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Chapter 2 Quadratic Function

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– 23.03.2020 (Isnin)
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Telegram kelas Additional Mathematics 4B 2020
24.03.2020 (Selasa) Google Classroom Video “Solving Quadratic Equations (Basic Example)”

is shared under Stream
25.03.2020 (Rabu) Google Classroom Additional Mathematics Form 4 Textbook is shared as

Additional Mathematics Form 4 (Solutions with full

working) is shared as Material
26.03.2020 (Khamis) Google Classroom Video “Quadratic Formula” is shared as

Video “Completing the Square” is shared as
27.03.2020 (Jumaat)
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Tutorial Session 01 (Google Hangout)
2.1 Quadratic Equations and Inequalities (Revision)
Solving quadratic equation by using
(a) Completing the Square

(b) Quadratic Formula
29.03.2020 (Ahad) Online Lesson 01 (Google Hangout) Forming quadratic equations from given roots

3:00pm – 4:30pm Self-Practice 2.2 Q.1 (Page 41)
29.03.2020 (Ahad) Google Classroom Slides “Types of Roots” and “Discriminant” is

shared as Material
30.03.2020 (Isnin) Online Lesson 02 (Google Hangout) Forming quadratic equations from given roots
3:00pm – 4:15pm Self-Practice 2.2 Q.2-Q.5 (Page 41)
Intensive Practice 2.1 Q.1-Q10 (Page 44)
31.03.2020 (Selasa) Tutorial Session 02 (Telegram) Self-Practice 2.2 (Page 41)

01.04.2020 (Rabu)
3:00pm – 4:15pm
Online Lesson 03 (Google Hangout)
2.2 Types of Roots of Quadratic Equations
Types of roots of quadratic equations and value of
Self-Practice 2.4 Q.1 (Page 46)
02.04.2020 (Khamis)
3:00pm – 4:15pm
Online Lesson 04 (Google Hangout)
2.1 Quadratic Equations and Inequalities
Solving quadratic equations by using factorisation

Solving quadratic inequalities by using the table
Self-Practice 2.3 Q.1, Q.2 (Page 44)
02.04.2020 (Khamis) Google Classroom
😊 Links to videos (YouTube) on Solving Quadratic
Inequalities are shared as Assignment (due on
03.04.2020 (Jumaat)
3:00pm – 4:15pm
Online Lesson 05 (Google Hangout)
2.1 Quadratic Equations and Inequalities
Solving quadratic inequalities by using the table
Example 5 (Page 43) is explained
Self-Practice 2.3 Q1, Q2 (Page 44) – continue

Intensive Practice 2.1 Q. 11 (Page 44)
05.04.2020 (Ahad) Google Classroom Links to video (YouTube) on Solving Problems
YouTube involving Types of Roots of Quadratic Equations (this
example involved Solving Quadratic Inequality by
using the Table Method) is shared as Assignment (due
on 010.04.2020)
06.04.2020 (Isnin)
3:00pm – 4:15pm
Online Lesson 06 (Google Hangout)
2.2 Types of Roots of Quadratic Equations
Types of roots of quadratic equations and value of

discriminant (Revision)
Solving problems involving types of roots of quadratic
Self-Practice 2.5 (Selectively) (Page 48)
Intensive Practice 2.2 (Selectively) (Page 48)
07.04.2020 (Selasa) Google Classroom
2.3 Quadratic Functions
Analysing the effect of changes of a, b and c towards
the shape and position of the graph for f(x) = ax2 + bx + c
(Inquiry 4 is given as Assignment (due on
08.04.2020 (Rabu) Online Lesson 07 (Google Hangout)
Powerpoint Slides – Quadratic
Functions (Part 1)
2.3 Quadratic Functions
Analysing the effect of changes of a, b and c towards
the shape and position of the graph for f(x) = ax2 + bx + c
Link to online graph through Self-Practice 2.6 (Page 51)
09.04.2020 (Khamis) Online Lesson 08 (Google Hangout)
2.3 Quadratic Functions
Analysing the effect of changes of a, b and c towards
the shape and position of the graph for f(x) = ax2 + bx + c
Example 9 and more examples will be explained
Self-Practice 2.6 (Page 51)
10.04.2020 (Jumaat) Online Lesson 09 (Google Hangout)
Powerpoint Slides – Quadratic
Functions (Part 2)
2.3 Quadratic Functions
Relating the position of the graph of a quadratic
function and the types of roots
Example 10 and 11 will be explained
Self-Practice 2.7 (Page 54)

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