  FEM - Finite Element Analysis
 ESPCP - Electric Submersible Progressive  FEPD - Front End Project Delivery
Cavity Pump  FER - Field Equipment Room
 ESS - Expandable Sand Screen  FESA - Front End Studies Americas
 ETAP - Eastern Trough Area Project  FET - Formation Evaluation Test
 ETTD - Electromagnetic Thickness Test  FEWD - Formation Evaluation While Drilling
 ETU - Electrical Test Unit  FF - Full Field (reservoir model)
 EUR - Estimated Ultimate Recovery  FFAC - Formation Factor Log
 EVARE - Evaluation Report  FFM - Full Field Model
 EVP - Employee Value Proposition  FFP - Fit for purpose (what use is a BMW in the
 EWMS - Eng Work Management System desert where no road, what use is a camel on a
 EWR - End Of Well Report freeway?)
 EWT - Extended Well Test  FG - Frac Gradient
 EXL - or XL, Exploration Licence (United  FGEOL - Final Geological Report
Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued  FGIIP - Free Gas Initially In Place
between the First Onshore Licensing Round (1986)  FH - Full Hole tool joint
and the Sixth (1992)  FI - Final Inspection
 EZSV - EZSV Log  FI(M) - Free Issue (Materials)
 FID - Final Investment Decision
 FIL - FIL Log
F  FINST - Final Stratigraphic Report
 FINTP - Formation Interpretation
 FA - Flow Assurance  FIP - Flow Induced Pulsation
 FAC - Factual Report  FIS - Fluid Inclusion Stratigraphy (crush
 FACHV - Four Arm Caliper Log cuttings to get HC data
 FANAL - Formation Analysis Sheet Log  FIST - Fully Integrated Sand (prediction) Tool
 FAT - Factory Acceptance Testing  FIT - Fluid Identification Test
 FBE - Fusion Bonded Epoxy  FIT - Formation Integrity Test
 FBHP - Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure  FIT - Formation Intervil Tester
 FBIV - Full Bore Isolation Valve (remote  FIV - Formation Isolation Valve
pressure activated bottom of tubing flapper valve)  FIV - Flow Induced Vibration
 FBS - Full Bore Spinner (Prod Logging)  FL - F Log
 FBU - Flowing/Build UP (Pressure Survey)  FL - Fluid Loss
 FC - Float Collar  FL - Flying Lead (Subsea kit)
 FCD - Fracture Conductivity (dimensionless)  FLA - Four Letter Acronyms
 FLC - Fluid Loss Control  FSR - Facilities Status Report
 FLD - Fluid Loss Device (Completion valve)  FST - Formation Strength Test
 FLET - Flowline End Termination (AKA PLET)  FT - Formation Tester Log
 FLIV - FlowLine Injection Valve  FT - Function Test
 FLIV - Flowline Isolation Valve  FTA - Flow Termination Assembly
 FLNG - Floating Liquid Natural Gas  ftBDF - feet Below Drill Floor
 FLOG - FLOG PHIX RHGX Log  ftBTHF - feet Below Tubing Head Flange
 FLOPR - Flow Profile Report  FTE - Full Time Equivalent (staffing)
 FLOT - Flying Lead Orientation Tool  FTHP - Flowing Tubing Head Pressure
 FLOW - Flow & Buildup Test Report  FTL - Fluid Transfer Line
 FLRA - Field Level Risk Assessment  FTM - Fire-team Member
 FLS - Fluid Sample  FTRE - Formation Testing Report
 FLSO - Floating ?  FULDI - Full Diameter Study Report
 flt - Fault (geology)  FV - Funnel Viscosity or Float Valve
 FMEA - Failure Modes, & Effects Analysis  FVF - Formation Volume Factor
 FMECA - Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality  FWHP - Flowing Well Head Pressure
Analysis  FWKO - Free water knock out
 FMI - Formation Micro Imaging log  FWL - Free water level
 FMP - Formation Microscan Report  FWP - Flowing Wellhead Pressure
 FMS - Facility Maintenance Specials (budget)  FWR - Final Well Report
 FMS - Formation Multi Scan log; Formation  FWT - Flowing Wellhead Temperature
Micro Scan log  FWV - Flow Wing Valve (also known as
 FMTAN - FMT Analysis Report Production Wing Valve on a Xmas tree)
 FO - Fibre Optic
 FO - First Oil
 FOB - Free On Board G
 FOD - First Oil Date
 FOET - Further Offshore Emergency Training  G/C - Gas Condensate
 FOSV - Full Opening Safety Valve  GA - General Arrangement plumbing drawings
 FP - Frac Pack (Sand Control)  GAP - Gravity Actuated Pipe/Pipeline
 FPDM - Fracture Potential and Domain  GAPI - Gamma Ray using API units
Modelling/Mapping [7][8]  GAS - Gas Log
 FPI - Final Petrophysical Interpretation  GASAN - Gas Analysis Report
 FPIT - Free Point Indicator Tool (electric line)  GAT - Geohazard Assessment Team
 FPL - Flow Analysis Log  GBI - Group Basic Index
 FPLAN - Field Plan Log  GBS - Gravity Based Structure
 FPSO - Floating Production Storage and  GBT - Gravity Base Tank
Offloading vessel  GC - Gas Chromatograph (hydrocarbon
 FPU - Floating Processing Unit analysis)
 FRA - Fracture Log  GC - Gauge Cutter
 FRARE - Fracture Report  GCLOG - Graphic Core Log
 FRC - Fire Retardant Clothing (Treated cotton)  GCT - GCT Log
 FRD - Focused Results Delivery  GDAT - Geodetic Datum
 FRES - Final Reserve Report  GDIP - Geodip Log
 FRT - Formation Response Test  GDPT - Global Deepwater Planning Tool
 FS - Fail Safe (as in FS valve)  GDT - Gas Down To
 FS - Float Shoe  GE - Condensate gas equivalent
 FSB - Flowline Support Base  GE - Ground Elevation (also [GR or GRE])
 FSI - Flawless Start-up Initiative  GEOCH - Geochemical Evaluation
 FSO - Floating Storage Offloading vessel  GEODY - GEO DYS Log
 GEOEV - Geochemical Evaluation Report  GRE - Ground Elevation (also [GR or GE])
 GEOFO - Geological & Formation Evaluation  GRLOG - Grapholog
Report  GRN - Gamma Ray Neutron Log
 GEOL - Geological Surveillance Log  GRP - Glass Reinforced Plastic
 GEOP - Geophone Data Log  GRSVY - Gradient Survey Log
 GEOPN - Geological Well Prognosis Report  GRV - Gross Rock Volume (that is HC
 GEOPR - Geological Operations Prog. Report saturated, normally in billion m3)
 GEORE - Geological Report  GS - Gel Strength
 GFPSO - Global Floating Production Storage  GS - Gas Supplier we
and Offloading  GS - GeoScience
 GGRG - Gauge Ring  GSD - Grain Size Distribution (reservoir
 GHG - Green House Gas material, for sand control)
 gHSEr - getting Health Safety & Environment  GST - Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Tool
right (BP expression)  Gst - Grainstone, can be from carbonates
 GI - Gas Injector or Injection  GST - GST Log
 GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out  GTC - Glopbal Technical Consultant
 GIH - Going In Hole  GTL - Gas to liquids
 GIIP - Gas Initially In Place  GTP - Global Tech Partner (Shell HQ depts, ie
 GIP - Group Investment Proposal (Shell term) EPT-S, EPT-W)
 GIS - Geographic Information System(s)  GTW - Gas To Wire
 GIT - Global Implementation Team  GUF - Gaslift Utilization Factor Total Gas/Net
 GL - Gas Lift or Ground Level Oil
 GLE - Ground Level Elevation (generally in  GUN - Gun Set Log
meters above mean sea level)  GUT - Gas Up To
 GLM - Gas Lift Mandrel (alternative name  GWC - Gas-Water Contact
for Side Pocket Mandrel)  GWD - Gyro While Drilling (drilling BHA tool)
 GLR - Gas Liquid Ratio  GWDP - Global Well Delivery Process
 GLT - GLT Log  GWREP - Geo Well Report
 GLV - Gas Lift Valve
 GLW -
 GMS - Gyro Multi Shot H
 GOC - Gas Oil Contact
 GOGD - Gas Oil Gravity Drainage  H - net reservoir height
 GOM - Gulf of Mexico  H2S - Hydrogen Sulfide
 GOP - Geological Operations Report  HAR - Hazard Analysis Review
 GOR - Gas Oil Ratio  HAZID - Hazard Identification (meeting)
