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Nama : Yusril Mahendra Safrillah

NIM : 2018720152
Kelas : 5A Reguler (Mr. Henu)

Corona virus or Covid 19 continues to be a hot topic of conversation in the world,

recently information about the epidemic has become a trend and has become a major
concern for the public, followed by a circular temporarily stopping work activities,
gathering and avoiding crowds, which are good steps for prevention. Corona. Ready not
ready, implementing social restriction efforts must be implemented Well, here I am as a
student at the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta who feels firsthand how to adapt to
living life during this corona virus pandemic. Like being forced to study or study at home
with an online or online system.

The distance learning process is still ongoing today. but my readiness to run online
lectures can be said to be forced to be ready, especially when I hear that online learning
will extend over the next few months, because in my opinion this online lecture has many
shortcomings and after all face-to-face lectures will not be replaced because we
immediately get stimulus from the lecturer and understand better when explained.

Maybe, for some people, this distance learning system is certainly not a problem
because of the availability of facilities, such as having a WiFi network at home and good
internet access. There is a wifi network at home, it is not so constrained but if you use a
personal quota, not to mention the battery lowbet cellphone due to blackout

However, behind all this there is also a positive value, namely that we learn to be
more relaxed whenever and wherever while the facilities and accessibility are complete
and more importantly we can be better protected from exposure to the corona virus, and
hopefully this disaster will end soon, don't forget to just stay at home!

That is my joy and sorrow during online lectures, wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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