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Which of the
BENG 222 BIOCHEMISTRY describes the role
2020/2021 SPRING of lipids? (More than one answer) (2 points)
MIDTERM EXAM a) Transmission of genetic information
b) Enzyme function
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Barış BİNAY c) Membrane structure
Student Name Surname: d) Energy storage
School ID:
10. Which of the following correctly describes
Not: You have 45 minutes to answer the questions. hydrolysis? (2 points)
a) Monomers are linked together by the removal of
1. Draw an amino acid structure and peptide bond one or more water molecules.
between amino acids. (10 points) b) Long carbohydrates are broken into monomers
2. Please fill in the blanks. (10 points) through the addition of water molecules between
the subunits.
c) Hydrogen atoms are added to each end of the
Macromolecule Building Blocks Type of Bond
carbohydrate to protect it from degradation.
Carbohydrates d) Hydrogen atoms are removed from the end of a
Protein carbohydrate.
Nucleic Acids 11. Which of the following occurs when hydrogen is
reacted with vegetable oil? (2 points)
a) The hydrogenated vegetable oil will contain
3. What is pH and explain the importance of pH for fewer trans fats.
amino acids? (10 points) b) The hydrogenated vegetable oil will become solid
at room temperature.
4. Please calculate pH for following solutions; (5 points) c) The hydrogenated vegetable oil will become
a) 0.040 M HNO3 polarized.
b) 0.070 M NaOH d) The hydrogenated vegetable oil will become a
saturated fat.
5. There is a solution and its pH is 4.78. Please calculate
concentrations of H+, OH- and pOH value. (10 points) 12. Which of the following statements is accurate
regarding these protein structures? (2 points)
6. Consider a buffer solution containing an acid with a a) Interactions between the R groups in amino acids
pKa of 2.3 and an acid concentration that is one fourth form tertiary structure.
the concentration of the conjugate base. What is the b) Proteins in a quaternary structure consist of a
pH of the solution? [By using Henderson–Hasselbalch simple polypeptide chain.
equation] (10 points) c) Secondary structures are formed by multiple
polypeptide chains.
d) Two types of primary structure are α-helices and
7. How many grams of NaCl is required for preparation β-sheets
of 100mL of 5M NaCl solution? Please write your
calculations in detail. (5 points) 13. Which monomer serves as the building block of
glycogen; a polymer made up of many glucose
8. Which of the following biological macromolecules is molecules? (1 points)
correctly paired with one of its functions? (1 point) a) Steroid
a) Lipids ⟶ give quick energy to cells b) Monosaccharide
b) Nucleic acids ⟶ digest dead cells c) Nucleotide
c) Carbohydrates ⟶ store genetic information d) Amino acid
d) Proteins ⟶ provide cell structure

a) At
Which of the following RNA strands will be levels of
produced? (2 points) substrate, the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed
a) 5′ TCAACCGTTCAGTGA 3′ reaction is proportional to the enzyme
b) 5′ AGUUGGCAAGUCACU 3′ concentration.
c) 5′ GACCAAUGGACUGUC 3′ b) The Michaelis-Menten constant Km equals the
d) 5′ UCACUGAACGGUUGA 3′ [S] at which V = 1/2 Vmax.
c) If enough substrate is added, the normal Vmax of
15. Please fill in the blanks! a reaction can be attained even in the presence of
a competitive inhibitor.
a) The generated molecule below is called as d) The rate of a reaction decreases steadily with time
…………….. . (1 point) as substrate is depleted.
e) The activation energy for the catalyzed reaction is
the same as for the uncatalyzed reaction, but the
equilibrium constant is more favorable in the
enzyme-catalyzed reaction.

18. Using the codon chart found below, what is the

sequence of amino acids that is produced after
translation? (2 points)
A template strand of DNA in a gene reads:
b) ……………………… are made of one molecule
of glycerol and three fatty acids. (1 point)
c) Enzyme is………………… when the of shape its
active site changes irreversibly. (1 point)
d) The reaction of ………………. break apart
polymers. (1 point)
e) The skeleton of organic molecules are formed by
the element of …………….. .(1 point)

16. DNA is a nucleic acid involved in heredity, or the

passing down of genetic traits from one generation to
the next. DNA consists of four different types of
nucleotide monomers.
a) Leu - Arg - Phe – Stop
Which part of the nucleotides' structure is responsible
b) Gln - Ala - Asn – Met
for the incredible variation that exists amongst all
c) Glu - Ala - Lys – Ile
types of organisms? (3 points)
d) Glu - Ala - Lys – Thr
a) Sugar (ribose)
b) Phosphate group (-PO4)
19. If the Km of an enzyme for substrate A is 1x10 -6 and
c) Nitrogenous base
for substrate B, is 4x10-8, it means; (2 points)
d) Sugar (deoxyribose)
a) Enzyme has more affinity for substrate A then
substrate B
b) Enzyme has more affinity for substrate B then
substrate A
c) Enzyme has equal affinity for substrate A and
substrate B
d) Enzyme is non-specific
17. Which of these statements about enzyme-catalyzed 20. Enzymes accelerate the rate of a reaction by: (2
reactions that obey Michaelis-Menten kinetics is points)
false? (4 points)
Which of the
following makes
a) Lowering the number of molecules with lower carbohydrates
transition states. unique from the other biological macromolecules? (2
b) Lowering the activation energy of the highest points)
transition states a) Long-term energy storage is provided by
c) Providing energy to substrate carbohydrates.
d) Providing more chance to substrates to react b) Carbohydrates contain a 1:2:1 ratio of carbon to
together by reducing energy hydrogen to oxygen.
c) The monomers in carbohydrates are held together
21. Enzymes in an enzymatic reaction do not interfere by peptide bonds.
with: (2 points) d) Carbohydrates are polymers that always form a
a) Free energy of reaction ring structure.
b) Rate of reaction
c) Activation energy of transition state
d) Reaction equilibrium

22. Non-polar molecules are insoluble in water. Why? (2

a) Non-polar molecules are uncharged.
b) Non-polar molecules cannot be ionized.
c) Non-polar molecules are unable to form water-
solute interaction.
d) Hydrogen bond formation is not possible with
non-polar molecules.

23. Which of the following is an example of protein

denaturation? (2 points)
a) Several amino acids are joined together via peptide
b) Amino acids fold into repeating patterns due to
hydrogen bonding of the peptide backbone.
c) A protein is exposed to extremely high heat,
causing it to lose its secondary structure and be left
with only its primary structure.
d) A protein binds with a substrate, lowering the
activation energy of a reaction.

24. What are the components of a triglyceride molecule?

(2 points)
a) Several amino acids are joined together via peptide
b) One cholesterol and two fatty acids
c) One glycerol and two fatty acids
d) One glycerol and three fatty acids

25. There are four major biological macromolecules:

carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

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