 GOSP - Gas/Oil Separation Plant  HAZIO - Hazard and Operability Analysis
 Gp - cumulative Gas production  HAZOP - Hazardous Operation
 GP - Gas & Power  HC - Hydrocarbons
 GP - Gravel Pack  HC - High Case
 GPA - Goals & Performance Appraisal (Shell HR  HCAL - HRCC Caliper (in Logs)(in Inches)
form)  HCCS - Horizontal Clamp Connection System
 GPIT - Inclinometry Tool Log  HCLS - Heave Compensating Lift/Landing
 GPLT - Geol Plot Log System (for subsea tree deployment)
 GPSL - Geo Pressure Log  HCM - Horizontal Connection Module. To
 GR - Ground Level (or Elevation //(also [GE or connect the Xmas Tree to the Manifold
GRE]))  HCPV - Hydrocarbon Pore Volume
 GR - Gamma Ray log  HCR - High Closing Ratio valve
 GRAD - Gradiometer Log  HDA - Helideck Assistant
 GRE - Glass Reinforced Epoxy (Fibreglass)
 HDM - Hydraulic Distribution Manifold (Subsea  HSESD - Health Safety Environment &
kit) Sustainable Development
 HDPE - High Density Polyethelene  HSSE - Health Safety Security & Environment
 HDT - High Resolution Dipmeter Log  HST - High Stand (Geologic deposition)
 HDT - Hydrate Disassociation Temp  HTHP - High Temperature High Pressure
 HEMP - Hazards & Effects Management (same as HPHT)
Process  HTHRT - Hydraulic Tubing Hanger Running
 HESP - Horizontal Electric Submersible Pump Tool (subsea wells)
(surface pump)  HTM - Heideck Team Member
 HEXT - Hex Diplog  HUC - Hook Up ? (offshore)
 HFE - Human Factors Engineering  HUD - Hold Up Depth
 HFL - Hydraulic Flying Lead  HUET - Helicopter Underwater Egress/Escape
 HFPT - Hydrocarbon Field Planning Tool Training
 HFT - Hydraulic Fracture Test (Drilling)  HV - High Viscosity
 HGOR - High Gas Oil Ratio  HVC - Hydraulically Variable Choke
 HGS - High (specific-)Gravity Solids  HVDC - High Voltage Direct Current
 HHP - High High Pressure  HWC - High Water Cut
 HHP - Hydraulic Horse Power ( - P*Q/1714,  HWDP - Heavy Weight Drill Pipe
where P in psi & Q GPM)  HWDP - Heavy-Weight Drill Pipe (sometimes
 HIPPS - High Integrity Pressure Protection spelled Hevi-Wate)
System  HWU - Herriot Watt University
 HISC - Hydrogen induced stress cracking  HXT - Horizontal Tree
 HIT - Hydraulic Impedance Test  HYPJ - Hyperjet
 HL - Hook Load  HYROP - Hydrophone Log
 HLO - Heavy Load-out (Facility)  HZ – horizontal
 HLO (job role/ training course) - Helicopter
Landing Officer
 HM - History Match I
 Hmax - Maximum Wave Height
 HOP - Hang Off Point/Profile (ie liner)  I:P - Injector To Producer Ratio
 HP - High Pressure  IADC - International Association of Drilling
 HP - Hydrostatic Pressure Contractors
 HPGAG - High Pressure Gauge  IBC - Intermediate Bulk Container
 HPHT - High Pressure High Temperature  IBO - Internal Blowout
(same as HTHP)  IBOP - Internal Blow Out Preventor
 HPPS - HP Pressure Log  ICD - Inflow Control Device
 HPU - High Pressure Unit  ICE - Integrated Charge Evaluation
 HPU - Hydraulic Power Unit  ICoTA - Intervention and Coiled Tubing
 HPWBM - High Performance Water Base Mud Association
 HRA - Health Risk Assessment  ICP - Intermediate Casing Point
 HRCC - HCAl of Caliper (in Inches)  I-Csg - Intermediate Casing
 HRSS - High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy  ICSU - Integrated Commissioning and Start Up
 Hs - Significant Wave Height  ICV - Inflow/Interval/Injection Control Valve
 HSA - Hydrocarbon Sale Agreement (smart completion equipment)
 HSD - high shot density  ICV - Integrated Cement Volume (of Borehole)
 HSE - Health Safety & Environment (in Cubic Metres)
 HSE - Health, Safety and Environment or Health  ICV - Interval Control Valve
& Safety Executive (United Kingdom)  ID - Identifier
 HSES - Health Safety Environment & Security  ID - Inner or Internal Diameter (of a tubular
component such as a casing)
 IDC - Intangible Drilling Costs  IPMS - Integrated Performance Monitoring
 IDEL - IDEL Log System
 IDP - Individual Developent Plan  IPP - Integrated Production Plan
 IEB - Induction Electro BHC Log  IPR - Inflow Performance Relationship (well)
 IEL - Induction Electrical Log  IPR - Injection Production Ratio (waterflood)
 IF - Internal Flush tool joint  IPT - Integrated Project Team
 IFO - In Field Opportunity  IR - Interpretation Report
 IFR - Integrated Functional Review  IRC - Inspection Release Certificate
 IFT - InterFacial Tension  IRF - Improved Recovery Factor
 IGP - Internal Gravel Pack  IRM - Integrated Reservoir Modelling
 IH - Gamma Ray Log  IRR - Internal Rate of Return
 IHV - Integrated Hole Volume (of Borehole) (in  IRTJ - IRTJ Gamma Ray Slimhole Log
Cubic Metres)  ISC - Integrated Service Contract
 II - Injectivity Index  ISF - ISF Sonic Log
 IIA - Integrated Impact Assessment  ISFBG - ISF BHC GR Log
 IJL - Injection Log  ISFCD - ISF Conductivity Log
 IL - Induction Log  ISFGR - ISF GR Casing Collar Locator Log
 ILI - InLine Inspection (Intelligent Pigging)  ISFL ISF-LSS Log
 ILOGS - Image Logs  ISFP - ISF Sonic True Vertical Depth Playback
 IM - Internet Messenger (AOL, MS, etc) Log
 IMAG - Image Analysis Report  ISFPB - ISF True Vertical Depth Playback Log
 IMCA - International Marine Contractors  ISFSL - ISF SLS MSFL Log
Association  ISIP - Initial Shut In Pressure
 IMO - International Marine Organization  ISO - international Standards Organization
 IMV - Injection Master Valve  ITB - Invitation To Bid (normally for
 Inc - Inclination procurement)
 INCR - Incline Report  ITHP - Injection Tbg Head Pressure
 INCRE - Incline Report  ITP - Initial Tract Participation (Unitization)
 INDRS - IND RES Sonic Log  ITR - Integrated Technical Review (Subsurface,
 INDT - INDT Log replaced IMR in 2009) (Surface has Assumptions
 INDWE - Individual Well Record Report Review)
 INJEC - Injection Falloff Log  ITS - Influx To Surface
 INSUR - Inrun Survey Report  ITT - Invitation To Tender (contracts)
 INVES - Investigative Program Report  IUP - Insitu Upgrading Process
 IOC - International Oil Company  IWCF - International Well Control Federation
 IOEM - Invert Oil Emulsion Mud  IWCF - International Well Control Forum
 IOP - Integrated Operations Planning  IWOCS - Intervention WorkOver Completion
 IOR - Improved Oil Recovery System (Smart completion)
 IP - Initial Production  IWOCS- Installation / Workover Control System
 IP - Injured Person (way of describing persn  IWS - Intelligent Well System
anonomously)  IWV - Injection Wing Master Valve
 IP - Intermediate Pressure
 IPA - Independent Project Analysis Company
 IPAA - Independent Petroleum Association of J
 IPC - Installed Production Capacity  J&A - Junked and abandoned
 IPC - Intake Pressure Curve (J curve)  JB - Junk Basket (well tool)
 IPLS - IPLS Log  JU - Jack-Up drilling rig
 IPM - Injection Pressure Model  JT - Joule-Thomson (effect/valve/separator)
 IPM - Integrated Production Modelling  JVP - Joint Venture Partners/Participants
 JIB - Joint Interest Billing (Partner billing  LC - Low Case
system)  LC - Lower Completion
 JCP - Job Competance Profile  LCF - Latest Cost Factor
 JIP - Joint Industry Project  LCM - Lost Circulation Material
 JOF - Joints Of Fluid  LCNLG - LDT CNL Gamma Ray Log
 JP - Jet Pump  LCV - Liquid Control Valve
 JSA - Job Safety Analysis  LD - Lay down (tubing, rods, etc.)
