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Unit 4 Heritage Management Plan


Plan, develop and manage a heritage attraction is significant for a sustainable tourism
development. But in many times the activity related to planning is extremely difficult
due to the variety organization involved in the process. Like tour operators, public
sector organizations, voluntary organizations and so on. The strategy on planning and
protection is difficult in different sectors.
The planning process of heritage sites consists of three steps.
1. Taking an inventory of the existing resources.
2. Categorizing and evaluating of these resources.
3. Determine the priority for using the resources for development activities
Elements of site management plan
In order to make sure that the planning process is built on a good foundation, the
following list is a guideline business planning implementation.
1. Boundary survey and description
The description of the listed sites boundaries should be clear. Wherever possible
an appropriate buffer zone should be also designated to help to protect the site.
2. Land use plan
A comprehensive land use plan for the site should be planned well in advance. It
means the allocation of specific use in a particular land. For achieving this, a plan
on specific use of land for different infrastructure and facilities. Careful planning
is required that the land use plan should not affect the natural condition of the
heritage environment.
3. Conservation/ Site plan
At heritage sites the conservation plan is crucial. The conservation issues, existing
threats, and the expected threat have to be well defined for a successful
conservation plan. A successful conservation plan incorporates the sensitivity of
heritage resource. It will vary from destination to destination and type of heritage
resource used for tourism development.
4. Utilities and service plan
A development plan in heritage tourism destination need many amenities which
supports development and visitor use. Adequate supply of basic facilities like
transportation, accommodation and facility in the heritage destination is
significant. Effective partnership among the stakeholders is mandatory for a
successful service plan. Both conservation and management depends on utilities
and services such as electricity, sewage, water supply, communication, safety and
security et. Provided these developments should not damage the place.
5. Community development
The standard of the life of residents in the tourist destination directly affects the
visitor satisfaction. Ensure the development aspect of tourism in a site is
benefiting the local community in many level. It involves the small scale business,
employment and basic facilities, which are developed for the tourism. This will
help for a long-term perspective of a tourist destination.
6. Tourism Plan

Unit 4 Heritage Management Plan

The tourism development plan must address the various scope of marketing and
promotion of the potential heritage sites. This is a fundamental strategy for a
successful business.

Plan for a heritage tourism business

A business plan is essential for any heritage tourism business wishing to be sustainable.
The clearest way for any tourism business to recognize its heritage management
responsibilities is to incorporate these in the business plan. In this way heritage aspects
are built into the business and carried forward strategically through the plan and related
management programs. A clear message to site owners, site managers and visitors that
your commitment to heritage tourism is responsible, and based upon a well thought out
action plan. Success should not be measured by the preparation of a business plan but by
the successful implementation of its strategies and achievements of its goals.
A Heritage Tourism Business Plan
1. Overview
Recognize up front, and clearly, the significance of the heritage places used by the
operation, and the importance of looking after them. Under this heading one has to
describe the product, market and company. Include the mission statement. A business
plan is important by analyzing the heritage resources availability for development use.
Analysis should be extended by a thorough market trend analysis
2. Analysis
Alongside an analysis of the market basis and financial issues, include an analysis of
what you know about heritage and the issues that that need to be considered. A summery
of information available for heritage studies, searches of heritage registers and any
relevant conservation or management plans can be included here. The presence of a
conservation or management plan will influence hoe you run your business. A general
SWOT analysis of the resource will give key information of the business plan. Important
thing is that analyzing the beneficiaries; whether heritage business can support
development, business profit as well as conservation of heritage site.
3. Objectives
A goal to ensure the long-term protection of heritage places should be included in your
overall business goals, or at least the objective should recognize the conservation and
management requirements of the place/s involved. A performance target in the form of
different millstones to be achieved measures for this should be clearly mentioned.
Generally the goal and direction should link performance, target and measures.
4. Strategy
Devising an appropriate strategy, which supports the demand of conservation, required
tourism development and mean time it has to meet the demand of the potential customers
should be well defined. It is complicated task to achieve all the success of the business in
the similar time. While devising the strategy an approach is required to meet the needs of
conservation, tourists and developments.
5. Implementation
The development of the heritage tourism business plan is followed by the
implementation. As it is considers as one of the complicated task due to the involvement
many stake holders in heritage tourism business.

Unit 4 Heritage Management Plan

The effective implementation of the heritage business plan consists of answering the
Who?: The responsible body for implementing he plan. The proprietor of the business,
this may also be many stake holders. The site may be owned by the Government, but the
business may be promoted by a tour operators association, conservation plan may be
from a voluntary agency. Coordinated partnerships of different stake holders are
important for success.
What?: The implementation is the heritage products in the effective tourism market. It
need more attention to understand the right market and right tourists together by keeping
interest of conservation.
When? The implementation is required when the heritage is in high demand in the
potential market
Where? The identification of essential elements required for heritage tourism
development. Implementation not only limits the resource sight but it has to reach various
components like plan for accommodation, accessibility and other visitor facilitation.
How?: Achievement of the implementation task consists of an effective coordination of
he above said elements and partnership.

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