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Name: Ryan Rhey O. Arcangel Coach Mark Caron

Student Number: 202021584 Acquisition of Motor Skills

• You are working in your chosen profession/activity. Describe a motor skill that a person you are
working with is having difficulty performing.

My chosen activity for this is badminton and the motor skill for this is the backhand drive stroke.
The person involve here is my sister. She is having a problem executing this skill since last year
when we started playing badminton every Sunday. I applied the things I’ve learn from our
previous subject, which is the Biomechanics on how a beginner will perform the proper technique
in executing “backhand drive shot” in badminton. Whenever she wanted to hit the ball
(shuttlecock) in the opposite side, which is her left side, since she is using her right hand
(dominant), she rotates her arm while her closed fist who holds the racket facing forward, which
is not the proper way of executing the backhand drive shot.

(My sister’s arm action and grip whenever she executes the backhand drive shot) Example of proper grip for backhand drive shot.

• Perform a task analysis of the skill in question (provide all necessary details).
• Does the proper stance in posture of performing the skill is already obtained?
• Does he/she hold the racket properly?
• Does the arm position is in ready position?
• Does the player receiving the ball knows where to swing his/her arm (dominant) to hit
the ball?
• Does the player swing his/her arm to his/her left side to perform the backhand drive shot?
• Does he/she rotate his/her arm to perform the backhand drive shot?
• Does he/she use his/her strength to hit the ball?
• Does he/she go back to the original posture after hitting the ball?
• Does the ball successfully go to the opposite side of the court?

Backhand drive shot in


Swing of arms (opposite

Proper stance posture Grip Backhand swing Hitting the shuttle cock Follow through

Motor Abilities:
Coordination of your muscles
Right Execution
Movement of Arm
Change of direction of arm (High, Middle, Low)
Aiming for the success of follow through
• Describe how you would determine whether the reason for the difficulty is related to a motor ability
problem or to some other reason such as lack of practice, poor instruction, etc.
My sister told me, ever since she played badminton her arm is rotating facing her palms
forward. The reason behind this, she doesn’t know the proper execution of backhand
drive shot and no one told her. Another is lack of practice. Every Sunday I always observe
her backhand drive shot and keeps on doing the wrong thing. Another is motor control.
Whenever I hit the ball towards his opposite side so that she can practice the “backhand
drive shot” she’s confused whether she’s doing the right skill or not.
• If you are able to determine the problem, what actions (plans, program, drills) will you do to improve
that motor skill?

The following suggested strategies for the beginners:

1. Following the proper stance and positions of your body and body weight.
2. Bend slightly forward until the height where your eyes are in level with the top of the net.
3. A defensive stance is needed in game.
4. While your other arm is holding the racket in a ready position, extend your non-racket arm for better
body balance and to help you to gain more power to your drive.
5. To generate more power and to perform smoothly, your bodyweight must follow the momentum of
your arm swing.
6. There must be a quick switch to your ready position to any of the skills which are the forehand drive
and backhand drive.
7. There must be a fast flick within your wrist and to your fingers and holding the grip in a comfortable
way is important, not to tight and there should be no gap between the palm and the hand grip of the
8. Slow down and control the shots that you are performing.
9. Do not perform a full arm swing. Use the wrist movement to generate the power in executing the
drives especially the backhand drive shot.

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