 JSEA - Job Safety Environment Analysis  LDHI - Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitors
 JV - Joint Venture  LDL - Litho Density Log
 LDS - Lock Down Sleeve (drilling riser)
 LDTEP - LDT EPT Gamma Ray Log
K  LEAKL - Leak Detection Log
 LEPRE - Litho-Elastic Property Report
 k - permeability  LFA - Live Fluid Analizer
 KB - Kelly Bushing  LGR - Liquid Gas Ratio
 KBE - Kelly Bushing Elevation (in meters above  LGS - Low Gravity Solids (drilled solids)
sea level, or meaters above ground level)  LH - Left Hand
 KBG - Kelly Bushing Hight above Ground Level  LHT - Left Hand Turn
 KD - Kelly Down  LIH - Lost In Hole
 Kg - permeability of gravel (in gravel packs and  LIMS - Laboratory Information Management
fracs) System
 Kg - permeability to gas  LINCO - Liner and Completion Prog. Report
 Kh - horizontal permeability  LIOG - Lithography Log
 KHI - Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitor  LIRA - Logistic and Infrastructure Resource
 km - kilometer Assessment
 KM - Knowledge Management  LIT - Lead Impression Tool
 Ko - permiability to oil  LITDE - Litho Density Quicklook Log
 KOIV - Knock Out Isolation Valve  LITHR - Lithological Description Report
 KOP - Kick Off Plug  LITRE - Lithostratigraphy Report
 KOP - Kick-Off Point (directional drilling)  LITST - Lithostratigraphic Log
 KPI - Key Performance Indicator  LKH - Lowest Known Hydrocarbons (for
 Kr - relative permeability determining SEC GIIP or *STOIIP)
 Kro - oil relative permiability  LKO - Lowest Known Oil
 KRP - Kill rate pressure  LL - Laterolog
 Krw - water relatiie permiability  LMAP - Location Map
 Kv - vertical permeability  LMGV - Lower Master Gate Valve
 Kw - permiability to water  LMP - Liquid Mud Plant
 Kx - max horizontal permiability  LMRP - Lower Marine Riser Package
 Ky - min horizontal permeability  Lmst - Limestone
 LMV - Lower Master Valve (on a Xmas tree)
 LNG - Liquified Natural Gas
L 

LOA - Letter of Authorisation/Agreement
LOE - Lease Operating Expenses
 LOGGN - Logging Whilst Drilling
 L - Length
 LOGRS - Log Restoration Report
 L/D - Laydown (@ rig)
 LOGSM - Log Sample
 LACT - Lease Automatic Custody Transfer
 LOI - Letter Of Intent
 LAH - Lookahead
 LOLER - Lifting Operations and Lifting
 LAOT - Linear Activation Override Tool
Equipment Regulations
 LARS - Launch & Recovery System
 LOT - Leak-Off Test
 LAT - Lowest Astronomical Tide
 LOT - Linear Override Tool  MB - Material Balance (res eng calc)
 LOT - Lock Open Tool  Mbd - thousand barrels per day
 LOTO - Lock Out / Tag Out  mBDF - meters Below Drill Floor
 LP - Low Pressure  MBE - Material Balance Equation (res eng )
 LPG - Liquified Petroleum Gas  MBF - Main Boundary Fault
 LPH -Liters Per Hour  Mbod - thousand barrels of oil per day
 LPWHH - Low Pressure Well Head Housing  Mboed - thousand barrels of oil equivalent per
 LRP - Lower Riser Package day
 LS - Landing String (subsea completions)  MBRO - Multi-Bore Restriction Orifices
 LS - Long String (dual tubing)  MBT - Methylene Blue Test
 LSBGR - Long Spacing BHC GR Log  mBTHF - meters Below Tubing Head Flange
 LSSON - Long Spacing Sonic Log  MBU - Multi rate Build Up
 LST - Low Stand (Geologic deposition)  MC - Management Committee
 LT - Linear Time or Lag Time  MCD - Mechanical Completion Dossier
 LTDS - Long Term Drilling Sequence  MCD - Mudcap Drilling
 LTI(FR) - Lost Time Incident (Frequency Rate)  Mcf - thousand cubic feet of natural gas
 LTIF - Lost Time Incident Frequency  Mcfe - thousand cubic feet of natural
 LtO - License to Operate gas equivalent
 LTO - Light Tight Oil  MCHE - Main Cryogenic Heat Exchanger
 LTPF - Long Term Production Forecast  MCI - Materials, Corrosion, and Integrity
 LUMI - Luminescence Log  MCM - Manifold Choke Module
 LVEL - Linear Velocity Log  MCS - Manifold & Connection System
 LVOT - Linear Valve Override Tool  MCS - Master Control Station
 LWD - Logging While Drilling  MCUGP - Milled Casing Underreamed Gravel
 LWOP - Logging well on Paper Pack
 mD - millidarcy, measure of permeability, with
units of area
M  MD - Measured Depth (see also MDSS)
 MD - Measured Depth vs TVD
 M or m - prefix designating a number in  MD - Measurements/Drilling Log
thousands (not to be confused with SI prefix M  MDAH - Measured Depth Along Hole
for mega- or m for milli)  MDEA - Methyl Diethanolamine (aMDEA)
 M&A - Metering & Allocation  MDL - Methane Drainage Licence (United
 M/V - Marine Vessel Kingdom), a type of onshore licence allowing
 MA - Management Adjustment natural gas to be collected "in the course of
 MAASP - Maximum Acceptable [or Allowable] operations for making and keeping safe mines
Annular Surface Pressure whether or not disused"
 MAC - Multipole Acoustic Log  MDL - Minimum Data List
 MACL - Multiarm Caliper Log  MDR - Monthly Development Report
 MAGST - Magnetostratigraphic Report  MDSS - Measured Depth Sub-Sea
 MAHBRT - metres along hole below rotary  MDT - Modular formation Dynamic Tester
table  MDT - Measured Drill Test (Schlumberger tool)
 MAIR - Maximum Allowable (water) Injection  MDT - Modular Dynamic Testing
Rate (Schlumberger tool)
 MAOP - Maximum Allowable Operating  MEA - Monoethanolamine
Pressure  MEG - Mono-Ethylene Glycol
 MARA - Maralog  MEG - Mono Ethyline Glycol
 MARPOL - Marine Pollution  MEGO - My Eyes Glaze Over (useful for
 MARR - Maximum Allowable Reservoir Rate courses)
 MAWP - Maximum Allowable Working Pressure  MeOH - Methanol
 MEP - Maximise Economic Production  MMSCF - Million Standard Cubic Foot
Potential  mmscfd - million standard cubic feet per day
 MEPRL - Mechanical Properties Log  mmstb - million stock barrels
 MER - Maximum Efficient Rate  MMTPA - Millions of Metric Tonnes per Annum
 MER - Medical Emergency Response  MNP - Merge and Playback Log
 MERCR - Mercury Injection Study Report  MOA - Memorandom of Agreement
 MERG - Merge FDC/CNL/Gamma Ray/Dual  MOC - Management Of Change process
Laterolog/Micro SFL Log  MOD - Money Of Day (economics, actually cost
 MES - Minimum Environmental Standard at time in future, not discounted to today)
 MEST - MEST Log  MODU - Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit
 MF - Marsh Funnel (mud viscosity)  MOF - Marine Offloading Facility
 MFCT - Multifinger Caliper Tool  MOI - Memorandum of Interest
 MFF - Millipore Filter Factor  MOPO - Manual Of Permitted Operations
 MFLD - Mechanical Fluid Loss Device  MOPU - Mobile Offshore Production Unit
(Completion tool)  MOR - Managed Open Resources
 MFM - Multi Phase Meter (Subsea & Surface)  MOT - Materials/Marine Offloading Terminal
 MGL - Magnelog  MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
 MGS - Mud Gas Separator  MOV - Movable Oil Volume
 MIC - Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion  MPA - Micropalaeo Analysis Report
 MIFR - Mini Frac Log  MPBT - Mechanical Plug Back Tool
 MINL - Minilog (Schlumberger product)
 MIPAL - Micropalaeo Log  MPD - Managed Pressure Drilling
 MIRU - Move In and Rig Up  MPD - Median Particle Diameter
 MIS - Module Initiation Sheet (M-Process)  MPFM - Multi-Phase Flow Meter
 MISC - Malaysia International Shipping  MPI - Magnetic Particle Inspection
Company  MPK - Merged Playback Log
 MIST - Minimum Industry Safety Training  MPP - Mid Point of Perfs
 MIYP - maximum internal yield pressure  MPP: Multiphase Pump: Pump, which can
 mKB - Meters below Kelly Bushing increase flowrate and pressure of the untreated
 ML - Microlog, or Mud Log wellstream (hydrocarbons in liquid and gas phase,
 ML - Mud Line water, CO2, N2, chemicals, etc.)
 MLE - Motor Lead Extension (ESP motor flat)  MPQT - Manufacturing Procedure Qualification
 MLF - Marine Loading Facility Test
 MLH - Mud Liner Hanger  MPS - Manufacturing Procedure Specification
 MLL - Microlaterolog  MPT - Marine Portable Tank
 MM - Mud Motor  MPV - Multi Purpose Vessel
 MM or mm - prefix designating a number in  MQC - Multi Quick Connection Plate
millions (not to be confused with SI unit mm  MR - Marine Riser, (Morning report)
for millimetre)  MR - Material Requisition (purchasing)
 MMbd - million barrels per day  MR - Mobility Ratio (water or EOR flood, less
 MMbod - million barrels of oil per day than 1 is good)
 MMcf - million cubic feet (of natural gas)  MRCV - Multi Reverse Circulating Valve
 MMcfe - million cubic feet (of natural gas  MRI - Mechanical Risk Index (Oilpatch
equivalent) standard)
