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Climate change

Climate change has many consequences and one of the most destructive is the

pollution of rivers since a lot of garbage is voted, another is the destruction of the ozone

layer, without a doubt this is due to the amount of gases expelled from large factories

and cars in poor condition, generally this is the reason for temperature changes and as a

result we have lung diseases towards people.


1. Lack of vigilance towards river pollution

2.Destruction of the ozone layer, due to the lack of regulations for large companies


1.The constant temperature changes

2. Serious lung disease for everyone


First take pertinent measures with the authorities because over time we will have

many climatic changes that were caused by pollution. Secondly, we must become aware

that all human beings must respect our environment.


One of the most harmful things for our planet earth is pollution, the most common

are: water and air. First, the water pollution is produced by leaving any type of garbage

and second the air by the burning of forests, factories, people who illegally extract

precious metals and that is why the pollution is destroying our environment, harming

animals so much like animals. people.


1.Atmospheric pollution.

2.Extinction of flora and fauna


1.Health problems such as: lungs, cardiac arrest, infections

2 authorities not committed to the environment


Pollution is a lethal weapon to destroy the environment that surrounds us, we must

respect our flora and fauna very much since without them we could not survive.


Technology today is a very useful tool for the human being since through it it is

possible to study, communicate, among other very good aspects, there are also bad

aspects because some people do not use technology properly, which is why they have

many problems when using technology


1.Addiction to technological means

2.Separation from social media friends and parents.


1. Mental problems, illnesses such as depression, anxiety

two . Distance from the real to the unreal, an imaginary world


Technology is very good, it helps us to improve the quality of life, but one of the

most common questions is: how do we use it? , what do we use it for? .

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