 MMHE - Malaysia Marine Heavy Engineering  MRIRE - Magnetic Resonance Image Report
 MMP - Minimum Miscibility Pressure (EOR)  MRIW - Monthly Report of Injecting Wells
 MMS - Minerals Management Service, (United  MRLD - Mechanical Rigid Lockdown tool (Drill-
States) quip tool)
 MMS - Minerals Management Services (Dept of  MRPW - Monthly Report of Producing Wells
US Gov't)  MS - Marine Supervisor
 MSA - Master Service Agreement (Accounting)  NAVIG - Navigational Log
 MSCT - MSCT Gamma Ray Log  NB - Nominal Bore
 MSFL - Micro SFL Log  NBD - New Business Development
 MSI - Mechanical and Structural Inspection  NBO - New Business Opportunities
 MSIPC - Multi Stage inflatable Packer Collar  NBP - Nominal Bore Protector
 MSL - Mean sea level  NBS - Near Bit Stabilizer
 MSL - Mean Sea Level  NCD - Nigerian Content Directive
 MSL - Micro Spherical Log  ND - Nipple Down (wellhead)
 MSM - Micro Seismic  NDE - Non Destructive Examination (Welding)
 MSS - Magnetic Single Shot (well directional  NDT - Non Destructive Testing (Welding)
survey)  NEUT - Neutron Log
 mss - meters sub sea  NF - Natural Flow (well)
 MST - MST EXP Resistivity Log  NFA - No Further (CapEx) Activity
 MSV - Marine Supply Vessel  NFG - 'No Fucking Good' used for marking
 MSV - Mean Square Value damaged equipment, not to be confused with NG
 MTAB - Mass Transfer Allocation Balance being natural gas
(meter)  NFI - No Further Investment
 MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure  NFW - New Field Wildcat, Lahee classification
 MTC - Mass Transport Complex (Subsea)  NGDC - National Geoscience Data Centre
 MTC - Medical Treatment Case (United Kingdom)
 MTD - Mass Transport Deposit (Subsea)  NGE - New Generation Expat
 MTDS - Medium Term Drilling Sequence  NGL - Natural Gas Liquids
 MTM - Metal To Metal (seal)  NGLQT - NGT QL Log
 MTO - Material Take Off  NGR - Natural Gamma Ray
 MTT - MTT Multi-Isotope Trace Tool  NGRC - National Geological Records Centre
 MTTF - Mean Time To Failure (United Kingdom)
 MTU - Mobil prod Test Unit  NGS - NGS Log
 MU - Make Up  NGSS - NGS Spectro Log
 MUD - Mud Log  NGT - NGT Log
 MUDT - Mud Temperatire Log  NGTLD - NGT LDT QL Log
 MuSol - Mutual Solvent  NGTR - NGT Ratio Log
 MV - Marine Vessel  NHDA - National Hydrocarbons Data Archive
 MVB - Master Valve Block (XT) (United Kingdom)
 MW - Mud Weight  NHPV - Net Hydrocarbon Pore Volume
 MWD - Measurement While Drilling  NIOSH - (US) National Institute for
 MWDRE - Measurement While Drilling Report Occupational Safety and Health
 MWS - Marine Warranty Survey  nm - nanometer (length measurement)
 MY - Man Year  NMDC - Non Magnetic Drill Collars
 NMHC - Non-Methane Hydrocarbons
 NMR - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Log
N  NMVOC - Non-Methane Volatile Organic
 N/G - Net over Gross (pay)  NNS - Northern North Sea
 NACE - National Association of Corrosion  NOC - National Oil Company
Engineers  NOISL - Noise Log
 NaCl - Sodium Chloride (table salt)  NORM - Naturally Occurring Radioactive
 NAM - Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij B.V. Material
 NAPF - Non Aqueous Phase Fluid  NOS - Net Oil Sand
 NASA - Non Active Side Arm (term used in  NOV - Non Operated Venture
the North Sea for kill wing valve on a Xmas tree)
 Np - cumulative oil Production (see also Gp &  OD - Outer Diameter (of a tubular component
Wp) such as casing)
 NP - Non Producing well (as opposed to P;  ODFE - Old Drill Floor Elevation
Producing well)  ODP - Ocean Drilling Program
 NPD - Norwegian Petroleum  ODT - Oil Down To
Directorate, Norway  ODT - Oil Down To (in reservoir)
 NPHI - Net Ø (porosity)  OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
 NPS - Nominal Pipe Size (sometimes NS)  OFST - Offset Vertical Seismic Profile
 NPSH - Net Positive Suction Head  OGOC - Original Gas Oil Contact OGWC -
 NPT - Non Productive Time (rig etc) Original Gas Water Contact
 NPV - Net Present Value  OH - Openhole Log
 NPW - New Pool Wildcat, Lahee classification  OHC - Open Hole Completion
 NRV - Non Return Valve (Chicksan valve that  OHGP - Open Hole Gravel Pack
only allows flow in one direction)  OI - Operational Integrity
 NS - North Sea; can also refer to the North  OIM - Offshore Installation Manager
Slope Borough, Alaska, the North Slope, which  OIM - Offshore Installation Manager
includes Prudhoe Bay Oil Field (the largest US oil  OIP - Oil Initially in Place
field), Kuparuk Oil Field, Milne Point, Lisburne, and  OJT - On Job Training
Point McIntyre among others.  OML - Oil Mining License (Nigeria)
 NtG - Net to Gross (pay)  OMRL - Oriented Micro-Resistivity Log
 NTHF - Non-Toxic High Flash  ONAN - Oil Natural Air Natural cooled
 NTT - No Touch Time (hydrates) transformer
 NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Units (100 is  OOE - Offshore Operation Engineer (senior
low and almost potable, try to get below 20 for technical authority on an offshore oil platform)
completions)  OOIP - Original Oil In Place
 NU - Nipple Up  OOT - Out of Tolerance
 NUMAR - Magnetic Resonance Image Log  OOWC - Original Oil Water Contact
 NWB - Near Well Bore  OPEC - Organization of Petroleum Exporting
 OPL - Operations Log
O  OPMG - Opportunity & Project Management
 O&G - Oil and Gas (referring to the industry or  OPRES - Overpressure Log
the companies in it)  OPS - Operations Report
 O&M - Operations and Maintenance  OR&A - Operations Readiness & Availability
 O/P - Overpull  ORICO - Oriented Core Data Report
 OBC - Ocean Bottom Cable (Seismic)  ORP - Opportunity Realization Process
 OBCS - Ocean Bottom Cable System  OSC - On Scene Commander
 OBDTL - OBDT Log  OSR - Oil Steam Ratio (primarily used for
 OBEVA - OBDT Evaluation Report economics)
 OBM - Oil Based Mud  OT - A well On Test
 OBM - Oil-Based Mud  OT - Off Tree
 OCIMF - Oil Companies International Marine  OT - Oil Up To
Forum  OTDR - Optical Time Domain Reflectometry
 OCL - Quality Control Log  OTIP - Operational Testing Implementation
 OCM - Operating Committee Meeting Plan
 OCS - Overall Contracting Strategy  OTL - Operations Team Leader
 OCTG - Oil Country Tubular Goods (oil well  OUT - Outpost, Lahee classification
casing, tubing, and drill pipe)[9]  OVCH - Oversize Charts
 OVID - Offshore Vessel Inspection Database
 OWC - Oil Water Contact  PCOLL - Perforation and Collar
 PCP - Permanent Completion Perforating
 PCP - Progressive Cavity Pump (well artificial
P lift)
 P-Csg - Production Casing
 P - Poor  PD - Positive Displacement
 P - Producing well (as opposed to NP - Non  PDC - Perforation Depth Control
Producing)  PDC - Polycrystalline Diamond Composite (a
 P&A - plugged and abandoned (of a well) type of drilling bit)
 P&ID - Piping and Instrumentation Diagram  PDD - Public Disclosure Document (sets terms
 P&ID - Process & Instrumentation Diagram for EIA)
 p* - current reservoir pressure  PDF - Probability Density Function
 PA - Portfolio Analysis (economic)  PDG/PDHG - Permanent Downhole Gauge
 PACO - Process Automation, Control &  PDKL - PDK Log
Optimization  PDKR - PDK 100 Report
 PADPRT - Pressure Assisted Drillpipe Running  PDNP - Proved Developed Not Producing
Tool  Pdp - Pressure on drill pipe (normally measured
 PAGA - Public Address General Alarm at surface to estimate kick)
 PAIL - Plunger Assisted Intermittent Lift  PDP - Project Development Plan
 PAL - Palaeo Chart  PDP - Proved Developed Producing (US
 PALYN - Palynological Analysis Report Reserves Term, requires wells etc in place, like Intl
 Pann - annulus Pressure (normally in well) P1)
 PANO - Producing Assets & New Opportunities  PDP - Proved Developed Reserves
 PAP - Project Assurance Plan  PDR - Performance Development Review
 PAR - Pre-Assembled Rack  PDS - Schlumberger log file name extension
 PAU - Pre-Assembled Unit type (need PDSView to read)
 PAX - Passengers (ship, plane, etc)  PE - Petroleum Engineer
 Pb - bubble point Pressure (reservoir)  PE - Petroleum Engineer (but more universally,
 PBD - Pason Billing System Professional Engineer)
 PBDMS - Playback DMSLS Log  PEA - Palaeo Environment Study Report
 PBL - Paul B Lee who invented DP circ tool  PED - Petroleum Engineering & Development
 PBR - Polished Bore Receptacle (component of  PEDL - Petroleum Exploration and
a completion string) Development Licence (United Kingdom),
 PBRA - Petrobras introduced in the 8th Onshore Licensing Round
 PBTD - Plug Back Total Depth  PENL - Penetration Log
 PBU - Pressure Build Up (applies to integrity  PEP - PEP Log
testing on valves)  PEP - Project Execution Plan
 PBU - Pressure Build Up survey (well)  PERDC - Perforation Depth Control
 Pc - Capillary Pressure (reservoir)  PERFO - Perforation Log
 PCA - Principal Component Analysis (water  PERM - Permeability
analysis)  PERML - Permeability Log
 PCB - Poly Chlorinated Biphenyl  PESBG - Petroleum Exploration Society of
 PCCL - Perforation Casing Collar Locator Log Great Britain
 PCDM - Power and Control Distribution Module  PETA - Petrographical Analysis Report
 PCE - Pressure Control Equipment  PETD - Petrographic Data Log
 PCI - Project Competative Intelligence  PETLG - Petrophysical Evaluation Log
 PCKR - Packer  PETPM - Petrography Permeametry Report
 PCL - Pipe Conveyed Logging  PETRP - Petrophysical Evaluation Report
 PCM - Power Control Module  PFC - PFC Log
 PCN - Proposal to Commence Negotiation  PFD - Process Flow Diagram
 PFE - Plate/Frame Heat Exchanger  PMV -Production Master Valve
 PFHE - Plate Fin Heat Exchanger  PO - Production Optimization
 PFO - Pressure Fall Off survey (ie in water inj  POB - Personnel on Board (offshore rig/ship)
well)  POBM - Pseudo-Oil-Based Mud
 PFP - Project Focal Point  PoE - Plan of Exploration
 PFPG - Perforation Plug Log  POF - Permanent Operations Facility
 PFREC - Perforation Record Log  PON - Petroleum Operations Notice (United
 PFS - Process Flow Sheet (Simplified P&ID) Kingdom)
 PFW - Project Framing Workshop  POOH / POH - Pull Out Of Hole
 PG - Pressure Gauge (Report)  POQ - Piss Off Quickly
 PGB - Permanent Guide Base  POR - Density Porosity Log
 PGOR - Produced Gas Oil Ratio  POROH - Porosity from Open Hole logs
 PH - Phasor Log  POS - Probability Of Success
 PHASE - Phasor Processing Log  POSFR - Post Fracture Report
 PHC - Project HealthCheck  POSTW - Post Well Appraisal Report
 PHI - Ø - porosity  POSWE - Post Well Summary Report
 PHOL - Photon Log  POWC - Present Oil Water Contact (reservoir)
 PHYFM - Physical Formation Log  PP - Pump Pressure
 PI - Productivity Index or (Permit Issued)  PP - DXC Pressure Plot Log
 PI - Productivity Indicator/Index  PP - Partial Pressure
 PIC - Person In Charge  PP - Petrophysical
 PIG - Pipeline Inspection Gauge  PP - Pore Pressure
 PIM - Pre Installed Mooring (Offshore Rig)  ppcf - Pounds Per Cubic Foot
 PIN - Project Initiation Note (facilities)  PPD - Pour Point Depresant (Wax chemical)
 PINTL - Production Interpretation  PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
 PIP - Pipe in Pipe  PPE - Preferred Pressure End
 PIP - Project Improvement Plan  ppf - Pound Per Foot
 PIR - Post Implementation Review  PPFG - Pore Pressure Frac Gradient
 PJSM - Pre Job Safety Meeting  ppg - Pounds Per Gallon
 Pkr - Packer  PPI - Post Pipelay Installation
 PL - Production Licence (United Kingdom), a  PPI - Post Production Inspection/Intervention
type of onshore licence issued before 1996  ppm - Parts per Million
 PLEM - Pipeline End Manifold  PPM - Production Pressure Model
 PLES -Pipeline End Structure  PPP - Pore Pressure Prediction
 PLET - Pipeline End Termination  PPPPPP - Pre Planning Prevents Piss Poor
 PLET - PipeLine End Termination (AKA FLET) Performance
 PLG - Plug Log  PPS - Pour Point Suppresant
 PLM - Pre-Laid Mooring (Offshore Rig)  PPS - Pre Packed (sand control) Screen
 PLQL - Production Logging Quick Look  PPS - Production Packer Setting
(Schlumberger software)  pptf - Pounds (per square inch) Per Thousand
 PLS - Position Location System Feet (of depth) - a unit of fluid density/pressure
 PLT - Production Logging Tool  PR2 - Testing regime to API6A Annex F
 PLT - Production Logging Tool (well)  PRA - Production Reporting & Allocation
 PLTQ - Production Logging Tool Quicklook Log  PREC - Perforation Record
 PLTRE - Production Logging Tool Report  Pres - Reservoir Pressure
 PM - Preventative Maintenance (facilities)  PRESS - Pressure Report
 PMCD - Pressurized Mudcap Drilling  PROD - Production Log
 PMI - Positive Material Identification  PROTE - Production Test Report
 PMU - Petroleum Management Unit (dept of  PROX - Proximity Log
Petronas)  PRS - Pipe Racking System (rig)
 PRSRE - Pressure Gauge Report  PV - Plastic Viscosity (fluid)
 PSA - Production Sharing Agreement  PV - Pore Volume
 PSANA - Pressure Analysis  PV - Present Value
 PSC - Production Sharing Contract  PVi - Pore Volume injected (waterflood)
 PSD - Particle Size Distribution  PVT - Pit Volume Totalizer
 PSD - Planned Shut-Down  PVT - Pressure Volume Temperature
 PSDM - Pre Stack Depth Migration (Seismic)  PVTRE - Pressure Volume Temperature Report
 PSDV - Process Shut Down Valve  PW - Produced Water
 psi - Pound per Square Inch  PWB - Production Wing Block (XT)
 psia - Pound per Square Inch Absolute (above  PWD - Pore Pressure While Drilling
zero pressure)  PWE - Practise Worth Eradicating (Dario Frigo
 PSIA - Pounds Per Square Inch Atmospheric phrase)
 psig - Pound per Square Inch Gauge (above 1  Pwf - flowing bottomhole pressure
atm)  PWR - Practises Worth Replicating
 PSIG - Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge  PWRI - Produced Water Re-Injection
 PSL - Product Specification Level  Pws - static reservoir pressure
 PSLOG - Pressure Log  PWV - Production Wing Valve (also known as a
 PSM - Production System Model flow wing valve on a Xmas tree)
 PSP - pseudostatic spontaneous potential
 PSPL - PSP Leak Detection Log
 PSQ - Plug Squeeze Log Q
 PST - Production Screen Test (DIF qual for
running SC screens)  Q - current flowrate
 PST - PST Log  QC - Quality control
 PSTM - Pre Stacked Time Migration  QCR - Quality Control Report
 PSV - Pipe Supply Vessel  Qg - gas prod rate
 PSV - Pressure Safety Valve  Qi - injection rate (ie water, gas)
 PSVAL - Pressure Evaluation Log  QI - Quantitative Interpretation (Seismic)
 PT - Pressure Test  QL - Quicklook Log
 PT - Production Technology/Technologist  Qo - oil prod rate
 PTA - Pressure Transient Analysis  QRA - Quantitative Risk Assessment
 PTA/S - Pipeline Termination  Qw - water prod rate
 PTE - Principle Technicl Expert (Shell term)
 PTL - Production Technical Limit™ (BP
Process)/Produce The Limit
 PTM - Pedal to Metal
 RAC - Ratio Curves
 PTSET - Production Test Setter
 RACI - Responsible / Accountable / Consulted /
 PTTC - Petroleum Technology Transfer
Council, United States
 RAM - Reliability, Availability, and
 PtW - Permit to Work
 PU - Petroleum Unit (Brunei Gov't)
 RAM - Risk Assessment Matrix
 PU - Pick Up (tbg, rods, power swivel, etc.)
 RAP - Rolling Activity Plan
 PU - Porosity Unit (ie 1%)
 RAWS - Raw Stacks VSP Log
 PUD - Proven Un-Developed (US Reserves
 Rb - Reservoir barrel
Term, requires plan in place, like Intl P2)
 RB - Rig Back
 PUN - Puncher Log
 RBGL - Riser Based Gas Lift
 PUR - Plant Upset Report
 RBP - Retrievable Bridge Plug
 PUWER - Provision and Use of Work Equipment
 RCA - Root Cause Analysis
 RCD - Rotating Control Device
 RCH - Rotating Control Head  RMP - Reservoir Management Plan
 RCI - Reservoir Charactization Instrument  RMS - Ratcheting Mule Shoe
(logging tool)  RNT - RNT Log
 RCJB - ReCirculating Junk Basket  ROACE - Rtn On Avg Capital Employed
 RCKST - Rig Checkshot  ROAR - Regional Review
 RCL - Retainer Correlation Log  ROC - Retention Of Cuttings (Mud term)
 RCM - Reliability Centred Maintenance  ROCK - Retention Of Critical Knowledge
 RCR - Remote Component Replacement(Tool)  ROCT - Rotary Coring Tool
 RD - Rig Down  ROP - Rate of Penetration; Rate of Perforation
 RDF - Reservoir Drilling Fluid  ROR - Rate Of Return (Economics)
 RDL - Reservoir Data Log  ROS - Remaining Oil Saturation (reservoir)
 RDS - Reservoir Development Study  ROV - Remotely Operated Vehicle
 RDT - Rapid Development Team  ROV/WROV - Remotely Operated
 re - drainage radius Vehicle/WorkClass Remotely Operated Vehicle,
 RE - Reservoir Engineer used for subsea construction and maintenance
 REOR - Reorientation Log  ROWS - Remote Operator Workstation
 RE-PE - Re-Perforation Report  ROZ - Recoverable Oil Zone
 REPEAT - Reservoir Engineering Prospect  RPCM - Ring Pair Corrosion Monitoring
Evaluation Automated Tool (Shell Houston  RPM - Relative Permeability Modifier
software)  RPM - Reservoir Performance Monitoring
 RESAN - Reservoir Analysis  RPM - Revolutions Per Minute, (Rotations Per
 RESEV - Reservoir Evaluation Minute)
 RESFL - Reservoir Fluid  RPS - Revolution Per Second
 RESI - Resistivity Log  RR - Re-Run
 RESL - Reservoir Log  RR - Rig Release
 RESOI - Residual Oil  RROCK - Routine Rock Properties Report
 REZ - Renewable Energy Zone (United  RRR - Reserves Replacement Ratio
Kingdom)  rs - Condensate Gas Ration in situ
 RF - Recovery Factor  Rs - Solution Gas Oil Ratio in situ
 RFLNG - Ready for LNG  RSM - Response Surface Model
 RFMTS - Repeat Formation Tester  RSM - Riser Seal Mandrel
 RFQ - Request For Quote  RSS - Rig Site Survey
 RFSU - Ready For Start Up  RSS - Rotary Steerable System
 RFSU - Ready For Start-Up  RSS - Rotary Steerable Systems
 RFT - Repeat Formation Tester  RST - Reservoir Saturation Tool (Schlumberger)
 RFTRE - Repeat Formation Tester Report Log
 RFTS - Repeat Formation Tester Sample  RT - Real Time
 RHT - Right Hand Turn  RT - Rotary Table
 RIGMO - Rig Move  RT - Round Trip
 RIH - Run In Hole  RTA - Rate Transient Analysis
 RITT - Riser Insertion Tube (Tool)  RTEP - Real-Terms Earnings Power
 RKB - Rotary Kelly Bushing (a datum for  RTL - Realizing The Limit
measuring depth in an oil well)  RTO - Real Time Operations
 RKB - Rotary Kelly Bushings  RTOC - Real Time Operation Center
 RLOF - Rock Loadout Facility  RTS - Remote Testing Station
 RLWI - Rig Less Well Intervention  RTTS - Retrievable Test-Treat-Squeeze (packer)
 RLWI - Riserless Less Well Intervention  RU - Rig Up
 RM - Repair & Maintenance  RV - Ranking Value
 RM - Risk Management  Rw - Resistivity of Water
 RMLC - Request for Mineral Land Clearance  rw - Wellbore Radius
 RWD - Reaming While Drilling  SCP - Summary Completion Proposal
 RWI - Raw Water Injection  SCR - Steel Catenary Riser (subsea system
 RXC - Regional Exploration Consultant component)
 SCRO - Subsea Control Room
 SCRS - Sidewall Cores
S  S-Csg - Surface Casing
 SCSSV - Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety
 S - total Skin Valve
 S&D - Shoot & Drop  Scw - Saturation of Connate Water
 S&P - Shoot & Pull  SD - Shut Down
 S/O - Slack Off  SD - Sonic Density
 S2B - Subsea to Beach  SD - Sustainable Development
 SA - Seal Assembly  Sdam - Damage skin
 SABA - Supplied Air Breathing Apparatus  SDE - Supervising Drilling Engineer
 SAG - Surfactant Alternating Gas (EOR Flood)  SDFD - Shut Down For Day
 SAGD - Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage  SDFN - Shut Down For Night
 SAGD - Steam Assisted Gravity Drive  SDIC - Sonic Dual Induction
 SALM - Single Anchor Loading Mooring  SDL - Supplier Document List
 SAM - Subsea Accumulator Module  SDM/U - Subsea Distribution Module/Unit
 SAML - Sample Log  SDPBH - SDP Bottom Hole Pressure Report
 SAMTK - Sample Taker Log  SDT - Step Draw-down Test (sometimes SDDT)
 SANDA - Sandstone Analysis Log  SDU/M - Subsea Distribution Unit/Module
 SARA - Saturate Aromatic Resin Asphaltenes  SE - Stakeholder Engagement
 SART - Search & Rescue Transponder  SEA - Strategic Environmental Assessment
 SAS - Stand Alone Screens (Sand control) (United Kingdom)
 SAT - SAT Log  SECGU - Section Gauge Log
 SAT - Site Acceptance Test  SEDHI - Sedimentary History
 SB - SIT-BO Log  SEDIM - Sedimentology
 SBF - Synthetic Base Fluid  SEDL - Sedimentology Log
 SBM - Single Buoy Mooring  SEDRE - Sedimentology REport
 SBM - Synthetic (oil) Based Mud  SEM - Scanning Electron Mycroscope
 SBOP - Surface Blow Out Preventer  SEM - Subsea Electronics Module
 SBT - Segmented Bond Tool  Semi (or Semi-Sub) - Semi-Submersible Drilling
 SC - Seismic Calibration Rig
 SC - Solids/Sand Control  SEPAR - Separator Sampling Report
 SCADA - Supervisory Control And Data  SEQSU - Sequential Survey
Acquisition  SESD - Subsea Emergency Shut Down
 SCAL - Special core analysis  SET - Solid Expandable Tubular
 SCAP - Scallops Log  SF - Smart Field
 SCBA - Self Contained Breathing Apparatus  SFC - Sand Face Completion
 SCDES - Sidewall Core Description  SFERAE - Global Association for the use of
 scf - standard cubic feet (of natural gas) knowledge on Fractured Rock in a state of Stress,
 SCHLL - Schlumberger Log also SCHLO, in the field of Energy, Culture and Environment [10]
SCHLU  SFL - Steel Flying Lead
 SCL - Strategic Cost Leadership  SFR - Scope For Recovery
 SCM - Supply Chain Management  SG - Specific Gravity
 SCM(MB) - Subsea Control Module (Mounting  SG - Static Gradient
Base)  SGIIP - Soln Gas Initially In Place
 SCO - Synthetic crude oil  SGR - Shale Gouge Ratio
 SCON - Sand Consolidation  SGSI - Shell Global Solutions International
 SGT - Structural Geological Toolkit (Shell  SMLS - Seamless PipeMPP:
software product)  SMO - Suction Module
 SGUN - Squeeze Gun  SMPC- Subsea Multiphase Pump: Pump, which
 SHA - Sensor Harness Assembly can increase flowrate and pressure of the
 SHDT - Stratigraphic High Resolution Dipmeter untreated wellstream
Tool  SMRP - Static Model Review Panel
 SHF - Saturation Height Function  SMS - Safety Management System
 SHO - Stab and Hinge Over  SMT - Senior Mud Technician
 SHOCK - Shcok Log  SN - Seat Nipple
 SHOWL - Show Log  SNAM - Societá NAzionale Metanodotti now
 SI - Scale Inhibitor Snam S.p.A. (Italy) [11]
 SI - Shut In well  SNAME - Society of Naval Architects and
 SI/TA - Shut In/Temporarily Abandoned Marine Engineers
 SICP - Shut-In Casing Pressure  Snd - Sandstone
 SIDPP - Shut-In Drill Pipe Pressure  SNEPCo - Shell Nigeria Exploration and
 SIDSM - Sidewall Sample Production Company
 SIEP - Shell International Exploration &  SNP - Sidewall Neutron Porosity
Production  Snr - Non removable skin
 SIFEC  SNS - Southern North Sea
 SIGTTO - Society of International Gas Tankers  So - oil Saturation
and Terminal Operators  SO - Slack Off
 SIL - Safety Integrity Review (HSE)  SOBM - Synthetic Oil Based Mud
 SIMCON - Simultaneous Construction  SOC - Shell Only Cost (for Shell account)
 SIMOPS - Simultaneous Operations  SOGT - Sabah Oil & Gas Terminal
 SIMOPS - Simultaneous Operations  Soi - oil Saturation initial
 SIP - Shut In Pressure  SOLAS - Safety of Life at Sea
 SIPES - Society of Independent Professional  SOLAS - Safety Of Life At Sea
Earth Scientists, United States  SONCB - Sonic Calibration Log
 SIPM - Shell Internationale Petroleum  SONRE - Sonic Calibration Report
Maatschappij  SONWR - Sonic Waveform Report
 SIT - Stackup Integrity Test (For Wellhead -  SONWV - Sonic Waveform Log
trees)  Sor - residual oil Saturation (oil that is
 SIT - System Integration Test FR SIT - Field immobile)
Representation SIT  SOR - Steam Oil Ratio (HO projects)
 SIT - System Integration Test (Most common)  Sorw - residual oil Saturation to waterflood
 SIT - System Integrity Test  SOS - Senior Onsite Supervisor
 SITHP - Shut In Tubing Hanger/Head Pressure  SOW - Scope Of Work
(another term for CITHP)  SOW - Slack Off Weight (rig)
 SITT - Single TT Log  SOW _ Slip-On Wellhead
 SIWHP - Shut-in Well Head Pressure  SP - Shot point (geophysics)
 SKPLT - Stick Plot Log  SP - Social Performance
 SL - Seismic Lines  SP - Spontaneous Potential (Well Log)
 SLA - Service Level Agreements  SPAF - SIEP Project Approval Form
 SLC - Shell Leadership Challenge  SPCAN - Special core analysis
 SLS - SLS GR Log  SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers[12]
 SLT - SLT GR Log  SPEAN - Spectral Analysis
 SMA - Small Amount  SPEL - Spectralog
 SMART - Specific Measurable Auditable  SPF - Shot Per Foot (perforation reading)
Realistic Time based  SPFM - Single Phase Flow Meter
 SME - Subject Matter Experts  SPH - SPH Log
 SPM - Side Pocket Mandrel or Strokes Per  SSSV - Subsurface Safety Valve
Minute (of a positive-displacement pump)  Sst - Siltstone
 SPM - Shot Per Meter (Perforations)  SSTT - Subsea Test Tree
 SPM - Strokes Per Minute (PJ artificial lift  SSTT - Sub Sea Test Tree
reading)  SSTVD - SubSea True Vertical Depth
 SPOP - Spontaneous Potential Log  SSU - Subsea Umbilicals
 Spp - Skin due to partial penetration  SSV - Surface Safety Valve
 SPP - Stand Pipe Pressure  SSWI - Subsea Well Intervention
 SPROF - Seismic Profile  ST - Shoe Track
 SPS - Subsea Production Systems  ST - Side Track
 SPT - Shallower Pool Test, Lahee classification  ST&F - Slips, Trips, & Falls
 SQL - Siesmic Quicklook Log  stab - Stabiliser
 SR - Shear Rate  STAGR - Static Gradient Survey Report
 SR - Source Rock  STB - Stock Tank Barrel
 SRB - Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (souring of  STBOPD - Stock Tank Barrels Oil Per Day (oil
reservoir) prod rate)
 SRD - Seismic Reference Datum, an imaginary  STC - STC Log
horizontal surface at which TWT is assumed to be  STDS - Short Term Drilling Sequence
zero  STEP - Shell Technology Exploration &
 SRD - Seismic Reference Depth (ie below Production
surface layers  STFL - Steel Tube Fly Lead
 SRD - Shell Recruitment Day  STGL - Stratigraphic Log
 SREC - Seismic Record Log  STIMU - Stimulation Report
 SRP - Sucker Rod Pump  STKPT - Stuck Point
 SRT - Site Receival Test  STL - Service The Limit
 SRT - Step Rate Test  STL - STL Gamma Ray Log
 SS - Shell Share  STL - Stock Tank Liquid
 SS - Short String (dual tubing)  STO - Stock Tank Oil
 SS - Static pressure Survey  STOIIP - Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place
 SS - Steady State  STOP - Safety Training Observation Program
 SS - Subsea, as in a datum of depth, e.g.  STRAT - Stratigraphy, stratigraphic
TVDSS (true vertical depth subsea)  STRRE - Stratigraphy Report
 SSB - Singlephase Sample Bottle  STSH - String Shot
 SSCC - Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking  SUML - Summarised Log
 SSCP -Subsea Cryogenic Pipeline  SUMRE - Summary Report
 SSCR - Shaped Steel Caternary Riser  SUMST - Geological Summary Sheet
 SSCS - Subsea Control System  SURF - Subsea/Umbilicals/Risers/Flowlines
 SSD - Sliding Side Door (slickline tool)  SURFR - Surface Sampling Report
 SSD - Sliding Sleeve Door  SURRE - Survey Report
 SSD - Sub Sea Level depth (in Meters or Feet,  SURVL - Survey Chart Log
positive value in downwards direction with respect  SUT(A/B) - Subsea Umbilical Termination
to the Geoid) (Assembly/Box)
 SSG - Sidewall Sample Gun  SUTU - Subsea Umbilical Termination Unit
 SSIV - Subsea Isolation Valve  SV - Screening Value
 SSM - Subsea Manifolds  SV - Sleeve Valve or Standing Valve
 SSMAR - Synthetic Seismic Marine Log  SVLN - slickline Safety Valve Landing Nipple
 SSPLR - Subsea Pig Launcher/Receiver  SW - Salt Water
 SSSL - Supplementary Seismic Survey Licence  Sw - water saturation (cannot be below water
(United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence connate saturation)
 SSSV - Sub-Surface Safety Valve  SWBT - Sea Water Break Through
 Swbt - water saturation at waterflood  TBG - Temporary Guide Base
breakthrough  TBT - Through Bore Tree
 Swc - connate (immobile) water saturation  TCA - Total Corrosion Allowance
 SWC - Side Wall Core  TCF - Temporary Construction Facilities
 SWD - Salt Water Disposal Well  TCF - Trillion Cubic Feet(of gas)
 SWE - Senior Well Engineer  TCI - Tunsgten Carbide Insert (a type of
 SWF - Shallow Water Flow rollercone drillbit)
 Swf - water Saturation at waterflood front  TCM - Technical Committee Meeting
 SWHE - Spiral Wound Heat Exchanger  TCP - Tubing Conveyed Perforating
 Swi - initial water saturation  TCPD - Tubing-Conveyed Perforating Depth
 Swi - irrudicable water saturation, (same as  TCU- Thermal Combustion Unit
Swc)  TD - Target Depth
 SWOP - Sample Well On Paper (exercise)  T-D - Time Depth seismic conversion
 SWOT - Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat  TD - Total Depth (depth of the end of the well;
analysis also a verb, to reach the final depth, used as an
 SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities acronym in this case)
and Threats  TDD - Total Depth (Driller)
 SWS - Smart Well Solutions  TDL - Total Depth (Logger)
 SWT - Surface Well Test  TDM - Touch Down Monitoring
 Sww - water saturation at well  TDS - Top Drive System
 SYNRE - Synthetic Seismic Report  TDS - Top Drive System (rig)
 SYSEI - Synthetic Seismogram Log  TDS - Total Disolved Solids (in water)
 TDS - Total Dissolved Solids
 TDT - TDT Log
T  TDT - Thermal Decay Time
 TDT GR - TDT Gamma Ray Casing Collar
 T - Temperature Locator Log
 T - Tight  TDTCP - TDT CPI Log
 T - well flowing to Tank  TEC - Tubing Encapsulated Conductor (smart
 T&OE - Technical & Operational Excellence kit electrical umbilical)
 T&T - Tasks & Targets  TECOP - Technical Economic Commercial
 TA - Temporarily Abandoned well Organizational Politico-Societal
 TA - Temporary Abandon  TEFC - Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled
 TAC - Tubing Anchor  TEG - Tri-ethylene Glycol
 TAD - Tender Assisted Drilling (ie Smedvig)  TELER - Teledrift Report
 TAD - Torque And Drag  TEMP- Temperature Log
 TAF - Technical Assurance Framework  TEMPSC - Totally Enclosed Motor Propelled
 TAGOGR - Thermally Assisted Gas/Oil Gravity Survival Survival Craft
Drainage  TFE - TotalFinaElf (obsolete; Now Total S.A.)
 TAML - Technology Advancement of Multi major French multinational oil company[13]
Lateral  TFL - Through Flow Line
 TAN - Total Acid Number  TFM - TaskForceMajella Research Project
 TAP - Torque & Pressure  TG - Total Gross
 TAP - Trapped Annular Pressure  TGB - Temporary Guide Base
 TAPLI - Tape Listing  TGOR - Total Gas Oil Ratio (GOR uncorrected
 TAPVE - Tape Verification for gas lift gas present in the production fluid)
 TAR - True Amplitude Recovery  TH - Tubing Hanger
 TB - Tubing Puncher Log  THERM - Thermometer Log
 TBA - To Be Advised  THF - Tubing Head Flange
 TBD - To Be Determined
 THP - Tubing Hanger Pressure (pressure in  TRA - Tracer Log
the production tubing as measured at the tubing  TRACL - Tractor Log
hanger)  TRCF - Total Recordable Case Frequency
 THP - Tubing Head Pressure  TRCFR - Total Recordable Case Frequency Rate
 THRT - Tubing Hanger Running Tool  TRD - Total Report Data
 THS - Tubing Head Spool  TREAT - Treatment Report
 TI - Technical Integrity  TREP - Test Report
 TIE - Tie In Log  TRIP - Trip Condition Log
 TIEBK - Tieback Report  TROIF - Total Recordable Occupational Incident
 TIG - Tech Information Group (SPE subteams) Frequency
 TIH - Trip Into Hole  TRSCSSSV - Tubing Retrievable Surface
 TIW - Texas Iron Works (pressure valve) Controlled Sub-Surface Safety Valve
 TIW - Texas Iron Works valve (ball valve that  TRSCSSV - Tubing Retrievable Surface
seals in both directions) aka mud saver valve, aka Controlled Sub-Surface Valve
Lower Kelly Cock  TRSSSCV - Tubing Retrievable Sub Surface
 TLA - Technical Limit Approach (BP) Safety Control Valve
 TLA - Three Letter Acronym  TRSV - Tubing Retrievable Safety Valve
 TLD - Technical Limit Drilling  TRSV - Tubing Retrievable Safety Valve
 TLI - Top of Logging Interval  TS - Topside
 TLO - Tight Light Oil  TSA - Thermally Sprayed Aluminium
 TLOG - Technical Log  Tscf - Trillion standard cubic feet (gas volume)
 TMB - Twin Mono Bore (well design)  TSF - Transocean Sedco Forex
 TMCM - Tranverse Mercator Central Meridian  TSI - Temporarily Shut In
 TMD - Total Measured Depth in a wellbore  TSL - Tubing Stability Latch (Completion zone)
 TNDT - Thermal Neutron Decay Time  TSO - Tip Screen Out
 TNDTG - Thermal Neutron Decay Time/Gamma  TSP - Twin Screw Pump
Ray Log  TSR - Thermochemical Sulphate Reduction
 TOC - Table Of Contents (creates H2S)
 TOC - Top Of Cement  TSS - Technical Specification Sheet
 TOC - Total Organic Content/Carbon  TSS - Total Suspended Solids (in water)
 TOF - Top Of Fish  TST - Transgressive Stand (Geologic
 TOFD - Time of first data sample (on seismic deposition)
trace)  TT - Test Tool
 TOFS - Time of first surface sample (on  TT - Through Tubing
seismic trace)  TT - Torque Tool
 TOH - Trip Out of Hole  TT - Transit Time Log
 TOI - Transocean International (Rig co)  TTBP - Through Tubing Bridge Plug (Baker
 TOJ - Time Of Job product)
 TOL - Top Of Liner  TTC - Through Tubing Conveyed
 TOOH - Trip Out Of Hole  TTOC - Theoretical Top Of Cement
 TOPU - Topsides Umbilical Termination Unit  TTR - Top Tension Riser
 TOR - Terms Of Reference  TTRD - Through Tubing Rotary Drilling
 TORAN - Torque and Drag Analysis  TTRD - Through Tubing Rotary Drilling
 TOS - Top Of Screen, Top Of Sand  TUM - Tracked Umbilical Machine
 TPA - Technical Peer Assist  TUTA - Topside Umbilical Termination
 TPERF - Tool Performance Assembly (subsea umbilical)
 TPF - Temporary Production Facility  TV - Travelling Valve (rod pump)
 TPR - Tubing Pipe Ram  TV/BIP - Ratio of Total Volume (ore and
 TQM - Total Quality Management overburden) to Bitumen In Place
 TR - Temporary Refuge
 TVBDF - True Vertical Depth Below Derrick  USG - United States Gallons
Floor  USGS - United States Geological Survey
 TVD - True Vertical Depth (vs MD)  USV - Underwater Safety Valve
 TVDC - Time Versus Depth Curve (drilling)  UTA - Umbilical Termination Assembly
 TVDPB - True Vertical Depth Playback Log  UTC - Unit Technical Cost
 TVDSS - True Vertical Depth Sub Sea  UTH - Umbilical Termination Head
 TVELD - Time and Velocity to Depth  UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator
 TVP - True Vapour Pressure (sales oil)  UUOA - Unitization & Unit Operating Agreement
 TVRF - True Vertical Depth versus Repeat
Formation Tester
 TVT - True Vertical Thickness V
 TWC - Thick Wall Cylinder (core test)
 TWCV - Two Way Check Valve  V2V - Volume 2 Value
 TWT - Two-Way Time (seismic)  VAR - Value Assurance Review
 TWTTL - Two-Way Travel Time Log  VC - Value Creation
 TZ - Transition Zone  Vc - Velocity across gravel pack at perf tunnel
 VDENL - Variation Density Log

U 

VDL - Variable Deck Load (floating rig)
VDL - Variable Density Log
 VDL - VDL Log
 µ - Viscosity (pronounced mu)  VDU - Vacuum Distillation Unit, used in
 UBD - Under Balanced Drilling processing bitumen
 UBI - Ultrasonic Borehole Imager  VELL - Velocity Log
(Schlumberger log)  VERAN - Verticality Analysis
 UBIRE - Ultrasonic Borehole Imager Report  VERIF - Verification List
 UBO - Under Balanced Operations  VERLI - Verification Listing
 UCS - Unconfined Compressive Stress (core  VERTK - Vertical Thickness
test)  VES - Visco Elastic Surfactant
 UCSU - Upstream Commissioning and Start-Up  VFP - Vertical Flow Profile
 UDC - Unit Development Cost  VIPs - Value Improvement Practices
 UFJ - Upper Flex Joint (Shellspeak)
 UGF - Universal Guide Frame  VIR - Value Investment Ratio
 UIC - Underground Injection Control  VISME - Viscosity Measurement
 UKCS - United Kingdom Continental Shelf  VIT - Vacuum Insulated Tubing
 UKOOA - United Kingdom Offshore Operators  VIT - Vertical Interference Test (Wireline)
Association  VIV - Vortex induced Vibration
 UKOOG - United Kingdom Onshore Operators  VLA - Vertical Loaded Anchors
Group  VLP - Vertical Lift Performance
 ULCGR - Uncompressed LDC CNL Gamma Ray  VLTCS - Very Low Temperature Carbon Steel
Log  VO - Variation Order
 ULW - Ultra Light Weight (Proppant)  VOCs - Volatile Organic Compounds
 UMCA - Umbilical Midline Connection  VoI - Value of Investment/Information
Assembly  VOR - Variation Order Request
 UMGV - Lower Master Gate Valve  VOWD - Value Of Work Done
 UMV - Upper Master Valve (from a Xmas tree)  VRR - Voidage Replacement Ratio (waterflood)
 UO - Unconventional Oil  VS - Vertical Section
 UPI - Unit Participating Interest (Unitization)  Vs - Velocity across gravel pack screen
 UPR - Upper Pipe Ram  VSD - Variable Speed Drive
 UR - Ultimate Recovery  VSD - Vertical Steam Drive
 URT - Universal Running Tool  Vsh - V Shale
 VSP - Vertical Seismic Profile (log)  WGEO - Well Geophone Report
 VSPRO - Vertical Seismic Profile  WGFM - Wet Gas Flow Meter
 VTDLL - Vertical Thickness Dual Laterolog  WGM - Wet Gas Meter
 VTFDC - Vertical Thickness FDC CNL Log  WGUNT - Water Gun Test
 VTISF - Vertical Thickness ISF Log  Wh - White
 VWL - Velocity Well Log  WH - Well History
 VXT - Vertical Christmas Tree (Subsea)  WH - Wellhead
 WHIG - Whitehouse Gauge
 WHM - Wellhead Maintenance
W  WHM - Wellhead Maintenance
 WHMIS - WorkPlace Hazardous Material
 W - Watt Information Systems
 W - Width  WHP - Wellhead Pressure
 W&R - Wash & Ream (Drilling)  WHP - Wellhead Pressure
 W/ - With  Wi - cumulative Water injected
 W/C - Water Cushion  WI - Water Injection
 WABAN - Well Abandonment Report  WI - Water Injector or Injection
 WAG - Water Alternating Gas (describes an  WI - Working Interest
injection well which alternates between water and  WIH - Wash In Hole
gas injection)  WIMS - Well Integrity Management System
 WAG - Wild Ass Guess  WIP - Work In Progress
 WALKS - Walkaway Seismic Profile  WIPSP - WIP Stock Packer
 WAMS - Well Activity Management System  WIQI - Well Inflow Quality Indicator (actual well
 WATAN - Water Analysis inflow/"ideal" well inflow)
 WAV3 - Amplitude (in Seismics)  WIT- Water Investigation Tool
 WAV4 - Two Way Travel Time (in Seismics)  WITS - Well Site Information Transfer System
 WAV5 - Compensate Amplitudes  WIW - Water Injection Well
 WAVF - Waveform Log  WL - Wire Line
 WB - Wear Bushing  WLC - Wireline Composite Log
 WBM - Water Based Mud  WLL - Wireline Logging
 WBM - Water-Based drilling Mud  WLR - Water Liquid Ratio (Watercut)
 WBT - Water Breakthrough  WLS - Water Lift Station
 WC - Watercut / Wildcat well  WLSUM - Well Summary
 WDP - Well Data Pack  WLTS - Well Log Transaction System
 WDS - Well Data Sheet  WLTS Well Log Tracking System
 WDT - Oil Down To  WO - Wait On
 WDW - Water Disposal Well  WO - Wash Out (well bore)
 WE - Well Engineer  WO - Well in Work Over
 WEG - Wireline Entry Guide  WO/O - Waiting on Orders
 WELDA - Well Data Report  WOA - Well Operations Authorization
 WELP - Well Log Plot  WOB - Weight On Bit
 WEQL - Well Equipment Layout  WOC - Wait on Cement
 WESTR - Well Status Record  WOC - Water Oil Contact (= OWC)
 WESUR - Well Summary Report  WOD - Waiting On Daylight
 WF - Water Flooding  WOE - Well Operations Engineer (a key person
 WFAC - Waveform Acoustic Log of Well services)
 WFO - Wide Fucking Open (no choke)  WOI - Waiting On Ice
 WFT - Wireline Formation Testing  WOM - Wait(ing) on Material
 WGC - Wet Gas Compressor (Subsea Framo  WOO - Waiting On Orders
Eng)  WOR - Water-Oil Ratio
 WORKO - Workover  WSU - Well Service Unit
 WOS - Waiting On Slot  WT - Well Test
 WOS - West of Shetland, oil province on  WTC - Westhollow Technology Center
the UKCS  WTI - West Texas Intermediate benchmark
 WOW - Wait(ing) On Weather crude
 Wp - cumulative Water production  WUT - Oil Up To
 WP - Well Proposal or Working Pressure  WUT - Water Up To
 WP&B - Work Plan & Budget  WVS - Well Velocity Survey
 WPC - Water Pollution Control  WWS - Wire Wrapped Screen
 WPLAN - Well Course Plan
 WPQ/S - Weld Procedure
Qualification/Specification X
 WPR - Well Prognosis Report
 WQ - A textural parameter used for CBVWE  XC - Cross-connection, cross correlation
computations (Halliburton)  XL - or EXL, Exploration Licence (United
 WQCA - Water Quality Control Act Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued
 WQCB - Water Quality Control Board between the First Onshore Licensing Round (1986)
 WQFL - Well Quality Feedback Loop and the Sixth (1992)
 WR - Wet Resistivity  Xln - Crystalline (minerals)
 WR - Wireline Retrievable (as in a WR Plug)  XLPE -Cross-linked Polyethylene
 WRB - Well Review Board  XMAC - Cross-Multipole Array Acoustic log
 WRS - Well Report Sepia  XMAC-E - XMAC Elite (Next generation of
 WRSCSSV - Wireline Retrievable Surface XMAC)
Controlled Sub-Surface Valve  XMRI - Extended Range Micro Imager
 WRSSSCV - Wireline Retrievable Sub Surface (Halliburton)
Safety Control Valve  XMT/XT/HXT - XMas Tree (Christmas Tree, the
 WS - Work String valve assembly on a production well-head)
 WSCL - Well Site Core Log  X-Over - Crossover
 WSCS - Well Services Completions Supervisor  XO - Cross-Over
 WSDE - Wellsite Drilling Engineer  XOM - Exxon Mobil
 WSE - Well Seismic Edit  XOV - Cross-Over Valve
 WSERE - Well Seismic Edit Report  XPERM - Matrix Permeability in the X-Direction
 WSHT - Well Shoot  XPHLOC - Crossplot Selection for XPHI
 WSL - Well Site Leader  XPOR - Crossplot Porosity
 WSL - Well Site Log  XPT - Formation Pressure Test log
 WSO - Water Shut Off (Schlumberger)
 WSOG - Well Specific Operation Guidelines  XRD - eXperienced hire Recruiting Day
 WSP - Well Seismic Profile  XT - Christmas Tree
 WSP - Well Systems Productivity  XYC - XY Caliper Log (Halliburton)
 WSPE - Wellsite Petroleum Engineer
 WSR - Well Shoot Report
 WSS - Well Services Supervisor (leader of Well
services at the wellsite)
 WSS - Working Spread Sheet (for logging)
 yd - yard
 WSSAM - Well Site Sample
 yl - Holdup Factor
 WSSOF - WSS Offset Profile
 YP - Yield Point
 WSSUR - Well Seismic Survey Plot
 yr - year
 WSSVP - WSS VSP Raw Shots
 YTD - Year To Date
 WSSVS - WSS VSP Stacks
 YTF - Yet To Find
 WSTL - Well Site Test Log
 Z - Depth, in the geosciences referring to the
depth dimension in any x,y,z data.
 Z - Z factor
 Z - Vertical axis (depth in res modelling)
 ZDENP - Density Log
 ZDL - Compensated Z-Densilog
 ZOI - Zone of Influence


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